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BEAST (A Coyotes of Mayhem MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)

Page 15

by Michelle, Aubrey

  “Oh my God, really?” I exclaimed, trying to act shocked.

  “Yeah, they’ve apparently been there for a while. Looks like they were hiding out, hoping to catch him off guard. Some cops watching the house spotted them going in and arrested them. Sounds like they messed up his house pretty bad.”

  “Okay, I’ll be sure to let him know. Is there anything else we need to do? Does he need to sign something or anything like that?”

  “No, I’m going to go to the courthouse and get a document showing that the warrant has been quashed and all charges have been dropped. I’m going to have a courier bring a copy to your house so you have it. Sometimes it can take weeks for law enforcement to actually take warrants out of their systems so he should keep the document on him at all times in case he gets stopped.”

  “Okay, I’ll make sure he does. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us Nolan. We appreciate it so much.”

  “It’s no problem. If you ever need me for anything, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

  I hung up the phone and told Beast the good news. He immediately picked up his phone and placed a call to Stone. He told him that everything was dropped and that some of the Aces had been arrested. Beast then told him that we were at the tattoo shop getting me branded. Stone told him to come to the clubhouse as soon as he was done and to bring me along with him.

  Bouncer finished up with Beast and asked me to come see his ink. It looked fantastic on him. I never dreamed that a man would ever get my name tattooed on him, let alone a big bad biker. As silly as it sounds, it made me feel special.

  Driving to the clubhouse, I felt a hint of uneasiness. When I went to the club before, everyone treated me like an outsider, except Stone. It was as if everyone went out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. I wondered what Beast would do if he saw any of the members of the club disrespecting me. On one hand, I figured he would stick up for me but on the other hand, I had never actually seen him with his biker buddies. I would find out soon enough.

  As we pulled into the parking lot, I could hear music blaring and there were motorcycles everywhere. As soon as we walked in, the music stopped and everyone turned to look at us. I’m a self-conscious person as it is so the sudden attention made me very uncomfortable. Suddenly, everyone started cheering and making their way over to Beast to hug him. I stepped back, allowing him to have his moment with his boys. Apparently the whole party was put on in his honor, although I’m pretty sure they didn’t need a reason to party.

  Beast grabbed me by the hand and took me around, introducing me to everyone. I was amazed by how differently everyone treated me. Each person I met gave me a hug. If they had an old lady, she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. As he introduced me to people, he explained what their roles were within the club. The vice president was pretty much the president’s right-hand man. The secretary and treasurers are about what you would expect.

  “Come with me,” Beast led me to the center of the room. A hush fell over the crowd as he got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket. “Paige, you have done so much for me in the short time that I’ve known you. You’ve shown me loyalty that I sure as fuck didn’t deserve. You’ve stood by my side even when it meant you might be taken down with me. You’re exactly what I’ve always wanted. Will you marry me?”

  Holy shit, he was actually proposing to me. Not only was he asking me to marry him, but he was doing it in front of everyone who meant anything to him.

  “Yes, of course I’ll marry you,” I replied with a tear rolling down my cheek.

  I was so happy. One by one, everyone came up to shake Beast’s hand and to hug me, even though most of them had just hugged me moments before. It was a sign of respect and congratulations. I liked it. I felt like I belonged. To me, it seemed like I had found a new family.

  Beast led me down the dark hallway that I had been down previously and found Stone standing there with something over his shoulder. Just as everyone else had done, he gave me a huge hug.

  “Welcome to the family Paige. I’m sure you’re going to love it here.”

  He grabbed the item off his shoulder and held it up in front of me. It was a black leather jacket with the Coyotes MC logo on it. On the front, it had my name followed by Beast’s Old Lady. I loved it and put it on right then and there.

  We partied late into the night and I got to know a lot of the guys and their old ladies. Surprisingly, I got along with everyone. It’s amazing how differently you’re treated when you are with a respected member of the club. The club whores were out in full swing too, but they didn’t mess with any of the guys who had their old ladies around, which made me extremely happy.

  The next morning, I placed a call to my dad.

  “Good morning daddy. Listen, I know this might sound like a surprise to you and it’s going to be very short notice but I’m getting married this weekend and I wanted you to walk me down the aisle.”

  I cringed and squinted my eyes, just waiting to be scolded for getting married to a man I barely knew. The scolding never came.

  “Wow, that was really fast but I’m happy for you. That Beast of yours seems like a nice guy under his rough exterior.”

  I was confused.

  “What? How do you know about Beast?”

