17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17)

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17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17) Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “Of course,” Lucas answered immediately. Karam quickly stripped down to his briefs forgoing the nightclothes and crawled into the bed flipping the comforter back and waiting for Lucas to join him.

  Lucas laughed so pleased that his chosen was not shy about what he wanted. Lucas took his time stripping taking it a piece at a time noticing and loving the appreciative looks he got from Karam. When he dropped his pants there came an audible gasp that really puffed his ego. He kept his eyes on Karam as he walked to the edge of the bed wearing only his tight boxers that left nothing to the imagination. Karam could not tear his eyes away and Lucas was never so satisfied in his entire life as he was at that moment.

  “Like what you see, baby?” He teased.

  “You’re a dream come true, Lucas,” Karam said his voice hitching and his cheeks blushing pink. Lucas laughed outright as he crawled into bed beside his chosen and greedily pulled him into his arms as he covered them both with the comforter.

  “You are a marvelous little man Karam. I love your honesty and the way your amazing ass fills out those briefs.” Lucas chuckled and kissed the top of Karam’s head. Lucas could feel Karam chuckle as he had his head pressed against Lucas’ shoulder.

  Karam lifted his face and looked up at Lucas who was lying comfortably on his back with his arm around Karam. “If we’re going to start talking about amazing body parts, you will be the winner in every department. I watched that striptease you treated me to, and it was out of this world.” Karam ran his hand over Lucas’ bare chest resting his palms on his hard, smooth pecks.

  “Keep that up and I may have to prove to you how handsome and desirable you are.” Lucas shot back but he was eating this up. Karam was not bashful as his hands continued to appreciate Lucas’ body. Lucas wasn’t going to be able to last long if that hand got any closer to his hard, aching cock. Being in bed with Karam was hard enough but the sensual touching was going to push him over the edge of his resistance.

  Suddenly Karam leaned over and placed a kiss to the underside of Lucas’s chin at the same moment he glided the palm of his hand over Lucas’ sensitive cock. That was it, game over, it was time for action. Lucas rolled Karam onto his back and positioned himself half on top with one leg draped over Karam’s hips. Karam was trapped and he looked happy to be there. The smile was a cross between provocative and expectant and it looked wonderful on him.

  “You’re playing with fire, baby. Do you know what you’re asking?” Lucas wanted Karam to be clear and understand what was going to happen next.

  “I’m asking you to make love to me.” Well, he couldn’t be any clearer than that.

  “Whatever you wish, my love.” Lucas removed Karam’s briefs and rubbed his aching cock suggestively along Karam’s nakedness. He then slipped out of his own before he lowered his right hand to snake between them and grasp Karam’s growing hardness. “This what you want, baby?” He whispered against Karam’s ear before raining hot moist kisses down the side of Karam’s face.

  “Yes, Lucas this is what I want. I want you.” Karam panted as his heart rate soared.

  “Do you feel well enough?” Lucas asked wanting to make sure he didn’t cause him any harm.

  “I am absolutely, completely recovered, I assure you. Please don’t stop.” Karam thrust his cock up into Lucas’ grip while he held tightly to his muscular bicep. He was acting so out of character that he hardly recognized himself. The clinging wanton behavior shocked him, but he had no intention of stopping. He wanted Lucas in the worst way. His body demanded fulfillment and his heart was overcome with the pure pleasure of it all. He wasn’t about to pass up this chance in a lifetime.

  This was what he wanted, and this was who he wanted, there was no doubt. Lucas made him strong and weak in equal measures and pushed him to be honest and open with himself and his needs. The jealousy that constantly ate at him and the brooding was gone along with that blustering fool mentality he’d been carry for the last while. His head was clear, and his path was open.

  “I want to touch you,” Karam said as he moved his hand lower and Lucas adjusted his position to accommodate his request. The moment his hand encircled Lucas’ ultra-sensitive cock Lucas released a deep salacious moan that fortified Karam to keep going.

