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Two by Day, Three by Night

Page 5

by Breanna Hayse

  “I see. Well, just be careful out there and don’t let me stop you,” Marcas snickered, disappearing around the corner. Growling, Courtney went up to glimpse upon the sleeping Sebastian before throwing her things in the suitcase. She started down the hallway, crunching on an apple when Sebastian’s weak voice stopped her in her tracks.

  “Courtney? Are you leaving me?” he called from his room. Rolling her eyes, she placed her belongings along the wall and entered the bedroom with a forced smile.

  “I’m right here, Sebastian. I’m not going anywhere right now. Shhh, relax.”

  “Do you promise not to leave me before I pass? I know you have some problems with Marcas…”

  “Sebastian, there are some things…” Courtney sighed as the man grasped her hand and kissed the back of it. His expression made her heart sink. She could not be selfish in his time of need. “Don’t worry. I’ll stick around for a while.”

  “That brings peace to my old heart. Honey, will you read to me? Please? I find the sound of your voice as effective as the medications. Perhaps more.”

  “Of course, I’ll read to you.” Courtney smiled gently down at him, fixing his pillows. She sat next to his bed and opened the old bible. Inhaling deeply, she thought for a moment that it smelled like Marcas, warm, comfortable, soothing… She didn’t see him, now divided, listening at the door. Nor did she see the relieved smile on one face, and the self-satisfied, satirical grin on the other. The latter held up a note… She is not ready to leave us. She never will be.

  Chapter Four

  Courtney dreamt of two Marcas’ standing in front of her in Sebastian’s room, both gazing at her with lust and affection. She squirmed under their watchful eyes, mentally begging for their hands to touch her body. One was tender, caring, nurturing… the other, carnal, possessive, wanting. Sleep was a powerful drug and brought her deeper into the state of longing. She was lifted into the sinewy, strong arms of one while the other followed silently. She was placed on the bed and very slowly undressed by both, their fingers trailing over her body as she was deprived of her clothing, piece by piece. One reached, touching the peak of her breast and was pushed away by the other. Blankets were tucked around her cold body and two sets of lips caressed either side of her face. The room settled in velvety darkness and the dream drifted away, leaving only the memory that it was, indeed, a dream.

  “You need to be careful,” Marcas scolded. “She can’t see what we are yet.”

  “She has great pasiunea, passion, that is ready to be wakened. You saw her response to us while in her sleep.”

  “Yes, but she cannot be taken against her will. Even your lust would not permit such disrespect. I will stand with Sebastian. You rest. We got little sleep last night or today.”

  “Thanks to the little minx. Come to me at midnight.”

  Marcas nodded, waiting for the door to close. He settled next to his beloved friend with a sigh.

  “Speak to me, my son.”

  “You are supposed to be sleeping, old man,” Marcas smiled, leaning forward.

  “How could I rest my bones with you chattering on like a squirrel over a nut? Ay, it’s not ripe enough! Da, it is ready to be eaten! Nu, leave it for a while,” Sebastian chortled, slowly sitting up. “One wants to know her heart, the other her body. You must not push your own desires upon her right now.”

  “I did not… he did,” Marcas said sulkily.

  “When will you accept that he is you? Did you also not wish to touch her body?”

  “Well, yes… but…”

  “And the other? Do you think he does not want her to be part of his heart?”

  “I don’t think he’s capable of anything but lascivious thought.”

  “Even our fleshly sides have merit. Now, you sleep. I will wake you should I require anything.”

  “Goodnight, my friend. I’m right here,” Marcas said, settling in the settee near the dying fire. He closed his eyes and felt his body relax as it joined sleep with his other half. He sensed a stirring in the room and cracked his eyes to see Courtney tiptoe in. Marcas watched as Courtney checked on Sebastian and then she picked up a blanket and turned in his direction. She gently laid the cover over his body and then sat across from him to study his face. Her hand trembled as she reached to cup his hard chin and jerked back when Marcas grabbed her hand and kissed her palm.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, gathering the blankets closer around him and closing his eyes. Courtney rushed back to her room and dove under the duvet, wishing that it had been her arms wrapped around his shoulders instead of the blanket.