  “He came to visit me yesterday afternoon. Said he wanted to get to know me and wanted me to get to know him. He wanted me to know his intentions were good when he asked me for permission to marry my daughter.”

  I couldn’t believe it. I started crying the happiest tears I’d ever cried. That explained where he disappeared to while I was getting my tattoo. It tugged at my heart to know that he went that extra step for me because he knew how much it would mean.

  “Thank you, daddy. He really is amazing. So you’ll be there to walk me down the aisle?”

  “No matter what, you’ll always be my little girl. I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world.”



  I never thought the day would come when I would be standing at an altar about to get married. I was always wild and loved having the ability to play the field. It was what the biker life was all about. At least, that’s what I used to think. I never really had any desire to get married until I met Paige. Everything changed once I got to know her. She made me want to be a better person and be the best man I could be for her. I know that sounds cheesy, but I don’t give a shit. That woman is my rock.

  To be honest, I felt kind of ridiculous walking down the aisle. I’m not a guy who likes to get dressed up for any reason. On any given day, you’ll find me wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Wearing a rented tuxedo was extremely uncomfortable. Even though it had been tailored to fit my body, my large frame made anything like that awkward to wear. It just wasn’t me, and Stone knew that. As soon as I got to the altar, he walked over and handed me my cut. I put it on over the tuxedo and felt more at ease immediately.

  I tried to sneak in to see Paige the morning of the wedding, but she wasn’t having it. She is so big on tradition that she actually thought me seeing her before the wedding would doom our relationship forever. I just wanted to catch a glimpse of her cute little body as she was changing, but she told me I would be seeing enough of her later. That was going to have to be good enough for me.

  Before I knew it, the time had come to get started. The maid of honor and best man made their way down the aisle followed by the bridesmaid’s and groomsmen. Finally, a hard rock guitar version of “Here Comes the Bride” started playing over the loudspeaker and Paige made her way down the aisle arm in arm with her father. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She looked fucking amazing in the dress she picked out. I know a lot of guys say this, but I think I had the most beautiful bride in the history of weddings.

  When it came time to say our vows, the preacher asked if we had rings. Paige looked at me with concern. In all the excitement of getting ready for a wedding, she hadn’t thought about the ri
ngs. Luckily, the club took care of that for me and I handed her a solid gold band to place on my finger. The preacher started and told Paige to repeat after him:

  “I Paige Wheeler take Hubert Young to be my lawfully wedded husband.”

  Instead of repeating what she had just heard, she squinted her eyes at me and mouthed, “Your name’s Hubert?”

  I smiled and mouthed back, “Yes, never call me that again.” The whole church roared with laughter.

  We continued. “I Paige Wheeler take Hubert Young to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part, I pledge myself to you.”

  Just as the preacher was about to turn to me, I spoke up and told him I had actually written my own vows. I wanted it to be memorable for my girl.

  “Paige, I love you more than my motorcycle. I love you more than the feeling of riding my bike on the open road with the wind blowing through my hair. You’ve seen me in some of my worst times and yet you’ve stuck by my side through it all. As we take these vows, I promise that I will love you as much as my cut and I promise I will ride you as often as I ride my Harley. I’ll always love you and promise to take you anywhere that two wheels can take us. Take my ring and ride with me forever.”

  She held out her hand as tears rolled down her face and I slipped a huge diamond onto her ring finger. Her eyes got wide as she obviously didn’t expect such a big rock. The preacher continued:

  “By the powers vested in me by the state of Arizona, I now pronounce you Mister and Misses Young, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  And kiss her I did. I grabbed her by the back of the head and laid a deep kiss into her. I had been waiting for it all day and it was even better than I expected. When we got outside, there was a huge limo waiting for the two of us to take us back to the clubhouse for the reception.

  “Where in the world did you get this gorgeous ring?” was the first question that came out of her mouth when she got me alone.

  “Let’s just say that the club is very appreciative of everything you’ve done for me. The ring is not just a symbol of our love, but a thank you from the president.”

  “Well I love it and I loved those vows.”

  I smiled at her in adornment as she continued.

  “You know Beast, there is one thing we never talked about and we probably should have before we got married. I want kids. I want a family. I don’t know how you feel about that.”

  “I fucking love the idea. I would love to be a family man. I want a perfect family with the wife and a few little Beast’s running around. I want the real deal. I want it all.”

  I could tell by the smile on her face that she liked what she was hearing. The best part about it was the fact that I meant it. I’d never dreamed of starting a family with anyone else in the past but with her, it was the only future I could imagine.



