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by Donald Harry Roberts




  Published By:


  Copyright 2016 by Donald Harry Roberts

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  “You don’t get it. Do you? That puny little muscle between your ears is too chucked full of standard procedure to even come close to an idea that does not fit into one of your concrete scenarios with solid, verifiable evidence. But it is true. Everything I have told you is true. The man was a monster…a wretched beast who needed killing. I saw what he did. I saw….damn… have to listen to me. He…it….needed killing and someone, someone like me had to do it because you fools had him dead to-rights. But what happened. You let him go because you didn’t have enough frikken evidence. How stupid can you people be.

  I delivered him to your door step and you cut him loose and the next day he was at it again. So…I got a gun….I went to his house….and I killed the beast. I did the job you bunch of lame, incompetent idiots couldn’t do. Now you bunch of brainless dick-heads are going to put me away for doing exactly what you should have done but didn’t have the guts to do.

  But I am not going to make it easy for you. I want a lawyer and I want a psych test to prove that what I told you before is true. I witnessed that beastly bastard killing those people…..He killed them, cooked them up like a side of beef and ate them. I witnessed him sitting at his dinner table devouring his victims…his prey. And when you let him go he went right back at it. That girl that’s gone missing. You’ll find some of her in his freezer carved into tasty roasts and steaks.

  But now the city is safe because I John Latimeer Fornsworthy put an end to him. One shot right between the eyes. I got him before someone else was picked out and led to the slaughter.”

  “Lucky for you Fornsworthy that you are a lousy shot. The bullet went wild and just creased the man’s temple. All we have on you is possession of a restricted weapon and attempted murder. But we are not laying charges because the man you shot pleaded for your life. He believes you are a sick man and in need of psychiatric help rather than prison time.

  He pulled a few strings and got a judge to order a psychiatric assessment. Play your cards right and keep telling your story the way you told us and you’ll get a free ride in Penetang until some expert says you are cured and sets you free. A couple or three years if you do the dance the way they want you to.”

  “Sergeant Craigent. You know he didn’t help me from the goodness of his heart. He needs to be rid of me because I can see him….I can see what he does. He wants me where he can get at me and…and….He wants to hunt me down like all his other victims.”


  “Doc! You gotta believe what I am about to tell you. If you don’t sooner or later that monster is going to show up and get me. I mean he will take me away and probably serve me up for supper some night…well several nights.

  Go ahead Mr. Fornsworthy. That is what you and I are here for.” Dr. Mayns urged clinically.

  “Ok. It started with headaches and strange blackouts. I’d pass out then come to hours later. Whatever this thing was, it cost me my job. They took my license and wouldn’t let me drive because I passed out behind the wheel of my limo. Two people ended up in the hospital because I conked out and ran head on into oncoming traffic. One of them died.”

  “Yes. I read the accident report. I believe you were charged with vehicular manslaughter, but a clever lawyer got the charge was reduced. You ended up with a ten year ban from driving.” The Doctor interjected.

  “Yes. What you say is true but I was not drunk. I got the head ache and blacked out. I was trying to curb the black outs with a shot or two of brandy, but it didn’t work.”

  “Very well…continue with your story Mr. Fornsworthy.”

  “Like you said. My lawyer basically managed to get me off by having a physician state that though I may have been drinking there seems to be some shadows on the brain that could cause blackouts. So I had to go through a battery of tests and sure enough they found a very small tumor. I was scheduled for surgery but there was a long waiting list.

  In the meantime the black outs got worse for a while but then they quit. Sort of. Actually they got replaced by visions. The Doctor called them hallucinations caused by the tumor. But Doc. They weren’t hallucinations at all. I was seeing things that were really happening. I recognized the man in my visions and when I saw what he was doing it made me sick…and mad….I mean horrified and angry like mad. I saw him kill a woman and then a few days later she showed up in the newspaper. Young Woman Disappears From Her Home, the headline read.”

  “The man you shot was the man in your vision?” Dr. Mayns intervened.

  “Exactly. George Galbin. Professor of some kind and a big wig politician or something. I’ve seen him many times on the news.”

  “Very well then. Go on with your tale.”

  “This ain’t just a tale Doc. I’m giving you the real stuff….the truth.”

  Mayns nodded affirmatively and John continued.

  “The visions stopped for a while but then a few weeks later it started happening all over again. First the headaches then the visions then Galbin hunting down another woman…..and yes she was reported missing a few days later.

  I wanted to go to the cops but what could I tell them. I decided to try investigating the man myself…which I discovered was not all that difficult, I mean being an investigator. I seemed to have a knack for it. Mostly though I discovered I had a talent for breaking into places. I wish now I would not have done any of it, but I did and now I am paying the price….unless you can help me out of this mess.”

  I am here to help you John….in whatever way it is best for you, and all.”


  It was John Fornsworthy’s 4th session with Dr. Mayns. The session had just begun when John cried out in pain, clutched his head in both hands then fell forward from his chair, unconscious to the floor.

