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Punishing the Brats - Taboo 18 Book Bundle: Man of the House, Brat & Fertile First Time Stories

Page 10

by Candy Quinn

  Celene wanted to be alone. This was all fucked up. She'd just wanted to get away from home, from her father's expectations, from his demands. He was so desperate for a male child to pass his fortune on to, but it wasn't good enough to have a stepson no, now he needed his daughter to bear a fucking child for him. That was all she was good for in his eyes. That was all she was worth to him. She felt the walls of her life closing in, the only solace she'd ever found was in the arms of that sweet young boy who found her crying alone in their house and hugged her. She could still remember so vividly how she'd begged him, so loudly, never to leave her alone, this boy she'd just met. But he didn't shy away, he wasn't scared, he didn't look down on her worthless, begging form, he just held her, and stroked her hair, and told her he would never leave her alone. Now she'd thrown that away all because she didn't want to admit she'd fucked up again to her dad. Celene stripped down in silence, not caring if John was looking, they were beyond that point now. For what had she thrown it away? She'd still have to go home and face father, still have to face his demands, his lectures, if it wasn't this time, it'd be next time and something else. Now she wouldn't even have John to turn to, she'd just be left with John's mother, who also struggled to deal with father. She'd be alone, alone, alone. She curled up in her bed and tried to stop the world from breaking apart around her, tried to stop the walls which were so close now draw away and make her feel so impossibly small.

  John was about ready to throw in the towel and try again tomorrow. But as he sat on his bed in the darkness, he heard Celene start to cry. John didn't register when exactly he had leapt up. But he was aware of his body moving swiftly into her bed, "No..." Celene's hands slapping against his pectorals as he pulled her into his embrace. Pulling her sweet smell, her warmth, her loneliness into him, his mouth finding her neck and then as she drew back to look at him, he took her lips. John's tongue reached out for Celene's, performing a gentle but passionate dance in her mouth. Twisting and drawing her in intricate and primal, wet sweetness. He deepened the kiss, he was completely drunk on her scent, her feel, her taste, her heat. Finally they broke apart and stared into each other's lust-addled eyes. John rolled on top of Celene, her eyes still dewy, her mouth open slightly after their kiss. He leaned down to take her lips again then drew back to meet her azure gaze "Never, I'll never leave you alone again Celene, I love you." Then John nuzzled into her neck, her hands reaching around his neck and drawing him into her. John felt her legs part and join again around him, her eyes begging him to close the gap and fill her. His cock pressed up against her pussy for the second time that day.

  He could still taste her saliva on his tongue, couldn't smell anything but her floral scent under the covers and the feel of her flesh on his flesh, hearing her sweet half-moans in his ear. John thrust inside her hot wet entrance, feeling her pussy gripping his cock tightly, as if Celene had found a new toy that she never wanted to let go, never wanted to share, never wanted to part from. It felt like the rightest of wrongs, the sweetest of sins, with every thrust of his hips, they broke their bonds as siblings and reforged their relationship anew into something amoral, something twisted, something loving. He felt all this build up in his head and blasted it away, it didn't matter, he loved her, she loved him. Fuck everything else. John felt the blissful grip of his sister's pussy bring him close to the brink.

  Celene shivered, her mind had surrendered to the guilty pleasure. There was simply no denying her heart it's wanting of John. She rocked her hips upwards to meet John's thrust, mewls of joy forced out of her as her dripping pussy clenched around him. Celene felt herself pushed over the edge by his relentless thrusting, her fingers gripping into his shoulders, her head thrown back into the pillow as a moan echoed through the room, her pussy squeezing John for all it was worth. She was rewarded with his seed pumping deep into her pussy. There was something so satisfying knowing he came inside her. Celene brought her hand up to caress his jaw and bring him back for a kiss as they panted. But instead Celene yelped as John flipped her over, she was on all fours facing away from John as his undying erection prodded at her once more. Celene shook her hips for him, enticing him and she gasped to find his cock entering her again. It was hard to reconcile this new, animalistic John with the meek and caring brother of yesterday. He thrust harder, faster, the squelching of her pussy, the smack of their hips, and the slap of his balls on her clit. Then she heard her phone ring. Fuck she'd forgotten the call from her stepmother. She reached over to the bedside table, her other hand reached back to stop John, but he just grabbed her arm for better leverage. "Stop, I -oh- I need to- need-" Celene shook her head and grabbed the phone. "Mom?" "Yeah everything's going-" "-everything's well." "Yeah I'm just in the middle of- I'm on a- an exercise bike." Celene tried desperately to bite back her moans, bit it left unnatural gaps in conversation. "Nonono I was wrong- I- I don't think I'd be able to stand being-"Celene bit her lip as the pleasure of being mounted, mounted. "-alone, I like being with John." She gave up trying to stop him as the bed creaked forward along with them as he thrust again. "Again? No-" "-it's okay, I'm not even-" "-mad..." Celene felt herself starting to lose it, John was fast approaching the point of no return, their flesh slapping together in sinful coupling. "-Heck I might just give him the baby he-" "-he-" "-he wants~." Celene desperately touched the end call button and let out a low howl of pleasure as John growled, filling her pussy with his cum. Her father could have his precious bloodline, Celene purred with delight as John embraced her, collapsing together in each other's arms and smiled.

