The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) Page 5

by Cilla Lee

  “It's ok, I was wondering if I could have a chat.”

  “A chat.”

  “Yeah I..” he holds up his hand and motions for me into his office, as I stand in front of his desk I take a deep breath, but he interrupts me.

  “Darlin’ I know what your gonna say and the answers no.”

  “Preacher I've helped the club out on numerous things, the club bets on my fights for fuck's sake.”

  “And we pay you for your time.”

  “I don't want fucking money Preacher; I want to be a member.”


  “I've proven myself to the club, have I not!”


  “I'm loyal.”


  “Then what's the problem?”


  “I have a proposition for you,” I say before he can interrupt me again and he sits back.

  “Go on,” he says

  “You make me a member of the club, I fight in the club vs. club challenge, and if I win, I get my full patch minimal Prospecting time.”

  “If you lose,” he asks.

  “I'll drop the whole joining the club thing, and I'll work for you anytime you want.”

  “Free” (fuck) he says, and I nod.

  “For free,” I say

  “Have you got the other Brothers votes” I nod.


  “All of them, even your dad,” he asks making me smile.

  “Everyone, you were the last one,” I tell him.

  “Ok darlin’ I'll play, only cause I wanna wipe the smile of Razor's damn face when a woman beats all his men’s asses” I smile just thinking about winning my Cut.

  “Once I win I get my Cut, full patched member,” he stares at me for a while and shouts out to Hammer, the door opens, and Hammer comes walking in.

  “Yeah boss,” he winks at me and I smile, I do love my godfather.

  “Need a Prospects jacket” he looks at me surprised.


  “Yes, go get me, one man,” Preacher tells him.

  “Sure boss.”

  “You sure you wanna do this darlin’ cause if you lose, I own your ass, and if you win, I still own your ass” I smile at him.

  “Yeah Preacher I want this”

  “How'd you get your dads vote,” he asks me, and I smile at the memory of my dad.

  “Threatened him,” he laughs just as Hammer comes back into the room with a Prospect Cut.

  “You sure darlin’ the second you put that on, you’re nothin’ but a slave to the Brothers until the fight” I nod my head.

  “Ok, just so you know I'm makin’ sure the Brothers treat you the same as any other Probbie’”

  “I know I'm ready,” I tell him trying to be serious, but I wanted to jump up and down like a girl (totally owe the fly for this)


  Boy, was I not prepared my dad was loving it though, he got me to do everything for him and not being able to say shit I was constantly biting my tongue. I think I had permanent bite marks on my cheeks from me holding everything in. At one stage, I'd slept for like two hours in a forty-eight-hour period my phone continually going off, people wanting shit done for them. I had turned into a glorified everything nanny, cleaner, errand runner, taxi, lookout, babysitter barmaid, cook, dressmaker, cobbler fucking everything under the sun. Dad was loving it calling me at like four o’clock in the morning one time to get him rocky road ice-cream, I mean he's fucking lactose intolerant for fucks sakes. I was just about to lay down when my phone beeped. Picking it up I see its Magic, and he needs me back at the clubhouse “ARGH!” I yelled, as my mother comes in.

  “What's wrong honey?” she asked, looking worried.

  “Magic needs me,” I tell her

  “But you just got home.”

  “And now I have to leave.”


  “Mom, I have to go ok.”

  “But you haven't slept in days.”

  “Mom, I'm fine ok” I smile at her, but she frowns.

  “I don't like this honey.”

  “Mom all Prospects go through this”

  “I still don't like it,” she tells me.

  “Mom, I've gotta go” I race back to the clubhouse trying not to kill myself with the limited sleep it’s starting to affect me. As I walk in Magic and Knuckle were standing at the bar, there fucking loving this shit, they both smile at me as I walk in.

  “There you are, took you long enough,” Magic says, as I bite my tongue.

  “What can I help you with” (maybe a couple of new holes in your head) I smile.

  “Ok, your startin’ to creep me out with the smilin’ thing,” Magic says making me roll my eyes, it’s not like they’ve never seen me smile before.

  “You wanted me for something what can I do” (fuck I can't wait for this shit to be over with)

  “Oh yeah right! Who's taller?” (ARE THEY FUCKING KIDDING ME) I step back playing their stupid game, I look at both of them as they stand back to back. I tilt my head one way than the other.

  “Um, I think Magic is” they both piss themselves laughing,” I still bite my cheek not saying a damn thing “Is that all,” I ask very sweetly.

  “Yeah, that's all” fucking assholes seeing that Magic is like a foot fucking taller than Knuckle.

  “Ok, if that's all I'm going home,” I tell them.

  “Thanks, darlin’,” they say laughing their asses off, I smile again, biting my cheek harder (fucking pricks) as they piss themselves laughing. I walk out to my bike when I make it back home, I collapsed onto the couch and pass out within seconds.

