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Tank: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 2)

Page 9

by Chelsea Handcock

  “I agree. I have Talon and Jinx looking into that part, I hate to involve them in club business, but maybe Reagan and Suzie can help.”

  “Brass, if you don’t spank Suzie’s ass when she gets back here I’m going to do it.” Talon came storming back into the room, his face red, and the veins on his forehead were bulging. “Bitch hacked my system and put it on a constant loop, so she and Reagan could get off the grounds without being seen.”

  “What?” Tank and Brass both yelled, standing.

  “Just what I said, she hacked us. It wasn’t one of her best, she didn’t actually cause any damage, and with a few keystrokes, I was able to bring everything back on line. The backup feeds are up and running. We have some great video of Rea and Suz scaling the fence or trying to; looked painful. Then they did something that looked kind of like jogging and met a neon-green, super-duty out by the road; I’m thinking Billy.”

  Jinx was standing behind Talon, laughing his ass off. Hell, Tank kind of wanted to watch the video if he wasn’t so fucking pissed right now.

  “Any idea where they were headed?” Link asked.

  “Hell, if I know,” Tank said, “if she just would’ve waited until we were done, I would have taken her anywhere she wanted to go.”

  “My guess is she went to the storage lockers on Fifth Street or one of their apartments. She and Suzie must have figured something else out, and like Thelma and Louise, decided to check it out on their own, instead of taking anyone of the highly trained people walking around this fucking place. Damnit, do you see why I only deal with Puppets? It’s always fucking drama.”

  “Dude, nothing like quality just like Brass always says,” Whiskey laughed.

  “Oh, hell no, if I hear another thing about quality pussy, I’m going to slit someone’s throat. Hell, as long as it is wet, warm and tight, I’m good. Don’t even need a pussy for that shit; ass, mouth, hell, I don’t care.” Pointing at both Tank and Brass, Tuck ordered, “Get your women under control, bring their asses back here, and then bring them to me. If they’re going to act like idiots, I’m going to treat them like ones. Lock down is still in effect. Doesn’t anyone fucking care?

  “I have brothers running around town, and chicks climbing fences. You’re just lucky I’m not Slade, he would’ve shot all your asses. Meeting fucking adjourned until the wayward children are back in the fold.”

  Tank started blowing up Reagan’s phone; he knew for a fact the first couple of times she ignored his ass. Well, she was going to find out how much that pissed him off and soon. God, for such a smart woman, she was fucking stupid. Didn’t she possess any common sense? Tank looked over at Brass who had followed him out into the parking lot.

  “Any luck on your end?”

  “No, Suzie Q has gone radio silent. Hell, can you believe it? My chick hacked the RBMC. I should be pissed, but I’m kind of proud of her. You know what I mean?”

  “No, motherfucker, she hacked us, so they could sneak around. Hell, if Reagan’s brother or any of those three assholes have figured out what Reagan has been up to, they could get hurt. Don’t you understand that?”

  “Fuck,” Brass said looking down.

  “Mind if I tag along?” Creed asked, coming out of the clubhouse. “They got out on my watch, and I would like the chance to make up for it.” Creed was a Prospect. Tank thought he had potential, but today he had fucked up big time. No one should be able to get in or out of the Clubhouse unless the brothers wanted them to, and it was Creed’s job to make sure that shit never happened.

  “Know this, Prospect,” Tank grabbed the collar of his jacket, “anything happens to either one of them, and it’s going to be your ass. You have one fucking thing to do for this club, and you fell down on the job today. It’s going to be a long time before I ever call you brother.”

  “Damn, Tank, chill out. Listen, let’s head out to the storage facility. We can have Creed check out Reagan’s apartment, kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Fine,” Tank said, pushing Creed away. “You’re on notice. Understand?”

  “Yep, loud and clear.”

  Tank kind of respected the man even though he was pissed the hell off. He didn’t offer lame excuses or try to defend himself.

  “Let’s ride,” Tank yelled, getting on his bike.

  Creed split off from them right before they reached the storage facility. Tank and Brass parked and got off their bikes. The place was a ghost town, and Tank didn’t even know where to start looking for Reagan and Suzie. Before he could start kicking in doors, Brass stopped him.

