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The Big Bad Wolf's Ex: A Howls Romance

Page 8

by Tonya Brooks


  Reece could tell that Jolie was livid, but he had no idea why. Nor did he know who his unwanted guest could be. Very few people were allowed access to his penthouse and he seriously doubted that a visit from his brother would garner that reaction. Determined to find out who had upset her, he stalked into the living area prepared to oust the idiot.

  "Reece, darling," trilled from the master suite and he whirled around in shock to see a barely dressed Clarice standing in the doorway. Fuck. Me. Jolie had seen the other woman and now he was so screwed. Before he could say a word she had wrapped herself around him like ivy on brick. "I knew you'd miss me."

  His wolf growled menacingly. The beast had never liked Clarice and it would happily rip her apart before letting her come between them and their mate. Reece peeled her off of him and snapped, "What the fuck are you doing here, Clarice?"

  "It was a false alarm, so I got over my snit," she said with a careless shrug. "Now we can go back to the way we were."

  The hell they could. The viperous bitch meant nothing to him and never would. Especially now that he had a chance at getting his sunshine girl back. Reece pointed her toward the elevator and said, "Get the hell out and don't come back."

  "You don't mean that darling," Clarice chided as she waved one taloned hand at the bags lying around the room. "If you did, you wouldn't have bought all of this to entice me back."

  "I bought it for my mate," he snarled as he grasped her arm to drag her to the elevator if necessary.

  "Your mate?" Clarice screeched as she snatched her arm free and looked absolutely furious at the revelation. "Who the hell did you mate with?"

  "Me," he heard Jolie say and turned to see her leaning indolently against the kitchen doorway, a glass of wine in her hand and murder in her eyes. Jesus Christ, he just couldn't catch a break. He had to get Clarice out of there before a cat fight of epic proportion broke loose and he lost his mate permanently.

  "You mated with the maid?" His former lover shrieked in outrage.

  "Hardly," Jolie replied scathingly. "I'm a stripper."

  At that outrageous announcement, the model was struck speechless and Reece took advantage of it to hustle her into the elevator and hit the down button. Then he snatched his phone out to call the doorman to give him absolute hell. His guest list had just been effectively reduced to his brother, attorney, and personal assistant.

  He walked into the kitchen where Jolie had disappeared to and was fully prepared to grovel if need be. What he wasn't prepared for was the disappointment he saw in his son's eyes. It seared through his veins like hot acid. Barely twenty-four hours and he'd already failed the boy. Fan-fucking-tastic. He was a lousy father.

  "Is da bad wady gone?" Bryce asked.

  "Yes, and she won't be back," Reece assured him and the woman glaring daggers at him.

  "She made mommy mad," the child imparted solemnly.

  "I'm sorry," he said for lack of a better response. "It won't happen again."


  "I swear," Reece agreed.

  The boy's forehead crinkled much like his mothers when she was concentrating, before he asked, "What's sweaw mean?"

  "It's better than a promise," his father explained. "When you swear to do something you do it, no matter what."

  His son digested that and nodded his head. "I wike sweaw."

  "Bry, would you go watch TV while I talk to your mom?" He asked hopefully and saw Jolie stiffen.

  "'Kay," the boy agreed and scampered out of the room.


  "How dare you," she hissed the second they were alone, her hands fisted by her sides to keep from clawing his eyes out. She had heard the model admit she wasn't pregnant and the relief that flooded Jolie had infuriated her even more. Because she shouldn't care, dammit. But she did. Too much.

  "Jolie, I am so sorry," Reece began and the remorse was evident in his tone and expression. "I had no idea that Clarice would…"

  "Don't. Just don't," she interrupted and reached for the wine glass only to discover that it was empty. Grabbing the bottle, she poured another glass and fought the bile rising in her throat. "How many more of them are going to show up, Reece? How many of your lovers am I going to have to deal with dropping by unannounced?"

  Eyes narrowed, he growled, "Now you know how I felt when the doctor kissed you."

