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An Angel in the Mail

Page 4

by Callie Hutton

  Passengers alighted from the stagecoach. Nate breathed a sigh of relief when a pudgy woman, carrying a knitting bag, waved to a young woman, holding an infant in her arms, and two toddlers clinging to her skirts. For a moment, he thought she was Angel. A huge man followed, who wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. Several moments passed, then a young woman put her foot on the step of the coach, and accepted the hand of the driver.

  From what he could see, she could have been pretty, but it was hard to say. As he approached, he noted her appealing figure, but other than that, she was a mess. Her hair hung down in clumps from her bun. A hat, which had apparently been through hard times, teetered on her head like a squashed doughnut. The dress she wore was stained and dirty, gaping at the waist. Her entire body was covered with a fine coating of road dust. He stopped in front of her. Sweat ran down from her temples, leaving tracks of white skin against the dirt.


  “Yes,” she stammered, “I’m Angel.”

  “Papa.” Luke tugged on Nate’s arm. “Is our new mama a hooligan or a no-account?”

  Angel’s eyes darted from side to side, then she looked directly at him, grabbed her middle, and threw up.

  “Papa!” John shouted and jumped back, banging into Nate. Startled, Julia-Rose wailed at the top of her lungs.

  “I told you I don’t want no gol-darned new mama,” Mark yelled as he turned and ran back toward the post office.

  Angel buried her head in her hands and cried.

  Nate looked helplessly around with a screaming daughter in his arms and a distraught bride-to-be wailing in front of him.

  Heaven help me, please. Now what?

  He dragged his hand down his face, then breathed a sigh of relief as Mrs. Darby stepped out of the mercantile. She bustled over to the distraught family, immediately taking charge.

  “Nate, is this the new bride?” She took the crying Julia-Rose out of his arms.

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat. “This is Angel. I mean Miss Angelina Hardwick.”

  “Oh, you poor dear.” She shifted the baby and caught Angel by the arm. “I’m Mrs. Darby. Come with me into the mercantile and we’ll get you all cleaned up.”

  Nate looked at the mess on the bottom of his pants and shoes. He shrugged and walked to the horse trough in front of the saloon, then tried his best to clean up with his handkerchief.

  The twins rolled on the ground, holding their throats, making gagging noises. Matt had gone after his brother, who headed in the direction of home. Well, that was a promising start.

  With the family scattered and his bride swept away, a quick beer was definitely in order.

  “Luke, you and your brother get off the ground.” He walked over to their rolling bodies and hauled John up by his collar. “You two go with Mrs. Darby.”

  Assured his sons were safe in the mercantile, he ducked into the saloon. Several men stood at the bar, scarred work boots resting on the metal railing that ran along the bottom. Nate nodded to the ones who turned in his direction and leaned on the bar, raising two fingers to the bartender.

  “What happened out there, Nate?” The bartender slapped a cold glass of foamy amber liquid in front of him.

  He gulped the beer and slid the glass over for a refill. “My new bride arrived.”

  “Good luck.” The bartender placed the refill on the counter, and walked away, whistling a nameless tune.

  Nate took the beer from the bar and wandered over to a table near the large window, with a good view of the street. Too late to have second thoughts. Angel looked a wreck, and there’d been clear terror in her eyes right before she let loose at his feet. Hopefully it was just nerves and there wasn’t something wrong with the woman. He sighed, and downed the rest of his drink. A glance at the dark clouds overhead told him a storm brewed. It was time to get everyone gathered up and back home.

  Angel followed Mrs. Darby through the front door of the mercantile and down the tight passageway, past shelves of food and clothes, and barrels of pickles, flour and sugar, directly to the back of the store.

  “Gertrude Stevenson, come on out here and help us.” The strength of the woman’s voice caused several customers in the store to stare in their direction.

  A short, thin woman, with spectacles perched on the edge of her nose, hurried out from behind a curtain. “What’s the matter, Mamie?” She took a deep breath and patted her heart. “You scared me to death.” Gertrude slid her spectacles back up on the bridge of her nose and peered at Mrs. Darby holding the howling baby in one arm and Angel following behind, wiping her face with a soggy handkerchief.

