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Rogue Angel

Page 12

by Stephani Hecht

  He pulled her top off over her head and unclasped her bra so she was naked from the waist up. Reaching into the basket, he snatched out a red scarf, wrapped it around her eyes and tied it in the back, right under her silky blonde ponytail. Her pink lips parted in surprise.

  “What are you doing?”

  Appolion leaned down and kissed the tip of one of her perfect breasts. “Playing, just go along with it. Trust me.” He reached into the basket again, this time pulling out a belt, and tied her wrists together behind her back. He felt some grim satisfaction when he noticed it was Bear’s. Used your own belt to tie up your sister, Bear Bear. Whacha think Ramiel’s going to feel about that one? Finished, he stepped back so he could admire his work.

  The way he bound her hands made her back arch just right. Her breasts were thrust forward and waiting for him. She tilted her head, side to side, as she waited for him to make the next move.


  There was no mistaking the desire in her voice. This was as big as a turn on to her as it was to him.

  “Trust me,” he moved in on her.

  “I always will,” she said in a shaky voice.

  Appolion flicked his tongue at her. He licked his way slowly up the valley between her breasts, inhaling her scent. Her skin felt smooth under his tongue and it tasted a little salty and a little sweet. In other words, it was perfection. He took one of her nipples in his mouth and gently nipped it.

  Ana bucked a bit and the leather belt creaked as she fought against the restraint.

  He smacked her on the side of her ass with the palm of his hand. “Be good, or else.”

  She licked her lips. “Or else what?”

  He groaned against her flesh. The last thing he ever expected was for her to be turned on by his dark fantasies. “I’ll take you over my lap and spank you like the naughty angel you are.”

  “I think I would really like that.”

  Her breathless confession made him almost lose it right there. “As much as I would love to do that, the last thing we need is for the whole house to hear us. But tonight, when we are alone in our room, you’re all mine to punish.”

  “I want you to make love to me now, Appolion, fast and hard.”

  So that’s what he did. Derel brought her some clothes when he came so she had on a pair of tight fitting jeans this time. Appolion wasted no time in ripping those off her. He left her sitting on the washer and took her right there, one hand braced against the door so no one would barge in, the other on her hip. When she finished, he put his mouth over hers, drinking in her cries so no one would hear her, even as he found his own release. When it was over he stood there, still inside her, panting for breath, while he buried his face in the top of her head. “What brought that on?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “I was bored.” Her voice was muffled against his chest as she snuggled into him.

  “Is that all I am to you?” He tickled her in the ribs before taking off the scarf and releasing her hands. “Something to keep you entertained?”

  She giggled. “But it’s such good entertainment.”

  There was a knock on the door. Appolion couldn’t help but laugh at her, Oh shit, expression. It served the little minx right.

  “Hey, guys. Whacha doing in there?” a voice sang.

  It was his twin sister Rachael and, judging by the tone of her voice, she damn well knew what they were doing. Appolion looked down at his pants, which were around his ankles and decided his sister picked one hell of a time for a family reunion. “Adding fabric softener?” He hadn’t meant for that to come out as a question.

  There was a pause on the other side of the door before Rachael yelled, “Hey, Cam, they’re adding fabric softener.”

  Appolion closed his eyes. Great, just freaking great, not only did his baby sister know what he and Ana had been doing, but ol’ Cam had chosen that moment to wake up and now he knew, too. He really was going to spank Ana for this one.

  “Is that what they’re calling nowadays?” Cam replied. “According to Bear, they were adding fabric softener all night long. His room is next to theirs.”

  “I’m so going to kick your ass,” Appolion called.

  “Dude, just make sure you put some pants on first. The last thing I need to see is bare ass coming at me. It would scar me for life.”

  While Rachael and Cam laughed at their expense, Ana and Appolion dressed, then walked out into the kitchen. The joy of finally seeing his sister again was diminished by the smug look on her face and the skimpy outfit on her body. “Where are the rest of your clothes?” Appolion gaped.

  Ray looked down at her tight black tee shirt and mini skirt. “What are you talking about? I do have all my clothes on.”

  With an excited squeal and ran toward him. He put his arms out to hug her, but she went right by him to Ana. Well, maybe he did deserve that one for avoiding her and Abdiel all these years. Appolion awkwardly put his hands in his pockets and tried to act like the brush off hadn’t hurt him.

  “Ana, you look so beautiful,” Rachael gushed.

  “What do you mean?” Appolion interjected softly. “She’s always been beautiful.”

  Rachael walked a slow circle around Ana as she surveyed her thoughtfully. “Yes, Appolion, your mate had always been beautiful, but she’s even more so now. Ana, I have never seen you this relaxed and happy. It’s good to know Appolion isn’t mean and grumpy to everyone.”

  “I’m not mean.” Rachael’s dark blue eyes snapped in his direction and he frowned.

  “I seem to recall you saying something about it only being a matter of time before you and I turned demon like our parents. I would say that qualifies as a particularly nasty statement.”

  He felt like she sucker punched him in the stomach. “I’m sorry, Ray, I shouldn’t have said that. I know now it’s not true.”

