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Aeon Chronicles Online_Book 1_Devil's Deal

Page 16

by Dante Sakurai

  “Meee!” she chirped, “But tell me how ya really feel!”

  “Livid,” he breathed and squeezed her soft but incredibly solid arm. He couldn’t budge her small muscles by a fraction of an inch. He punched her stomach and met a steel wall of thin muscle. “Ah, how much fucking Strength do you have!”

  “Weeeell…” Gabrielle didn’t resist his assault. “More than you.” She giggled.

  “Stop acting like a kid dammit! You’re a fucking adult!” He gripped her neck—again stopped by thinner walls of muscle.

  Her brows rose. “How do you want me to act?” she asked, tone more mature and innocent.

  He balked at the question, flinching. How did he want her to act? More normal? More like an adult? Or what the world perceived as an adult?

  No, he didn’t care. He just wanted her to suffer right now for putting him through that humiliating display. All by manipulating his lusts and tempting him with her body. He needed to punish her—right now.

  If he couldn’t hurt her then a good, long, humiliating spanking and more will have to do. He pulled at her robes. They wouldn’t budge either. “I want you to strip.” He leaned down and tugged on her lip with his teeth.

  “Hmph, knew it!” She vanished in a swirl of smoke. His palms thumped to the floor.

  Then before he knew it, a torrent of icy water blasted him. For ten seconds. Twenty. Thirty. He choked and gurgled on the water till he was drenched and shivering.

  You have taken 2 water damage

  She blasted him again. Five seconds this time.

  You have taken 1 water damage

  Any remnants of the fire in his blood had been doused.

  Gabrielle said, standing in front of his dripping chin, “Have ya learned your lesson, ya meanie liar?”

  That bitch. He vowed to get her back for this. Despite his Ice-Dark mana, his whole body shook in the cold. His voice was strained and husky, coughing up water that’d entered his lungs. It had a sweet, bitter flavor. She must’ve put something it—an anger suppressant. He thought more clearly too, very clearly without any cloud or rage or hormonal lust. A mix of annoyance and reluctant thanks gripped his torso for her mind-clearing support water. One of six, only dark support, he reminded himself. She was too valuable to lose. He spat after his airways cleared, “What lesson?”

  She laughed and said, “Don’t be a meanie to the most beautiful, attractive Witch-Doctor in Aeon Chronicles of course! If you think I’m beautiful then just say so. I already know it. I’ve seen it all in your mind hehehe…”

  Rowan breathed warm air, hagged chuckles rumbling out of his mouth. She put him through all of that just because she wanted to feel hot! And him to admit it. He rose to a kneel, then stood on wobbly knees and looked her in those beautiful, swirling eyes. “Fine, Gabrielle. I think you’re more beautiful and attractive than any girl I’ve ever known. Happy?”

  Her hands clapped together, the keystone hanging by her wrist. “Yup!”

  What an odd girl. Rowan couldn’t understand her no matter how hard he tried. Couldn’t understand his own feelings for the girl either. Something in him had changed just then… something significant. All thanks to the strange girl known as Gabby LeMort. He didn’t know how to feel about that. Only that he now had an incredibly hot companion who’d also be his future general to command. One of six.

  But for now… Time for the ritual. “Well, are you going to use that keystone?”

  She blinked, her smile falling away. “Oh right the ritual.” She spun around like a ballerina and held the onyx to the center of the door.

  This was it. Finally.

  The room shook and whispers in the dark language echoed from all directions. The keystone glowed in light blue as black miasma swirled around the onyx. The golden engravings on the door lit up in blue light, flashing once before the door split in two down an invisible seam. The halves retreated into the walls, leaving Rowan and Gabrielle standing in front of blackness. She picked up her Enchanted Mana Lamp and held it in the doorway and fed it a greater stream of mana.

  Rowan breathed quick breaths, his heart pumping tingling dark mana through his body. Finally.

  Dark-blue light filled a huge, circular chamber. Over fifty stone tombs circled a central altar. A twenty-foot, non-humanoid, horned skull grinned down through a set of sharp teeth at what Rowan assumed to be a sacrificial table. Beautiful. Just like Gabrielle. “Finally,” he breathed.

  “Hmmm, not as pretty as the Witch-Doctor one,” Gabrielle said, much to Rowan’s annoyance. “Oh well, let’s get started.” She grabbed her hat and shoved it into her pouch. She pulled her tattered, ornate robe over her head.

  Rowan’s neck twisted to her with lightning speed, whiplash cracking up his head. “You weren’t lying about being naked?”


  He grinned a lustful leer as he watched her strip, devouring her perfection. She even put on a little dance for him.

  Chapter 14

  7:14 PM

  Rowan held a crooked, foot-long dagger by its matte, onyx-like handle. Symbols of the dark languages ran down the blade within blocky black squares. He'd found it in the maw of the skull alter Gabrielle had stripped and danced down to her thin, tight panties and refused to take it off till the ritual commenced. Her body was better than he'd imagined. It'd taken a supreme will to not tackle her to the ground again. She would drench him again with that drug-laced water that had evaporated in seconds. No doubt.

