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Vengeance High: A High School Bully Romance (How the Mighty Have Fallen)

Page 7

by Ellie Parker

My arms went around his neck and he buried his face into my cleavage. Even though I was freezing on the outside, the inside of me was melting. I knew Sven’s rapid breathing had nothing to do with the cold or holding me.

  Stepping out of the water, Sven put me down on dry sand, grabbed the cooler and walked with me hand in hand down the beach and then up a few steps into a covered gazebo.

  Wide-eyed, I looked up at him. “I had no idea this was here.”

  “No one does. Dad had this built when we were kids, that’s why it’s all overgrown.”

  Sven set the cooler down and then lifted the top of one of the bench seats, pulling it. It opened forward on some kind of hinges. Another seat revealed a set of blankets. Sven layered them on the bed-sized seat and held out his hand to me. I went to him, wanting his warmth.

  He wrapped us in the blankets, my head on his chest. With one hand, he pulled the cooler over to get us both more beer. I shook my head. “I’m already pretty tipsy as things are right now.”

  “That’s a sign you’re just beginning,” he said, holding the bottle to my lips. “C’mon, you won’t even have to lift a finger.”

  Too stupid to resist, I opened my mouth, only to sputter and choke since I was lying down. He put more in my mouth and sealed it in with a hard kiss.

  Settling me back in the crook of his arm, Sven began to point out the constellations. I’d never paid this much attention to the night sky. Just never had the occasion, I guess. But then again, even if I did, I was sure it would be nothing compared to right now.

  We were there a long time, talking, remembering, drinking and kissing. The music and chattering from the party were in the distant background. We weren’t a part of it, nor it of us. Instead, we’d found an island of our own. The later it got, the closer we got and before I knew it, Sven’s fingers were on the button of my top. I held my breath while his fingertips began tracing subtle circles around my nipples. In an instant, they were standing out, hard and hungry for more of his touches. His face lowered and he kissed me deeper than he did before, moving until his lips were against my breasts and not stopping until he had my nipple in his mouth. I felt like I’d been waiting for this exact moment my entire life; like if things were brought to a pause at right now, I wouldn’t know how to hold on.

  “I’m gonna miss you,” I whispered, dancing around the thoughts that plagued my mind earlier.

  Sven groaned against me and bit down a little harder on my nipple. When he spoke, the words rippled right through me.

  “Who says I’m ever gonna let you go, Jessa girl?”



  Even though Jessa had been spacing out her bottles of beer, the alcohol still hit her with the same force as though she’d chugged them back to back.

  She didn’t argue when I flung her over my shoulder and started plodding through the heavy sand. Once we got to the open beach behind our house, the people partying descended on us.

  Jessa weighed practically nothing, but the crowd was knocking at her body, making it next to impossible to keep carrying me like that.

  “I’ve still got too feet, you know,” she groaned and pouted her full, red lips at me. I grinned back at her, and nodded, making her think I was going to follow through with her command and set her on her feet before switching positions so that I now had her in a cradle arm hold.

  She covered her face. “Seriously, Sven?”

  “Seriously,” I gave back and smiled as I continued my march through the crowd and up the steps up to the house. I didn’t want Stone or Chase to see us; just wasn’t ready to deal with all that right now. I had a need, and it was to be with Jessa—alone.

  I took the back stairs that led from the laundry room off the kitchen to the upper gallery and down the halls to the family bedrooms. Mom and Dad had the southern wing while the three of us had the northern. It was quiet and cool. I looked down to see that someone had cordoned off the staircase to the foyer. I made a mental note to buy whoever did that a fifth of aged bourbon.

  My room was the last on the left. I’d taken the precaution of locking the door when I left it. I had to shift Jessa back up to my shoulder to find the key in my pocket. She didn’t fight me, which was good because this wasn’t a fight she was going to win no matter how hard she wrestled.

  Now inside the room, I laid her on the bed, taking a second to appreciate just how good she looked filling the center of it. “You thirsty, Jessa girl?”