  Having his chosen so eager and excited was pushing Lucas further and he completely set aside his plan to not claim his chosen until he was well and ready, and they’d talked about it. No, the driving urge to claim was coming over him and the ability to deny or hold back was quickly disintegrating. “You are all mine, Karam.” He declared and took Karam’s lips in a hard, possessive embrace marking and claiming his territory.

  Never had he felt such a passion to overwhelm and own but the feelings with Karam were all supercharged and getting a little out of his control. His instincts were set in motion on the path to completion and unless Karam called a halt, he was going to own this man body and soul tonight.

  Lucas let go of Karam’s cock and moved his hand to slide it back along the sensitive surface to the crease beyond. There he found the object of his desire and pressed gently against the resisting muscles. Karam shivered and moaned into Lucas’ mouth and he ate it up.

  “More, Lucas.” Karam breathed the words and Lucas responded with one finger sinking inside as he latched onto Karam’s shoulder pricking the skin and taking a small taste. The flavor exploded across his tongue and his awareness compelling him to begin a forceful thrust into the soft hand that still gripped him.

  His vampire lover tasted him, and it was mind-blowing. The rumors were true but even the rumors did not do justice to the sensations that accompanied a vampire bite. His entire body was tingling and reaching for more. Karam pressed his shoulder against Lucas silently asking for more. He wanted the feeling to never stop. Lucas sealed his lips against Karam’s shoulder and took another taste. The awareness was immediate, and he began to tremble as his body reached the edge and he came harder than he could ever remember. Lucas held him throughout then licked the little wound closed and once again took his lips in a voracious kiss.

  Needing more fullness, Karam raised his left leg giving Lucas more access and opening up to his questing fingers. Between the bite and the thrust of Lucas’ fingers, Karam was on the verge of coming once more. His breath caught in his throat and his heart expanded when Lucas pressed his lips to Karam’s ear and spoke.

  “I love you.” He said but didn’t wait for a response as he spoke the words, he thrust his hard, pulsing cock into Karam’s stretched hole and plunge deep burying himself to the hilt. Karam had been so caught up in the feelings that he hadn’t been cognitively aware of being prepared with stretching and lube until the moment Lucas thrust inside filling him fully.

  Karam caught his breath on a gasp and gripped Lucas harder aware of the moment that their bond grew stronger and the connection between them became clear. “Lucas.” Was the only word his addled brain could form in the middle of all the bombarding thoughts and feelings.

  “Right here with you, Karam,” Lucas whispered against his lips. “Always.”

  Lucas was losing himself in the allure of his lover. The beauty that lay beneath him was without compare and the desire to give this man everything was pushing him to drive deeper, faster, harder as Karam whimpered and begged. The heady power and pleasure he felt at providing such euphoria to his chosen was beyond measure. He felt every emotion and thrill as it passed through Karam to him. This was the excitement and commitment and beauty of true bonds.

  He rose up on his elbows and drove hard holding the pressure and depth as he came in a shudder that shook the bed. Without overthinking the process, he bent to his instinct and dropped on top of Karam sinking his fangs into the mark he’d made prior and drank deeply. This completed their connection and sealed them as a chosen bond. There was no going back.

  Karam felt the full-body tingle of being filled with Lucas’ essence suddenly morph into a sizzle of sensation when Lucas drank from him. The act sent a bolt of electrical charge t
o his already hardened cock and he came drenching them once again in his warm seed. Lucas continued to pump his cock rapidly while drinking his fill. Finally, when Karam thought he’d simply dissolve into a puddle of electrified sensations, Lucas removed his teeth and licked the wound closed.

  He dropped his head down on Karam’s shoulder and they held each other as they caught their breath and found their bearings. Karam was in heaven with his body sated and Lucas in his arms nothing could be better. Thoughts of his mistakes and the danger that surrounded them evaporated from his mind as he snuggled his lover close.