  “Help me get this poor woman cleaned up.” She led Angel through the curtain to the living area, and sat her in a chair.

  “Who is she? And what happened?” Gertrude moved to the sink and filled a pan with warm water from the reservoir.

  “She’s Nathan Hale’s new bride, just arrived a few minutes ago. The poor thing emptied her stomach out there on the street.”

  “Oh, dear. Not a good beginning, I’m afraid.” Gertrude gathered soap and a clean cloth from under the sink and washed the dirt off Angel’s face. “What’s your name, honey?”

  She stared at the woman, worked her mouth to say something, and then whispered, “Angel.” New tears fell from her swollen eyes.

  Gertrude looked questioningly at Mrs. Darby. “Her name’s Angel.” Mrs. Darby dipped the edge of a wet cloth in sugar and gave it to the baby, which she immediately began to suck on, her eyelashes clumped with tears.

  The store owner proceeded to clean the dirt from Angel’s face and neck, and then handed her a glass of water to rinse her mouth. The entire time, tears continued to run down her cheeks.

  “Where’s Nate?” Gertrude asked Mrs. Darby as she offered Angel a towel to dry her face.

  “I’m not sure where he went. I brought her here right away. Most likely he’s still outside, waiting.”

  One of the boys poked his head around the curtain. “Papa wants to know if our new mama is cleaned up yet. He wants to get home before the rain starts.”

  “Well, he can’t be bringing this young woman home until they stand before the preacher,” Gertrude said, aghast. “You go tell your pa to come on in here, so I can speak with him.” Rinsing the cloth, she huffed, “The very idea!”

  Angel sat on the kitchen chair, her head down, hands clasped in her lap. Her hair still hung tangled in front of her face. She patted the top of her head, but the battered hat had slid over to one side. I’m so tired. All I want to do is lie down and sleep and wake up when this nightmare is over.

  The reality of seeing the man in the flesh, along with the children, sucked out the last bit of strength she’d had. All those kids! And he was ready to hand them over to her. She was no more prepared to take over than she was to be Queen of England.

  “Ma’am, you sent for me?” Nate entered the kitchen.

  “Yes, I did, Mr. Hale.” Gertrude drew herself up to her full height. “You understand you can’t bring this young woman into your home until you’re married, don’t you?”

  Angel peeked at her intended, expecting to see anger in his eyes. Instead, he tilted his brow, looking at her uncertainly.

  “Uh, yeah, that’s what I originally had in mind, but Miss Hardwick doesn’t seem to be in any condition to get married right now.” His gaze darted toward her again. She lowered her eyes.

  “That doesn’t matter.” Gertrude waved a dismissal at the minor problem he presented. “I cannot allow you to compromise her in that way, Mr. Hale.” Gertrude oozed all the vengeance of the archangel Gabriel.

  “Well, ma’am, I’ll be happy to comply.” He spoke quickly. “If one of you ladies could notify the preacher, I’ll go and round up the rest of my family.”

  Mrs. Darby rose, and with the baby
asleep on her shoulder, headed to the door. “Gertrude, see if you can fix Miss Hardwick up a little, maybe pull another dress out of her trunk. I’ll tell the preacher we’re coming to his house.”

  Angel took a deep breath. This was it. No reprieve from being married to the stranger with all those children. Of course, the woman was correct. It wasn’t proper for her to go home with him unmarried, but any last-minute rescue from this debacle seemed unlikely.

  After dragging Matt back to town by the collar of his shirt, and rounding up the rest of the boys, he’d gone to the preacher’s house where Angel, Mrs. Darby and Gertrude waited for them. Aside from acknowledging her name when they’d first met, his bride hadn’t uttered another word, or given him more than a cursory glance since their first meeting.