  She shook her head. “Not thirsty. Just want you.” She held her arms out toward me. Who was I to argue? I walked back to make sure the door was securely locked and then turned off the lights. I left the door to the bath open, allowing a small sprinkling of light to enter the room.

  I could see the outline of her petite body against the pale blue cotton of my bedspread. How we hadn’t gotten here until now, I wasn’t sure. I guess self-restraint was something I did have, after all; something I’d applied for way too long. Now, however, with graduation on the horizon and the rest of our lives written without a plan, I wasn’t going to allow this moment to go to waste.

  I’ve wanted Jessa for longer than forever. I’ve craved her, needed her, palmed my cock for her, for far too long.

  Stripping the clothes from my body, I leaned over her, and worked on removing her own. She was warm and soft and one-hundred percent irresistible. My hands cupped around her hips, I pulled her up and faced her, my cock searching for her pussy with a mind of its own. When my lips met hers, her shyness and inexperience faded to the side. Her small, pearly teeth bit her lower lip and then parted to allow my tongue to explore her mouth.

  The taste of her, the scent of her, the way she nibbled her way down my neck… There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I would have waited an eternity if only to be led right back to this moment again. I leaned into her, my pack probing the space between her hips. She answered by moving one leg forward and throwing it over my hip. It was too much. I rolled onto my back so she was straddling me, allowing her to take full control.

  The wetness from her pussy moistened my abs and if I thought I was hard before, I was steel now, my cock throbbing against the roundness of her ass.

  She continued to rub herself against me, her beautiful, nipples breasts brushing my chest as she leaned down to kiss my chin, my ears and then my mouth. She was unconsciously doing absolutely everything right.

  “I want you to take me, Sven,” she whispered. It was a sensual hiss, an invitation that couldn’t be misinterpreted. I put my hands on her hips, lifting her high over me and then lowered her until her legs spread wide, until her pussy lips parted enough to let me in. It took everything in me not to sink myself balls deep right then and there. Again, proof that self control was something that I at least had an inkling of.

  “Let me in, baby,” I whispered against her. “I’ll go slow and gentle.”

  Jessa sucked in a breath and her eyes fell closed as she relaxed, working her pussy down my shaft. There was a hitch in her breath as she opened to me. A hitch that turned into a gasp and not for any of the right reasons.

  Bam! Bam! “Sven! Open the door!”

  “Not right now, Chase,” I barked back.

  “Sven, seriously, this isn’t the time to fuck around.”

  I grit my teeth together, trying to imagine how bad a circumstance would have to be to have me willingly let go of this moment.

  “You should check what’s going on,” Jessa whispered, already sliding off of me.

  “Sven, I don’t give a damn that Jessa’s in there with you. Just open the fucking door.”

  Reluctantly, I pushed out of the blankets and threw my clothes back on. One last look at Jessa and I went out the door, facing Chase in the hallway.

  “This had better be good…” I muttered, locking the door behind me so no one could get in to Jessa.

  “You’ll get to be the judge of that.”



  “What the hell?”

  “You need to come wit
h me. You won’t fucking believe it.”

  “Where’s Stone?”

  “He’s already there.”


  Chase looks over his shoulder to make sure I’m following and leads me down the hallway to my parents’ room. Making sure no one is nearby, he taps three times on the door and then opens it, dragging me in by the collar and slamming it shut. He pushes in the button that locks it.

  “What the hell is going on in here? You pull me out of bed with Jessa, something I’ve been wanting like forever. For what?”

  “This might make a little difference for you.” He’s standing in Dad’s walk-in closet. “You’re gonna shit your pants.”

  I’ve got to admit I’m curious, so I walk in and he lays his hand on a piece of wood trim that’s framing a mirror. He moves his fingers until he finds the place he wants, and pushes it. The mirror moves and Stone slides his finger beside the glass and pulls. It’s a fucking god-damned door!

  He looks at us. “How about that, huh? Did you know this was here?”

  Both of us shake our heads. “What’s in there.”