  He Examined the blade.

  Draesear’s Unholy Sacrificial Dagger

  Used to perform offerings to the dark gods. This dagger cannot leave this chamber.

  Rarity: Unique

  666 Physical Damage

  Grants the Sacrificial Stab skill

  So it was true. He needed to sacrifice someone willing on the altar. Sacrifice his luscious Gabrielle to the dark gods.

  Rowan shrugged—she’d respawn in a couple of game-time days at her level. And she had informed him she’d crafted a handful of Resurrection Stones via the runecrafting profession a few months back. Each stone required hundreds of credits worth of materials but was invaluable when one’s attuned spawnpoint was far from their current location.

  Gabrielle had attuned to her private Lesser Dark Spawnstone in her hidden base and had several backups around the world just in case. Worst case scenario, she'd respawn inside a random dark temple that she'd entered before—or the bandit king's fortress if she willed it. The bandits treated dark class adventurers neutrally for the king himself was a dark class character. The king of the badlands was brutal and unforgiving and the constant war against the good factions made the area a poor choice to spawn into. Gabrielle had always preferred peace and quiet for crafting when she wasn't terrorizing raid parties.

  Gabrielle’s light murmur drifted from the far right, “Oooooo I wonder what’s in here.”

  Rowan reeled and searched for the almost naked girl, finding her by the black-brick chamber wall in front of a large, wooden cabinet. She grasped the handle and pulled as Rowan said, “Careful there could be traps.” Just stating a fact—not that he worried for the safety of his future minion or anything. She was level 223 whom he couldn’t even assault without bruising his knuckles.

  “Silly…” she snickered, opening the cabinet, “Why would the traps in our own altars hurt us?”

  So there were traps! Rowan had been suppressing tinges of suspicious since stepping into this place. “I don’t have a class, remember.”

  “Huh.” Gabrielle looked at Rowan for two heartbeats. Her medium-sized, perky breasts shook a few times in the motion. A fermenting warmth in his midsection churned. “The temple must be able to sense your mana type. Or you would’ve been killed by those diseased spikes by the door.”

  His eyes darted to the door. There weren’t any spikes. Not on the floor. Not the walls. Not on the ceiling. Perhaps he lacked a detection skill or was too low level.

  “Wow!” Gabrielle shouted. Rowan’s eyes bounced back. She
was such a handful. If it weren’t for her looks and usefulness he’d have discarded her on the path to the mine.

  “What?” he drawled and sauntered to the cabinet.

  Her slender fingers handled a loosely bound set of scrolls. “These are pretty good. For Necromancer! Some for Death-Knight too!”

  Another lucky break. Rowan hurried over, his boots scuffing on the tiled floor. At her side, he looked down and read the—

  Squiggles and blurs of black ink.

  He sighed. “I can’t read them yet. Can we get on with the ritual?” And take off those panties.

  “Oops, I forgot.” She handed over the scrolls and closed the dusty cabinet, stocked with over fifty exact copies of the bundle she’d taken out.

  Making a note to move these bundles to Gabrielle’s vast inventory after the ritual, Rowan pouched the scrolls and strode to the sacrificial table, Gabrielle a few silent steps behind. As he neared, the whispers returned and the cold void in his spine woke, the mana in his blood prickling with sparks of frost. His chest settled into a cool, calm beat, the oddly clean altar putting him in a trance. He swore the demonic skull watched his every slowing step. This was it—just as described in her trusty notebook. The true beginning of his reign.

  He distantly heard Gabrielle say something and crawl onto the sacrificial table, laying face-up. She watched him with those big, blue, innocent eyes. The perfect skin on her chest and stomach rose up and down every other second.

  The whispers grew loud. Rowan’s heartbeat swelled through his head and the chamber pulsated once. His mana jolted in every nerve and muscle. Transparent, silk-like strands of white-gray mana rose from the tombs and swirled around Rowan. One flew by his eyes, a rough, stretched skull at the font of the strand. His mana reacted to its approach, humming in anticipation, and the spirit screeched as it passed through Rowan’s eyes.

  Crisp pain cracked in his head as images, sounds, symbols, and methods of sacrifice streamed into his mind like a montage played in hyper-speed. Except he saw and heard every single morsel of dark knowledge in full clarity. His brain memorized it all without failure. This new virtual reality tech was extraordinary.

  Your spawnpoint has been set to Lesser Small Necromancer’s Ritual Altar and will now only attune to dark spawnstones.

  Rowan breathed lungfuls. Cold sweat dripped off his jaw. The spirits retreated and swarmed the boundary of the central altar in a ghostly, grayish sphere in the blue light of Gabrielle’s mana lamp. There was no turning back. His respawn had been recalibrated to dark-only, this altar his only spawnpoint now.