  Oh, she did. She really did, and it pissed Jolie off because she was jealous of all the women who'd shared his bed since… Her mouth dropped open in shock as a horrible thought occurred to her. "You let me sleep in the bed where you had sex with other women?" She demanded furiously. "You let our son?"

  The first time he had ever taken Jolie home with him, he had admitted that he'd had the entire bedroom completely redone for her. Because he hadn't wanted the scent of any other woman ever occupying the bed they shared. "I swear I haven't had sex with anyone else," he hastily denied. "No other woman holds any appeal for me, sunshine."

  Jolie drained the glass, slammed it down on top of the counter, and said scathingly, "Bullshit. Bryce and I are going to a hotel."

  Now he looked panicked. "You agreed to stay here until you found a place," he reminded her hastily and blocked her path when she would have walked out of the kitchen.

  "That was before your lover made an appearance."

  "She's not my lover and it won't happen again," Reece swore as she brushed past him.

  Jolie walked into the living area and picked a drowsy Bryce up in her arms. "Time to leave, sweetheart," she said gently and placed a kiss atop his head.

  "Weave?" The boy asked sleepily. "Why?"

  "So you and I can start a new adventure," she said and tried to force some excitement into her voice.

  "Wifout daddy?" He queried with a frown.

  "Daddy has to stay here."

  "Wanna stay wif daddy," the child insisted.

  "Bryce, you and I are going to find a home of our own," she explained as patiently as possible. "This is daddy's home."

  "Want to stay wif daddy," the child repeated stubbornly and wriggled to get down. As soon as she placed him on his feet, he ran over to his father to demand, "You don't want us?"


  Reece had been elated to hear that his son didn't want to leave him, but now the boy had put him in a hell of a predicament. If he told the truth he'd piss Jolie off and if he lied, he'd hurt Bryce. One look into those sad eyes and the decision was made. No way in hell was he going to let his son down again.

  He knelt down until they were close to eye level and admitted, "I do want you, Bryce. Both of you. More than I can say."

  "Why we haf to weave?" The boy demanded in confusion. "Why can't we stay wif you?"

  "Your mom wants a house," he explained slowly, hoping he could find the right words. "With a big yard where you can run and play."

  Bryce pointed to Central Park visible from the window and said, "Dat's big."

  At over eight hundred acres it was a hell of a lot bigger than any yard. The child was smart as hell and he didn't miss much. "But no children to play with," Reece forced himself to concede to the items Jolie had listed for the agreement.

  "I wike pwaying wif you," the boy said solemnly and stepped closer to wrap his little arms around Reece and hug him.

  His arms closed around the child and he held him as tightly as he dared. "I like playing with you, too," his father admitted brokenly and felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest. Raising tormented eyes to Jolie, he saw her standing there with a hand over her mouth and tears welling in her eyes. Yeah, it was ripping her apart as well.

  "Bryce, " Jolie said softly, a slight catch in her voice. "We can't stay with daddy forever, but we can stay a little longer."

  "How wong?" The boy asked as he twisted around to face her. Reece and his wolf were waiting with bated breath for her answer.

  "A few more days," she hedged and obviously didn't want to commit herself any longer than she had to.

  "What if daddy goes to

sweep again?" Bryce asked anxiously. "I haf to be here to open his eyes."

  His mother appeared not to have an answer for that bit of logic. Right then and there Reece decided to postpone that Rip Van Winkle discussion indefinitely. Yeah, it was wrong, but he really was a ruthless bastard. Deciding to change the child's focus, he suggested, "What do you say we open these bags and see what's inside?"

  While mother and son began digging through the multitude of purchases he'd had his assistant make for them, Reece ordered dinner. After they ate, the three of them settled in on the couch to watch another Iron Man movie. It had barely begun before Jolie and Bryce were both fast asleep.

  Reece carried his son into the master suite and placed the sleeping child on the bed. Going back into the living area, he couldn't resist stretching out beside Jolie on the couch and just holding her. She snuggled deeper into his embrace and his heart damn near exploded with happiness. Her mind might not trust him, but her body responded just as it always had to his.