  After a few moments, her angry looked passed. “I never could stay mad at you, you little jerk.” She smiled at him and tossed back her mass of curly, black hair. “That’s okay, you can make it up to me by buying me a big present.”

  “How am I supposed to do that? I left everything I own back at my house when we were attacked and I can’t even go back to my human job anymore because my cover was blown.”

  “You can use this.” She took a credit card out of the front pocket of her ridiculously short skirt. “Michael sent it especially for you.”

  She held it out to him, but he hesitated in taking it. She patiently waited and, after several seconds, he finally ran his hand nervously through his hair and took it. When he looked at the name, he frowned.

  “It has some fake name on it. How do I even know that this is really mine?”

  Rachael blew out an aggravated breath that was so big it poofed up her bangs. “Because I told you so. It’s not like we could put Appolion or Destroyer on it, that might have been a bit of a giveaway if the justice angels tried to track you. Besides, he sent this, too.”

  She held out another card and he took it. It was a driver’s license with the same alias on it, but the picture was him. It finally started to sink into him he was now officially on the payroll of the angel warriors. Michael had accepted him. A whole immortal lifetimes worth of fear of rejection was resolved with two little pieces of plastic.

  Rachael took his hand. “Michael wants you to join up with us and swear allegiance to him. He wants you to be one of his archangels.”

  “Why would he want to do that? He hasn’t even met me?”

  “Michael has a way of knowing everything about everyone.”

  That was Rachael’s way of telling him Michael knew about his past and it didn’t matter to him. He ducked his head to hide the emotions that probably flashed across his face. After everything that had happened to him when he was younger, he never thought the leader of the angel warriors would accept him, let alone want him to become one of them. “What would I have to do?”

  Cam answered, “You would have to swear a blood oath to Michael and recite the ang
el warrior vow.”

  Appolion shook his head. “I’ve never even heard the angel warrior vow, how am I going to know what to say when the time comes?”

  Cam smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll know what to say when the time comes. It’s been ingrained in our hearts since birth.”

  Appolion looked over at Ana and the love he saw in her eyes was the last thing he needed to make his decision. “All right, tell Michael I’m in.” Rachael squealed in delight and threw herself into his arms. He closed his eyes and savored being near his sister again. God, how he missed her. When he was still small he pulled away from her, refusing to contact her even mentally, because he thought he was protecting her at the time. He hadn’t wanted her to know the abuse he was suffering in Hell. It was so hard to break apart from his twin, it nearly destroyed him.

  Bear came pounding into the kitchen. “Ray, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  Rachael pulled away from Appolion and Bear scooped her up and spun her in a circle. She giggled and slapped at his arm until he put her down. Once she was on her feet, her face grew serious.

  “Where’s Derel?” she asked. “I heard he was here, too.”

  “He had to go back to his own team. He left about five minutes ago.”

  “I heard about the other night.” She ran her fingers through his hair, fixing it. “How are you feeling?”

  Bear shrugged. “It was no big deal.”

  Rachael narrowed her eyes. “Don’t lie to me. I’ve felt your sadness and distress.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” Cam said blandly. “He’s been a real downer ever since.”

  Bear gave him a dirty look. “Look who’s talking. You’re the king of bad moods.”

  Cam flipped him off and Bear returned the favor before he grabbed a cola from the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table. Tiffany came downstairs and Appolion’s jaw dropped when he saw what she was wearing.

  She was dressed up a Little Red Riding Hood, but there was nothing sweet and innocent about the outfit. The red checked skirt had a matching petticoat under it and barely covered her bottom. The top was low cut and a black corset hugged her waist. Her little red cape hid the small bow slung on her back. She finished off the look with thigh-high white stockings and black high-heeled shoes.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going dressed like that?” Bear snapped.

  She barely looked at him. “Halos is having a costume party tonight. I’m going with my friends. Uriel gave me the night off.”

  “What’s Halos?” Appolion asked.

  Ana tore her shocked face from Tif and answered. “It’s a local dance club some of the younger angels like to go to.”

  Tif smirked at Bear. “Those of us that like to have fun that is.”

  Bear gave her a thunderous look. “So what are you going as Tif, Little Red Whoring Hood?”

  Appolion knew the kid was in big trouble when he heard every female in the room release an outraged gasp. Tiffany grabbed Bear’s drink and dumped it in his lap before she turned and walked out of the room. Bear stood up, cursing, while Cam laughed so hard he fell out of his own chair.

  “What the hell did she do that for?” Bear grabbed some paper towels and tried to clean himself up.

  Ana crossed her arms. “You deserved it. That was a mean thing to say, even for you.”

  Rachael added her two cents. “You really hurt her feelings. I happen to think she looks cute.”

  Bear seemed stunned Ana and Rachael weren’t on his side for once. “I’m sure every other male she meets is going to think she looks cute, too.”

  Ana rolled her eyes. “You need to tell her you like her, Bear, then you won’t have to worry about other males.

  “I don’t like her.”

  The entire room laughed right in his face.

  “Please,” Cam shot out. “You are so gaga over her you can’t even think straight.”