  * * *

  Courtney woke shortly after sunrise, momentarily disoriented as she found herself in her borrowed bed and discovered that she was changed into pajamas. A blush rose when she realized that Marcas, true to his word, had not only seen to her care that prior evening, but had kept his promise about not forcing himself upon her. She touched the tip of her breast, wondering if the casual caress she recalled was merely a dream or an intimate wish. She could not deny her growing attraction for the strange, broody man. She knew nothing about him except that his very presence sent her senses into turmoil and turned her brains to pure mush.

  There was no ignoring the fact he was interested in her, but was she just another piece to add to his collection? An item to be bid on and procured? The thought saddened her. In the past, she had no difficulty with quick, unemotional encounters that served the sole purpose of alleviating sexual tension but required no intimacy or commitment. But this man… the pull to him was as painful as it was enticing. As much as she wanted to regain her freedom, and the control that came with it, and leave, she felt a greater yearning to accept his offer and stay.

  She recalled having snuck into the room to check on Sebastian and caught a glimpse of Marcas sleeping with his back to the fire. A surge of compassion had overcome her as she draped a blanket over his shoulders, and that she was genuinely startled when he awoke and thanked her with sincere appreciation. Once again shaken by his mere touch, Courtney had scurried back to bed and dove under the blankets and into the darkness. She quickly fell into sweet, romantic dreams of riding a sleigh through majestic forests with her Romanian prince, with large soft snowflakes falling gently around them. He would stop under the canopy of ancient boughs and lean over to press his mouth to hers…

  Needing to clear her head, Courtney left for her jog, careful to follow a path that would lead her directly back to the house. She left a note on the table next to Sebastian’s bed after she tucked the blanket gently around Marcas’ quietly snoring form. The sun was bright and the air crisp as she trotted along the single lane road, contemplating Marcas’ proposal to travel to Romania with him and Sebastian. Her self-possessed and overtly restrained nature said ‘no’, plus, intellectually, it was a hasty and imprudent move that would result in her lacking any control over her situation. She frowned as she trotted, debating the sensibility of remaining in familiar territory over denying Marcas’ desire to grant his life-long friend one last moment in the country he loved.

  Yes, she would support their trip, but the question remained… would she accompany them? Would she allow her innate need for adventure (and lust) override common sense? She had never openly faced such a dilemma before, always choosing the right path and the safest course of action. Marcas had been correct… she had always chosen the direction of being a ‘good girl’. And it sickened her to the very core. That was not who she was and it had grown more pronounced over the last few years. She suddenly felt disgust with herself. What happened to the woman who had once yearned for adventure? Where was that woman who would have jumped at the opportunity to see a new country and experience a new culture? Had her fear forever disabled her from experiencing life? Courtney grunted, turning a corner. The truth was she was terrified of being hurt again and had allowed that feeling to dictate her life.

  Courtney paused mid-step to catch her breath and look around. How sad it was that Marcas could not enjoy the beauty o
f day. She hoped the special order she had placed would arrive quickly and perhaps bring him some joy. Her heart began to ache for the solemn man as she considered his fear of losing his friend, his photophobia which severely limited his freedom, and his contrasting moods which both attracted and deterred her. The notion that he was a twin again played in her mind as she recalled the odd dream she had the night before. But why would he hide his brother? Were they both suffering from the same injury? Too strange…

  Glancing at her watch, Courtney turned to head back to the house, sprinting as she saw the FedEx truck pull up. “I can’t believe you got here so fast!” she exclaimed, taking the small package from the driver and hugging him.

  “Hey, the boss said you were insistent and you know he’ll do anything for you after he lost Jill. We all will, Miss Courtney. You made her last days good ones.”

  “You are wonderful people and I hope this will help another man who is suffering. Thank you for everything. Can I get you some coffee?”