  Pastor Michael Dunn was a pleasant man with thinning white hair and thick spectacles perched on his nose. He smiled warmly at them. Caroline Dunn, the pastor’s wife, touched a handkerchief to the corner of her eye.

  Angel stared at the floor the whole time, mumbling answers to her shoes. When Pastor Dunn told Nate he could kiss the bride, he bent his head, and when Angel didn’t move, he gave her a kiss somewhere along her hairline. I hope I haven’t just married a woman who’s touched in the head.

  Gertrude and Mrs. Darby hugged Angel. Mrs. Darby whispered something in Angel’s ear. The comment went unacknowledged. Uncertain about his new wife, he escorted her out of the house, and into the wagon.

  Nate had taken care of having her trunks loaded in the back, and with a nod, the four boys climbed in alongside them. They were all exceptionally quiet, darting furtive glances at Angel. Nate plopped Julia-Rose on Matt’s lap, and climbed on the seat next to Angel. With a flick of the reins, they started for home.

  Angel had fallen asleep, her chin resting on her chest. Even in sleep she looked tired and worn. Thankfully, the ride to his house wasn’t long, since she’d likely topple into the dirt. A soft rain fell before they reached home, plastering curls to her head and face. Dark smudges lined the delicate skin under her eyes. Not even the water running down her nose and dripping in rhythm on her chest woke her up.

  Try as he might, he couldn’t ignore the swell of her breasts, or the outline of her legs where the wet dress laid against them. Tarnation, the girl looks worn to death, and you’re thinking about her body parts. No wonder you have all these damn kids.

  Nate pulled up in front of the white clapboard house. Flower pots that Amy used to keep full of seasonal flowers stood empty. Before they left, he’d swept the scattering of toys away from the door into a pile on the porch. The vegetable garden on the side of the house, where he brought the wagon in, was overgrown with weeds. Haphazardly pinned wash, now wet again, dropped fat circles of water, creating muck. He was in desperate need of help.

  The boys ran to the house, Matt jiggling Julia-Rose. Four sets of muddy shoes tramped through the front door. Nate turned to his new bride, and gently tapped her shoulder. “Angel?” No answer. He tried again. When she still didn’t stir, he jumped down, walked around the front of the wagon and slid his arms under her. He carried her into the house and grimaced at all the work still left for him to do. No help from his new wife tonight. Ah well, it was apparent she needed rest from her trip.

  “Mark, run upstairs and turn down the covers on the bed in my room, please. Matt, re-heat that soup we had earlier, and dish some up for you and your brothers. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “What about Julia-Rose, Papa?” Matt held the sleeping child in his arms.

  “Just lay her in her crib for now.” He climbed the stairs cradling his wet, softly snoring wife in his arms.

  He set her on her feet, and she slumped against him. “Angel?”


  “You have to get your wet clothes off.”


  “Just stand up and I’ll help you.”

  She opened one eye and yawned. “Tired.”

  “I know you’re tired. Let me help you.” He pushed her away and held her up with one hand as he wrestled her clothing off with the other.

  Gertrude had found a different dress from Angel’s trunk to wear for the wedding. Although at least clean, the light blue silk was a wrinkled mess from traveling in the trunk, and soaking wet from the rain. She stood, swaying, while he unbuttoned the dress and pushed it to the floor. The beat-up hat came next; he tossed it on the dresser.

  He swallowed and stared at her corset. It looked so damned uncomfortable. Why the hell did women wear those things anyway? He leaned her against his chest and quickly unlaced the back. Although she’d fallen asleep again, she took a huge breath when he pulled it off. Her petticoat and chemise were mostly dry, so he left them on.

  He scooped her up again and placed her on the bed. After unfastening and removing her shoes and stockings, he pulled the blanket over her and stepped back. Now that she wasn’t crying, throwing up, or staring at the floor, he studied her. She was a pretty girl, even with her tangled, wet hair and haggard look.

