Bloodline of a Kane (Kane Family Saga)
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HOOD WRITTENS PUB. 3522 Gladys st.
Jacksonville, Fl. 32209
Library of Congress Catalog Card No: To be supplied ISBN: 0-615-12928-5
Copyright: 2005 Second Print: 2006
All rights reserved by Hood Writtens Publishing for Bobby Dennis Jr.
Story By Bobby Dennis Jr.
Edited by Kim Grier and Ausha Rogers
Text formation by Ausha Rogers
Cover work by Adolfo Latorre or
Printed and pressed by Instant Publisher
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
“DEDICATION” This book is dedicated first and foremost to Father Yahweh who blessed me with the ability to tell a story. To my mother and father Betty Ann and Bobby Dennis who provided me my life and for the way I was raised, because I had to go thru there to make it here! To Ausha Rogers who believed in me from the start, I love you bro and that goes without saying. To Azaryah “Lalisa” Rogers thanks a million lil sis for holding the team down, dreaming the dream, being a conduit as well as a rock! Love you lil sis, see you in Cancun! To the brothers and sisters who lived and died for the game, you provided the stories I just narrated them. Lastly I’d like to thank the Florida D.O.C and their policy of not letting prisoners in disciplinary confinement have library books and the unnamed correctional officer that took the one I smuggled in; couldn’t have done it without you! A word to those who hated and didn’t believe. I told you!
Bobby Dennis OF A KANE
OF A KANE ! The year was 1860, slavery still abounded . The economic situation in the northern states was drastically falling apart, while the south flourished . The north was all for abolishing slavery, as that one move would break the south’s stranglehold on the United States fragile economy . The south was in an uproar, and there was talk of breaking away from the union. Southern states and their elected officials were preparing to break away. Slavery provided the south with what appeared to be an unlimited as well as cost effective supply of labor. The north was basically industrial, the south agricultural, they supplied the nation with foods, textiles and other goods.
In the spring of that year a young slave girl, 15 years old, named Amanda ran away from a big plantation near Charlotte North Carolina. The plantation was the Kane plantation. They didn’t grow cotton, corn, or wheat. What they grew were slaves …
Since importing slaves had been outlawed, the country sought to grow its own. On the Kane plantation, they grew only enough food stuffs to feed the slaves and the Kanes. A work force was necessary , so they had to have an overseer, his name was Elmer Spivey. He was a tall, thin, potbellied redneck with dirty blonde hair, stained and cracked big yellow teeth, a wispy mustache and beard. A weak looking chin, and washed out pale blue eyes. He was a mean and cruel man, as well as a terrible task master. Only 30 years old he looked nearly twice his age, and had worked for the Kane’s for 10 years. He lived on their property with his wife Lucy, a brown haired mouse of a woman. She was small of stature, and scared of her own shadow. Elmer had instilled the fear with numerous beatings.
She was his first cousin, and they had wed when she was 13. At 22, she looked 50. They had five sons ranging from 2 to 7, tow headed boys each one of them.
Elmer had also fathered at least 15 more children from slave women, and made sure they were quickly sold. There was one slave woman who wouldn’t have him. A big, jet black slave, named Bessie. She was 30 years old, and finely built. Big firm breast, trim waist, big thighs, a big perfectly shaped butt, and a lovely spread of hips. She was a pure blood Zulu from the coast of Africa. She traveled across the middle passage in the safety of her mother’s womb. Her mother Cissy, had been sold off years ago when she was a small girl. She tried to remember the strange language her mother spoke to her as a child. The rhythmic cadence that gave her such joy. Bessie was the favorite of the plantation owner, one Thaddeus Matthew Kane.
Thad Kane as he was known far and wide, was a big strapping man with brown hair and eyes. He was a kind man, and treated his slaves well. One thing he wouldn’t do was take a slave’s word over the word of a white man, and the slaves knew this. He was 40 years old. His family were among the first to settle in North Carolina, so he was well respected throughout the state.
His wife was Elisabeth Kane, a robust woman of 35. She had bore him two children, John Ellis Kane and Rebecca Louise Kane. John Ellis as he was called, was the mirror image of his father at twenty, a tall finely built young man. He had sired 8 or 9 children with slave women, but his father promptly sold them.
Rebecca at eighteen was a beautiful woman with alabaster skin, her one fault was that she loved black men. She had a mean streak and where she got it was a mystery. She had been forcing the slave boys and men to have sex with her, since she discovered what sex was by peeping in the slave cabin.
Thad Kane was Amanda’s father. Bessie was her mother, the only slave woman Thad had ever had. Amanda was a fine girl at 15, full breast, thick thighs, a beautiful butt, the only thing that marred her figure was that she was pregnant.
