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Love Unbroken (Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels Book 3)

Page 19

by J. H. Croix

  Stella wasn’t fooled. “You’re totally not okay. I know you won’t tell me about it because you’re all professional and stuff. So I’ll just give you some of your own advice: it’s okay to be human.”

  Tears pressed against her eyelids, but Emma held them back. Stella’s smart-alecky kindness was almost too much.

  Stella stood to go. “Before I go, thought you might want to know that I already did my homework.”

  Emma wasn’t too focused, but that caught her attention. “What?”

  Stella blushed again, but she was grinning. “I texted Janie to ask about going to Parker’s to practice. She already texted me back and said she’ll check with his mom and let me know. So there,” Stella declared. She came over to Emma and patted her shoulder. “I’ll see you next week, k?”

  “You got it,” Emma replied. Just as Stella started to walk down the hall, she called out. “Good job on that homework, Stella.”

  Chapter 15

  Later that evening, Emma sat in Trey’s living room with Risa. Trey was putting Stuart to bed. The plan was for them to head over to her place for the night. She’d had misgivings about that all afternoon though she didn’t know how to explain it to Trey.

  Risa brushed her hair out of her eyes and gave Emma an assessing look. “I know we don’t know each other too well, but I’m no dummy. You’re giving off a pretty skittish vibe.”

  Emma eyed Risa, trying to gauge what to say. Too worn and on edge to do anything else, she answered honestly. “I don’t know if now is such a good time for me to be involved with Trey. That’s all.”

  “My gut tells me Trey and Stuart mean something to you and you’re only freaking out about it because of Greg showing up. Am I right?” Risa asked.

  Emma nodded with a sigh. Her nerves had been on high idle all afternoon. She’d forgotten how it had felt to have Greg in her life. And he wasn’t even in her life the way he used to be. Just to know he was nearby kept her constantly alert, which was exhausting. She shrugged. “I don’t know what to do. Trey’s all about how this doesn’t matter, but it does to me.”

  Risa nodded slowly. “Maybe you should just accept there’s only so much you can do about Greg and stop worrying so much about the rest of it. I can tell you this: Trey could care less about your history with Greg, except for the fact that he’s worried about you right now. Trey can focus on making sure you’re okay and you don’t need to worry about Stuart.”

  Logically what Risa said made sense, Emma just needed to get her emotions in check. All the growth she thought she’d made felt like a mirage. Inside, she was thrown right back to where she’d been when she was with Greg. Doubting herself, doubting her ability to make good decisions, not quite believing anyone good could want her. Much as she wanted to stand on her own and face this without flinching, she desperately wanted to lean on Trey. After talking with him this afternoon and then Darren, she was trying to adjust to learning that Greg was remarried and puzzling over why he was still focused on her. She couldn’t quite make sense of it, but knowing he was married and still called her and came out here made her uneasy in a way she hadn’t been before. She’d hoped against hope the phone records would show that her worries were unfounded and the calls had all been random telemarketers.

  Trey returned to the living room with a small duffel bag in hand. He wore faded jeans and a navy t-shirt that clung to his muscled chest. He pierced her with a glance. Just a second, and she felt like he saw right through her. His eyes conveyed strength and understanding. Without a word, he eased her anxiety, and she believed maybe it would be okay.

  “So we’re outta here, Risa. If you decide not to drop Stuart off at daycare tomorrow, don’t forget to call and let them know. Otherwise, I’ll call you tomorrow to check in,” Trey said.

  Risa stood. “You got it. I’m not sure what I’m doing yet. A friend from Anchorage will be down fishing tomorrow. Maybe Stuart and I will join him. I’ll let you know.” She looked to Emma. “Worry as little as possible. Between Trey, the police and your friends, it can only take so long to flush Greg out.”

  Emma stood and nodded. “I’ll do my best. Thanks for being so understanding.”

  Risa came over and hugged her quickly. “Absolutely. Now get out of here.”