  “No thank you, ma’am. Gotta get back on route. Hey,” he looked around at the secluded area with wrinkles of concern on his brow, “are you safe up here? It’s so far from anything and there’s no cell service. You’re ok, right?”

  “Everything is fine,” she heard the words leave her mouth, wondering where they had come from. This had been a prime opportunity to leave, yet she couldn’t form the words to ask for help away from there. Marcas said she could leave if that was her desire. Did she really not want to?

  Courtney watched the man hop into the truck and drive away. The memories of how she had helped that family and friends through such a terrible disease process flooded back to her, reminding her that she was not just there for the patient, but for everyone involved in that person’s life. She tossed the box into the air and skipped happily into the house, determined to change her circumstance in her favor. She would make it either impossible for Marcas to be grouchy with her or get him so tired of her antics that he’ll want her to leave. Either way, Courtney would find a way to take charge of her state of affairs.

  She stopped in her room to find that Marcas had left her another breakfast tray with the note EAT ME on the plate and DRINK ME on the tea cup. An unexpected giggle escaped her throat, taken about by his reference to Alice In Wonderland. Maybe the man did have a sense of humor, after all? She grabbed a chunk of melon and stuck her head in Sebastian’s room. As before, he had been cared for. Eyeing the closed door down the hall, Courtney took in a deep breath and barged in uninvited as Marcas had done to her.

  The young baron was asleep on top of his comforter with a thin sheet draped over his naked thigh. Courtney’s eyes widened, taking in the beauty of his magnificent body and the chiseled muscles carved into the hard, lean frame. There was no one part of him that was marred with an imperfection, even his sleeping cock that peeked out from beneath the sheet was beautiful to behold. Frozen in place, she pondered her next move. Should she sneak out and prove herself a coward, or complete her mission? Boldly, she chose the latter.

  “Hey, sleepy head.” She smacked him sharply on his rock hard, exposed rump. “Wake up. I have something for you.”

  Courtney suppressed a laugh as a startled Marcas sat up quickly, baffled by his rude awakening. She crossed her arms, staring at him with an impish grin as he fought to focus.

  “What are you doing in my chambers? And how dare you strike me, young woman!” his thick accent growled, a frown lighting his slightly rumpled, but still very handsome face.

  “You dared strike me, so turnabout is fair play. I have something for you. Put that thing away first, I’m not interested.” She pointed to his growing manhood.

  Marcas scowled, covering himself. “We will have a trip to the basement for this insubordination. I promise you. I will not tolerate disrespect of any kind.”

  “You gave me no rules regarding either coming into your room, waking you, or smacking your ass now, did you? Damn, you are grumpy in the morning, ” Courtney retorted. She sat on the bed next to him and opened the box, ignoring his glower. “I have a friend of mine who owns an optical supply company. Your photosensitivity is a lot like that which albinos experience and he was able to get me several pairs of these specialized lenses. You might still have to wear sunglasses in hard light, but it should remove the pain of normal sunlight and filter a lot of artificial lights. Let’s try them. Open…”

  “I don’t wish to…”

  “I didn’t ask if you wanted to. Now open your eye and stop acting like a child. Geesh. Now the other one. How does that feel?”

  “I feel nothing except some firmness, but it is not uncomfortable.”

  “Get your ass up and get dressed. Let’s go outside.”

  “I do not appreciate your tone or how you speak to me this day, Miss Wells. It is disrespectful. And I had instructed you not to swear,” Marcas said sternly, wrapping the sheet around his sculpted, slender waist.

  “Tough shit. Get moving. Meet me downstairs in five minutes.”

  Marcas watched her leave the room, hiding the smile that played on his lips. So, the feisty little blonde wished to challenge his authority? This would certainly be a formula for an interesting day.

  Courtney swung by Sebastian’s room and smiled as the man lifted his hand to her. “How are you doing this morning?” she questioned, sitting next to him.

  “The pain is controlled, thank you. What was that I heard down the hall?” he asked innocently.