  Dr. Mayns observed the unconscious patient for several minutes then called for a nurse. Together they managed to get Fornsworthy back into his chair and examine him for any injuries.

  “Should we call for a physician?” The nurse inquired a little apprehensively.

  “”I am a physician Nurse. There is no need for another. I wish to observe Mr. Fornsworthy during this unconscious period he has claims precedes his visions. It may tell me more about these episodes than a dozen interviews. However I would like Dr. Wellons to join me. If he is present in the building please send him along.”

  “I thought you did not like Dr. Wellons.” Replied the nurse.

  “Sometimes one must put one’s personal feelings aside.” Replied Mayns.

  An hour later Wellons entered the room, pausing at the door to observe John Fornsworthy then after a minute turned his gaze on Mayns who had by then noticed Wellons but said nothing until his guest continued into the room.

  “Narcolepsy?” Dr. Wellons inquired.

  “I think not. The patient experiences pain before the attack and he has been unconscious for 90 minutes. I examined his eyes regularly for the first hour. He was and still in a state of Rem.” Mayns explained.

  “Catatonia. But again I suppose that does not explain the pain.” Wellons tried another idea then asked, “What have you determined?”

  “Nothing. This is the first time I have witnessed what the patient has described. Apparently after two or three of these sessions he begins having visions….observations of a macabre nature, in which he witnesses a man committing horrifying atrocities.”

  “So you desire the input of a parapsycholog
ist.” Wellons stated “Does this mean you believe something beyond normal parameters is occurring?” He asked.

  “I wish to rule out the possibility Dr. Wellons and you are the nearest such option available.”

  “Then Dr. Mayns, for the sake of your patient and my usual fee I shall be glad to help.”

  The conversation paused for a moment then when Mayns was about to fill his guest in John Fornsworthy regained consciousness….”I have to stop him. He is going to kill again. This is how it happens. I may fall unconscious one maybe two more times, then the visions will begin. I will see things as they happen….in real time. Galbin is choosing his next victim as we speak. I don’t get the visions until his energy has escalated. Then when he is stalking his prey I see every move he makes.”

  “Are you conscious during this time?” Asked Dr. Wellons.

  “Yes, but I lose control of motor skills…I mean….I cannot move too well until he has made his kill. Please…call the police. Send them to find George Galbin. Put a watch on him for the next few days.” John Fornsworthy pleaded..


  Professor George Galbin closed the door to his private office and headed for the front door of his home to answer the call of the doorbell. He started when he saw Sergeant Ted Craigent standing there then scowled and in a harsh low voice demanded, “What are you doing here? I was assured I would not be bothered again.”

  Craigent nodded and apologized for the intrusion then went on with the reason for his visit. “John Fornsworthy is claiming he will be having visions of you murdering someone….probably within the next few days. I know it is ridiculous but we thought it might be best if we asked that you keep yourself available for the next few days. That way if by some quirk someone goes missing we can rule you out without bothering you.”

  “Well. I can go along with that Sergeant. I will subject myself to any scrutiny necessary to put this matter to rest once and for all.” Galbin agreed.

  Five days passed. John Fornsworthy’s headaches and catatonic episodes continued…..longer than they ever had before.

  “He knows he is being watched and is waiting until it is safe to act. He does not need to hurry. His quarry is not going anywhere.” John told the two Doctors. “Did someone warn him about the watch?” he asked.

  “Of course. The police had no reason to put a guard on him so they were obliged to tell him what they were up to.” Dr. Mayns answered.

  “Maybe that could work to our advantage. Call off the police. Get a private investigator who doesn’t have to be so scrupulous. I’ll pay. I’ll bet every cent I have the minute the police are gone Galbin makes his move…….No wait….I…..I am getting something……Galbin is leaving the house… the back door. Now he is walking down the street. He is wearing a dark brown panama hat and high collar trench coat…..Now he is boarding a transit bus…..CALL THE POLICE….WARN THEM HE IS ON THE MOVE…..Before it is too late.”

  Dr. Mayns was on the phone in seconds calling Sergeant Craigent. When the detective answered the call Mayns explained what was going on. “The bus number is Uptown 173b.”

  “Hurry….hurry before it’s too late.” Fornsworthy cried out. I can feel his energy escalating. He is getting close to his quarry. Hurry…Hurry….” John fell to his knees, his entire body quaking uncontrollably.

  “Sedate him!” Cried Dr. Wellons. “This could drive him mad, beyond anyone’s help.”

  “No. I will be alright. It’s always like this until…..oh god….he’s close….he’s getting off the bus….he’s…….he stopped. He has turned away and now….a cop….its Sergeant Craigent.”

  It’s over. Galbin has had to abort his attack. But he will try again. I wish…I wish I knew who he was going after. He will try again…..soon.