  The house was quiet and still. The tiny home that had been such a haven for her in the time she’d been in Diamond Creek felt shadowy and had lost its comfort. Sula had remained at Trey’s after Stuart pleaded for her to stay. It had been over a week since Emma had been home at all. She quickly showed Trey around and then returned to the kitchen to get him a beer and a glass of wine for herself.

  She jumped when Trey said her name. “You startled me!”

  “Didn’t mean to,” he replied. He took a swig of beer from the bottle she handed over. He eyed her speculatively, his gaze thoughtful and tinged with that ever-present heat between them.

  “I can tell you’re worrying,” he said, getting right to the point. “It’s waiting game right now. In the meantime, you’re not going to be alone, so try not to worry so much.”

  Emma took a breath and rolled her neck, trying to work the tension out. “I know. It doesn’t make it any easier. How am I going to get to work tomorrow? I wasn’t thinking when you picked me up.”

  “I’ll drop you off and then I’ll pick you up later,” he said matter-of-factly.

  Emma didn’t know why precisely, but that rankled her. “That’s ridiculous. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Trey eyed her warily, but held firm. “No one said you needed a babysitter. But it’s not a good idea for you to go anywhere alone. Not until Greg is out of here. And before you go blaming me for that, any one of your friends would say the same thing and you know it.”

  Emma pushed away from where she was leaned on the counter and began to pace. “You have to understand why I need to deal with this myself. I got myself into that marriage, got myself out of it, and I’ll get out of this too. It’s been a long time coming.”

  He didn’t reply, but simply watched her pace. His patience irritated her.

  “Why don’t you say something?” she asked, throwing her hands up.

  He leaned against the counter and took another swallow of beer. “How many times do you want us to go over this? I’ve told you, I understand how you feel, and I really do. But you’ve got it in your head this has to be a problem for us, and it doesn’t. The main reason I asked Risa to come down this week was so I could stay with you here, and you wouldn’t have to worry about Stuart getting affected by this. Not that I agree with you on that, but Risa visits often enough it’s not out of the ordinary. And it’s not safe for you to be alone. Not right now.”

  She stalked over to him, hands on hips, a tide of anger rising inside. Just as she opened her mouth, she heard the sound of a car pull into the drive and whirled around to look out the windows. Dusk had fallen, but it wasn’t dark yet. She could just make out the shape of an unfamiliar sedan. Trey came to her side and slid his arm around her waist. Her anger dissolved, replaced by a cold knot of fear in her stomach.

  She watched a man exit the car and walk toward the house. “Oh my god. It’s Greg.”

  “Go upstairs,” Trey said firmly, his voice brooking no argument.

  Emma was torn. She wanted to flee upstairs but didn’t want to leave Trey’s side. Greg walked toward the house in that subtle swagger of his that had started out charming and become sickening for her.

  “Emma…” Trey repeated, his tone edged with warning.

  She knew why Trey wanted her to be out of the way and part of her wanted to flee. But she also knew she had to face this, as frightening as it was. “Trey, listen. Greg is determined to have his say with me. You’re here, so he’s not going to do anything stupid,” Emma said, trying to make her voice sound confident when inside she was quaking.

  Trey whipped his phone out and called Darren, saying only three words. “Greg. Emma’s house.” He ended
the call and turned to her. “If you’re not going upstairs, help me keep him here long enough for the cops to get here. Whatever you do, our goal is to buy time.”

  Greg came up the stairs and simply walked through the front door, arrogant as ever. Emma took a long look at the man she’d been stupid enough to fall for. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He shook his light brown hair out of his face. His hair was longer than she remembered, unkempt and sloppy. He closed the door quietly behind him and leaned against the wall beside the door, tucking his hands in his pockets. He looked at her with those flat, cold eyes, flicking them quickly between her and Trey.

  Greg gave a cold laugh and shook his head. “Shoulda known your boyfriend wouldn’t leave your side. Don’t care though. Just came here to make sure you know the deal.”

  Trey’s arm tightened subtly around her waist. His body emanated tension, coiled tight as a spring. The air crackled. Emma could sense Trey calculating. Her voice was frozen.