  I can’t believe that I’m really a biker’s old lady. He really is unlike any other man I’ve ever met in my life. I wouldn’t say he was the knight in shining armor that you read about in fairy tales, but he is my knight in a leather cut. I also couldn’t believe how well I got along with everyone in the club, especially the other wives. I have a few girlfriends but I typically never got along with women all that well. These girls were different. It was like we were bonded by the fact that we are with members of the club. I like it, though. It felt like family.

  Aside from marrying the man that I consider to be my soul mate, my favorite thing about the day was seeing the look on my dad’s face when we met in the hallway for him to walk me down the aisle. The smile on his face is a memory that I’ll be able to keep with me long after he’s gone. All things considered, I could not have asked for a better day. I had a sexy ass husband who actually wanted to start a family with me. I was excited about motherhood and was happy to have something to look forward to. Speaking of things to look forward to, I was really looking forward to that evening. I couldn’t wait for Beast to bury that thick cock inside of me and welcome me to the married life.

  The reception was very interesting. Wild would actually be a better word. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much alcohol consumed all at one time before. There was beer, wine, shots and bottles of whiskey floating around like crazy. We danced and laughed and had a great time. Slowly, people started fading away. One by one, the drinks started taking effect and people were shit faced drunk all around us. As more and more people were becoming obviously intoxicated, Beast and I saw an opportunity to sneak off to one of the apartments in the back so we could consummate our marriage.

  Back in the room, I started to take off my dress but Beast told me to leave it on. He wanted me to wear it while fucking for the first time as man and wife. He laid me down on the bed and reached under my dress, pulling my skimpy panties right off. With my freshly shaved pussy on full display for him, he disappeared under the white material and ate my pussy like it was his last meal. I squirmed as his tongue lapped at my clit and moaned as he shoved his tongue inside of me. I tried to hold out as long as I could, but he was just too good at what he was doing. I grabbed a handful of his hair and came all over his face.

  My legs were still shaking when he sat up and slid himself into me. He stood at the side of the bed and pulled me all the way to the edge, allowing him to get incredible leverage as he pounded into me. Although he was fucking me hard and fast, the way he was looking at me told me he loved me. It was amazing and it made me cum again. Watching me squirm as my pussy tightened around his shaft set him off and he emptied his balls inside of me.

  The next morning, I was lying in bed with Beast sleeping soundly next to me. I looked down at the ring on my hand and it still didn’t feel real. I couldn’t believe I was actually married. As I sat there watching Beast sleep, my mind wandered to our future. I could actually picture him rocking a tiny baby in his massive muscular arms. I know that he is going to make a great father and be an amazing provider for this family. For now, all I can do is wait and keep trying until he knocks me up. In the meantime, I plan to spend as much time with him and the club as possible. I’m Beast’s old lady now and I’m going to make sure that everyone knows it.



  I can’t believe how quickly time flies. As I sit here watching Anthony, my son, ride the bike his mother and I just gave him for his 5th birthday, I am filled with a sense of pride. Just this morning, Paige and I were looking through old pictures from my childhood and was amazed when we compared a picture of me at 5 years old with a picture of little Tony taken that morning. We were the spitting image of one another. If we were born at the same time, our parents wouldn’t have been able to tell us apart. The day was already going perfectly, but it was made better when Paige handed me a positive pregnancy test as Anthony rode his bike around the yard. I was going to be a father again.

  The family life agrees with me a lot more than I ever thought it would. I am still heavily involved with the club but make sure that my wife and kids are always my priority. I make sure to go to all of the parent-teacher conferences, soccer games, plays and anything else my son is involved in. The looks from other parents when we walk in can be annoying at times, but that’s the life I live now.

  The hardest part about parenting has been cleaning up my language. Not cursing in front of my son has been a struggle and there are times when I slip up, but I’m getting better. Paige and I decided that she would stay home and raise the kids while I made a living. She dabbles in a couple of freelance projects here and there, but she loves being able to be there whenever she is needed. It’s especially helpful on days when school is not in session or when Tony gets sick.

  It’s amazing to think about how all of this started that day on a cruise ship. Of course, the only part of the story that the kids will know is that mommy and daddy met each other on a cruise. The o
ther details, no matter how interesting, are just not relevant anymore. What’s important is that I have my woman and she has me and together we are amazing partners, and even better parents. I wouldn’t want it any other way with anyone else. For the first time ever, my life is perfect.

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