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Love Unbroken (Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels Book 3)

Page 10

by J. H. Croix

  By now though, Trey was watching her intently. When she paused, he quirked a brow. She closed her eyes and took a fortifying breath.

  “I was married once before, and things didn’t go well. My ex…well…he was violent and controlling. I stayed way too long. I should have known better to begin with. I mean, for God’s sake, I’m a therapist. It just happened and then I was in the middle of it all alone, and I didn’t know how to get out.”

  Emma stopped to look at Trey and couldn’t read his expression. She barreled forward, aware at this point that if he was going to question his judgment about her, it was already too late. “I had to tell you because I didn’t want you to find out after the fact and wonder why I didn’t tell you. I totally understand if this changes how you feel about me, especially because of Stuart.”

  Trey was quiet for a long moment, but he didn’t look away or move away.

  After what felt like forever, Emma couldn’t hold back. “Could you say something please?”

  Trey slowly lifted a hand and brushed an errant lock of hair out of the way, tucking it behind her ear. The gentleness in his expression almost undid her. “I know we haven’t known each other too long, but why would you think this would change how I might feel about you?”

  Emma shrugged, feeling small inside, and looked away. “Because... I mean, not for nothing, but you are a lawyer. I’m guessing you’d steer clear of anyone like my ex. I should have known better myself. By all means, I have more understanding of what happened in my marriage than the average person. But I was an idiot, I walked right into it anyway.”

  Trey toyed with her hair, which was doing funny things to her belly. The feelings he elicited were so elemental she wished even more that she didn’t have to have this conversation with him and that she had a less blemished past.

  “Emma, why are you so hard on yourself about this? I hate knowing you went through that, but for the same reason you think you should have known better, you should know it’s not easy to see these things when they’re happening to you. I used to deal with this kind of stuff all the time when I was a prosecutor. I can’t tell you how many times I handled cases where some upstanding guy was beating his wife. There is no stereotype for these guys. I’ve seen juries convict just about anyone you could imagine, including doctors and lawyers, along with the less fortunate. So hearing that this happened to you. Well, it’s awful, but it’s not something I’d hold against you. It makes me furious anyone would do that to you, and if I ever meet the guy, you might question my judgment,” he said, his words stark and clear, anger vibrating through them.

  Emma half couldn’t believe his words. “What?” she asked, finally gaining the courage to look at him again, his eyes serious and concerned. She’d been prepared for judgment and there was none.

  Trey held her gaze. “I’m getting the idea you thought this might be some kind of deal breaker for me,” he said cautiously.

  Emma’s throat tightened when she nodded.

  “Did I do something that led you to think I’d just blame you for getting knocked around by your ex?” Trey asked incredulously.

  “No. I just…just got worried about it. I hate that I was married to someone like that and didn’t have enough sense to get out faster. And it will always be a part of my past. It’s embarrassing. Plus, you have Stuart and it’s important that anyone you bring into his life is good for him.”

  Trey leaned back a little and tilted his head. “Okay, I get the embarrassment, I get that you can’t make it go away. But you actually got out of the situation. If there’s one thing I learned when I was a prosecutor, that’s damn near impossible sometimes. I wouldn’t hold it against you if it had taken you years longer than it did, or if you never did. Two years may seem like a long time to you, and I hate that you were in what was probably a living hell for that long, but in the big picture, it’s not too long. It’s remarkable you got out as soon as you did. As for Stuart, sure I want the best for him. And I absolutely want to make sure that anyone I bring into his life works for us both, but who your ex was does not mean you’re not good for Stuart. You’re amazing with him. I don’t know what’s going to happen with us, but if Stuart ever learned about your ex and what happened, I would want him to know it’s something people go through, and sometimes they make it out the other side.”

  Emma took his words in, her heart hammering against her ribcage. Relief was washing over her, but she couldn’t forget to tell him what got her so worried about this. “I can’t tell you how much it means that, well, that you get it. But there’s one more thing. The reason I got all freaked about this is sometimes I still get calls. I think it’s my ex”

  Trey’s eyes sharpened. “What do you mean you still get calls?”

  “Every once in a while, I get these random calls. It’s an unlisted number. If I answer, whoever it is doesn’t say anything, but I can hear breathing. I’ve tried changing my number, but it doesn’t matter. My ex, Greg let the divorce go through without much fuss, but I was out of state and he hates court. He wouldn’t make a scene with that. But he holds grudges. I hoped he’d just find someone else. I can’t stop worrying he won’t just let it drop that I actually left.”

  Trey took a measured breath, his eyes holding hers, tinged with anger. “Have you talked to anyone about this?”

  “Just Susie and now you. I didn’t want to make something out of nothing and then I met you, and I got one of the calls the other night…and I finally told Susie. I don’t know how well you know her, but she’s pretty, um, forceful. She wants to talk to the cops. But what can they do? The number isn’t showing and whoever it is doesn’t say anything. It could just be random and I’m freaking out over nothing.”

  Trey nodded and looked out the window, quiet for a moment. “Well, it’s best if we see if the cops can do anything. If you’ll let them, they can probably put a trace on your line. If it’s nothing, let them rule it out. But if you don’t tell the cops and something happened, we’ll wish you did.”