  “Bite me and I don’t mean literally.” Bear shook his head. “Let’s just say for arguments sake I do like that annoying, pesky, spoiled rotten female. What makes you think I would even stand a chance with her? Females like her go for the archangel type. I’m just some skinny dorky empath that pukes all the time. Oh, and don’t forget to throw in my newest turn on, seizures.”

  “Quit talking about yourself that way,” Cam ordered.

  “Why? It’s all true. I was a freak before and now I’m an even bigger freak.”

  “You’re not a freak.”

  Now it was Bear that laughed, although his was laced with hurt and sarcasm. “Okay, if I’m so normal, then how about I go out clubbing tonight?”

  Cam ground his teeth together, making Appolion wonder how he managed to do that without chipping a fang. The room was silent while everyone waited to see how Cam was going to handle the question.

  He finally said, “You know I can’t let you leave the house until we know what’s going on with you.”

  Bear let lose a stream of cuss words that would make a sailor proud. “This really sucks. So what am I supposed to do, sit on my ass and knit?”

  “Michael wants you to tweak that computer program for him,” Cam tried weakly.

  Bear gave a nasty look. “I’m a warrior not some dork from Angel IT.”

  “He specifically asked for you to look at it.”

  “Uncle Mike can go take a flying leap,” Bear growled as he left the room. “You can, too, as far as I’m concerned.”

  “You need to stay put, Bear,” Cam called. “That’s an order. Do not leave this house.”

  “Sure thing,” he called back. “My cat and I will just hang out in dorkdom together.”

  As if answering some silent cue, Hairball came bouncing through the kitchen, hot on Bear’s trail. The feline stopped long enough to give Cam her own dirty look. They all flinched when Bear’s door slammed. Uriel opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself before he left the room, too.

  Appolion said, “He’s not going to listen to you.”

  Cam raised a brow. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because he’s too much like you.”

  Cam shook his head. “He’ll listen to me, he knows better.”

  Somehow Appolion doubted that, and judging by the look on Ana’s face, she did, too.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Earth to Tiffany. Hello, are you there?” Heather, dressed up as Snow White, waved a hand in front of Tif’s face.

  They were seated at a table off to the side of the large dance floor. Maroon Five was playing at full blast so they had to yell to be heard. All around them both males and females gyrated and moved in time to the music. Several of them used Benadryl and they were staring transfixed at glow sticks as they spun them around rapidly.

  “Sure, I’m just tired I guess,” Tiffany lied and forced a smile.

  “No you’re not,” Megan shook her mane of strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a Little Bo Peep costume that showed more skin than Tiffany’s get up. “You’re still thinking about your Bear.”

  “He’s not my Bear. He made that abundantly clear today.”

  “You should tell him how you feel.” Jules pointed a finger at her. She had come as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She even had her long, curly, blonde hair tied back into pigtails.

  “I’m not his type,” Tiffany sighed. “You guys should have seen the way he reacted when his precious Rachel showed up. After spending the whole day not saying a word to anyone, he gets all happy and giddy all of a sudden, just because she’s there. That’s the type of female he likes. He just thinks that I’m some airhead.”

  “That’s because you act that way around him,” Megan pointed out. “Does he even know how talented you are with computers? You’re every bit as good as he is.”

  “No,” Tiffany picked at her manicured nails. “I just get so nervous whenever we really talk that I usually say something stupid and it ticks him off so we fight.”

  “Please,” Heather said drolly. “He’s a Lehor brother, the
y always fight. For them it’s a sign of affection.”

  “I saw Ramiel fighting just the other day.” Megan gave a wicked smile. “Man oh man, is he hot.”

  Jules gave a small sigh, “I’ll take the twins Joe and Case any day. It’s two for the price of one. That is one pair of males I wouldn’t kick out of my bed for eating crackers.”

  Heather joined in by saying, “Derel can come on over and heal me any time he wants to. I just want to take him home with me and feed him cookies.”

  “I didn’t know Bear could dance.” Jules said.

  “Of course you do,” Tiffany replied, confused. “I told you ages ago, remember?”

  Jules shook her head. “What I meant is, you didn’t tell me he could dance that good. Dang, he has some skills there.” She pointed at the dance floor.

  Tiffany looked to see what she was talking about. Bear was dancing all right and Jules was right, he was damn good. Her mouth dropped in shock and she quickly closed it and tried not to look bothered, but it was hard because he was not dancing alone. He was dancing with that skanky bitch, Anihita. If there was one female that was Tiffany’s Lex Luther, it was Anihita.

  Ever since they were little, if Tiffany had a dollar, well then Anihita would say she had a dollar and a half. Tiffany hated her with a purple passion and now the wench rubbed against Bear like some cat in heat. She balled her hands into fists and resisted the urge to go out onto the dance floor, grab the bitch by her dark roots and smack her around.

  “That is so stupid,” Heather spat. “Who ever heard of a Gretel without a Hansel?”

  Now that Heather mentioned it, Anihita was dressed up as Gretel. Tiffany scanned the crowd and finally found Hansel. He was shooting Bear a murderous glare, other than that, the other angel didn’t do anything. Even though Bear was the smallest one of his family, he could still hold his own in any fight and there weren’t many that wanted to tangle with him.


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