  God, what he wouldn't give to be able to touch her and make love to her again.


  Jolie became aware of a hard male body pressed against hers and she sighed in utter contentment. Mmm, she loved the way he felt, the intoxicating scent of his cologne. Everything about Reece was mind-numbingly delicious. One of her legs lifted and draped over his as her arm snaked around his lean waist, seeking to draw him closer.

  A groan tore from his chest and a smile tickled her lips as she nuzzled her face into the space between his neck and shoulder. Her tongue darted out to slowly lick a trail up to his ear and she felt his big body shudder. She nipped his lobe gently and ground herself against the steel rod of his cock.

  "Jolie," the ragged whisper of her name was both a benevolent prayer and a plea for mercy. Too bad she wasn't feeling very merciful. She ground against him again and the hand splayed at her lower back slid down to cup her ass and assist in the endeavor. Reece shifted her until his cock was pressed directly against her clit. Her moan rivaled his.

  Leaning back a bit, Jolie focused on glittering turquoise eyes filled with hunger and felt a surge of need so elemental it bordered on painful. She was lying in the arms of the only man she'd ever loved, the only man who'd ever been able to make her body shatter with more pleasure than she could bear. And he could still make her tremble with just a look.

  No, she hadn't forgotten that he had cast her aside and left her to fend for herself and their child. Nor would she ever forget it. She also knew that despite his protestations to the contrary, he was perfectly capable of doing it again. After all, Reece was a ruthless bastard. But he was her ruthless bastard. And she wanted him.

  "Make love to me," she invited softly.


  Either he'd died and gone to heaven or Reece was having the best goddamn dream of his life. Jolie, his beautiful sunshine girl, was looking at him with eyes filled with desire and she'd asked him to make love to her. His senses were sent reeling, his wolf howled the Hallelujah chorus, and every fucking emotion he'd ever known filled his heart to overflowing.

  "Are you sure?" He heard his voice asking from a distance and wondered if he'd lost his goddamn mind to be questioning her at a time like this.

  "I want you, Reece."

  A sob of sheer joy bubbled up from his chest and escaped in a rasp of breath before his lips claimed hers in a kiss filled with pure reverence. He undressed her slowly and worshiped every inch of her gorgeous body with his hands, savored her with his mouth until they were both panting and desperate for more.

  The moment was surreal as he settled into place between her quivering thighs. His heart hammering like a timpani, and the fine sheen of sweat covering his body assured him that this was really happening. Then he took both of her hands in his, palms connecting, and made love to her as slow and beautiful as their first time together had been.

  His cock thrust into her tight sheath in slow, measured increments. Jolie was so wet and ready for him, her inner muscles gripped his sensitive flesh and held on. The sensation of being one with her again was almost more than he could stand. The pleasure was too intense. His eyes damn near crossed in sheer ecstasy.

  "Reece." His name, a cross between a moan and a plea, was music to his ears. "I missed this. Missed us. So much."

  Elation filled his soul. "I love you, sunshine," he choked out hoarsely. Though she did not return the words, her grip on his hands tightened in a gentle squeeze. It was enough. Having this much of her was more than enough. One day, Jolie would love him again. But for now, he was going to love her so completely that she never doubted his feelings for her again.

  He lavished her neck and shoulders with kisses. Whispered, "I love you," with every slow, deep thrust. Reece imbued her with his need, saturated her with his desire, filled her with his adoration. When Jolie was poised on the edge of climax, he gently bit the mating mark on her neck. She cried his name brokenly as he followed her into the only peace he'd ever known.

  Afterward, he lay there with her wrapped around him as if she could not bear any degree of separation. Just like she always had. Reece placed a tender kiss on her lips as blue eyes, sated and slumberous lifted to his. "Please don't regret this, sunshine," he pleaded. "Promise me you'll never regret this."

  "Never," Jolie purred in contentment and snuggled trustingly against him before sleep lulled her.