  Emma’s heart leapt when he used ‘we’ and she wished he’d say it over and over.

  Trey continued. “Can’t say I know Susie too well, just in passing. She does the accounting for a buddy of mine, Jared Winters.” He looked back to her, his eyes sharp and intent. “Promise me you’ll tell me anytime you get one of these calls.”

  Emma nodded. “I will. You’re really okay with all of this?”

  “I’m not okay you had to go through that, and I’m definitely not okay you’re getting these calls. Maybe it’s your ex, maybe it’s not. But we need to find out and deal with it. Otherwise, I’m okay with you if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Emma couldn’t quite believe Trey hadn’t just politely escorted her out of the house. “Really?”

  Trey turned to face her more directly. “Really. I’m trying not to take it personally that you had pretty much decided I’d hold it against you.”

  “I wasn’t worried because I thought you couldn’t understand. It’s just…you have it all together. I mean you’re a pilot and a lawyer, you run your own business, and you’re a single father. I didn’t know if you’d want to consider getting involved with someone who didn’t quite have it all together before and who might have a few ghosts from her past hanging around.”

  Trey tilted his head and quirked a brow again. “So what? Haven’t you heard all the jokes about lawyers? I’m not perfect and don’t know any lawyers that are. I enjoy flying a lot more, which is why I changed gears. How about we focus on what we talked about the other day? There’s something, quite a bit of something, between us. I didn’t expect it either, but I’m not about to walk away from something that feels this good.”

  Emma looked into his eyes and what she saw took her breath away—tenderness and passion focused solely on her. She was so prepared for this conversation to close the door on what had started between them that she was almost giddy with relief. The intensity in his eyes sharpened. She bit her lip and glanced away, overcome with feelings�
��relief, joy, and…sheer longing. For the first time ever, she just wanted to let go into something—into what danced and sizzled between her and Trey.

  Her heart pounding, she lifted her eyes to his again. Trey had begun to run his fingers through her hair and slowly slid his hand around to cup the back of her head. He gave her a long look. “Did you want to talk some more?” he asked, soft and low.

  Lost in his velvet brown eyes, Emma shook her head. He closed the space between them, his lips coming against hers. It felt like coming home. She opened her mouth in a sigh. What started slow spiraled rapidly into a frenzy. Trey stroked deeply into her mouth. If they hadn’t been seated already, she would have collapsed in the wave of heat that raced through her.

  His lips left hers and meandered in a trail of soft, moist kisses down her neck, along the line of her collarbone and dipping between her breasts. He caressed a nipple with one hand, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger while laving his tongue over the other nipple dampening the lace of her bra. Sensation fluttered in her center, moisture pooled between her legs, her panties almost instantly wet.

  He turned his attention to her other breast, taking his time to nibble and nip. Amidst her gasps and pants, he pulled away, ruthlessly tugging at her blouse, buttons scattering as he pushed it off her shoulders, her bra following in quick succession. He became still for a moment, taking in the view of her. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, stroking his hands up her abdomen to curl around her breasts. Emma closed her eyes, undone by the intimacy of his gaze. She’d never felt this desired by anyone.

  When she finally opened her eyes, they collided with Trey’s, reflecting heat and tenderness in equal measure. He seemed to sense her vulnerability, and yet she couldn’t have stood it if he said anything. And he didn’t. He merely lifted a hand to her mouth, tracing her lips before leaning forward for another devouring kiss. Tumbling into the fire, she leaned up and pushed him back, tugging at his shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it. The polite, austere man she met weeks ago hid a delectably well-defined and muscular chest.

  Emma ran her hands across his shoulders and over his chest, reveling in the feel of his skin. His breath hissed through his teeth when she curled her hand over his heated length, feeling the pulse and throb through the fabric of his jeans. A flash of lust and confidence bolted through her, and she pushed him against the couch and straddled him. The heat of his erection against her was delicious. Losing herself in sensation, she pressed down and arched her back.

  “Dear God, Emma!”

  He slid his hands up her back, his palms strong and warm, pulling her forward slowly until her breasts came against his chest. She rested her forehead against his. He took her lips again, one hand tangling in her hair. She was wild, lost in the inferno between them. She ground her hips down, desperately craving release.

  Trey broke their kiss with an imprecation. His hands slid down to her hips where he held her still against him. “Emma,” he whispered. “Look at me.”

  Forcing her eyes open, she met his and instantly felt vulnerable. She wanted to tell him she knew what was between them was rare, but she could only succumb to it if she could forget herself while it was happening. But she couldn’t say that, not when his eyes resonated with yearning…and recognition. Somehow, he knew this was hard for her. And that simultaneously drew her to him and made her want to shake the feeling off.

  Trey kept his hands on her hips and slowly rocked against her. Desire shimmered in the air around them, enfolding them in its spell. He paused his slow rhythm and slowly slipped his hands up, lightly caressing her breasts. In a flash, he lifted her quickly, turning her underneath him. He tore her jeans open, tugging them down. Desperate to feel his weight on her, she kicked her legs free and pulled him down, sighing with relief at the feel of his full body against hers.