  “So what’s the deal then?” Trey finally asked, his voice laced with controlled fury.

  “I’m not here to talk to you,” Greg retorted.

  Emma’s voice finally broke free. “Well he’s here and he’s not going anywhere. Anything you have to say to me, you’ll say to him!”

  Greg laughed again. “Wow, so you do his bidding too? You always were that kinda girl. One of the reasons I wanted to marry you in the first place.”

  Fierce anger flashed through her. “He’s nothing like you. Nothing. I want him here. That’s the only reason he’s here. What the hell do you want with me?”

  Greg pushed away from the wall and walked right up to her. “To make sure you know you can’t just pretend like I don’t exist.”

  Trey moved in a flash, grabbing Greg’s shirt and shoving him back against the wall. “Get the hell out of here. If I see you anywhere near Emma again, you’ll regret it. And before you go thinking you can keep slinking around town, this is a small place. You can only hide for so long.”

  Greg tried to break free of Trey’s grip, but Trey only pushed him harder against the wall. Emma wasn’t sure what Greg expected, but it didn’t appear to be this. He was used to finding easy marks and had probably counted on her being home alone.

  “Fuckin’ let go of me!”

  “No,” Trey replied, his voice thrumming with fury.

  Greg wrestled against Trey, trying to throw a punch. Emma raced between them.

  “Emma, don’t!” Trey shouted.

  She heard Greg’s bitter laugh as she fell against him. Sharp pain exploded when he threw an elbow into the side of her head. She stumbled. Greg grabbed her hair and started dragging her to the door. She fell out of the way when she heard a crack. Her mind went blank and her vision hazy, panic choking her. She scrambled up to see Trey grab Greg by the shirt again and pull back to drive his fist into Greg’s face. Blood spurted from Greg’s nose. Greg tried to keep his balance, but fell. Just as Trey lifted him by the shirt again, Darren and another cop barreled into the house.

  “He fuckin’ hit me!” Greg exclaimed.

  Darren’s partner, who introduced himself as Officer Charlie Brooks, moved with efficiency, rolling Greg over and cuffing him while asking questions calmly. Darren pulled Trey and Emma aside. Once he confirmed what he already knew, that Emma had in no way invited Greg into her home, he directed Charlie to escort Greg to the patrol car. Greg left, protesting loudly that he was being wrongly arrested.

  Trey came to her side, carefully sifting through her hair. “Are you okay?” he asked softly. “He got you with that elbow.”

  Emma glanced up to meet his eyes, his rich brown gaze dark with concern. “I’m okay…” She paused when Darren came over.

  Darren shook his head. “Looks like you took a hit,” he gestured to Trey’s cheek, which was bruising as they spoke, “and it looks like you landed one on Greg there. You hurt, Emma?”

  Emma shook her head rapidly, focused only on Trey. She reached a hand up to his face. “Did he hurt you?”

  Trey shook his head firmly. “Just a graze. Nothing to worry about,” he paused and tugged Emma close, his hand rubbing up and down her back in a soothing and rhythmic caress. He addressed Darren. “He grabbed Emma and started dragging her out of here.”

  Darren nodded. “I’ll need a statement from both of you.”

  Emma straightened. “There’s not going to be a problem because Trey hit Greg, right? None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Greg.”

  Trey shook his head. “Emma, don’t worry. There’s nothing to hide here. He tried to hurt you and I stopped him. We both threw punches. My only concern is because of all that, no charges will stick for him.”

  Darren nodded. “Already worrying about that. Here’s my thinking though. We offer a deal where the charges will be dropped as long as he agrees to leave town. Emma can file the paperwork on the phone harassment and get a restraining order now that he showed up here. That should be enough to keep him away.”

  Trey mulled it over and glanced to Emma, his eyes sweeping over her, dark with concern. “I think that’ll work. What do you think though?”

  Emma still couldn’t think too clearly, but any plan that involved getting Greg out of town made sense. “I just want him gone, and I don’t want you to have to worry about getting in trouble.”

