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A Material Gift (D'Arth Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Camille Oster

  Thanking the doctor, they left. The burden of her belly felt even heavier now that she knew it could be another ten days. “I’m not sure I can cope with another ten days,” she muttered to herself. Dr Halmonde’s statement flashed back into her mind. There was a solution—something normal couples readily had access to. Mortified, she wondered what thoughts were going through Sebastian’s head at the moment. She hadn’t felt this awkward around him since he’d turned her down.

  In silence, they walked to the limousine and he helped her in. She’d hoped she’d be going home with a baby in her arms, not home for potentially another week plus of torture, but then nothing about this whole thing had been straightforward, why would she be surprised now?

  Sebastian came in through the other door and Sam was too embarrassed to look at him, in case she begged him to have sex with her.

  “It will be fine,” he said, drawing her attention to him. It was nice to hear a bit of reassurance, because she felt lost at the moment. His gaze seemed to hold hers; his lips drawing her in. He was just so ridiculously handsome. She’d told herself repeatedly that she needed to get a grip. Groaning, she tried to look away.

  Moving quickly, he kissed her. Her body lunged at the chance before she even knew what was happening. His soft lips moved over hers, teasing and coaxing. Pulling away a bit, he said, “I think we should follow the doctor’s orders.”

  A moment of uncertain tension hung in the air and Sam felt like she was on a knife’s edge, but at the moment she didn’t care what the reason, she just wanted to kiss him again. “Of course,” she said through heavy, uncontrolled breaths. “He said it might get things going.”

  Sebastian kissed her roughly, pulling her close to him as much as her belly would allow. Sam felt like a levy was breaking; she couldn’t get enough of the kisses. His body felt solid and warm under her hands, and now that she was touching him, she knew that she had been aching for this for a long time.

  His mouth moved away from her lips and teased her neck. Sam felt her body flare to life, more intensely than she’d ever felt before. Sebastian had moved his hands lower, unbuttoning the front of her dress, revealing the industrial strength bra she’d had to get. Her mind sent a panic message through her to say she should be embarrassed about her bra, but it was gone before she had a chance to actually respond. He knew how to remove a bra. Sam couldn’t stop her heavy breathing as his firm hands ran over the sensitive skin of her breast, then along the swell of her belly.

  “You don’t know how I’ve had to restrain myself,” he said. “The curves of your body... ” he shook his head in disbelief. “You don’t know what you’ve done to me for months.” Sam watched as his eyes sought out hers. “I can’t quite describe how much I love your body.”

  Sam smiled. Well, that made one of them. She wanted his lips again and leaned forward, being rewarded with a flood of sensation as he came to her. She wanted him inside her; her heat aching for him, but she also wanted to run her hands over every glorious part of him. She wanted it all, a slow exploration and a great big rush to get the driving ache filled and fulfilled. Months of unfulfilled sexual tension exploded in her, refusing her the chance of exploring him as she wanted to.

  She had no idea how they would do this. She had a great big belly in front of her. Moving off the seat, he kneeled in front of her, pulling her down to him. She felt him push inside her and she couldn’t breathe for the intense sensation that filled her; pleasure cascaded throughout her entire body, making every hair stand on end. Her body pulsed around him, heightening the sensation.

  Three sharp thrusts and her body tripped over the edge with strong convulsions washing through every part of her, robbing her of breath and full consciousness. He kept moving smoothly in and out of her until he ground into her one final time.

  Breathing heavily, they stayed in that position, joined. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she could move if she wanted to. Sam watched Sebastian as he recovered his breath with his eyes closed. Slowly he opened his eyes and they stared at each other. A smiled flashed through his features. “I don’t think that is going to be enough,” he said. “I believe that if you’re going to do something, you might as well do it well.” He gave her a conspiratorial look and Sam couldn’t help but bite her lip, drawing his attention to it. “We’re going to be at home in about a minute.”

