17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17)

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17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17) Page 5

by B. A. Stretke


  “Take your time to think it through but know that I will never give you up. I will give you time, but I won’t let you go.” Lucas didn’t want to sound too severe, but he also wanted Karam to understand the seriousness of his words. Karam leaned his head against Lucas’ shoulder and Lucas gathered him close. “We’ll figure all of this out and we’ll make it work, don’t worry.” He added and kissed him again. Karam wasn’t surprised that Lucas felt the anxiety he was putting out. Yes, he was worried about so many things.

  Karam started to comment but yawned instead. “Excuse me.” His fatigue caught him by surprise as did Lucas when he moved to scoop him into his arms and stood up. He then carried him out of the room and down the short hall to one of the bedrooms. Karam was startled by the ease with which Lucas handled him. It was as if he weighed nothing the way he effortlessly cradled him and headed for the bedroom. Karam didn’t even try to resist as he laid his head on Lucas’ shoulder and just enjoyed the ride.

  No one in his life had ever treated him like this and he was averse to interfere. He hadn’t shared anything about himself, so Lucas had no idea the train wreck he was getting involved with. It was likely Lucas would change his mind about forever once he knew the truth about Karam. For now, he would enjoy and take the compliments and appreciation that this gorgeous man was dishing out.

  Lucas sat him on the bed and reached over to pull a blanket off the foot of the bed. “I’m okay, Lucas.” Karam tried to assure him. Lucas seemed troubled and he wanted to lessen any stress he may be causing.

  “You were torn to pieces by that thing and I know you have some freaky healing abilities, but you have to rest. Dr. Rashad said for you to rest.” He told him while cupping the side of his face in his palm. “I’ll be in the living room so sleep for a while and let your body recuperate.” Karam didn’t resist and allowed Lucas to help him get comfortable on the bed. He took off Karam’s shoes for him and covered him with the light blanket and was about to leave when Karam called to him softly.

  “We have a lot to discuss.” He said and held Lucas’ gaze.

  “Yes, but rest first, get your strength back and then we’ll talk again,” Lucas told him. Karam lay back onto the pillow and within moments was asleep. “Sleep well sweetheart, I’ll be near.” Lucas closed the door and headed into the living room.

  That went better than he’d expected. Karam was not as reluctant to accept his words and claim as Lucas thought he might be. There was hesitance and confusion but not resistance and that was important. Karam wanted to talk, and Lucas hoped that he would confide in him, let him in. Lucas had many secrets of his own all of which would have to come to the surface sooner or later. A strong bond required honesty, loyalty and above all love. Yes, they had a lot still to talk about.

  He poured himself a drink and walked over to stare out the living room window. He had a view of the fountain and he found it comforting to watch the water flow and the flicker of the soft lights. His mind wandered to the time in the darkness and he felt his stomach tense at the memory. The time was isolating and hopeless and the familiar feeling of desperation began to envelop him as it always did when his mind went to the shadows. Karam had kept his thoughts centered and his presence comforted his soul, but the old fears were coming back and he fought to hold them back.

  Lucas pulled his phone out and dialed Talbot. He needed a distraction. “Hello.” Came the settling tone of his friend’s voice.

  “Do you have time to talk?” He asked.

  “Of course, what’s up?” Talbot was solid, positive and Lucas often drew a peacefulness from him.

  Lucas related the highlights of his day ending with the information that he’d found his chosen. Talbot was ecstatic at the news. He was almost more pleased than Lucas at hearing the wonderful news.

  “I am so happy for you Lucas. Is he handsome?” Talbot teased.

  “Oh yes, handsome and smart. Fate was very generous.” They talked for a while longer until Lucas was feeling himself again before saying goodnight.

  “Thanks, Talbot.” He told him as he walked back towards the bedroom where Karam slept.

  “Anytime, Lucas.”