  Reece dressed her in his shirt and carried her to the bed to place her beside their son. Then he slid in behind her and the three of them curled together like a human spoon. Never before in his life had he known such contentment as falling asleep with his mate and son in his arms.

  His wolf was in complete agreement.


  Jolie came awake slowly, her body floating on a languid cloud of satiation. A delicious smile curved her lips as she savored the feel of Reece against her back, their son pressed to her front. Her eyes snapped open in realization, her expression becoming horrified. Sweet Mother of God! She'd made love with Reece!

  Barely biting back a moan of pure anguish, she carefully turned her head to look at him. The sight made her heart skip a beat. Her ex rocked the rumpled hair and scruffy beard look into a whole different level of sexy. A shiver zinged up her spine as her eyes traveled over his broad shoulders and down a powerful chest and arms corded with muscle.

  The man was still masculine perfection.

  Lifting her gaze back to his handsome face, she found those beautiful turquoise eyes fixed intently on her face. "You promised you wouldn't regret it," he reminded her quietly before she could speak. "Tell me I didn't fuck up again."

  Shifting around to face him, she replied, "I have a lot of regrets, Reece. Last night isn't one of them," Jolie admitted. Because making love with him had been wonderful. There was no way to regret something so beautiful. "But it was a mistake."

  He captured her hand in his, their fingers interlocking without conscious thought. "Nothing about us is a mistake," Reece denied. "Except not being together, and that's on me. I'll regret it until the day I die."

  "You woked up wifout me," Bryce said in surprise as he sprang up and peered over Jolie's side to see his father.

  "Your mom woke me up," Reece grinned at the boy.

  "Wike sweepin' beauty?" He asked and rubbed his fists into his sleepy eyes.

  "No, not like that," Jolie laughed although Reece did look mighty damn kissable with his morning scruff.

  "The Disney version sounds like a good idea though," his father said with a wicked wink.

  "I wanna go to Disney," Bryce announced in excitement as he bounced up and down behind her. "Mommy said she'd take me one day."

  Jolie had promised Bryce that when she had enough money they would visit the famed amusement park. Now that she had the money, she could make his dream come true. "How would you like to celebrate your birthday there?" She asked indulgently.

  Bryce was speechless for all of three seconds before he asked, "Can we weawwy?"

  "We can,
" she laughingly agreed and it felt so good to be able to do something that her son wanted.

  "Can I come too?" Reece queried hopefully. "I've never been to Disney."

  "Can he, Mommy?"

  "If he's not too busy with work," she hedged.

  "I'll never be too busy for you and Bry, sunshine," Reece said seriously and raised her hand to his lips.

  "Yippee! We goin' to Disney!" Their son shouted before he jumped up and began bouncing all over the bed in his exuberance.

  "Our first family vacation," Reece grinned, his own expression just as excited as he caught Bryce around the waist. Both arms extended straight up, he held their son horizontally above them and said, "Fly, Iron Man, fly," while the boy giggled uncontrollably.

  Jolie watched in a combination of pleasure and dismay as the pair played. They were so perfect together. Not only did Reece possess the knowledge to answer their son's never ending questions, he was able to do it so the boy understood. Bryce was flourishing under his father's attention and she just didn't have the heart to separate them.

  She knew that last night had been a mistake. They weren't back together and she'd do well to remember that they weren't ever going to be. So there would be no more making love. Her heart just couldn't take it. But, oh, God. It had been wonderful while it lasted.


  The days flew by filled with fun and laughter. Bryce had never been happier. He'd made friends with other children in the building and they enjoyed frequent play dates in the park. Reece had begun to tutor their son on whatever sparked the child's interest and was thrilled at the child's level of intelligence.

  At the boy's insistence, Dane had joined them for the trip to Disney and her son had proclaimed it was the best birthday he'd ever had. His uncle and father had acted as much like children as Bryce and they'd kept Jolie in stitches with their antics. She couldn't remember when she'd ever felt as carefree.


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