  Sam gasped and tried to sit up. Sebastian had to help her and she rushed to button up her dress, getting one wrong, which made it look completely dishevelled. As they pulled up by the house, Sebastian helped her out of the car and she walked as swiftly as she could to the house, while he spoke to the driver. Blushing, Sam wondered if the driver knew exactly what they’d been doing in the back.

  Closing the door behind him, Sebastian dropped her hospital bag in the hall. He moved straight for her and pulled her into a kiss before an awkward moment was allowed to develop. “Now what were we saying about being thorough?”

  Sam was too distracted by the kissing to even register a response to his question, being caught in the sweetest kisses she’d ever experienced. He was walking her somewhere and the next thing she knew, she was lying down on his bed. He couldn’t lie down on top of her and Sam regretted not being able to feel his weight.

  Her body hadn’t really stopped being on fire since they’d got in the limousine, and deep, heavy breaths still shook her. Her core pulsed for attention, wanting him inside her again, but he was not going to rush this time. Slowly, he ran his hand all over her, down her side and front, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Her muscles tightened anywhere he touched, urging forward into his hands. Leaning down, he took one of her nipples in his mouth and teased it mercilessly, alternatively treating her with the warm, soft teasing of his tongue and the sharper pressure of his teeth. Sam was completely under the spell of the sensation he caused, even unable to continue her own exploration across his muscled chest and taut stomach.

  As big as she was, she felt sexy when he looked at her, the way his eyes lingered, absorbing and observing. They kissed again, his tongue running along hers, teasing and coaxing until she couldn’t form a coherent thought. His hand at the back of her head held her to him, challenging her to accept him deeper.

  A thought flashed through her mind, wondering if she could resist him even if she wanted to. She wasn’t sure that she could. The only thing that had kept her out of his bed had been his rejection of her. She wondered if there was something in that fact that should concern her, but she couldn’t think straight just at the moment. Perhaps she was just another girl that turned into putty when he looked at her, and she just had to be honest about it.

  She moaned as his hand cupped her heavy breast, moulding its weight with his palm. His fingertips traced down over her ribcage to the lush and heavy swell of her belly. She couldn’t take this teasing anymore. Reaching down she teased the tip of his thick shaft, letting her fingers roam over the sensitive underside of the head; his body tensed and tightened as her fingered worked along him. His eyes swam with sensation and desire, which was possibly the most erotic thing she had ever seen. He wasn’t the only one who could tease.

  Shifting down, she took the tip into her mouth teasing it slowly with her tongue and he jerked slightly with the sharp sensations she stirred. Twisting her tongue, she took him deeper into her mouth, hearing him groan in response—a sound that connected directly to the pulsations in her core. More urgently, she worked her mouth along the velvet skin of his hardness.

  “Stop,” he finally urged, “or this will not last long, and I don’t think I am going to be truly satisfied unless I’m inside you.” Part of her didn’t want to stop, enjoying the impact her ministrations had on him, but she felt the need for them to be properly joined as well. Rising up, she moved her knee across him, straddling him and sinking down on his shaft, feeling her body yield for him. Glorious warmth and fullness stole through her until she’d taken all of him, when she undulated her hips, feeling the friction harden as she did. She was in no hurry, bu
t didn’t need to be—wanting to extend this for all it was, instead of rushing through it. She found his eyes and she slowly moved, teasing out every delicious friction and sensation. Her core pulsed with satisfaction as she fought the urge to quicken her strokes and further intensify their joining as he found the spot inside her that robbed her of sense and sanity. The feelings were so intense, she couldn’t stop the whimpers, revealing how completely he had her enslaved to the consuming tension he caused. His eyes held her, mesmerising her; full of promise and intent.

  This wasn’t just sex, there was something cathartic about it, which should scare her to pieces, but it didn’t. She was letting him into her body and her heart, because on some level it felt like they needed to be linked and bonded.