  Darren shook his head. “Trey’s not gonna face any trouble. He’s got a pretty simple self-defense argument. This is your house and you didn’t want Greg here.”

  Emma glanced at Trey again, her heart clenching at the sight of the bruising on his cheek. She nodded. “Okay. You two know how these things work.” She glanced over at Darren. “Promise me you’ll call me as soon as you know what’s going to happen.”

  After Darren left, Emma insisted on checking on Trey’s hand and the bruising on his cheek. He waved her away when she tried to get him to put ice on it. “Emma, it was quick and he barely connected. All the blood on my hand is from his bloody nose,” Trey said as he rinsed his hand off in the sink.

  Emma backed away, tears abruptly welling. Adrenaline pumped through her from the encounter with Greg. Three years away didn’t change the flash of panic that held her in a vice grip her the second he got anywhere near. Knowing that he’d tried to hurt Trey terrified her, though Trey appeared unfazed. Having Greg touch her was sickening. She felt dirty. She turned away, staring out the front windows, tears blurring the view of trees. She felt Trey come up behind her and set his hands on her shoulders. His hands slowly slid down her arms. She started to shake, the numbing effects of adrenaline starting to wear off.

  She closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut out the sight of Greg going after Trey and to block out the panic that froze her when he grabbed her hair. She tried to swallow the tears and shove the fear down, but a sob burst out. Burying her face in her hands, sobs tumbled out, tears streaking down her cheeks. Trey turned her in his arms to face him. He didn’t try to pry her hands away, just allowed her to cry and slowly pulled her close. She burrowed against his chest, his steady strength a balm to the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. Seeing Greg, having him in her home, watching him try to hurt Trey, and feeling his hands on her…that was so much worse than the cold, tired anxiety she’d lived with toward the end of her marriage because she’d been worn down then. Resigned. Having sought to free herself only to have him resurrect the fear she’d trained herself to bury, it was horrifying and demoralizing.

  Trey’s hands traveled up and down her back in slow sweeps, the warmth slowly seeping into her soul. Her sobs quieted, the knot of fear in her chest loosened, and she finally lifted her face. He glanced down, eyes intent, focused and concerned.

  “I need a shower,” she blurted out.

  Trey tilted his head marginally and reached up to brush her hair out of her eyes, his hand sifting through her hair, gently untangling it. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “I should be asking you that, not the other way around.”
  He gave the barest shake of his head. “No you shouldn’t. He made your life a living hell.” He gave her a long look, his velvety brown gaze piercing her heart. Her pulse started to race again, the touch of his gaze doing what it always did—sparking the current that arced between them. “Let’s get you in the shower,” he said gruffly.


  Hot water sluiced over Emma and steam curled around her, easing her tension. Moments later, Trey stepped into the shower behind her. Soap ran in rivulets down her body as she rinsed shampoo out of her hair. He quickly soaped himself and ducked under the steaming water, his hands coming up to follow the water as it flowed over her scalp and down her back.

  Emma’s emotions were taut—the fear that had crashed through her lingered and mingled with a rush of desire for Trey. Her emotions sought a target and he was it. On the heels of that came a surge of…love. She shied away from defining the feeling. The tightrope she needed to walk inside to accept it was too dizzying just now. She looked up at him through the mist.

  This man who she’d thought so tidy and uptight at first was anything but. His muscled chest and arms gleamed and flexed in the steamy heat as his hands caressed her back. The bruising on his face had settled to a soft purple. His sharp, angled features with the contrast of his full, lush lips brought a hitch to her breath. His eyes ensnared hers. She cupped his cheek and dragged her hand down the side of his neck into a wet stroke across his chest. He sucked his breath in rapidly. Yearning snaked between them. In a flash, his lips met hers in a scalding kiss. All restraint dissolved in the steam. He claimed her mouth, boldly tracing her lips with his tongue, delving inside with deep strokes. Desire suffused her, her body molten with heat as liquid inside as the water that fell around them. She lost all sense of time and space as she tumbled headlong into the swirl of craving.


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