Two by Day, Three by Night

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Two by Day, Three by Night Page 23

by Breanna Hayse

  “Ok, I get it. Horny monks.” Courtney chuckled.

  He returned her laugh. “Many of us have had loves in our lives that we have lost. Our order is much different than those in the land. We celebrate second chances.”

  “Marcas mentioned that you were survivors. What does that mean?”

  “For each of us, it is different. After our wedding, I was sent to the city to pick up supplies we needed. There was a sickness there and I was warned not to leave, but I foolishly refused to listen to wisdom because I wanted to be home with my wife. Unknowingly, I brought the disease home with me.”

  “Oh no…”

  “I was struck by it and my beloved, while caring for me, also was sickened. She did not survive.” He stroked the lace sitting in Courtney’s lap. “Overcome with guilt and pain, I left, hoping to find a place that I might die alone and pay the price for what I had done.”

  “But it wasn’t your fault!”

  “A young, heart-broken man does not understand those words, child. We only know that the one we loved was stolen from us because of our own stupidity and pride. Father Viktor found me in the Path of Knowing and brought me here. That was the path you took to come here. He showed me that by surrendering to my weakness and admitting my faults, I could be freed of the control those things had over me. Letting go of my guilt, shame, and pride opened the door to much joy and happiness.”

  Courtney looked down. There was that theme again. “I am so sorry,” Courtney said quietly, looking at the material in her lap. “I would be honored to wear this in memory of your wife and of the kindness you’ve showed me. Thank you for sharing yourself.”

  “We all have stories, each with a special purpose and life lesson. As you have yours and those of the people you have touched with your care.”

  “The people I touch die, Brother Berat,” Courtney said sadly, fingering the delicate lace.

  He placed his finger on her chin, lifting her face to look into his warm eyes. “The people you touch find peace because of you. That they die is not your doing or within your control. To believe otherwise is nothing but pride, my child. You must accept that you are a healer and bring peace to a troubled and frightened soul before death overtakes them.”

  “I never thought of it that way. Thank you. And you are correct, I have a lot of pride— more than is good for me. I never realized that before.”

  “Then I have done my job. Others will be bringing you gifts and their wisdom. Take what you are able and carry it with you to the alter.”

  Courtney watched as the old man hobbled away, thinking of his words. She lifted the beautiful gown and admired its old, delicate pattern and gentle fall, wondering how many long nights went into its making. She held it to her chest, hugging it close, and appreciating that she, too, was getting a second chance. She smiled, looking up at the heavens.

  “Thank you. I understand what I need to give up now. And I will do so gladly.”

  * * *

  Marcas grumbled when Courtney did not show up to meet him at the well as she had promised. It was getting harder for him to have her out of his sight as the time grew closer to the night of their wedding, and her separation. He also found that he was not struggling as much as his two sides encountered conflicting thoughts and feelings, growing in confidence that he had grown in acceptance of himself.

  An hour later, Courtney finally strolled over to him, a happy smile on her face. “Hi, sweetheart,” she kissed him, “why the frown?”

  “You promised to be here an hour ago. Where were you?”

  “I lost track of time. I’m sorry. It’s not a big deal.”

  “I have very little time left with you before you divide! I want to have every minute before that happens.”

  “Marcas, I don’t know why you are so upset. When I divide, nothing is going to change. I promise.”

  “It will change!” he shouted, slapping the brick wall and backing away. “Don’t you understand? Everything will change. It could kill you!”

  “It won’t kill me, sweetheart. Calm down…” Courtney said calmly. “What’s really bothering you? Talk to me.”

  “You should not have done this.”

  “I did and it’s too late to change it. I know you haven’t forgiven me for it…”

  “No. I have not,” Marcas said glumly.

  “I have an idea. How about if you take me way back in the woods and…”

  “I promised chastity. I will not make love to you.”