  His eyes showed his appreciation as she rode him and she could only bask in the glory she felt as she slowly moved up and down, feeling his shaft massage her insides. The sensations were drawing her apart, urging her forward. Right at this moment, it felt like they belonged together and she belonged to him; she felt loved and worshipped as he strained to reach deeper into her.

  Surrendering to the powerful sensation, she let them run away with her. There was no point in some vain attempt to slow things down. His hands’ forceful grinding of her hips only pushed her on until she broke into powerful convulsions and she cried with the intense pleasure of her release. The waves intensified further as he arched forcefully into her, groaning out his orgasm.

  Once the body-wracking pulses dissipated, she slowly slid off him and rolled onto her side, feeling her body dissipating heat. She was so sated and exhausted, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She was asleep within moments.

  Chapter 28

  With the customary flash of concern, Sebastian woke knowing someone was next to him. Opening his eyes, he saw Sam, asleep and facing him, lying on her side with her hair splayed across the pillow. Memories of the day before returned. He considered the implications for a moment, unsure whether it had been a good idea or not. It had seemed like an excellent idea at the time. Even if it turned out not to be, he wasn’t able to to regret it and on some level, he had a sense that he really needed to connect with her.

  What harm could it do now? he wondered, remembering the deep sated feeling he’d received—the one that apparently wouldn’t stay. He wanted her to wake, but there was also a warning issued inside him, which he shrugged off as he was mature enough to deal with the things that lay ahead, even if things got a little messy.

  Sam’s eyes opened and settled on him. She was so very pretty. He had to smile and she smiled back. Lying as they were, they didn’t move. For once, he didn’t rush out of bed, urge the girl to leave at the earliest opportunity in case she got the wrong idea. First of all, he didn’t need to; Sam was leaving him, and second, he just didn’t feel the sense of panic, and it wasn’t only that he wanted her again. Perhaps it was that if Sam wanted to take, he was prepared to give.

  Slowly, he reached over and kissed her lightly, delighting in the soft and delicious touch which she didn’t hesitate in receiving—not that his body was prepared to explore the light and delicious for too long. His ravenous desire reasserted itself and his whole body tensed in need and anticipation, making him a slave to his need, even as he wanted to play and explore at leisure.

  Sam’s deepening breathing and small moans when his hands stroked across her skin showed that she was caught in the driving need as much as he was, making him tighten even further—painfully so. The urge to find release was overwhelming as he let his eyes soak in the contours of her body, which still had him completely enthralled.

  As Sam moved her hips towards him, he exhaled in relief and couldn’t bring himself to waste any more time. Her warm, delicious heat enveloped him as he firmly pushed into her, but there was only so far he was willing to let his body rush and he was going to take this as slow as he could force himself to, savour every stroke and caress.

  It was ridiculous, but he felt a deep-seated sense of achievement as he encased himself in her, receiving her little whimpers as reward when he buried himself fully. He just wanted to stay there, balanced on a fine point of pure pleasure. If he moved, he knew a wave of pleasure would wash over him and he would lose the control he had forced himself to bear. But he moved, wanting to or not, making him gasp as the sensations hit him. At this moment, he wasn’t sure he could think of anything better in his whole life.

  Gritting his teeth, he fought the strengthening sensations that assaulted him, but he was losing the battle, getting lost in the powerful wash of the waves flowing over him each time he pulled out and pushed into her again. Sam’s moaning pants weren’t helping, driving him on, reverberating through his mind and consciousness.

  Everything in him tightened to complete hardness as he drove into her as hard as he could, emptying everything he had into her. The exquisite pleasure had him caught, unable to move, or breathe, or think.

  Slumping down, he tried to gain control of himself so he didn’t hurt her. Flashing through his mind, he also tried to reason through why this felt so different and so much more powerful, and it had something to do with giving. Normally, he achieved orgasm, an event with its own celebration, but now, there was something else—he was presenting himself to her, giving of what he was. He hadn’t quite experienced that before.