  He closed the call and gently pushed open the door to gaze in at his chosen. Karam was indeed a generous gift. He stood there for several minutes soaking in the sweet scent and soothing calm of his chosen and felt his world righting itself again. The negativity that often pressed in upon him could not compete with the glory that was Karam Nour.


  When Karam woke it was fully dark and the light of the moon could be seen through the bedroom window. It wasn’t as large as the window in the living room, but it was a good size. He sat up and looked around realizing that this was Lucas’ room and not the guest room. He remembered Lucas carrying him in here but hadn’t noticed the room at the time. It smelled amazing and Karam found himself breathing deeply of the tantalizing scents.

  The room itself was warm and decorated with bright colors of blues and golds. The bedside table held the usual articles, lamp, clock, charging station. He felt safe and at home here nestled among Lucas’ things. Thoughts of Lucas’ strong arms around him and confident words filled him with the desire to find him and crawl back into his lap and just stay there. He was ready and willing to bury his head in the sand until things resolved. But that wasn’t an option.

  Karam rubbed the palms of his hands over his face as he once again tried to make sense of everything that had happened in the last few days. Despite the attraction, he felt for Lucas his main focus should be on tracking the entity. It had been two days since the attack occurred. The time between spikes was narrowing and there was probably very little time before the entity made its next appearance.

  He got out of bed used the bathroom and washed up before venturing out into the main room in search of Lucas. He made the decision to come clean completely with these people starting with Lucas. He wasn’t capable of handling this on his own, there were too many variables not to mention an entity that already kicked his ass once.

  He was putting others in danger with his feeble attempts at grandstanding. This thing was dangerous, and he needed to talk to someone, really talk to someone about what he has done. He stood in the archway to the living room and took a deep breath fortifying himself for what was ahead.

  Karam found Lucas sitting in a chair and he appeared to be reading. But as soon as he stepped into the archway Lucas’ head lifted and a wonderfully welcoming smile graced his face. Lucas set the book aside and immediately stood and headed towards him. This kind of care and consideration was beyond anything Karam was familiar with, but he loved it. He loved being the center of someone’s attention. He loved being looked at like he was the most valuable person in the world.

  Lucas instantly reached for him and pulled him into his arms. Karam drank in the closeness and the stability he offered him. It wouldn’t take much for him to completely fall in love with this man. Lucas pulled back but kept Karam in his arms as he spoke.

  “Did you sleep well?” He asked and Karam nodded his head. “Come sit down and I’ll get you something to drink. What would you like, coffee, juice, water?”

  “Water please,” Karam said and followed as Lucas led him over the sofa. Karam sat and watched as Lucas went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water and handed it to him. Karam clutched it appreciating the cool freshness before popping the cap and taking a long drink.

  “What time is it?” He asked just curious as to how long he’d slept.

  “Almost midnight,” Lucas answered and took Karam’s hand in his. Karam enjoyed the affection that Lucas showed him. But now he needed to tell the truth. Lucas had been honest with him earlier and now it was his turn to lay it all out there and hope that Lucas didn’t abandon him. “Are you hungry? I can order something to eat if you’d like.” Lucas was so attentive, and he seemed to know that Karam had something heavy on his mind.

  “No, I’m fine but thank you.” Kara
m set the water on the side table and turned to look at Lucas directly and Lucas appeared to tense. “I have to tell you the whole truth, I have to tell you everything about who I am and what I’ve done.”

  Lucas felt himself slightly panic at the strained uncertainty that radiated from Karam. He thought it related to their previous discussion and he feared that his chosen was going to possibly deny or dismiss him and his claim. It was a lot for Karam to take in and he understood that, but Lucas banked on the power and pull of their connection to help Karam adjust.

  Thankfully he wasn’t questioning their bond and his anxiety was related to the entity. The fact that Karam wanted Lucas to know him and know the truth was a testament to their growing connection. Lucas relaxed and listened for there was nothing Karam could say that would ever cause Lucas to turn away or think less of him. Karam was his chosen and therefore, Karam was perfect.