Elmer had been at Amanda, but Bessie warned him and he ceased, because Thad Kane had a fondness for Amanda. Facially her and Rebecca resembled, but at 15 her body was more lush and full. She was a big girl, inherited from her parents. Thad Kane had warned all of the men to stay away from Amanda.
A pure blood Mandingo who came to America at two and was twenty two then, by t
he name of Josh, fell in love with her and she with him. Her pregnancy was the result of their affections.
Rebecca had come across them making love in the barn. Amanda was Rebecca’s companion, and body servant. She slept on a pallet in Rebecca’s room. Rebecca had taught her to play with her vagina, and they pleasured each other.
When Rebecca caught them, she was on her way to have sex with the stable hand. She watched Josh make love to Amanda and fingered herself to orgasm. A few days later she confronted Josh, and explained the penalty for violating her father’s order to stay away from Amanda. She told him there was one thing he could do to ensure she won’t tell.
From that day on Josh had sex with her. The fly in the ointment, was that Elmer stumbled up on them. She tried to lie and say it was rape, but Elmer had watched for a while and knew that wasn’t the case. He black mailed her into having sex with him.
Elmer took to punishing Josh for every little infraction, Josh rebelled and was chained to the whipping post. As Elmer whipped him, Amanda attacked him, and was chained to a post next to him and whipped. When Elmer released them, Josh knocked him down and kicked and stomped him with his bare feet. Elmer pulled his pistol and shot Josh dead.
That night as Elmer slinked between the slave cabins to have sex with a slave name Bertha, Amanda waited in the shadows with an axe. As he passed her she stepped out and swung the axe, and cleaved his head in two. The axe stuck in his trunk as Amanda had swung it with such force.
She took off running. She was six months pregnant. She had no idea where to go, she just ran towards the mountains.
The next day there was an uproar, and they looked to see who was missing. Thad Kane had knew who had killed Elmer and why. He didn’t call in the sheriff. They buried Elmer and John Ellis took his place as overseer.
Elmer’s wife was allowed to stay on the land, she was given a deed for ten acres. Thad Kane sent hands to help her plant and harvest her crops, and soon she took up with a big light skinned slave named Bo. She bore him five sons, and at the tender age of 28 she died. Her six years with Bo, were the happiest days of her short lived life.
Bo took up with a bright yellow slave woman named Della, and they raised the ten boys. The civil war started in 61’, and ended in 66’, and the ten acres became Bo’s.
At the time of Elmer’s murder Thad never sent any one after Amanda, he just let her go. Rebecca couldn’t be consoled, so Thad sent her up north to a finishing school. Bessie bore him a son, then the war came. Both Thad and John Ellis joined the Confederacy, he as a Colonel and John Ellis as a Lieutenant. Thad was wounded and lost his left arm. John Ellis was killed. Elisabeth killed herself when she got the news.
Rebecca came back to run the plantation. She had been gone for three years, but her hunger for black men had not abated. She took up with a half white slave named Tandy, who had taken over as overseer while her father and John Ellis went to war.
When Thad returned in 65’, the place was almost as he had remembered, most of the slaves remained though many had run away. Bessie was there with his five year old son, a boy who could pass for white. He looked just like his father, but he would be bigger. Thad moved Bessie into the big house, and named his son after him.
Rebecca and Tandy lived in the big house and she gave birth to twins, both boys which she named John Thaddeus Kane and Ellis Matthew Kane.
At first Thad was enraged that his daughter would fuck a black man, and have children. They had some terrible rows, but Bessie opened his eyes and he radically changed his views. He became extremely progressive for his time. They kept their domestic arrangements to themselves, and the plantation prospered. He had buried gold, and it got them through the lean times. After the war, the Kane plantation was one of the few places that made money and grew. The community learned that they were co-habiting with blacks and held it against them. The blacks in the area did business with them, and soon Thad was buying up land dirt cheap.
He gave all of his ex slaves two acres and a mule, and they sharecropped with him. He never cheated them, and spent most of his time with blacks. He and Bessie had four more kids, three girls and a boy. Tandy and Rebecca had four more children.
Thad junior, John, and Ellis Kane, took over after their parents died. They all married poor white women and the line went on.
The Kane plantation still stands today, still owned by the Family who now own and operate Kane International, a big consortium. You would never know they had the blood of a Zulu from a royal line. So in a sense they are Blue Bloods, and all are lily white or so they think.