  Lucas breathed in the divine scent of his lover. He rolled his head to the side so as to look at Karam and gauge his acceptance. He looked and felt at ease and happy. Lucas took a few tissues from the bedside table and gave them both a cursory cleanup, being careful not to disturb. He then gathered Karam close and settled into the pillows. Lucas knew he had overstepped but Karam had been right there with him and had not objected to being claimed.

  They were bonded and Lucas felt more at peace than he had in ages. Karam was a part of his heart and his mind now and the man was a solace to his soul. Lucas held him close as they both fell asleep exhausted and spent but also energized and excited.


  Karam woke when he felt the absence of Lucas in the bed. The strong arms and the masculine scent were gone. He sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. He was alone, Lucas was not in the room or the bath. He scooted out of bed and grabbed his underwear and slipped them on before heading to the bedroom door.

  Just as he opened the door, he heard the main door of the apartment open and then close. Why was Lucas leaving? Where was he going? Karam rushed back into the bedroom and quickly dressed. He hurried out of the apartment intent on following him and getting an explanation.

  Tormenting thoughts were trying to make their way into his mind as he hurried after him. Did Lucas regret bonding with him? Was he planning on walking away and ignoring him until Karam ultimately left? Did he want Karam to leave? Fuck, was this just a one-night stand? Karam shut down the negative thoughts that were wreaking havoc on his nerves and put his focus on finding Lucas.

  Karam moved fast through the hall and down the ornate sweeping staircase. Something inside told him Lucas had left the building, so he headed outside scanning the area for a sign of him. He caught sight of Lucas at the far end of the lawn walking in the direction of a wall of thick foliage. Karam started to run to catch up before he lost him.


  Lucas had woken with a knot in his gut and anxiety eating away at him. The claim had happened so fast and at the time seemed right but now he questioned his hasty decision. He should have asked before taking the right of denial away from Karam. Would Karam resent him now for taking the decision from him and assuming he was as eager as Lucas to bond?

  What if he completely lost Karam over this? Why would a man like Karam stay anyway? He had a family and an important job across the ocean. He probably didn’t have time or the desire to be the chosen of a Coven Guard. Lucas was going to lose everything and then what? He barely held onto his sanity as it were, without Karam he would be lost. Cullen would have him committed and he would die in obscurity alone and pining for his lost love.

  The cloud of oppression came on him with a vengeance and he had to get air before he descended into an all-out panic attack. He pulled on his pants and with a sad backward glance at his sleeping lover walked out of the bedroom. He wasn’t sure where he was going but he needed air and he needed to get out of his head. As hard as he tried the thoughts would not stop and each one became more dire than the last.

  Before he knew it, he was pushing through the tightly grown and trimmed hedge line that separated the back lawn from the entrance to the Coven Cemetery. Why was he here? He tried to stop and turn around but something in him propelled him forward and into the sacred space.


  Karam had to work to get through the tight hedge. When he emerged on the other side, his arms were covered in small scratches that healed just as quickly as they were formed. He followed an overgrown path that turned into a marble walkway and led to an ancient and regal cemetery. The Coven cemetery, they were always hidden and sacred and he knew he shouldn’t be there, he had no right to walk among their dead, but he had to find Lucas.

  Ultimately, after a lengthy search, he found him. Lucas shirtless and barefoot stood looking down at a headstone as if in a trance. The stone was fresh, the death had been recent. Karam wondered what that person meant to Lucas and why he would walk out here in the night alone and half-dressed to pay homage.

  He approached carefully not wanting to startle Lucas. When he was near enough to be heard he spoke softly and clearly.

  “Lucas, are you okay?” He asked and waited. Lucas stayed still for a few more seconds before turning his head and looking at Karam. At first, his expression was flat as if he didn’t recognize him and then slowly light filled his eyes and he let out a ragged breath.

  “Karam.” He said and held out his hand to him. Karam hurried towards him and was quickly pulled into a one-arm hug that pressed him to Lucas’ side. “How did you find me?”

