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Beauty and the Beast (Once Upon A Happy Ever After Book 2)

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by Jewel Killian

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Beauty and the Beast

  Copyright © 2017 Jewel Killian

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Snow White


  Title Page

  Beauty and the Beast

  Copyright © 2017 Jewel Killian

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Snow White

  Chapter One

  Beauty and the Beast

  Once Upon a Happy Ever After

  Book II

  Jewel Killian

  Beauty and the Beast

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. But I couldn’t have her. Not now. Not ever.

  Not with this curse hanging over my head.

  Not a real curse, this isn’t a fairytale. But I am cursed with a very specific need. One that scares everyone I’ve ever told. One that makes people look at me with such horror and disgust I’ve stopped telling people. I’ve stopped thinking that I’ll find someone who can handle what I need. Because no one can.

  But I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off the stunning girl in a golden dress.

  I hadn’t planned on coming to the ludicrous ball tonight. Balls, formal attire, waltzing, none were my thing. But, it was the charity event to be seen at if you were part of the upper echelon New York elite. And I needed some very top tier eyes on me. I didn’t expect to catch the eye of a brown haired beauty though.

  It would take everything I had to keep my cool around her. Everything within me not to throw her over my shoulder and show her how much of a beast I truly was.

  The crowd parted for me as I made my way to the bar. Alcohol always dulled the need. But she intercepted me, stood right in my way and said hi to me. I grunted, pushed by her and sidled up to the bar. Two drinks down with another on the way and I finally felt more in control. The bartender slid my third bourbon down the bar and I took a long sip, turning to face the crowd.

  “Hi, I’m Belle, and you’d better not drink too much or you won’t be up for what I have in mind for you.” She was right in front of me smirking, standing so close she had to crane her neck to make eye contact.

  “Excuse me?” I growled, clenching the rocks glass.

  “You heard me, but I’ll spell it out.” She stepped toward me her big brown eyes locked on mine. “You’re exactly what I need tonight. Why don’t we go back to your place?”

  The rocks glass shattered in my hand.

  Her lips curved into a grin. “Been a while, has it?”

  I stepped closer to her, intentionally putting myself in her space. “I don’t know who you think you are princess—”

  “I already said, I’m Belle. And I’m certain I have exactly what you need.”

  Each book in the Once Upon a Happy Ever After series is a complete standalone, HEA story with NO CLIFFHANGERS and NO CHEATING.

  Who doesn’t want a love/lust-at-first-sight experience? Who doesn’t want to be devoured and possessed by a man who simply can’t control himself around you? Who doesn’t want a man to want you so much it makes him a little crazy? If that sounds good to you then this is especially for you.

  But just so you know what you’re in for:

  The books in this series are quick and dirty twisted fairy tales with dark, dominating alpha males, insta-lust scenarios, and steamy explicit sexiness that’ll melt your panties. If you like extra dirty stories with BDSM overtones, then this one is definitely for you. And as always, HEA with NO CHEATING!

  Copyright © 2017 Jewel Killian

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously.

  This book is intended for adult audiences.

  Chapter One


  Who was that? I wondered when a familiar looking redhead in a blue gown entered the ballroom. She was late, really late, and her ball gown wasn’t quite to dress code. I made my way over to introduce myself but first, I had to vet her.

  “Pretty risky wearing a dress like that,” I said, smoothing the beaded bodice of my own golden floor length gown. The Viennese Opera Ball was the highlight of the social season for the Upper East Side elite. With that came a strict dress code, floor length ball gowns for the women, and white tie and tails for the men.

  “How do you mean?” she asked sweetly. Okay, even if her dress was too short in the front she was clearly a fellow debutante. No way would a person without etiquette training respond with such composure.

  I smiled my most charming smile. “Well, it’s not to dress code, obviously.” I didn’t like trading not-so-veiled insults with a smile and acerbic tone, but it was the game of vetting. I had to know she could play before I let her in.

  “Sara-Belle?” she asked. “Sara-Belle French?”

  My jaw dropped and my hand went to my necklace. Could it be? “Ella? Is that you? Heavens it’s been forever!” I rushed my former best friend, wrapping her in a hug. We’d been so close as children. Then her father remarried that awful Tremaine woman and I didn’t see her anymore. “I’m so sorry about your father. He was such a good man.”

  Ella nodded gracefully. “Thank you.”

  “Well, we must get together and catch up. I need to know where you’ve been all these years.”