  “Hey, Tank, wait a minute. A text just came through my phone from Suzie. Fuck, man, all it says is help with an app attachment and a code; remember this code, SQ1625.”

  Tank didn’t want to wait for some stupid app, but hell it was better than what he had planned.

  “Holy shit, man, it’s a GPS tracker. It shows them up near, hell man, isn’t this where you family’s fishing cabin is?”

  “Call Creed, I’ll call Tuck. Shit, man, this doesn’t look good.”

  “I know, hell, at least one of the girls was thinking, we would’ve never found them up there.”

  Getting off the phone, Tank said, “Listen, we’re going to need to hoof it up there, the sounds of our bikes could tip off whoever has them.”

  “I agree. Dude, let me make one more call, and we can head out.”

  “Fuck no, Dude, I don’t have time for you to play with your phone. Let’s roll.”

  “Listen, I’m just as upset as you are, Brother, but we need gear. We have no idea what we’re driving into, and even though I want to go off half-cocked, too, that’s not the best way to approach this, understand?”

  “Yeah, shit, make the call. It’s just, damn Brass, nothing can happen to her, things are finally going in the right direction.”

  “I understand, hell, I’m in the same position. Once you get her back, are you finally going to claim her for real?”

  “Yeah, man, it’s been a long time coming, but if she’ll have me, I’m going to make her my Old Lady, and you better believe she will wear the damn patch and my brand on her ass.”

  “Took you long enough. Give me a second.”

  Tank got on his bike and started it up. It was probably the first time his beast didn’t bring him peace.

  “Let’s move. Tuck is sending some guys with a cage; they’ll meet us on the way. Tal is going to pull satellite photos and will let us know if there is any movement and what we can expect on the property.”

  The ride was fast, and once they got up into the mountains, rough, but Tank was pushing his bike for everything it was worth. He needed to get eyes on Reagan, so he could see for himself that it wasn’t too late. Hell, those damn videos played through his mind on a constant loop. Were they hurting her? Hell, were they doing worse, making her suffer like all those other women? The questions kept on coming.

  His brothers caught up to them halfway up the mountain. Tuck, Link, and Whiskey were riding their bikes, and Crash and Jinx were in one of the SUV’s the Club kept around. He had never been so happy to see his brothers. When he got within a mile of the cabin, he pulled over to the side of the road. The others followed suit.

  “Okay, we can’t go any further with the bikes. Crash hold back and wait for my call.”

  “Hold up, man,” Tuck said, “we need to gear up. Tal has a view of the cabin via satellite and he said that there’s an almost full minute delay in the feed. What we have so far are four heat signatures on the inside of the cabin, one vehicle on the outside. Tank can you give us the layout? Tal was going to pull the plans, but I told him to work on the satellite instead.”

  “Yeah, the cabin is roughly a six-hundred square foot, two room dwelling. You have the main area living, bedroom, and kitchen. Front and back doors facing north and south. Two windows each on the west and east. South side holds a bathroom and closet, entry door in between. Main room used to have a pull-out couch, recliner, one end table, coffee table, and a four-seat
er kitchen table. The only blind spot will be from the bathroom, no windows and no way to see inside. Last time I was up here, there was an old shotgun, and a crossbow, neither was in great condition.”

  “Okay, Tank you and Whisk take the front. Link and I will get the back. Crash and Jinx take the east and west sides. Get a good look inside and text with the info. Once we get the lay of the land and where all the people are, I’ll leave it up to Tank to call a go, that will be him breaking the mother fucking door down. Link and I will come in through the back, Jinx and Crash break the window and take aim, but don’t fire unless needed.”

  All the men echoed their agreement, and with Tank leading the way, they jogged off into the woods. It didn’t take long for the cabin to come into sight. Tank had expected to see his father’s Mercedes coupe sitting outside, but that wasn’t what was in the drive. It was a late model Oldsmobile Cutlass which had seen better days. The vehicle was a concern because he had never seen it before. Bobby drove a ratty F150. Hell, could they be dealing with someone new altogether? Shit.