  “I followed you.” He answered as he looked down to read the name on the stone that was before them. LUCAS REID, Coven Guard and Friend to All, it said and that was followed by a date of departure that was but a few years ago. He looked up at Lucas and down at the stone a couple of times. “There’s a story here.” He declared affably. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Lucas looked at the stone and didn’t feel the usual sinking sensation. Karam was there with him and lending his support in a situation he knew nothing about. He hadn’t told Karam about himself his life, death, and rebirth as it were. He knew nothing of the trauma that Lucas had, through claiming him, made him an unwitting part. Lucas waited for the negative cloud to descend but instead, he felt Karam rubbing his back and coaxing him to sit down.

  Karam led him to the stone bench a few feet from where they stood and had him sit. Lucas held Karam’s hand and had him sit as well. He needed to keep him close as he shared the facts of his life. He couldn’t hide from Karam, he had to be honest.

  “You were so brave, Karam. You shared everything with me not knowing how in the end that information would affect you or our relationship. You took a leap of faith and put it all out there for me, letting me know clearly who you were and what to expect.” Lucas began and ran a hand through his tousled hair pushing it back from his face.

  “I trusted you. I still trust you.” Karam stated. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, I do and thank you, baby.” Lucas looked at him and saw everything good and pure and wanted so badly for Karam to be as proud of him as he was of Karam. “I have a lot in my life that I never shared with you and I should have before binding you to me. Up until a few years ago my life was ordinary and just as I liked it. I had good friends and a good life here. Then one night at the club, The Crimson Clover, changed everything.”

  Karam pointed at the headstone. “Is that you, Lucas?”

  “Yes, it was me.” He answered. He told Karam of the battle with the casters at the Club and how one had put a spell on him that separated his spirit from his body. “I was an empty vessel and an easy target at that point. Someone plunged a dagger into my back and without my spirit there, I appeared dead to all who mattered.”

  “Where did the caster send you?” Karam asked not pressuring just soft and coaxing.

  “I don’t know but it was dark and empty and full of shadows and sadness.” Lucas tightened his arm around Karam needing his closeness as the thoughts of that place came back to him. “I was there for a long time. No one was looking for me because they thought I was there.” He motioned towards the stone.

  “How did you find your way back?” Karam continued to rub calming circles against Lucas’ back, and it was so soothing.

  “I didn’t. Dr. Daniel Culpepper, the chosen of Sheriff Thibodaux, inadvertently sent himself to m
y dimension by reading aloud an ancient text. He disappeared in front of everyone so naturally, they were going to look for him. When they found him, they also found me.”

  “How has it been since you’ve been back?” Karam asked all too knowingly. Lucas paused for a few moments to try and put his words together in a way that would explain his mental and emotional issues without scaring him off.

  “I don’t always feel like myself.” He began. “Lucian, a sorcerer and chosen of one of my friends Tobias Yates, brought me back from the darkness and reunited me with my physical self. It should have been happiness and sunshine for me at that point having been freed from the darkness, but rather I find myself often in the grips of strange crippling sorrow. The source of my sadness isn’t always apparent, it’s just there and engulfing me at the worst of times. Some days I feel as if I’m losing my mind and I can’t control it. It scares me to think where I’ll end up if I can’t be trusted to do my duties.”

  “What were you feeling when you walked out here tonight?” Karam kept prodding at Lucas to keep talking. Lucas appreciated it and knew that if Karam hadn’t been close, he wouldn’t have been able to share all that he had. Fear of judgment would have silenced him early on.

  “I convinced myself that you were going to leave me. I was sure you hated me for claiming you without asking. I’d lost my chance to have my chosen bond and would spend the rest of my life alone. I worked myself into a funk that left me despondent and walking out here without even realizing where I was going.” Lucas explained and Karam wrapped his arm around Lucas’ waist and pulled him close while leaning his head against his shoulder.

  “If I hadn’t wanted it, I would have asked you to stop. I knew what was happening and I wanted it as much as you did. I will never leave you unless you ask me too and even then, I’ll fight you on it.” Karam pulled Lucas down to him and kissed him gently on the lips.


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