  “That part’s cherry. Wait ‘til you see. I couldn’t believe my fuckin’ eyes and sent Chase to come get you. We gotta get back and keep them from tearin’ the fuckin’ house down, but we can come back for this later.

  Stone reaches inside and I hear a click. Red light floods whatever lies beyond. He goes in and I’m on his heels.

  It’s a room. I never realized there was space there and I guess it’s part of the attic that’s closed off. It’s huge and totally finished. But it was what was in the room that took my breath. It was something I’d heard about but had never seen.

  The entire room was made and furnished for sex. Not just any sex, but the S & M stuff I’d read about. I didn’t get to really look long but it looked like a sexual gym. It creeped me out to think of my dad in those terms and I’m pretty sure my mother wasn’t in on it. Then who was he with?

  “Hey, you guys in here?” someone hollered from the door to the room.

  “Oh, shit, get out. We’ll come back later.” Stone flipped off the light and we shut the door.

  “Guys, Jessa’s in my room. She’ll be sleeping for a while. Let’s get rid of people and come back to see what all Dad has in here.”

  We all agree. Stark works on getting people out of the house, Chase takes the back yard and beach and I start cleaning up messes so it’s obvious we’re shutting it down. There’s no noise from my room so I know that Jessa is still sleeping, which is great.

  The noise gradually fades away as people are leaving. Drunks who have nowhere in particular to go are wandering down by the lake. Some are fighting in the front yard so when the three of us came out, triple team, it tended to intimidate them, and they left. At least the house was empty.

  We couldn’t wait to explore Dad’s secret room. We shut off the rest of the lights in the house and went to his “secret room”—careful to block the door open just in case. What we found was way over what we expected.

  At first, we screwed around with the gymnastics junk: chains, pulleys, racks, handcuffs… we even had a whip fight and it hurt like hell. Stone, who seemed to have a little more knowledge about that stuff, told us after he whipped the shit out of us that we were supposed to wear leather. I could have killed him. We had to come up with a story for our parents.

  There was a theater-like area with deep leather chairs and also one that was oddly curved. The word “tantra” was printed on a leg. Stone went right to the 80” flat screen and opened cabinets. There, he found Dad’s video DVD supply.

  Stone scanned labels and they were all girls’ names. “Shit! Look at these! He must have every XXX film in the world in here.”

  “Let me see.” Chase pushed him aside. “How do you know? The cover inserts are missing. They all look generic. I wonder why he did that?”

  “Who knows. I’m seeing a new side to him I knew nothing about, and I won’t say that I like it. I might be curious, but this shit is creepy.”

  Stone slid one out of the jewel case and into the DVD player. Images sprang to life on the wall-sized screen. “Holy shit!” was all I could manage to say.

  There were two girls, backs to us, wearing nothing but leather thongs that covered nothing. They turned toward the camera and I almost puked. They weren’t thongs, but strapped dildos. They also weren’t strangers, but two girls I recognized who’d graduated two years ahead of us. Becky and Caren were their names. Caren rolled onto her back on the curvy chair standing next to me and Becky used her rubber cock to deep dive into Caren’s pussy. Their faces were dramatic and the rubbed against and penetrated one another in turns like some female caterpillar.

  I turned away, but Stone and Chase must have kept watching because I heard Stone cuss. Dad had joined the picture, naked and wearing some kind of black leather get-up. That meant he wasn’t filming; there were cameras. “What the fuck?”

  Stone reached forward and ejected the DVD, shoving another one in. This one had just one girl, but she was servicing herself as he stood over her and watched. “She looks familiar,” he said.

  “Oh, my god. Do you know who that is?” Chase was shifting from foot to foot. We both looked at him. “That’s that Lucy girl. The one who disappeared. Lucy Taylor.”

  “Shut it off!” I shouted. Stone was transfixed and didn’t move.

  “Shut it the fuck off!” I shouted again and pushed him aside to hit the eject button. I jerk the DVD, slapped it back into its plastic case and shoved it onto the shelf. “We’re getting out of here. Now!”