  Chapter Eleven


  I watch as the other Chapters ride into the compound, it’s taken a few weeks to organize the club vs. club event. The place was packed to the rafters with five of the Six Chapters here; we'd put in a few demountable cabins out the back. Cleared out the rooms upstairs and some of the boys offerin’ up their rooms, we'd just had enough room for everyone. The Old Ladies were busy makin’ sure that the rooms were ready and made up and that we had enough food for the week the Brothers were gonna be here “Fuck man, it's fuckin’ Sturgis but with the woman” Cookie says smilin’ a big sandwich in his hand I look around.

  “Can't fuckin’ wait for that!” (it's been too damn long)

  “Tell me about it maybe we should rethink not havin’ the woman there though” I look at him.


  “Whenever we're there, we don’t eat that much, but when the women are around, there’s a fuck load of food” I shake my head at him.

  “You’re a cockhead.”

  “What, it’s just common sense,” he says

  “Why don’t you bring that to the table next meeting,” I tell him (dumbass)

  “Maybe I will, so who’s still to come,” he asks.

  “Oregon Chapter”

  “Oh yeah heard they got a new fighter.”

  “Yeah, apparently they threw in their Prospect at the last minute.”

  “Who's fightin’ who?”

  “First up is if you have a grievance against another Brother you can fight it out and then the ones that are fighting for their Chapter names are chosen out of a hat.”

  “Really, that's how you're matchin’ them up,” he asks.

  “Wasn't my idea, I wanted to go by weight class, but Razor said we don't live by the rules, so names go into the hat and are picked that way.”

  “Who's takin’ the bets?” I lift my head towards Cuff “fuckin’ figures,” he says

  “I need a fuckin’ drink,” I say, as I'm about to walk into the clubhouse the rumble of bikes can be heard getting louder, I watch as the Oregon Chapter rolls in. The bikes roll past information than the support vehicle behind them; I watch one by one as they ride in a few big guys a few not so big. Then my eyes land on her a woman, she gets off of her own bike, and I notice she’s wearin’ a Prospect jacket.

  “What the fuck?” I w
atch as she gets off and one of the other Brothers pulls her in for a hug, she's a tiny little thing. The aviators she has on covers her eyes, but her lips are plump and juicy looking, my dick hardens as I watch her.

  Her cheeks have little studs in them that glint in the sun, her arm is tattooed to the wrist (fuckin’ beautiful) I've never really minded chicks with tattoos or piercings but fuck she makes it look hot. I wonder what other tattoos or piercings she has, the jeans she’s wearin’ look like they're painted on and even though her Cuts coverin’ her tits. I can still tell they're a nice size, but it's her ass that catches my eye (fuckin’ gorgeous)

  “Dude, I thought we were getting a drink,” Cookie says, and I lift my chin towards the Prospect.

  “Fuck who's the hottie?” he says, and I grind my teeth feelin' pissed he's checkin’ her out my mind and dick screamin’ (MINE)

  “No idea,” I say keepin’ myself in check.

  “Is she wearin’ a Prospect Cut?” he asks watchin’ her.

  “Yep” is all I say

  “She, ride in on her man’s bike.”

  “Nope road in on her own bike.”

  “But she's... a woman!” he says

  “I can fuckin’ see that” a fuckin’ hot woman at that.

  “Are women allowed to be Prospects?” he asks.

  “How the fuck do I know.”

  “I don't fuckin’ know!... it's just...... she's a woman!”

  “Will you quit fuckin’ sayin’ that”


  “What the fuck are you two yammerin’ on about,” Stryker says walkin’ up behind us.

  “That,” I say liftin' my head toward the hot chick.

  “Fuck! It's true, then” I look at him.

  “You knew.”

  “Yeah, heard it last week, but I didn't think it was true.”

  “But she's a woman!” Cookie says again, and I smack him upside the head.

  “No Brother she's not just any woman, that their Brothers, is Widow Maker,” he tells us.

  “Who the fuck is Widow Maker?” Cookie asks

  “I thought it was a myth or someone just tellin’ stories, but she's like all the Nomads in one.”

  “Her! She's like four feet fuckin’ tall” Cookie says, as I watch her closely

  “And deadly from what I hear,” Stryker says

  “From what you hear from who?” Cookie asks him

  “Talk, when the boys were here last year.”

  “Who's the dude with her?” I ask, and we all turn to the big fucker with his arm over her shoulders whisperin’ somethin’ to her

  “That's Sniper, her Old man.”

  “Fuck off! She's fuckin’ him,” Cookie says

  “No, you fuckhead it's her dad. Apparently, he's brought her up to be like some sort of Rambo assassin chick.”

