Two by Day, Three by Night

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Two by Day, Three by Night Page 22

by Breanna Hayse

  Courtney trembled with terror as she followed his direction. The air was cold and hard against her body and she felt as though it was shoving her backwards as she pressed into it. Marcas gently pushed on her back and she felt her body rise into the air. She was weightless for those minutes she ‘flew’, carefree and only aware of the sounds around her. Marcas’ hands caught her hips and pulled her back away from the ledge, helping her sink to the ground to catch her breath.

  Courtney’s face was flushed with cold and excitement, her deep blue eyes filled with awe, and her smile was one of pride and accomplishment. “I did it,” she squeaked.

  “Yes you did, and I am very proud of you. Let’s get you inside before the adrenaline drops.”

  Courtney collapsed on the cave floor, her back against the wall, and her eyes closed as she recalled what she had done. She started shaking and could not decide whether to laugh or to cry. Marcas handed her a cup of steaming tea sweetened with honey, and squatted in front of her.

  “Amazing, is it not?”

  “I never, ever want to do that again. I can’t believe I did it,” she exclaimed, amidst bouts of nervous laughter and confused tears. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You were empowered when you released your control. You just don’t know what to do with it. Are you angry with me?”

  “No. It was definitely an experience. And I can say I did it, hated it, and never will do it again.”

  “That you can. Drink up. There’s my girl.”

  “You’re not really going to both spank me tonight for cussing, are you?” Courtney asked, the focus of concern now residing in her rump.

  “Yes, we are. I cannot have you swearing like this around Holy Men.”

  “Marcas,” Courtney whined, “they know what everything means. They aren’t children.”

  “Now, now… did I tell you to curb that tongue in the beginning? Haven’t I been very lenient and forgiving about your profanity? Did I not warn you that I had to put a stop to it if it continued? Well?”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “You have about two hours to think of a way to convince us why we should not discipline you. I suggest you take that time to rest. I suspect that tomorrow will be a very long day, especially when having to climb with a bruised behind.”

  “Why are you so mean?”

  “Why do you keep asking me that question? You rest now, I will put up a pot for soup. Oh look, freeze dried sheep testicles,” Marcas said, trying to get a smile on Courtney’s pouting face. “We could mix it with bat fangs and eye of newt.”

  “Get out of the way. I’m making dinner,” Courtney grumped.

  * * *

  Courtney pouted as the two filled her ears with reasons she should not swear. Her lip stuck out as she was told how she was not exhibiting behavior worthy of her beauty and that it must stop. Marcas finally shook his head, realizing that his words were falling on deaf ears.

  “The time for talking is over, Courtney. Our words are not getting through to you. Hold her steady, if you will. I will begin this punishment,” he said to his other half who eagerly dragged her, kicking and screaming, into a kneeling position over his left thigh. He was sitting on a log, and the position forced her off the ground as he held her with both his arms reaching across her back. The other stood in front of them and slowly removed his belt from his pants and folded it in half after lowering her jeans and panties below her thighs.

  “Nooooo, Marcas! I promise! I won’t cuss… Oooowww!” Courtney yelled out, completely confined in the grips of the one holding her. The belt striped her cold skin five more times, and she called out supplications and pleas for mercy. She felt his hand on her, inspecting her skin for damage. He rummaged around the supplies and came up with a stout, wooden spoon.

  “Hmmm, I seem to remember a time when I had promised this to you. Ok, Courtney, my sweet. Two swats for every profane word we can think of. You start, love.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this me, you bastard. OW! OW!” Courtney screeched as the spoon left two bright white marks on her pink bottom that quickly faded to red.

  “Very good! Your turn,” he said to his other half. Two more stinging swats landed. And then another two and another. Courtney wailed, not believing there were so many swear words in her vocabulary as her roasted backend steamed from the heat of her spanking and smarted terribly from the cold air. She was told to stand up and then turned to bend over the other side of the lap of the one sitting, this time so that her bottom was under his right hand.