  I got no argument. We bailed, making sure everything was exactly the way it had been when we went in.

  I don’t know about the other two, but my heart was about to pound out of my chest. My dad and I had never had a lot in common, but this was one sick son-of-a-bitch.

  We all went downstairs and sat in the living room in the middle of the destruction that was our house. “What are we going to do?” Chase brought up.

  Stone just looked at the floor. I guessed it was up to me.

  “The first thing we do is keep this between the three of us. Nobody says anything, got that?”

  There were agreeable nods. My mind was reeling. “We can’t confront Dad, not yet. I need time to think.” Again, more nods from the others. “I mean, I don’t even know where you go with this shit.”

  “To the cops, asshole!” Stone had finally come to life. If there was ever one of us who was more like our dad, it’d be him. Right now, he seemed to be making that comparison, and wanting to claw away at everything and anything that could have suggested that he and our father were in any way similar.

  There was silence. Going to the cops was the right thing to do. But we needed time. To think. To process. To make sure we were making the right move.

  “Jessa needs to get the fuck out of this house, right now.” It was Stone who said. He was filled with the kind of rage that could uproot a nation. In a sense, we all were.



  It smelled sour. It tasted sour. Ugh! I was going to lose it. Where was I? It was so dark in here.

  “Mom?” I called out and tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn’t even let me get a grip to sit up. Where’s my window? Nothing was where it was supposed to be. I was going to be sick! I rolled enough to let my head hang over the edge of the mattress. I gripped the sheets with my curled fingers, trying to find a handhold to pull up, but it was no good. I was vomited right on the carpet.

  I let my head drop back down onto the pillow. The sheets smelled different. This wasn’t the softener Mom used. I was so dizzy, oh God, so dizzy. I felt the acid coming again and lost it a second time on the floor. The acrid smell made me want to lose it again, so I turned my face into the pillow next to me and wiped my face on its clean cotton.

  I felt so hot. Did I have a fever? Maybe I caught the flu and that’s what was going on? I reached for the glass of water I always kept next to my bed, but i
t wasn’t there. My hand just flopped in empty space. “Mom?”

  Just go back to sleep, I told myself. Let the dreams come back and when you wake up, you’ll feel much better.

  I turned to lie flat on my back and folded the pillow over my nose, so it didn’t smell so bad. When I laid very, very still, the room didn’t spin—as much. Okay, that was the best I could do. I…

  What? Was I still dreaming? My stomach still hurt, but it didn’t want to come up again. Noise. Where were the noises coming from? I heard voices, male voices, shouting and beating. “Hello? Mom?”

  “Jessa, get your ass dressed!”

  What? Who was that? The voice sounded sort of familiar, but not really. No one talked to me like that. I thought I must still be dreaming, so I turned back onto my side and tried to pull the covers up. But there were no covers and I realized I was cold. I curled into a ball and that’s when I felt my breasts against my upper thighs. Oh, my god, I was naked!

  “Someone? Someone help me?”

  “Jessa! Get your fucking clothes on!” I knew that voice. It was Sven. I felt something made from cloth thrown onto my face. I had to close my eyes when the lights came on. I saw outlines of people and I clutched the clothing against me.

  “Where am I?”

  “Sven! I don’t feel so good.”

  “Put your fucking clothes on, Jessa, because I swear to god, if I have to do it-” Stone’s voice was as cold as the item he was named after.

  Tears started pouring from my eyes and I didn’t even understand why I was crying. Then I felt hands and I recognized their touches, despite how different they were now from all the other times. Before, they meant safety and protection. Not now, though. They were grabbing at me, pulling my hair, dragging me off the bed. “Oww! Stop it, guys. This isn’t funny. You’re hurting me!”

  “You guys wait downstairs. I’ll get her dressed and bring her down.” Sven sounded angrier than I’d ever heard him. Impatient too, like he couldn’t breathe having me in his sight and the only thing in this world he needed was to get rid of me.


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