  “My grandfather was an Akkadian Knight; my father was an Akkadian Knight and my brother Simeon is an Akkadian Knight.” He began slowly and kept his eyes on Lucas as if gauging his reactions.

  “I took after my mother in height and weight so as hard as I tried, I never met the measure for ascension. Simeon told me to use my mind, my intellect in service to the Brotherhood and that not everyone was meant to be a warrior. I wasn’t satisfied, I had to be a Knight like the other men in my family otherwise I felt that I was a failure.” He stopped and took a deep breath. Lucas could see that the information was not easy for him to share so he didn’t push or comment. He let him go at his own pace.

  “I had to prove myself somehow and show them that I could carry out the demands of an Akkadian Knight. I had to show Simeon that I was worthy of his endowment. You see, Knights are chosen by other Knights. Each is given the power to raise up one individual, that they deem worthy, to the level of Knighthood. I had to convince Simeon that individual was me.” Karam dropped his gaze to their clasped hands for a moment and then continued.

  Lucas remained silent but tried to push his calm and his affection through to his chosen. He had a pretty good idea where this was heading and felt bad for the weight of the guilt that Karam was carrying.

  “I knew that thing was here, it’s my fault that it’s free.” He just laid it out there and then with another deep breath explained. “I deceived the Doyen; they are the guides or supervisors within the Brotherhood. I reported the energy presence that showed up on the ley line in Brussels but downplayed its power and importance. I wanted to neutralize it myself and show them I was capable of more than just sitting behind a computer.” Karam gripped Lucas’ hand tighter as if he thought Lucas might try to pull away. Lucas tightened his grip as well letting him know that would never happen.

  “I made an excuse that I needed to do further research on it just in case it became something more. So, I followed it to Connecticut and then to Pennsylvania. I fake some credentials and paperwork and got an intern placement at the University in Philadelphia so I could utilize their equipment. In the meantime, I just kept reporting to the Doyen that the target was static and probably not going to be a problem. It was all bullshit that I was spreading. I knew what it was, and I knew what it was capable of and still, I deluded myself into thinking I could handle it. I am a fucking moron.” He barked a harsh laugh at himself. “Simeon was right to reject me, I’m fucking useless.”

  “Enough.” Lucas' sharp retort cut through Karam’s self-deprecation. “You will not speak of yourself in such terms. You made a mistake that’s all.” He laid down the law. Karam made a mistake and that was all there was to it and Lucas refused to allow him to tear himself up in such a manner. Karam smiled weakly but his eyes weren’t buying what Lucas was selling.

  “I recorded the spike in Crimson and then again in that field and headed down here immediately. I was going to trap it and send it back to its own dimension and win my brother’s approval. Instead, it was waiting for me. I walked that entire field with my equipment in hand and never knew it was there watching and waiting to take me out. If those Hellhounds hadn’t come on the scene as quickly as they did, I don’t know what that thing would have ultimately done to me.” He shook his head, looking defeated.

  “It was still around when Lenny and Noa got there?” Lucas asked.

  “It took off as soon as they pulled up and got out of their car. It sensed their power and didn’t want to chance losing a fight with them. The entity has limited energy reserves. It has to recharge pretty regularly, and the Hellhounds came after it spent a portion of that energy kicking my ass.” Lucas used his other hand to rub gently up and down Karam’s arm soothing his tension.

  “How did you know they were Hellhounds?” The thought suddenly struck Lucas.

  “I can see through any glamor or guise. As far as shifters I see their animal as clearly as I see them. Simeon has used me on occasion to identify their target within a crowd.” Karam was finally showing pride in himself and Lucas was intent on stoking it.

  “That is amazing.” He praised. “That’s a skill we could sure use around here. I bet your brother is happy to have you there when he needs you.” The mention of his brother caused a slight dampening of his mood.