  Courtney giggled. “Oh, nothing. Just giving Marcas a taste of his own medicine. Will you be alright for a little while? I wanted to take him outside. I got him some lenses that should help his eyes.”

  “I’m fine. He used to love the sunlight. That would make him very happy. You’re a good girl; you make both of us smile.” He patted her cheek gently. Courtney held his palm to her face and looked carefully into his eyes. They seemed brighter, more alert. For the first time in her career, she prayed for a miracle. If only he could last a while longer and enjoy some time back home. She would love to see that. At that moment, she made her decision.

  “We’re taking you back to Romania, Sebastian,” she said softly. “Do you think you can handle the flight?”

  “Then you will come? Truly?”

  “Yes, I couldn’t very well trust Marcas to take proper care of you on his own, can I?” she asked with sarcasm, happy to witness his genuine excitement. “Besides, after all the headaches that man has given me, I would be foolish to turn down an opportunity to give them back. I’m a very demanding travel companion.”

  Sebastian laughed. “I doubt he will complain. He enjoys your company, as do I. He’s needed a flower to bloom in his life.”

  “You’re such a romantic. It’s not going to happen, especially since he sees me more as a thorn than a rose. But I was reminded today that I am supposed to be helping both my patient and their families. And despite his… quirks, he is your family.”

  “He is, indeed. He will be yours as well.”

  “Sebastian, you need to stop playing matchmaker,” Courtney scolded. “I am here on professional terms only and that’s all there is to it.”

  Sebastian yawned, a faraway look in his eyes. “You will see the truth the day you hold the Piatra Craiului Pink under the Carpathian moon… you will see…”

  “What are you talking about? Ohhhh, you stinker, you did it again. Always have to have the last word, huh?” Courtney asked as the man drifted into a deep sleep. She tucked him in warmly and felt eyes upon her. Turning, she saw Marcas standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “He speaks in riddles. Has he always been like this?”

  “What did he say?”

  “Something about holding a pink sinatra under the moon. It made no sense to me.”

  “Piatra. It is a flower that grows only in Romania. Brother Sebastian has a special connection with God. He sees things. He is to be believed, but things do not always, as you say, make sense.” Marcas sat next to the bed and squeezed Sebastian’s hand.
“His visions have saved me from much pain, but they have brought me much as well. Speaking of which, you and I will have a date later this evening as I have promised. I still do not believe your lack of decorum,” he said sternly.

  Courtney chortled. “You don’t frighten me, so stop trying to play the boss man. Let’s go outside and see how those lenses work for you.”

  Marcas shielded his eyes as he exited the house, slapping away Courtney hands as she tried to pull his arm from his face.

  “For crying out loud, you are not going to burst into flames. You’re under trees and the light is filtered. Try it. Please.”

  Slowly he opened his eyes, adjusting to the light. For the first time in over five years, his eyes did not burn with agonizing pain. Courtney’s heart flipped as she saw a smile broaden across his features. There had to be a law against looking so damn delicious, she thought.

  “Thank you,” Marcas whispered, watching her blush. Was he reading her mind? No… it was just a coincidence.

  “You’re most welcome,” she choked out. “How are they working?”

  “You are even more beautiful in daylight. Your hair… it looks like melted gold.” He touched a stray curl, studying the color. “I’ve never seen this shade before. Is it… natural?”

  “Yes! You don’t have blondes back in Romania?”

  “We do, but not this color. It’s like a sunrise, with a tiny kiss of red between the flames of gold. These,” he tapped the freckles on the bridge of her nose, “are also adorable. I wish to kiss you.”

  “Well, wish away. I don’t care how good looking you think you are; you can’t just keep stealing kisses. That might be the way of eastern Europeans, but not here.”

  “You believe me to be good looking, da? Maybe, hot, as you American’s say?” Marcas asked mischievously, backing her against a tree.

  She ducked under his arm to escape. “I didn’t say that… hey, let go…”

  “Your resistance is false, little one. You desire me as I desire you—I can sense it.”


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