  “I was going to say, how about if you spank me? It might make you feel better,” Courtney commented, her heart beating rapidly with both excitement and embarrassment. She knew this was his fantasy, to have her willingly submit her bottom to him by asking for discipline. The second part was that she did so before witnesses. She was not ready for that!

  Marcas raised an eyebrow, suppressing a grin. “Does this mean you are asking for me to take you in hand? That is not like you, little Courtney. We might be seen. Is this because I shared my fantasy with you?”

  “No. I mean, yes… I’m not sure. I was late on purpose so that I could have a reason to defer to you, like you wanted,” she admitted sheepishly. “But it is probably more honest to admit that you still owed me a switching from our argument down on the mountain when I embarrassed you in front of the monks. I’m trying to learn how to surrender my will to you, but I just don’t know how.” Courtney shrugged shyly, wrinkling her nose. “It’s really hard and so humiliating. I’m sorry, I know I’m not doing this very well…”

  Marcas hid his excited smile as he grabbed her hand and began to walk rapidly into the compound, stopping before several of the monks who sat at a table, reading.

  “Yes, my son? Is all well?”

  “I am taking Courtney for a walk. Please do not send anyone after us.”

  “You are not going to break your promise of chastity, are you?”

  “No. I am going to deliver sound thrashing to her bare bottom for her disobedience and disrespect,” Marcas announced loudly, feeling Courtney suddenly shirk. The monks chuckled, nodding and granted him blessings. Courtney groaned as he pulled her outside.

  “Did you have to tell them you were going to spank me? My God, Marcas…”

  “You know that was part of my fantasy, to be able to admit aloud what I was to do. I’ve never been able to confess that to anyone before, so I thank you. It was very liberating.” He offered her an evil grin. “Besides, would you rather have had them heard you crying and come see for themselves?”

  “No, but…”

  “Then thank me for not asking for an audience. Be quick now, I’m waiting.”

  “Thank you, Marcas,” Courtney said quietly, biting her lip as he took her further into the woods.

  Marcas said nothing as he held her firmly beside him and led her to a small alcove that was studded by trees and boulders. He pointed to a shrub. “Cut a branch from that. Here. Be careful not to cut yourself.” He handed her a pocketknife.

  “I didn’t mean a real switching. Marcas, this is too much…”

  “Do it, little Courtney. Show me you are sincere in paying the price you owe me, and that your submission was done in truth and not as a jest.”

  Courtney bit her tongue and cut off a small branch from the shrub. Marcas laughed, looking at it. He shook his head and removed a stouter, longer, and more effective one, much to Courtney’s horror. He cleaned it and whipped it in the air, watching her cringe. Sitting on the edge of a rock, he patted his right knee.

  “Turn your bottom across my lap. Ahh, unbutton those trousers, little one.”

  Courtney reddened, her knees shaking as she obeyed. She also felt her panties growing uncomfortably moist under his commanding voice. His hand ran slowly over the hills of her protruding backend and between the crevice of her thighs. Secretly, she wished for him to skim the material from her flesh and leave her body naked for those caresses. He reached to pick up the switch, rubbing it across her sit spots.

  “You were a bad
girl down at the mountain base, little Courtney. You did not treat me with the respect that you should have,” he said, tapping her fabric-clad bottom with the thin stick.

  “I know. I’m sorry. Please forgive me,” she said quietly, waiting for the unknown.

  “I know you are sorry and you are forgiven. But still, you must accept the consequences of your behavior towards me.”

  “You acted just as badly towards me. How come… OWWW!” When the bite of the twig struck, she arched in surprise.

  “Thank me for being so generous and not switching you on the bare bottom just yet.”

  “This hurts! OOOOWWW!” Courtney yelped. “I changed my mind! I don’t wanna submit!”

  “But you must, my dear. Now thank me, and be sincere.”

  “I don’t wanna thank you, Marcas! Please stop… OW! I want the nice side!!!”

  Marcas grinned, enjoying the dancing of her bottom across his knees. “What did you do that displeased me, precious?” he asked, slapping the twig across the crown of her cheeks.