  * * *

  Cecilia Lawrence is a Melbourne based graduate with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy. When she isn't reading through racy romance novels, she's cycling to work thinking about ways to write them naughtier.

  See all my latest works at


  Being Brave for Daddy

  By Saffron Daughter

  Mandy Simmons was just your average young woman. At nineteen years old, she was taking a gap year off to work and save up money for university. She was going to spend six months working, and six months traveling through Asia, where it was cheap, and where she could see all sorts of amazing thing she’d never seen before growing up in suburban Vancouver.

  Sure, it was a stereotype, but she owned the stereotype. Why not go see Vietnam? Cambodia? Maybe even India, the land of spiritual enlightenment! If there was one thing for sure, it was that Mandy was not lacking for bravery.

  Mandy Simmons sighed, wondering why she was thinking about herself in the third person. Why was she lying about herself in the third person? The truth was that she knew she wasn’t brave. She knew that if she truly was brave, she would have confronted her feelings a long time ago.

  But she couldn’t do it. It was simply too scary. They were simply too wrong.

  For Mandy was secretly in love with her father.

  No, scratch that. Step-father. But the distinction was arbitrary to her. He had practically raised her from birth. She was abandoned by her true parents, her blood parents, just left out in a disabled toilet of shopping center.

  From what she’d been told, Matthew Simmons, her step-father, had heard her crying and was surprised to find the door unlocked. The authorities told him that she’d be given up to social services, but he could try and keep her if he wanted, but he’d have to go through a lot of checks for eligibility.

  She remembered the conversation she had with her step-father acutely.

  “So what did you do?” Mandy had asked when she was just a teenager, fidgeting with her fingers, almost afraid to hear about her own past.

  “I ran away,” he said. “With you. We came up to Canada. I had a friend who helped me slip through with you, and the rest, they say, is history.”

  “Are you talking about Uncle Buck?” she had asked, knowing her father’s best friend well.

  “That’s right,” he had told her. “He helped me to save your life.”

  “Save my life?”

sp; “Once you’re in the system, Mandy… it ruins you.”

  The memories were potent. She could remember him gazing off into some unfocused point in his own history, his own timeline. She had never asked, but she had always suspected that her step-father had been abandoned himself. Only, nobody had come to rescue him and give him a good home. He’d been… in the system.

  “Mandy, I’m home!”

  Her step-father’s voice burst her out of her reverie, and she sat up on the sofa, a soap opera still playing on the television, grinning.

  “Hey!” she said, getting up and smoothing out her tank top. She was wearing it tucked into high-waist denim shorts, and she gestured at her hips, looking at him expectantly.


  “What do you think? They just arrived today.”

  He frowned for a split second. “Your shorts are short.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on, of course they are. But seriously, tucked in or out?”


  “My top, Dad!”

  He smiled, and leaned against the kitchen counter after setting down his briefcase. She regarded him for a moment. He looked so good in his work clothes. He only ever wore a shirt, no tie, slacks, and with his sleeves rolled up. He never went to work that formal. But still he made it really work. There was something… something disheveled about his whole appearance but without being overtly messy. He just looked perpetually windswept… or something.

  “I don’t know. Do women these days tuck in their tops?”

  Mandy looked at him, exasperated. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” he said, grinning. “I don’t pay attention.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He looked away then, breaking eye contact for just the tiniest of moments. But Mandy didn’t miss it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, you know. I just don’t pay attention to women.”

  Hope swirled inside her. “Why not?”

  “I’m just too busy, you know.” He paused. “Plus, you know, I’m a Dad.”

  “Hey, Dad?”

  “Yeah, baby?” he said, turning to get himself a glass of water. Mandy watched as he did so, admiring his figure. The man was in amazing shape. She knew he went to the gym all the time, but she hadn’t really appreciated the level of his discipline until she started paying attention to his diet. Lean meats and veggies. Rarely did he indulge, and when he did, it was usually because he was with her and wanted to please her.

  “Um,” she stalled, wondering just where she was about to go. She felt a little like she’d caught herself trespassing, or something…

  “What is it, sweetheart?” He turned around and smiled at her. He was really handsome, and Mandy knew it wasn’t just that she was hopelessly in love with him. He just looked good. Strong jaw, eyes that pierced, an easy smile. His slightly-higher-than-normal cheekbones lent him a touch of prettiness, too, which, honestly, Mandy didn’t mind.

  “Do you think I’m a coward?”

  “What?” he asked, stepping forward and putting down the glass. “Why do you ask that?”