  Trey kissed her deeply, slipping a hand down her abdomen and into her panties, soaked with her desire. “Please…” she gasped when he dipped a finger into her slick heat. He slipped to her side, half resting on her. Leaning on his elbow, he looked down at her as he deliberately removed his hand and trailed it back across her abdomen, engaging in a leisurely exploration with his hand—tracing between her ribs, lightly pinching each nipple.

  The heat inside her built.

  “You have too many clothes on,” she said.

  “Maybe, but it’s staying that way,” he said with a rueful smile.

  “Why?” she demanded, the ache of desire clashing with uncertainty.

  “Because I don’t want to stop and trust me, you won’t leave before I make sure you’re taken care of…but I think maybe you’re not sure about this just yet. So for now, you’ll just have to wait a little longer.”

  Indignation flared. “No,” she started to say before he cut off her words with his mouth.

  In seconds, she tumbled back into the oblivion he created. His hand skated across her body, the roughness of his palm flint against her desperation. He delved his fingers into her again, tracing her clit with her own moisture. She teetered on the edge of release.

  “Trey…please…” she panted.

  Her mind blurred with passion and intense yearning. He established a slow pattern, delving into her with one, then two fingers and pushing deep while his thumb slowly, mercilessly teased her clit with soft strokes and bursts of pressure. She ground her hips into his hand, begging, pleading with him for more. Her head tossed against the couch.

  He shifted to slip his free hand behind her head, his chest coming against her breasts. He whispered her name, yet again that soft command to look at him. Just as her eyes met his, he stroked deeply into her center. Release washed over her in a burst followed with long pulses as she climaxed around his hand. He never looked away, leaning forward to kiss her once her hips relaxed.

  Emma floated in the haze of her release. Trey’s hand remained inside of her, moving just barely in response to the lingering pulses of her orgasm. He dusted kisses across her face while he slid his hand up, the moisture from within her traced in circles on her abdomen and breasts. His hand came to rest at the base of her neck, his thumb stroking across the beat of her pulse.

  The heat of his erection pressed against her thigh. Though she just had an almost out of body experience, when he shifted his hips she wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her. Looking at him, her heart clenched. The moment shimmered between them.

  She started to speak, but couldn’t. Trey carefully stroked her hair, brushing it away from her face. He looked pensive.

  “Well,” he said.

  She waited in the quiet, finally speaking when he didn’t say more. “Well, what?”

  A soft laugh fell from his lips. “You take my breath away. That’s all.”

  He shifted back onto his elbow. “So when can I see you again?” he asked.

  “Perhaps you didn’t notice I’m still right here,” she replied.

  “Oh I noticed. I just thought maybe I should make it completely clear I don’t want to miss any chance to see you.”

  “If you want to see me so soon, how come you’re still half-dressed?” she asked, vulnerability arcing inside.

  His eyes became serious. “I’ll be blunt. I’m ready to throw caution to the wind. But I get the sense, just here and there, you’re not so sure. And after what we talked about earlier, I’m definitely not going to pressure you.”

  Emma leaned up on both elbows and looked at him. Though he just brought her to a mind-blowing orgasm, the mere sight of his chest stoked the embers between them. His eyes were serious though. His gaze was steady, almost burning into her.

  “You’re not pressuring me,” she said.

  Trey shifted his weight and pushed himself up. The cool air against her skin elicited a shiver.

  “I don’t mean pressure in the direct way. More that I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you and sometimes it seems like you’re worried. I want you to have time to be comfortable. I’ll be the first to admit this is mov
ing faster than I would have planned, let’s just take it a day at a time.”

  He reached over and cupped her cheek for a moment. She closed her eyes at the intimacy. He was so sexy, he stole her breath while also compassionate and so in tune with her, it confounded her. Though she genuinely believed in the capacity of the human heart to connect, she’d come to never expect it for herself, believing against logic that what happened with Greg ruined any chance of that for her.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “Don’t know what you’re thinking, but stop it.”

  He stood and held a hand out to her. Placing her hand in his, she allowed herself to be pulled up. The following moments of activity helped calm her. Buttoning the last few buttons on her blouse, she felt Trey’s eyes on her. Looking up, she found him smiling and couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed in her heart.

  “So you didn’t answer my question,” he said.

  At her puzzled glanced, he continued. “You didn’t tell me when I could see you again.”

  “Oh. Aside from this weekend when I’m in Anchorage, any evening works.”

  “In that case, how about tomorrow?” he asked promptly.


  “You said any evening,” he replied, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

  “I suppose I did. In that case, tomorrow is just fine. Should I plan to come over again?”

  “How about I give you a call and we’ll decide?”

  At Emma’s nod, he reached for her hand and brought it up to place a kiss in the center of her palm. Delicious warmth stole through her. Quiet fell between them. Emma held still, her heart hammering. The comfort she felt with him was so unlike anything she’d experienced that it shook her at her core.

  “I think I should go,” she said softly, her words filtering into the moment.

  Still holding her hand, Trey drew her to him and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Until tomorrow then.”


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