  “I talked back and swore… owwww.”

  “Yes, you did. What other act of defiance did you engage in?”

  “I intentionally embarrassed you by asking Gregor to switch you. Owie!”

  “Yes, you did. That was very inappropriate for the future Baroness, don’t you think? Is there more?”

  “I took the curse onto myself, knowing that you would be hurt by me risking myself,” she whimpered.

  Marcas paused, blinking. The game he was playing with her suddenly became real and his mood became somber. He tossed the switch aside. The type of pain that she bestowed upon him was too personal to allow anything but flesh on flesh. “Your switching is over. However,” he yanked the jeans away from her bottom, “you will still be punished for that last confession. Sorry?”

  “Yes, I am! I’m sorry for hurting you. Please believe me…”

  “Your panties read ‘Sorry’ on them. How many of these things did Solphia pack for you?” he asked, amused at the blue letters against the white silk.

  “A lot. I guess she thought you would be seeing my bottom quite a bit during this trip,” Courtney said awkwardly, feeling him trace the words with his finger before pulled the material to rest just below her bottom.

  “Not as much as I would have liked to. What do you deserve for your disobedience, my girl?”

  “Nothing for the curse. You know I would have done anything to save you. Only for hurting you and no amount of spanking can change that.” Courtney wiggled, feeling very self-conscious as her bottom rested vulnerably over his raised right knee. It still stung dreadfully from the light switching and began to itch uncomfortably.

  “We’ve been through all this. How many spanks do you feel you deserve?”

  “Ten? OWWW!” she yelped. A giggle suddenly escaped her. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”

  “I’m not playing games here, precious one. This is a serious offense.”

  “I know! I can’t help it.” She suddenly broke into a loud laugh. “It’s like something is taking over my brain. I’m trying to submit, I swear. But I just can’t!”

  Marcas resisted smiling back. He wasn’t angry anymore, but he would never turn down the offer to deliver a good paddling to a naughty bottom. He spanked her again, grinning at her yell. “You need to get that mischief maker in line before she causes you pain.”

  “But she’s having fun! OOOOOWWW! Sort of.” Courtney sobered up. “I don’t want to control her, Marcas. I want to let her play.”

  “I told you,” Spank! Spank! Spank! “this is not a game. You need to choose another time to release your control.”

  “Owww. I know! I know!” Courtney squirmed, trying to protect her heated rear end with her right hand, only to find it captured and held firmly next to her side. “Please, not so haaaarrrrd!”

  “Do you expect a spanking to be soft? No? Oh look, company! Hello, gentlemen,” Marcas exclaimed, holding Courtney locked in place as four of the monks approached them with concern. “I am teaching my future wife some lessons in protocol.”

  “Oh God…” Courtney groaned, more embarrassed than she had ever felt in her life.

  “We are sorry to intrude, nephew. We heard yelling. Please, don’t let us bother you. We were just gathering some mushrooms for tonight’s dinner.” Gregor said, winking at the man. “You do know a switch will help you teach the lesson in a more effective way. Here, try this one.”

  “Gregor!” Courtney yelled, kicking her feet and hiding her face in her hands.

  “Thank you. I will keep it for later. In this situation, her offense was so personal that I felt she would receive my lesson better on the bare,” Marcas stated, emphasizing his words with several loud, exaggerated claps to Courtney’s tender backside. The monks laughed at her animated squeals.

  “You are correct. Carry on then, and may your afternoon be filled with blessings. Have a good day, Courtney, dear.” Gregor grinned, ushering the others away.

  “Thank you, uncle. Now, back to us, my love. What is wrong?”

  “I can’t believe how you deliberately embarrassed me in front of them!”

  “Hmmm, just like you embarrassed me? We are even now, yes?”

  “Yes! Oh God, Marcas,” Courtney groaned, “they saw my butt!”

  “There is that pride again. And yes, they certainly did. Too bad I didn’t have much of a chance to make it nice and red.”