* CHAPTER # 2 *
Amanda ran towards the mountains. For three months she hid during the day, and walked in the dark of the night. She wore out her shoes and walked barefoot until the blisters were gone. Her feet were hard and callused. Her clothes hung in tatters. She was nine months pregnant when she stumbled sick and exhausted into the Cherokee Indian camp. There were other runaway slaves who had become part of the tribe, not many, maybe 10 or 12 men, women, and children. The women of the tribe ran to her as she fell in the camp. They took her to a Teepee and did their best to minister to her. They went and got the camp Shaman, who turned out to be an ex-Buddhist Priest turned trapper and mountain man.
He was Chinese and his name was, Tan Lao Tzu. The Cherokee called him Yellow Bird and believed him to be a medicine man. He was 25 years old and had been in America for 10 years. He came with a bunch of Monks to minister to the Chinese railroad workers. The Monks were slaughtered along with a group of railroad workers by the Irish railroad workers, who resented them because they worked for cheaper wages and the Irish felt they were taking their jobs. Tan Lao Tzu escaped and walked from California to North Carolina and had done many things in those 10 years.
He was a small man, 5’ 4” tall and weighed 145 pounds, but there was not a man there that could best him in combat. Hand to Hand or with weapons, Lao Tzu had mastered the art of Kung Fu by the time he was 14. He was an expert with any bladed weapon and the bow. He could ride a horse better than most and taught himself how to use firearms. He was good with both pistols and rifles, he was a dead shot. He knew how to use an array of different herbs that were used as medicine. He had been with this band of Cherokee for five years and he spoke their language, Chinese and English fluently with no accent. He had a Cherokee wife who was the daughter of the Chief, who was named Standing Bear. His wife’s name was Sparrow and his son was Little Bird who was just a year old. He dressed in buckskins just like the Indians and his skin was turned a yellow brown by the sun. He looked in every way like one of them, the difference was in the eyes and he wore his head bald.
Sparrow came to their Teepee and said. “There is a woman who needs your help. She is not of the people, she is a dark one.”
“Show me,” he said. She lead him to the Teepee where Amanda lay and as soon as he saw her he fell in love.
Amanda showed no hint of her white blood, skin wise and her hair wasn’t exactly straight, but it wasn’t kinky either. Her skin tone was a deep nut brown, her eyes were round and dark, and her lips were full and sensuous. Her face even in pain was beautiful.
He kneeled beside her and checked her as best he could in the feeble light. He could see she was pregnant, her stomach swollen and smooth. It seemed like if you pricked it, it would burst. He spoke in a combination of English and Cherokee and told the women to get hot water and cloths.
Amanda’s water broke and gushed from between her legs and she was running a high fever. Quickly he mixed some herbs with hot water and held it to her lips, she sipped, coughed, then drank the rest. She looked into his eyes, she had never seen eyes like his, they were beautiful. Weakly she mustered a smile. He held her head and looked at her. When she smiled, he looked at her and knew he had to have her as his wife.
Most of the men had two or more wives, his wife Sparrow was only 15. He didn’t know her age, but he was sure she wasn’t much older. He feed her more of the potion, then said. “Your child is arriving, do yo
u understand,”
“Yes,” she replied.
The women returned with the things he requested. He spread her legs then kneeled between them.
“Just do as I say and every thing will be alright.” he said.
“I trust you pretty eyes.” she said.
He smiled, felt her stomach, then said. “In a minute I want you to push the baby out.”
Two women held her hands. “Push, push hard,” he said.
She pushed and pushed until it felt like something was ripping her apart.
“Push, push hard,” he said. “I see it.”
She screamed and pushed, the head popped out. “Push, push,” he said.
She pushed and screamed with tears rolling down her face. The baby was squeezed out and Lao Tzu pulled the baby from her, cut the cord then tied it. He told her to push again, she did and the afterbirth came out.
“You have a son, and he is as black as a Raven. A beautiful and healthy boy. How will he be called?”
“His name is Raven Kane.” she said with conviction.
“So it is.” said Lao Tzu, and handed the baby to her. He was black as midnight with a head full of dark curly hair. She held him to her breast where he sucked her big nipple into his mouth. She looked at Lao Tzu again, and blessed him with a big smile.
“I’ll leave you now.” he said. “I’m Lao Tzu, they call me Yellow Bird.”
“I’m Amanda Kane, they call me Mandy.”
“I’m pleased to meet you Mandy.” he said then left the Teepee and went to see Standing Bear.
Standing Bear was a very big man, barrel chest, big arms, and legs. His hair was past his shoulders, raven black, tied in two thick braids, with buckskin ties and clumps of bear pelts on the ends.
“Welcome Yellow Bird.” he said. “I see from look in your eyes it is very important matter. What is it?”
“A woman came into camp tonight, a dark one. She is mine.” Lao Tzu said.
Standing Bear smiled then asked. “Does she know this?”