  The woods provided adequate cover. He and Whisk hunkered down and waited for Crash and Jinx to provide them with the intel they needed to go in guns or fists a blazing. It didn’t take long. Crash was the first to text.

  One female tied to a chair center of the room, second female tied to pull out bed on the west side of the room. One man, Bobby Lee, standing directly in front of female one. Other heat signature MIA. Tal’s intel suggests kitchen area, but I have no visual.

  Jinx concurred with Crash’s assessment also indicating fourth heat signature MIA.

  Tuck’s text came shortly after.

  Suggest perimeter check. Crash Jinx is situation accommodating?

  Both came back with an affirmative. Tank didn’t like it, but none of them wanted to get caught with their pants down. If someone was hiding out in the woods ready to counter them, they needed to know it.

  Chapter 13

  Reagan woke up, and her entire body hurt, hell, her head felt like a hard night of drinking gone wrong. Damn, what happened? When she tried to bring her hand up to her face, there was resistance she didn’t understand. Pulling harder, she realized that something was holding her hands behind her back. Slowly, she tried to open her eyes, but found she could only open them to small slits.

  It took her brain a second to realize what she was seeing. Suzie was tied to the same bed she had seen all those months ago, and her brother, the fucker, was standing in front of her, taunting her. Hell, why hadn’t his ranting woken her sooner? Then like a flash, everything that had happened that day came back to her. Reagan knew what she needed to do. Clearing her throat, her mouth felt like it was filled with cotton. What had those assholes drugged her with and where the hell was the guy that had hit her with the car?

  “Bobby,” at first it came out soft and gravely and he didn’t seem to have heard her, clearing her throat again she said his name louder this time, “Bobby!”

  “Oh, so the princess finally decided to grace us with her presence, how nice of you, Reagan. Me and Suzie here have been getting to know each other again, haven’t we baby?” Bobby was stoking Suzie’s hair, reaching further down and cupped her breast.

  “Leave her alone, Bobby,” Reagan screamed. “What’s all this about, anyway? I told you I would give you your cut. Why are we here? Hell, where are we?”

  “Don’t pay stupid, little sister, you know exactly where we are. I think you’ve even been here before, maybe about six months ago, am I close?”

  Bobby started to lift up Suzie’s t-shirt. She was bound by both legs and arms in a spread-eagle position, and her mouth covered with duct tape. The whimper that left her best friend while Bobby was lifting her t-shirt tore Reagan apart.

  “Leave her alone, Bobby. I’m the one you want. Now tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “What I want?” Bobby scoffed, getting up from the bed and walked over to Reagan. “You really need to ask me what I want? How about you get that little bitch Lexie back here, so that I can sell her ass to those fucking perverts or how about you make it so I didn’t have to shoot Ma and Paw in the head to cover my ass because the whole deal fell through, because of you? Or how about getting me my job and stop those sick fuckers from trying to take me out? What about giving me the money back I had to pay that junkie to run over your fat ass? Think you can do any of that Reagan?” The hit to her face was quick, but no less painful. “Or how about you get those fucking bikers off my back and pay me the money you cost me? Another hit just as hard. Damn Reagan didn’t know how much more her body could take.

  “I have money, Bobby, you can have it all, I just need to go to the bank. Hell, just take me to my apartment, and I’ll write you a check. Just, please, let Suzie go, she doesn’t have anything to do with any of this.”

  “Oh, you think you can cover what I lost Reagan?” That maniacal laugh was back, and Reagan cringed. Another hit and this one was hard enough to make her head start spinning. “You just happen to have a quarter of a mil lying around?” This time he only smacked her, but shit, it stung; it also cleared her brain a little somehow.

  Bobby started pacing around the chair Reagan was sitting in ranting about stuff she had no idea about and pulling his hair. He looked like the maniac he was, but at least he was away from Suzie. Reagan would take his abuse, and she would live through it. What she would never be able to live through is Suzie getting hurt or worse because of her. Hell, she should have waited for Tank, neither of them would be here right now if she had. Why did she always have to be so stubborn?