  He didn’t know what this meant—if it was a good thing—something they needed. Slumping down further on the bed, he tried to catalogue his emotions—not perhaps something he normally did when in bed with a woman. Uncontrollable breaths seemed to disrupt his thinking, but there was something there, a concept that felt important. Or maybe he was trying to connect with her and the child. Maybe the most primitive part of his brain needed the knowledge of putting his seed in her to connect with the child that was growing inside her—his child. In a small shift, his understanding of this child was changing from a burdensome obligation into something else, but he wasn’t sure what that something else was.

  “I’m famished,” Sam said, “and as a pregnant woman, hunger is a serious issue.”

  He smiled, partially because she didn’t seem to reflect the gravity of the things he was experiencing. A serious shadow crossed his consciousness. Perhaps this meant nothing to her—a way of bringing on labour, or a means of physical pleasure—exactly how he normally saw it; the physical pleasure part—a release of tension and stress. Lying back, he watched as she pulled herself out of bed and stood up. A new flash of desire shot through to his groin as she walked out of his bedroom, completely naked. Even as he considered that she was using him for her own purposes when he was having a crisis or epiphany of some kind, his desire still overrode everything else. Smiling, he chuckled at himself, before growing serious again. He needed to get hold of his mind.

  After dressing, he joined Sam in the lounge, where she sat on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.

  “Do you want something a bit more substantial?”

  Sam coughed, trying to not make a mess with the cereal. “God yes,” she said, giving him a teasing, mischievous look.

  He smiled at her interpretation. “Where is your mind at, Miss D’Arth?”

  “Somewhere a little lower, I should think.”

  Grinning, he poured himself a cup of coffee.


  They had sex on the dining table, and on the couch where he forcefully pushed them both to shattering releases. Sebastian wasn’t sure he’d ever had so much sex in such a short amount of time, but he didn’t feel sated either.

  “I feel funny,” Sam said as she sat on the couch, with his arm around her.

  “Funny how?”

  “I don’t know. Just tension.”

  She was too serious to be teasing. He didn’t know what to do, determining that there was nothing to do but to watch her. He didn’t exactly know all the things that could go wrong, but he knew that things could end badly and he wasn’t sure he was prepared to deal with that. A unknown fear stole in.

  Staying as they were, they
watched some comedy movie, but he couldn’t follow the plot.

  “Well, it is consistent,” she said, turning to him. “Maybe it’s starting.”

  “Should I call Dr Halmonde?”

  “Maybe not yet.”

  She snuggled into him again and he held her and blankly watched the screen. He wasn’t sure he was ready for this. It was momentous, but his mind was only starting to realise how important this was. And then she was leaving. He would get his house and his life back, but he had a sense that it would feel quiet and lonely here without her. He’d gotten used to her being here when he came home. But this wasn’t his life—not what he was meant for. Tapping the side of the couch with his finger, he felt a sudden urge to know how long she was staying, while realising it was far from the best time to discuss it. Surely, she couldn’t leave straight away.

  “I’m going to walk around for a bit,” she said.

  “Do you want me to come?”

  “No, you watch the movie. I’ll only be out on the patio.” Rising, she went outside and Sebastian felt her absence as she left.


  Sam breathed in the cool air outside. It was a winter day, but it was bright and warming slightly. It was starting; she knew it her gut that it was starting. Her baby was coming. Excitement flowed through every cell of her body.

  Turning her thoughts to Sebastian, her excitement dissipated. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was worrying her. She desperately wanted him, but felt a heavy warning along with her consuming desire. Being with him was so completely captivating right now, but they were so different and they were heading in completely different directions. Co-parents were what they were going to be and that was the most important thing. She finally got why he’d rejected her before and she felt like an idiot for not seeing it at the time. Of course he had been right, but they also wanted each other and after months of tension, the strain had been too much. She just hoped there wasn’t going to be consequences. It would be just like her to make a complete mess of this; then again, it had been a complete shambles from the very start, she thought, rolling her eyes.


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