  After her face had been washed, perfectly shaped eyebrows had emerged that matched her deep brown hair. He had no recollection of her eye color, but her lips were full, with a tiny mole at the edge. Dark eyelashes rested on porcelain white skin, with patches of pink on her cheeks. Across her slightly turned up nose was a sprinkling of freckles.

  His gaze tracked down her body. As he had noted before, she was certainly curved in all the right places.

  Aside from his concerns about her mental condition, he was pleased with what he saw. Perhaps a bit too pleased. He hadn’t wanted the temptation of a pretty wife, but it seemed to be exactly what he got. Hopefully, once she’d recovered and was on her feet, she’d handle the household chores. That was the main reason for taking a bride, he reminded himself.

  The sound of a heavy piece of furniture hitting the floor downstairs jerked him from his thoughts. He closed the door and joined his family for supper.

  Sunlight streamed through the east window, blinding Nate as he awoke from a fitful sleep. He laid the back of his hand over his eyes and darted a glance at his wife. Still sound asleep, from her position she appeared to have not stirred all night. His long legs swung over the side of the bed and he sat up. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

  What had this poor girl gone through to get here? No doubt the trip had not been a pleasant one. Better yet, why would a beautiful young woman put herself through that for a husband? She must have had other offers. He shrugged at the lack of answers. Something wasn’t right, and it left an uncomfortable feeling. God, I hope she isn’t running from the law.

  He quietly washed and dressed and then checked once more on his sleeping wife before he left the bedroom.

  Chaos reigned in the kitchen. Julia-Rose sat in the middle of the floor in a soaked nightgown, chewing on the strap hanging from her chair. “Mama.” She reached up with both chubby arms as he approached.

  Apparently, the twins had decided to set the table for breakfast. Every place had a knife, and they’d added a spoon to Nate’s. A long trail of milk ran from the door to the table where the milk pitcher sat precariously on the edge. The jar of apple jelly Mrs. Darby had left for them lay smashed on the floor only a foot away from Julia-Rose. Mark and Matt rolled on the floor, punching each other. A bowl of eggs sat on Nate’s chair, and the twins crawled around in circles under the table, barking like dogs.

  Nate put his thumb and pinky to his mouth and whistled. Five sets of eyes looked at him.

  “Matt and Mark, shake hands. Luke, you and your brother get a cloth from the sink and wipe up the milk from the floor. Matt, clean up the broken jar of jelly, and be careful not to cut your hand. Mark, get that nightgown off your sister and wash her down.”

  Without giving them a second glance, Nate retrieved the bowl of eggs and returned
it to the pantry. He took out a container and measured oats, salt, and water into a pan and set it on the stove. With a long iron rod, he stirred the coals in the stove from the night before, and added a few pieces of wood.

  “Where’s our new mama?” Luke wanted to know as he smeared the milk around.


  “Why’s she still sleepin’?”

  Nate turned to four curious faces. “She had a long trip. At the moment she’s not feeling too good, and needs extra sleep. Can I count on all of you to behave and be quiet?”

  Mark snorted, picked up the baby, and holding her at arm’s length, left the room.

  “We’ll be good, Papa.” John and Luke held hands and studied him, their little faces serious.

  “Thanks, boys. I appreciate all the help I can get. And remember to help Angel when she’s up and about, okay?”

  Two identical heads nodded agreement.

  After cleaning up from breakfast, he dropped Julia-Rose off with Mrs. Darby and headed to town. Lord, I sure hope I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my life.

  Chapter 4

  Angel turned her battered, sore body, and pulled the covers up further on her shoulders. A door squeaked, and whispers caught her attention.

  “Ya think she’s dead?”

  “Don’t know. Should we poke her?”

  “No.” The whisper got louder. “Papa said let her rest, ‘cause she’s tired from her trip.”

  “She looks dead. If she’s dead, Papa would wanna know.”

  “No, see her top part? It’s goin’ up and down. That means she’s breathin’.”

  She opened her eyes slightly, peeking through her eyelashes. Two identical little boys, hand in hand, stood at the doorway.

  They both stared at her for a minute. “Ya think she makes good cookies?”


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