  “An assassin… her!” Cookie says, laughin’’’

  “Yeah, she's deadly as fuck, don't let that sweet look fool ya, she's a fuckin’ animal, she'll chew you up and gut you before you know what happened” we all look over to where people are shakin’ hands and meetin’ up.

  “That little thing,” Cookie says “I'll have her on her knees suckin’ me off in no time,” and Stryker laughs.

  “Dumbass I'm warnin’ you, you put your dick anywhere near her, and she'll cut it off and stick it up your ass, and she’ll smile the whole time.”

  “We'll see,” he says, “you think that she's the Prospect they put in at the last minute,” Cookie asks.

  “Could be?” Stryker says, and I watch her as Viper and Crash walk towards her; they hug laughin' at somethin’ Viper says. With all of the members around people are catchin’ up and shootin’ the shit Widow Maker stays next to her Old man and the Nomads but gets introduced to a few guys (should I go over) fuck I'm thinkin’ like a pussy. As I stand with my Brothers, I watch her out the corner of my eye, but catch up with Brothers I haven't seen in years, I'm standin’ there when a pair of hands run up my back, and I turn to see Bliss rubbin’ her tits all over me

  “Hey baby, want some company” I place my hands over her shoulders, holdin' her next to me drinkin’ and laughin’’’, she hasn't turned my way once, but my dick is so fuckin’ hard I could hammer nails with it.

  “Scythe I want you,” Bliss says, and I smile, we make our way through the crowd and just as the door to the clubhouse closes, I turn my head, seein' her watchin’ me, our eyes connect for that second before the door closes, and the connection is gone (dammit).

  Chapter Twelve


  The Moment we road in I saw him standing there, his huge frame out shinning everyone else’s (damn) I get off my bike and dad pulls me to him “You stay by me or one of the Brothers.”

  “Aren't they all Brothers.”

  “Don't be a smart-ass Widow; you know what I'm talkin’ about.”

  “Ok! Ok!... god!” I stand there with my aviators on, the mirror lens hiding where I'm looking, but the only place I'm looking is at Mr tall dark and fucking gorgeous. I watch as he watches me, Viper and Crash come over to greet us, Viper pulling me in for a hug.

  “Damn girl you did it” I laugh

  “You doubted me!”

  “Never thought I'd see the day, that's for sure,” he pulls me to him putting his arm over my shoulders, holding me to him, I've worked with the Nomads a few times, they're great guys to have fun with but when it came to getting a job done there all business. As we stand there catching up dad introduces me to a few of the guys from other Chapters, they're welcoming but wary. I slowly maneuver myself, so I can see tall, dark and gorgeous. I know he's watching me because I can feel his eyes on me.

  I watch as a skinny, almost naked brunette, with big fake tits, walks up to him rubbing her tits all over him (fucking club-whores). I have the sudden urge to become a plastic surgeon, I imagine cutting those fake tits off and sewing them to her forehead, he pulls her to him making her giggle, and I roll my eyes. Why do they do that, don't they know they sound fucking stupid. He drapes his arm over her shoulders, pulling her towards the clubhouse, no doubt taking her inside to fuck her (dammit). Just as the doors about to close, I turn my head and our eyes connect, but the door closes breaking the spell, and I stand there wishing he'd come back “Scythe” Viper whispers into my ear, and I turn to look up at him

  “What?” I ask him

  “The guy you were eye fuckin’ is Scythe.”

  “I was not eye fucking him!” I say playfully punching him in the stomach.

  “Sure, you weren’t darlin’” I roll my eyes at him trying to look cool, as the party gets going Preacher calls me over to him.

  “Yeah, Preacher you need something.”

  “No darlin’ but I want you to meet the other Chapter Presidents.”

  “Brothers meet my secret weapon, Widow Maker” all their eyes go to him and then me.

  “It's true then,” Arrow asks Preacher but he says nothing.

  “You can't put her in the ring man… She's a woman!” I stamp down the urge to kick Dozer the Washington President in the balls.

  “Brothers, I wouldn't have put her name in if I didn't think she could handle it,” he tells them.

  “When did you make her a Prospect?” Razor asks him

  “Last week.”

  “Preacher she's…” he looks at me “so small!”

  “She's my Prospect, so she fuckin’ fights” they all give me a sympathetic look.

  “You up for this darlin’,” Razor asks me, and I nod.

  “I am.”

  “You know you could get one of my guys like Tank,” he points to a huge blonde guy.

  “Eh” is all I say shrugging my shoulders.

  “What if you got Venom” Arrow says to me pointing to a small, stocky looking bald man

  “I could take him,” I tell him and they all laugh.

  “Darlin’ it's your funeral.”

  “It is,” I agree, and my name is called again “that all you need boss.”

; “Yeah, darlin’ go on,” I give the others a chin lift and head over to where Cheshire and Rex are carrying bags.


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