  “Hello Professor Galbin. I hate to interrupt you but could you tell me where you are going and why you are dressed up like a dime novel spy?” Sergeant Craigent accosted the Professor.

  Galbin smiled, though it had no humour or pleasantry to it. “Of course Sergeant. I am on my way to visit a lady friend. I did not wish you or anyone else to know where I was going or who I was meeting. All I can tell you is this is a very private matter and none of your business.”

  “I am making it my business Professor. Who are you going to visit? Craigent demanded.

  Galbin sighed. Oh very well if it will get you out from under foot. “The lady’s name is Ann Bratch. She is well……a companion.”

  “You’re going to visit a hooker.” Craigent replied stifling a roaring belch of laughter.

  “Precisely…Now if you don’t mind, now that you have complete ruined the moment I will return home and make my complaints to your superior.” Galbin responded just barely retaining his composure. Then he turned away abruptly and hailed a taxi.

  …….Fornsworthy cringed. Galbin is not going home. He is out of the taxi and walking back toward the place Craigent accosted him. His energy is escalating again. He is going after his quarry.

  There was a long silence….fifteen minutes passed….It’s…’s over…..Sergeant Craigent should be advised and the police should try and track down the hooker. My guess she’ll have vanished.

  “You believe she has been killed.” Dr. Mayns replied sceptically.

  “Slaughtered for the butcher block would more fitting Doc. This creep is not just your run of the mill serial killer. He is a modern hunter-gatherer… least that’s how he thinks of himself. When he is hunting he does not believe he is doing anything wrong. In fact I think he believes what he does is perfectly normal. The only reason he hides what he does is because he believes this society would not understand…which we don’t…we don’t have the where-with-all to comprehend our most ancient instincts that still exist within us.” Fornsworthy tried desperately to make the doctors understand.

  “And you get all this from these visions. You can read his mind as well as see what he is doing.” Mayns challenged his patient.

  “You don’t see things through his eyes…but as an observer…yet you seem to be able to read…or absorb his thoughts?” said Dr. Wellons.

  “I don’t know what to call it. I can see him….. I can feel his emotions and I can hear his thoughts….if hear is the right term. He has been longing for some time to taste the flesh of the woman he just slaughtered….It’s almost as though it is an erotic experience for him…much more intense than any of their sexual encounters.”


  “Lord love a duck. This just keeps getting better.” Sergeant Craigent spouted after he listened for an hour as the two doctors described their session with Fornsworthy. “And you expect me to believe this shit.” He added with a snort.

  “It would be worth checking out I think!” Dr. Wellons replied insistently.

  “Wagging his head thoughtfully Dr. Mayns countered, “It would be worth checking out to prove my patient is unstable and needs to be institutionalized before he actually kills someone. I suggest you find this hooker…..Ann Bratch. If you find her…well….the implications are obvious. If she turns up missing then I suppose you will have to find her and that could me looking in on Professor Galbin…who by the way is a professor of anthropology.”

  Craigent sighed and shrugged his shoulder. “My boss is going to hit the roof if I suggest investigating Galbin again. The man is very close to making an official complaint and if we accost him again it will push him to do so.”

  “We are not asking the police to investigate this time. You are off the hook….for now.”

  “You cannot take matters into your own hands.” Craigent warned.

  “We are not. We have consulted a lawyer and the lawyer has consulted/ hired a Private Investigator. The Lawyer is representing John Fornsworthy.” Wellons explained.

  “This is crazy. Fornsworthy is wacko and you two are about two wasted brain cells behind him. But I suppose it can’t hurt to check and see if this hooker has come up missing.” Craigent responded sullenly. “Who is this P.I.? You have hired.
A reputable one I hope.”

  “Sandy Waitland.” Wellon replied.

  Craigent grimaced. Great. The west side witch. She fits right in with you lot. What about the lawyer?”

  “Dan Ogillyn who has his own unique reputation suited to Fornsworthy’s dilemma.” Wellons advised.

  “Unique reputation is an understatement.” Craigent chuckled.

  “I do believe your sarcasm is getting in the way of a thorough investigation Sergeant. Maybe this case should be turned over to…..” Wellons began but the Sergeant cut him off.

  “I’m clear enough on this case. It’s you two who keep screwing it up and your client needs to be put in jail. Now get the hell out of here before I find a reason to through you both in a cell.”

  As the two doctors. removed themselves quickly from the Sergeants proximity Dr. Mayns said. “I don’t think Fornsworthy belongs in prison but I do believe he should be incarcerated in a psychiatric facility”

  The two doctors started arguing that point as they left the station.

  Sergeant Craigent snapped up his desk phone and spoke to the duty Sergeant sending a uniform patrol to check on disposition of Ann Bratch….a woman whose name had crossed his desk before. Sure she was hooker but there was more…her sheet had several arrest for fraud, claiming to be a fortune teller.

  “This is getting insane.” Craigent hissed miserably.


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