  Marcas ran his rough palm over her hot skin, glancing up at the other part of him with a smile. With words of love, he cracked his cold hand against the sensitive crease of her upper thighs and bottom, listening as she broke into a new set of tears. These were out of repentance. The lesson was repeated, this time with his hand dishing out the necessary strokes for each profanity uttered.

  Courtney’s head reeled, promising she would never even think another swear word, let alone use one around Marcas. She cried pitifully and finally just surrendered to his hand. He stopped the spanking, leaving his palm over the scarlet center of her rear.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked softly, his hand cupping her swollen knolls.

  “Yessssss. I’m sorry. Please, no more,” she whimpered.

  “No more, it’s all done. You’ve had that coming for a long time. You know that, correct?” Marcas asked, sitting her up and making her look into his face. She nodded, lowering her eyes. He kissed her forehead and held her tightly against him, smiling over her head to his other half. The other simply nodded in approval.

  * * *

  “We’re here, little Courtney,” Marcas announced, pulling her up on the rock next to him and pointing to the old, stone building that rested against the side of the mountain. Courtney caught her breath, her eyes roaming over the ancient gothic design and the tall towers that housed the bells. It was surrounded by myriads of flowers and shrubs, brightening the otherwise dark demeanor of the place. The wagons were parked outside the stables and loud laughter and voices were heard from inside.

  “It sounds as though they are having a celebration. My sweet? What is wrong? Not your bottom still, I hope, ” Marcas asked, seeing the sadness on her face. She took his hand, kissing his knuckles.

  “No, I deserved that. I’m kind of disappointed that our hike is over. I’ve learned so much about myself this past week. Plus, I’ve enjoyed you. It was good to get to know you without distractions.”

  “Even without sex?”

  “You just wait. One more week and you won’t be able to walk for a month when I’m done screwing your brains out,” she teased, forcing a smile. “We also have to see about finding a way to make your fantasy happen.”

  Marcas grinned, smacking her backside as he led her to the giant wooden door of the ancient building. The couple was greeted with loud, happy shouts and praises of their return. Gregor embraced both soundly and ushered them to where Sebastian impatiently waited.

  “You kept your promise,” Courtney exclaimed, hugging him before beginning to check him out.

  He grabbed her hand, stopping her. “I am good. No pain. Except for my nose.”

  “Your nose?”

  “You both need showers. Him, the most. Please, hurry!” He laughed, watching her blush. “Gregor! Please take them to their room and show Courtney around our home.”

  Gregor dipped his head in deference to the older man and gestured to the couple. After settling them into their quarters, he pointed to Marcas before shaking a finger and departed with a definitive twinkle in his eye that did not go unnoticed.

  “What is with these horny monks, Marcas? Did you see that look he gave us?”

  “You are mistaken. He issued us that look because he knows I will keep my promise and that it is the last thing I wish to do. Join me?” he asked, stripping his clothes and walking under the hot water in the stone shower stall.

  “Mmmm, feels good,” Courtney groaned, quickly
scrubbing the week’s travels from her body, slapping his hands as he attempted to assist. “How do they get hot water up here?”

  “They say it’s their fervent prayers that make the depths of hell angry enough to boil water.” Marcas grinned. “But the truth is that there is a hot spring that fills the tanks.”

  “Horny monks AND drama queens. Never thought I’d see that under one roof.” Courtney laughed, allowing him to wash her back. Marcas did not resist the temptation to touch her body, running his soapy hands over the length of her curves, caressing every inch of her soft flesh before turning her to face him and his bobbing shaft.