  “I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying in New York,” she said.

  “Oh, what do you mean?” I asked but my attention was drawn to another late-comer. This was no debutante. He was enormous. At least six and a half feet tall with muscles so big I was sure he’d had his white suit custom made. All of his clothes must have been custom.

  He was exactly my type and headed straight for me. My heart raced as he made his way through the crowd that seemed to part for him. Finally! It had been too long since I’d had a good…

  “Here.” I handed Ella a business card I’d fished from my clutch. I hadn’t heard a word she said but I did want to catch up. “Call me when you’re free. I’ll drop everything. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to these last few years. It hasn’t been the same without you.” I kissed Ella’s cheek. “Oh, and it’s just Belle, now. I dropped the Sara part when I started my own business. It sounded a little too provincial for my liking. Have fun,” I said and walked directly toward the gorgeous specimen I couldn’t take my eyes off of.

  “Hi,” I said stepping in his path. To my absolute astonishment, he grunted and pushed by me. I stood in complete shock watching the beast of a man make a beeline for the bar. Classy, I thought and followed. He wasn’t getting away that easy.

  He was just what I needed. I could smell a good Dominant from a mile away, and this guy he set off my radar the moment he stepped into the room. He’d give me what I craved. He’d be the best Dom I’d ever had.

  I just knew it.

  Now if I could only get him to notice me.

  Chapter Two


  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. But I couldn’t have her. Not now. Not ever.

; Not with this curse hanging over my head.

  Not a real curse, this isn’t a fairytale. But I am cursed with a very specific need. One that scares everyone I’ve ever told. One that makes people look at me with such horror and disgust I’ve stopped telling people. I’ve stopped thinking I’ll find someone who can handle what I need. Because no one can.

  But I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off the stunning girl in a golden dress.

  I hadn’t planned on coming to this ludicrous ball tonight. Balls, formal attire, waltzing, none were my thing. But this was the charity event to be seen at if you were part of the upper echelon New York elite. And I needed some very top tier eyes on me.

  I didn’t expect to catch the eye of a brown eyed beauty though.

  It would take everything I had to keep my cool around her. Everything within me not to throw her over my shoulder and show her how much of a monster I truly was.

  The crowd parted for me as I made my way to the bar. Alcohol always dulled the need. But she intercepted me, stood right in my way and said hi to me. I grunted, pushed by her and sidled up to the bar. Two drinks down with another on the way and I finally felt more in control. The bartender slid my third bourbon down the bar and I took a long sip, turning to face the crowd.

  “Hi, I’m Belle, and you’d better not drink too much or you won’t be up for what I have in mind for you.” She was right in front of me, smirking and standing so close she had to crane her neck to make eye contact.

  “Excuse me?” I growled, clenching the rocks glass.

  “You heard me, but I’ll spell it out.” She stepped toward me, her big brown eyes locked on mine as she touched the silver pendant around her neck. “You’re exactly what I need tonight. Why don’t we go back to your place?”

  The rocks glass shattered in my hand.

  Her lips curved into a grin. “Been a while, has it?”

  I stepped closer to her, intentionally putting myself in her space. “I don’t know who you think you are princess—”

  “I already said, I’m Belle. And I’m certain I have exactly what you need.”

  I laughed in her face. “I highly doubt that. Go play with the other socialites. I’m here for business.”

  She smiled at me, a smile that probably opened a lot of doors for her, probably turned men into piles of goo. She had a magnetism, an air of overt sexuality about her that I wasn’t ashamed to admit, had my cock’s attention. And she was gorgeous. Long hair, big brown eyes, and the rack on her, hell, I could see myself getting lost in there. But I wouldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t be laughed at or looked at like I was a monster again. I wouldn’t give in to her.

  She reached up, grabbed me by the neck and pulled me down to her level. “I know what you are,” she said in my ear.

  I ripped myself out of her grasp. “You know nothing about me,” I said, jaw clenched, fists balled, and left the ballroom as fast as I could.

  Chapter Three


  What the hell was that?

  The man whose pants I desperately wanted in nearly ran away from me. A few years ago I would have assumed it was me, certain that I’d done something to turn him off, or that I was unworthy of his attention in some way. Now I knew better.

  It could only be one thing.

  He hadn’t come to terms with his proclivities—yet.