  “He doesn’t need me often, but I had a job and a responsibility, and I should have tended to it rather than trying to show off skills I don’t possess. The entity is strong when it’s juiced up, but it runs through its stores pretty fast. I don’t think he’s calibrated his life force to this dimension, so a lot of his energy goes into simply maintaining his presence.” Karam explained not keeping anything back now.

  “How does it recharge?” Lucas asked.

  “This one exists on human emotion; fear mostly I’d guess,” Karam responded less agitated and Lucas noticed an ease was coming over him. Together they provided one another with both peace and comfort.

  “It absorbs the energy of an emotion?” Lucas went for further clarification. He needed to find out all he could about what they were going to be dealing with. He wanted to make sure that thing never got close to Karam again.

  “It has to be heightened emotion so I’m sure it cultivates a few people who put out highly charged feelings and then it keeps stoking the fire so to say. It then can depend upon a steady feeding supply.” Lucas noticed that Karam was beginning to lean towards him.

  It was probably instinct due to his vulnerability in baring his secrets. Lucas took the opportunity to wrap his arm around Karam and pull him to his side and hold him there safe and warm. Karam burrowed in and rested his head on Lucas’ chest.

  “We’ll have to report this to Cullen and Master Stone,” Lucas said and instantly felt Karam stiffen in his arms. “Don’t worry, they just want the facts of what’s out there and possibly a danger to the city and the coven. No one is going to bother you; of that, you have my guarantee.”

  “Alright.” Karam knew it was inevitable.

  “Will this thing come for you again?” Lucas had to know.

  Karam wanted to assure Lucas that it wouldn’t but there was no way of knowing what it wanted in the long run and taking out Karam might be on the list. “Maybe, I don’t know. It is aware that I’ve survived. It may want to finish the job, or he might move on to bigger fish. I don’t know.”

  “You’ve called it ‘he’ several times. Does it have a gender? Is it male?” Lucas suddenly recalled.

  “It isn’t male in the normal sense of the word, but I saw it and its form looked masculine to me.”

  “So, it has a form, it can be seen?”

  “It can be either visible or vaporous like a specter. I don’t know what causes it to become visible. It might be due to a lack of control caused by too much juice or not enough, I don’t know.” Karam knew a lot about this entity, but it didn’t help him in the end. It was still able to cloak itself from Karam’s tracker. The thought of having to repeat all of this to the Coven leaders left him cold and afraid. He was not too proud to say it scared the shit out of him to lay this all out again to Cullen Volakis. He doubted Cullen
or the Master would be amused by his behavior.


  “Can we talk to them in the morning?” Karam was hoping for time and more rest before he had to face them. But facing them wasn’t going to be half as bad as facing his brother and that time was coming too.

  “Yes, it’s late. We can meet with them in the morning. I’ll be with you Karam.” Lucas promised. Karam nodded and then they both stood. Lucas still kept him tucked up close to his body as he led him once again to the bedroom.

  “I’ll get you something to sleep in and why don’t you call it a night. Sleep and get refreshed and we’ll go see Cullen and the Master after breakfast.” Karam readily agreed with the plan. It would give him time to prepare himself for delivering this news in the best possible way.

  Lucas found him a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt. “I don’t want to take your room Lucas. I can use the guestroom.” He told him.

  “I want you in here where it’s comfortable and warm. I’m fine in the guestroom.” Lucas shut down all arguments with a shake of his head. Karam relented and Lucas walked up to pull him once again into the circle of his arms. “I’m so happy you’re here Karam and I feel blessed to have you. You are my chosen and I will always have your back.”

  “Thank you, Lucas,” Karam answered and was rewarded with a lovely heartfelt kiss that made everything seem bright and possible. Lucas was the treasure and the gift and the blessing. Karam needed him. “Stay with me Lucas. Sleep here with me tonight.” He asked desperate for the calm that always came when he was in Lucas’ arms.


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