  Courtney smiled and kneeled before him, watching his eyes widen as she slowly took him into her mouth and began to lavish him with unbridled attention. He gasped as her talented tongue swirled around the head before drawing her lips around him and making love to him with her mouth. Marcas gritted his teeth, leaning against the wall as tingles of pleasure began to stab at him. Courtney closed her eyes to the hot water running over her head and face, enjoying the taste and feel of him as she milked his cock with eager delight, grazing the edges with her teeth and then clamping her lips tightly to hold him in place. She felt his tension, refusing to release him, and moaned as he erupted, driving his sweet, salty seed into the back of her throat.

  Courtney smiled softly as she felt him soften between her lips, not ready to let go of him just yet. She had enjoyed this act of giving, and felt a sense of power and confidence with it. She opened her eyes and slowly gazed up into Marcas’ face.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too. I always will.”

  She stood slowly and joined his lips to hers and sighed as his naked, wet body pressed against hers. They held one another tightly and allowed the water to just run over them, enjoying the silence.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Marcas pulled out a chair for Courtney to sit next to him at the huge community dining table in the great hall. Twenty monks surrounded them, filling the room with laughter and noise. Sebastian sat at the tables’ head, still looking peaked after the long journey. Marcas prevented Courtney from going to him with a firm shake of his head. Reluctantly, she obeyed.

  “Welcome home to our Brother Sebastian and his children!” a withered old man said, raising a glass of wine. “May they all find God’s plan and the happiness within it!”

  Courtney gripped Marcas’ hand under the table. She has expected the Brotherhood to be solemn, quiet, severe… not so open and free. He squeezed her hand back.

  “Survivors,” he whispered in her ear. “Most have lived through hell and now celebrate life.”

  “What are you talking about?” Courtney whispered back.

  “Shhh, Father Viktor is speaking.”

  “My Brothers,” the old man said with a toothless smile, “today we celebrate not only the homecoming of one of our own, but the fulfillment of an ancient promise. Faith has brought us here, together, and now she blesses us with an upcoming marriage of two hearts, and the healing of one. Tomorrow night we begin the blessings upon you, my son and daughter. For one week, you will be showered with prayer and God’s love.”

  Courtney blushed, sinking in her seat. Marcas patted her thigh with understanding. He, too, was uncomfortable with the attention. Father Viktor raised his hands to offer a prayer and Courtney closed her eyes.

  “Please… God, if You really are there,” she thought silently, “I don’t want anything for myself. Whatever You need to heal Marcas, I’ll give you. As for Sebastian, please, make his final days pain free and joyous.”

  A peace settled over her as the monks broke into worship, their song filling the hall with a warm, soothing tone that brought her to a quiet place in her soul. Marcas’ deep baritone rolled next to her, and she leaned against his arm. She realized the power of faith. It removed fear and anxiety, and allowed acceptance without turmoil. When evening devotions were completed, all fell silent. Now divided, Marcas raised his finger to his lips and escorted Courtney outside, placing a heavy, fur-lined cape around her shoulders. Silently, the three walked into the woods that grew behind the compound and up the tree line to a path.

  “Where are we going?” she whispered, afraid to break the spell of the quiet night.

  “To a special place. I…we… find it the most glorious view in this world.”

  “It’s where heaven touches the earth,” the other said, taking her free hand. Courtney walked between the two, enjoying the quiet as they led her up the rocky path and around several bends. One covered her eyes with his hands as they positioned her.

  “Ready?” he whispered in her ear.

  Courtney froze breathlessly at the sight before her. Miles upon miles of giant, looming mountains with thousand foot canyons and crashing falls sparkled under the light of the partial moon. She slowly sunk to her knees, overcome by the tranquilizing magnitude of the image.

  “I feel so… small.” She gulped. “So insignificant.”

  “In the scheme of things, we all are. Yet, God chooses to use us for His purposes and makes us appreciate His undying love.”

  “He gives us life so that we may come to know Him. He gave us you,” Marcas handed her a tiny, white flower, “that we might come to know ourselves.”

  “We have chosen for you, Courtney,” the other said, kissing the back of her hand. “We are giving you both of us. Freely and completely.”