  If that were the case then it was a crying shame. I knew he was a hard Dom just by the way he carried himself. He threw off alpha vibes like nothing I’d ever felt before, but then I’d always been into the scene. I knew what to look for. If he didn’t know there were others like him… and still others that liked being dominated—

  He probably felt like a monster.

  I followed him which wasn’t hard since he towered over the other guests. He exited the ballroom through a door that led to one of my favorite places in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The library.

  I ducked into the grand room and surveyed the stacks for my conquest’s massive frame. But I didn’t see him anywhere. Where was he? I saw him come in, he had to be—

  “Oooooh!” I yelled as he stepped from between two stacks and pinned me against a shelf before I knew what happened. Hard body pressed against mine and a darkness in his eyes I couldn’t get enough of.

  “Is this what you want?” he roared in my face.

  Cheeks hot with lust and dizzy from the sudden burst of adrenaline I looked directly at him. “Yes,” I said simply.

  I’ll never forget the look on his face. His eyes widened, then narrowed in disbelief. “No,” he said firmly. “It’s not.” He put me back on the ground—I hadn’t noticed my feet were off the ground—and walked away.

  “Hey!!” I yelled to his back. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  He didn’t respond, just lumbered toward the exit.

  He wasn’t getting away from me that easy. I reached behind me, grabbed a book from the shelf and chucked it at his head.

  The book thudded against his skull. He spun on his heel and towered over me in one giant stride. “Listen, I don’t know what your deal is—”

  “I know exactly what yours is,” I interrupted. I was tired of the foreplay. I wanted the action.

  He looked down at me and sighed, whiskey scented breath grazing my cheeks and bemused annoyance playing with his gorgeous features. “Is that so?”

  I nodded, straining to look up at him. “It’s simple. You’re a Dom. Which is perfect because I’m a sub.”

  He looked at me like I had three eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  For the briefest second I doubted myself. Was I wrong? Couldn’t be, I picked up on his Dom vibe from across the room. “Let me guess, you like to be rough with your parters?” I took his silence as affirmation. “There are lots of people who like rough stuff, and lots who like getting roughed up. I should know. I’m one of them.”

  Chapter Four


  Was she serious? There were others like me? I wanted to believe her but I needed proof.

  “See this?” She touched the silver pendant on her neck. Her exquisite, slender neck I could easily wrap my hand around and watch as she—

  I shook my head trying to free myself of the disgusting thought. What kind of person enjoyed choking people?

  “It’s not just a necklace,” she said and unclasped it, dangling the black cords and metal pendant in front of me. “It’s a tiny flogger,” she said, smiling ear to ear. She cracked the cords in the air once, then across her arm. “This one isn’t big enough to hurt much but I have plenty others.”

  “Is that so?” I asked.

  She stepped forward, her beautiful brown eyes locked on mine. “It is.”

  I shook my head and stepped back. “I doubt you could handle what I—”

  She put a finger to my lips. “Why don’t we just see about that?”

  The touch of her finger, her scent wafting through the air, the excitement in her eyes—I couldn’t take it. I roared as I grabbed her by the waist. Her eyes went wide as I spun her around and pinned her to the wall. Not with fear, I knew exactly what that looked like, I’d seen it far too many times. Belle’s eyes were wide with excitement, anticipation, and maybe even joy.

  “Corsage,” she said as I yanked her shoulders free of her dress. “That’s my safe word. Stop if you hear it.” I nodded once and ripped the gown the rest of the way off her torso. Jesus, she was incredible, tits spilling out over the top of a black corset, thigh-high stockings and garters—it was like she’d dressed for me or knew exactly what I wanted to see. I ran my hands down her legs, wrapping them around me and pressed myself against her panties.

  “What do you like?” I asked. “What do you want me to do to you?”

  Belle’s lips curved into a slow smile. “What I want can’t be accommodated here. But I’ll settle for you fucking me against this wall. The real question is what do you want to do to me?”

  The sparkle in her eyes, the smirk on her lips, and the confidence in her tone ma
de all the times I’d worked up the nerve to tell the others what I wanted and all the times they looked at me in horror fade away. I knew I could trust her. I knew she could handle it. We were the same.

  I stroked her cheek with a single finger. “I want to see you come with my hand around your throat.”

  Belle’s smile widened as her lids lowered. She took a big, shuddering breath and said, “That sounds fantastic.”

  Chapter Five


  He smiled at me, a smile that erased all the darkness from his eyes. A smile that I was certain hadn’t crossed his features in quite some time.


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