  For once in her life everything she ever wanted was right at her fingertips and what did she do? Fuck it all up. The only thing that gave her an ounce of hope was that Tank had been calling her, so he knew she was not at the Clubhouse anymore. That also meant that he would have come looking for her. Shit, she needed that tiny spark of hope to make it through this. Tank was coming, she had to believe that.

  “Listen, Bobby, please, just let Suzie go. I will do whatever you want, she doesn’t have anything to do with any of this. Please.”

  “What exactly is this, Reagan, do you even know? Do you know that your biker scum boyfriend’s Daddy likes to rape little girls and then has me kill them when he’s all done? How about that fact that those three assholes have a shipment of women coming in and they’re trying to cut me out now that your nosey ass is all up in their business?”

  “No, Bobby, I didn’t. I was just trying to make a couple of bucks breaking into storage lockers, hell, I lost my job, I didn’t have any other choice. I only stayed at the club because I couldn’t pay for my rent. They kept me there, Bobby, I wasn’t allowed to leave.” Reagan started crying just like before, she was lying her ass off just like before but she this time was harder, all she wanted to do was beat the living hell out of her brother. The shit he was saying, hell, he was just as much of a monster as the other three. Killing little girls, selling women, selling children; what was wrong with him? What made a person agree or even want to do any of that shit.

  Bobby stopped pacing and came right at Reagan gripping her hair hard enough to pull the chair back onto only two legs. Yelling and spitting right in her face he said one word, “LIAR!” He released her quickly causing the chair and her body to hit the floor. This time Reagan couldn’t help the scream of pain she felt. The asshole had broken one, maybe both of her wrists. You would think that would be enough, but not for her brother, no he had to start kicking her over and over again. She was going to die right here in this cabin where it all started.

  Looking up to Suzie, she tried to mouth the words I’m so sorry. Suzie’s tear-filled face nodded back to her. Reagan decided that if this was the end, she wanted to think of the one thing that made her happy, Tank. She imagined her life five years from now, living in his cabin, holding a sweet little boy with his dusty brown wavy hair, with the same devious little smirk, and soulful blue eyes. She imagined Tank coming through the door walking right to them, kissing the l
ittle boy on the head and her on the lips and saying, ‘Love you Babe’ and as she always would, she said the words back. Damn, she wished that she had gotten to say the words.

  Chapter 14

  The perimeter check brought nothing, Tal even swept the area and only found heat signatures for some deer. That done, the team once again approached the cabin. Tank had heard Reagan screaming, and it killed him to stay outside, Whiskey had to hold him back physically more than once. Tank didn’t care if someone got to him as long as Reagan was safe and unharmed. But he couldn’t risk his brothers, and that sucked, he wanted to be selfish.

  Once in position, Tank started the countdown; on five he lifted his foot and smashed the door in. Reagan on was on the floor tied to a fucking chair while her brother kicked her over and over again. Suzie was on a bed bound and gagged with her shirt lifted above her bra. Not even thinking twice, he yelled ‘Bobby’, when the fucker looked up at him in shock, he put a bullet right between his eyes.

  He didn’t even notice his brothers coming into the cabin, he had been so focused on getting to Reagan. He vaguely remembered hearing each one of them announce an all clear but all of his attention was focused on Reagan. Hell, she was in bad shape, so bad, he wanted to bring Bobby back and kill his ass all over again.

  “Baby,” Tank said, trying to rouse her. When that didn’t work, he pulled the knife out of his boot and started to cut the restraints away, the whole time talking to her, pleading with her to wake up. Tuck came over to them as some point shaking his head.

  “Ah hell, Rea, damn.”

  “Tuck, I don’t know what to do?” Tank looked up to his President and said. Fuck he could even feel tears burning in his eyes, but he didn’t care, all he cared about was Reagan.

  “I got you, brother.” Getting down on his knees, Tuck checked Reagan for a pulse. Tank knew he should get out of the way, but his body wouldn’t move. He watched Tuck and waited holding his breath. When Tuck smiled, apparently finding a pulse, Tank took his first deep breath, there was hope. Tuck got on his phone and started barking orders, but the words barely registered in Tanks mind. He was stroking Reagan’s head willing her to open her eyes and talk to him. It didn’t happen.


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