  “It’s just… I don’t think I’m very brave.”

  “You’re a very brave girl, Mandy. You grew up with a single father looking after you, and you were never worse for wear. That doesn’t happen without a bit of courage on your part, too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Being able to trust someone is being brave, Mandy.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “So do you trust me when I say that I have evidence, hard proof, that I’m not brave? That I’m just a coward?”

  He furrowed his brow. Mandy’s heart sank a little. Did he have no inclination as to what she was just about to confess to? She could hardly believe she was doing it, herself.

  “Dad,” she said. “I’m not brave because I have a secret I haven’t told you all these years. It’s bad. It’s really bad.”

  “Baby,” he said, holding her shoulders in his hands. “You can tell me anything.”

  She looked up at him, marshaling her conviction. “I’m in love with you.” She held up a finger then, and shook her head. “No. It’s not that I love you. Every daughter loves their father. It’s that I’m in love with you. So don’t deflect.”

  He looked at her for a moment in silence, before smiling.

  “What?” she demanded. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” he said, still smiling. “It’s just… not what I expected to hear.”

  “So?” she asked, throwing her chin up at him and balling her fists. She was getting ready to slap him and storm off. “What of it?”

  “I’m glad you told me,” he said. He stepped closer to her. “Because, truthfully, I’m not brave either.”

  Time seemed to stop for Mandy. “You’re not brave, either?” she said quietly.

  “No. You’re braver than me. You told me first.”

  “You mean?”

  He nodded. “Yeah.” A flicker of emotion on his face told her everything she needed to know. He felt the same way about her, but he was conflicted. It ran contrary to his responsibility as her father. It ran contrary to what society expected, of what was allowed.

  A surge of agency took her, and she leapt forward and kissed him, wrapping her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist. He grunted, catching her, and held her tight, and kissed her back, too. At first their kiss was tentative, but in seconds flat it was a flurry of mashing tongues, wet lips, and crashing teeth.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she mewled into his mouth, kissing his lower lip and then his upper lip and then lower again, as if she couldn’t get enough of him. “Oh my God, Daddy, I need you right now.”

  He grunted again, and walked up the steps to the bedroom, her legs still wrapped around his waist, her arms still clinging onto the back of his neck, and her lips still frantically kissing his.

  He set her down on the bed and hooked his thumbs into the elastic of her shorts and pulled them down her legs, bringing her underwear with it. She had thought she might feel modest, but that thought never crossed her mind. Naked from the waist down, she sat up and removed her tank top, and unclipped her bra, and he knelt down in front of her, kneading her breasts, pulling at her nipples, and kissing her from her neck, down past her armpits, before taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard.

  “Your clothes,” she panted, and he nodded and got up, unbuttoning his shirt. His body came in to view and she relished in the sight, seeing his hard-cut abs and his big chest. He removed his shirt, and though she’d seen him topless many times before, this time it was different.

  He was just so fucking sexy!

  Her eyes traveled down his body, over the bulges of his abs like they were rolling waves out in the ocean, and she saw his snail-trail, a light dusting of hair that disappeared beneath his belt buckle. Looking down even more, she saw the huge bulge in his slacks, and the distinct shape of something that looked like a curled cucumber.

  She gasped. She reached forward and unbuckled his belt, before unbuttoning his trousers and pulling his trousers down, and bringing his boxer-briefs with him. His cock, huge, unfurled, and she saw he was fully erect, beading pre-cum like crazy.

  She grabbed onto his cock, amazed at his girth, and began to pump him, pulling him closer to her.

  But he had other plans, it seemed.

  “Daddy!” she cried, laughing as he pushed her back onto the bed, and as he settled in between her legs. She looked down at him out of heavy-lidded eyes, legs together and to the side.

  “What do you want, Daddy?” she asked, teasing.

  “To make you feel good,” he told her, not an ounce of mirth in his voice. “Now open your legs.”

  She was revealed to him when he lifted her knees and spread for him. She smiled at him, lust in her eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening. This was actually happening! For so long she had craved for just a moment like this, when she’d be wit
h him, her step-father, her Daddy… she never actually believed for one second, though, that it would come to fruition! That her dreams, her fantasies… would be realized!

  She quivered as his lips kissed the aching skin on the inside of her thigh. It made her shiver, and it made goose bumps erupt all over her.

  “Oh,” she moaned quietly, running her hands up her sides. Was this wrong? Was this something they shouldn’t be doing? Of course it was! But that didn’t mean she was going to stop!

  He dragged his lips across her soft skin inward toward her womanhood. “Oh, Daddy,” she whispered as he slipped his fingers up her folds, kneading her puffy outer lips before spreading her wide, opening her velvet womanhood to him.

  Aroused like she had a devil inside her, she craved for his touch on her private place. She wanted the destination, but she also wanted the journey. He started to plant small pecks on her outer lips, and she shivered crazily, feeling suddenly hotter than she was just mere microseconds ago.


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