  * * *

  Sebastian watched out the window of his tiny room as the three left for the Path to Heaven; Father Viktor stood behind him.

  “She is the one?”

  “Yes. And she has also given herself to the curse. For love.”

  “Without knowing the cost?”

  “She knows that the price to her will be high, and she was willing to pay it. Without question or fear.”

  “She will succeed then. And Marcas? Does the boy know?”

  “He does and believes that he can prevent her.”

  “Good,” Father Viktor said confidently. “If the two can come together unselfishly and sacrifice their greatest treasure, then there is hope. For you as well, my friend.”

  “The sickness is eating me, Viktor. I hide the pain as best as I can, but it is becoming unbearable.”

  “The potions Courtney gave you?”

  “I stopped them before the trip. I wanted to enjoy my country without being swayed by medications,” Sebastian said quietly, leaning back in his chair and breathing slowly.

  Viktor sat next to him. “If the Lord wishes you to stay with us, He will keep you here. If not, we will rejoice in your life and look to meet you in heaven one day.”

  “Thank you, Viktor. Just promise me that if I leave, you will have someone pray for the Baron Kalnovky in my place. He needs it.” Sebastian grinned. Viktor happily agreed.

  * * *

  “You can’t do that, Marcas. You can’t allow this to go on.”

  “Little Courtney, if we choose to live together in peace, then this is no longer a curse. It will bring you blessings, yes? We have decided to do so.”

  “But you will die!”

  “No, my precious. The only way an unnatural death would happen is if we are not close comes the rising of the sun. What will die is our foolish pride, the need for selfish control. It had been our treasure, the thing we have clung to all our life, forsaking good things in order to keep it. It will mean that we stay apart at night upon our choosing. You have become our greatest treasure now.”

  “I can’t let you do that. Don’t you want to be whole again? For you?”

  “You have no choice in this. Watch… we can come together now, without a struggle,” Marcas said, smiling at his other half. Courtney watched as they joined, the strain evident on the face of the man as the blurring settled.

  “You are lying to me. It’s hurting you! I can see it.”

  “We are not adept at the melding yet, that is all.” They parted again. “It will become easier with practice.

  “Why did
you do this?” Courtney demanded, tears in her eyes.

  “Because we love you. When you took in the curse to heal us, we saw that you had given us a gift worthy of one in return. We are giving you the gift of reconciliation. It is because of your unconditional love that we can love each other as we are.”

  Courtney shook her head, finally understanding the depth of the sacrifice she had made. Marcas would not have found peace within himself, even if he had been healed, if not for what she had done for him. She looked at the two with uncertainty.

  “When I divide… what’s going to happen?”

  “I hope that my love for you will draw you together, as you have drawn me. If not, then we will both have a Courtney to ourselves.” Marcas smiled, kissing her open mouth.

  “And your naughty side had best watch herself, because she will be thoroughly spanked by both of us. Frequently, I am certain.” The other pinched her backside playfully, trying to ease the thick tension that had settled.

  “I do not have a naughty side, you beast,” Courtney harrumphed. “I have a strong side and an ugly, weak, insecure side. I’m not worried about getting along with myself. I’ve enjoyed my own company for years and my studies have forced me to look carefully at every part of who I am. If anything, I might end up wearing the two of you out.”

  “I look forward to that challenge,” both said at once, winking at each other.

  * * *

  The ensuring week was spent in preparing for the ceremony which the monks determined would be held in the Sacred Field just beyond the small forest. Courtney blushed furiously as she was handed a cream lace gown by one of the old men.

  “I wish you to have this, my dear. It belonged to my wife.”

  “Your wife? How…”

  He patted her arm, gesturing to a bench for her to sit. “Many of us came here out of despair, much like your Marcas did when he was struck. I was a young man and had married a village girl who I had fallen deeply in love with the very first time I watched her milk a goat.” His eyes twinkled, elbowing Courtney. “I know that does not sound very romantic, but I was a young man…”


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