  “Marcas, that is enough! Let me go.”

  “I am the Baron Kalnovky and…”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’ll let me go when you feel like it. You have a tremendous egoooo!” she yelled as he smacked her twice on the left cheek.

  “And you will be the Baroness Kalnovky and you are to show proper décor and dignity when in the presence of others.”

  “I get it, ok? Owww,” she whimpered as he slapped his hand heartily across the tops of her backside, holding her snugly to keep his target in place.

  “Oh, you are getting it alright—right across your little behind. Nice and hard, da?”

  “Da! Yes! Oh Lord,” Courtney whined, twisting to escape his hand.

  Marcas tapped the back of her soft thighs with his fingers. “And where do you think you are going? Stay still for your spanking, little Courtney, and it will be done much sooner.”

  “But it hurrrrrrts,” she argued, trying to break her wrist away from his left hand.

  “It must, otherwise you will not learn your lesson. And it hurts far less than the pain you put me through by your actions.”

  “But… OW!… I did it for you!!!”

  “No. You did it for us,” he corrected, spanking her solidly five more times. “And I love you for it.”

  “You do?” Courtney asked, her feet high in the air.

  He spanked her again on either cheek. “I do. Only someone who loves me fully and completely would have done such a thing. And for that, I will spank you every day for the rest of our life together.”

  “Eeek! But why? OW!”

  “To remind you of how much I love you and that I never want you to hurt yourself again, not even for me.”

  “Owwww… every day?”

  “Yes, every day. Of course,” he paused to dip his fingers between her thighs to find her swollen nub, “most times it will be very enjoyable. At least, for one of us.”

  Courtney closed her eyes as his skilled fingers stroked her clit, dipping into her wetness to stimulate her to the edge of pleasure. He twirled his finger around, stroking in and out of her dripping slit. She began to moan and lift her body to meet his hand. Marcas stopped as she began to stiffen.

  “Nooooooo…” she groaned, realizing that he was not going to complete his wonderful task.

  “Yeeeeeeeeeesss,” he teased, pulling her panties over her bottom and standing her to gather her jeans to her waist. “You are being punished and bad girls are not allowed to come. And no satisfying yourself either. I will know.”

  “How?” Courtney scowled, slapping his hand as he
tried to button her pants.

  “Because I trust you will always be honest with me, even if it means you will be punished. And I know that you will be responsible and tell me the truth, even though you will then try to talk me out of discipline.”

  “How do you know this?”

  He pulled her into his arms, kissing her fully on her mouth and feeling her melt into his embrace. “I know you. Now go find Gregor and tell him you are sorry for embarrassing me in front of him. I think you should also bring him this switch and ask him to show you what a real switching feels like.”

  “You have got to be kidding me!”

  “Do I look as though I am playing a joke? You said you would give me your submission. Well, I am telling you to do something.”

  Stomping her foot, Courtney left him to find the four monks and with her face red to the very roots of her hair, she apologized for the scene and for having brought it on in the first place. She choked out the words ordered by Marcas, handing Gregor the switch that he had cut. The old man chuckled, handing her a basket.

  “I don’t feel you need to experience my switch. Marcas’ hand served its purpose. And there is no need to apologize, my daughter. We are all aware of Marcas and his needs, and are glad to see that you are willing to give in to him.”

  “I don’t exactly give in to him. I do fight him, you know.” Courtney grumbled, showing him a mushroom she picked up. He nodded and she put it in her basket. “He just makes it impossible for me to avoid him when he gets in one of those moods.”

  “I get the impression that you are not exactly repulsed by it either, Courtney.” Gregor winked, making her roll her eyes.

  “Damn horny monks,” she grumbled, receiving a series of laughs in return.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Courtney stood alone, dressed in the lovely lace gown with her hair loose on her shoulders and flowers woven in the sides. She looked over into the canyons below, the slowly setting sun sprinkling its final rays of light into the dark fissures.


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