  He knew what to do. He picked up the sacrificial dagger at the edge of the table and activated it with an intent, a river of his mana flowing into the blade. It glinted with a black and icy hue.

  He peered at Gabrielle’s naked, unmoving body. Then grinned. “Take off your panties.” Any and all clothing had to be removed. Only flesh, bone, and blood could be offered.

  Her cheeks inflated and her euphoric laugh echoed along with the whispers. “You do it. I know you wanna.”

  Oh, he’d enjoy this. He laid a hand on her warm tummy and savored the feel of her bare skin. His hand snaked to her hip and grabbed the side of her panties. He pulled slowly.

  Gabrielle laughed again. “Wow Rowan, I didn’t know you could be so gentle! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

  His face heated by half a degree and his fist tore the flimsy fabric away. He flung the ripped underclothing into the wall of spirits. It disintegrated on touch.

  “Hey! Those were my only panties… I didn’t bring extra,” Gabrielle said, her laughter wilting.

  Rowan’s mouth watered at the sight of her shiny cherry. Tight and beautiful. Just like the rest of her. “Then you’ll just have to go without it. Be thankful your robe skirt is long,” he said without looking away from her waist.

  “Meanie,” she muttered.

  His hand groped her soft inner-thigh. He couldn’t help himself. He was harder than ever. His fingers slipped into her wet folds, sweltering with heat. His fingers were in Gabby-heaven. His other hand almost dropped the dagger, tempted to join in on the fun.

  Gabrielle moaned a sigh when Rowan thumbed her sensitive spot, her breath hitching. “Rooowaaan…” she sang, “Are ya forgetting about the lengthy, laborious ritual?”


  Her lyric pulled Rowan out of his lust-filled stupor. He had a ritual to complete… And it’d been some time since they’d wiped out the town. 7:13 PM, the system time blinked. The justice-crazed good players must surely be closing in on this temple by now. Though they’d never get past the door without a keystone—which they may have thanks to all those library vaults. Each temple had one of every altar tucked away in a pocket dimension. The chance of them bringing the right keystone was low.

  7:14 PM. Time was ticking. The ritual was long and tedious. Fucking as well but not as tedious and he’d enjoy that a great, great deal. What to do? What to do… The choice was obvious but his primal urge to dominate the girl was taking over. She was laying before him wet and naked, asking for it.

  7:15 PM. Gabrielle was looking at him expectantly, those sickly cute eyes and lips asking for it.

  Rowan gripped the dagger, his knuckles straining. His other hand didn’t leave her cherry, now pumping into her velvet entrance, in and out. In and out. A trickle of saliva leaked from his mouth.

  7:16 PM.

  No. He pulled out. What the fuck was he doing? He could have all the NPC women once he took over this world. This was just one sexy girl.

  But a quirky, beautiful girl unlike anyone else.

  He sighed. “Those god damned players could be arriving any second with a keystone. We can fuck any time later.”

  Gabrielle pouted, frowning. “That wasn’t part of the deal…” She spread her pussy lips and played with a nipple. “This is your only chance, Rowan.”

  “What?” That bitch. “Once I’m all powerful I’ll fuck your brains out whether you like it or not, you slut.” As the words left his tongue, he knew deep down he meant it. Now that he’d gotten a taste of her forbidden fruit he desired her more than anything else apart from that Necromancer ascension. It didn’t matter this was a game. It was all too real for him—for all the other players. This world was indistinguishable from reality. Better in many ways.

  “You’d really do that?” Her lips and facial muscles quivered like well-tuned instrument strings. “Be such a bad meanie to little old me?”

  He wasn’t buying it. It was all a bloody act. She could log out any moment if she wished to. He’d never be able to force fuck her without hunting her down in the real world. This was all a game of chess to her, pussy and tits included. In many ways she was the same as him, he reminded himself. She wanted something here and wasn’t afraid of using her body to get what she wanted. Rowan breathed deep and closed his eyes for a long ten seconds to let his furious arousal clear away. His void-ridden mana flushed with every heartbeat.

  7:21PM, read the time at the top-right on the insides of his eyelids.

  Hurry the fuck up and make a deal. Solidify a grasp on the only dark support and seize her body at the same time.

  He said, “What do you want in exchange for your body and loyalty? Just tell me.”

  Her expression blinked from near-crying to smugness in under a second. What a manipulative cunt. She took a big, dramatic breath and said in a rush, “There’s something strange and real powerful-like on your right palm and I’m pretty sure if ya mix it with your blood for the ritual it’ll grant me some kind of power-up and I want ownership of the great library by Mount Finumm and be first in the queue for anything contained in it and I want the orbs on top of the spires at the Draconian Capital for my castle and control of the dwarf’s big mine in the north for rare and strong building materials and—”

  He cut her off with a growl. “So basically the whole continent?”

  “Ah…” She flashed that set of alluring teeth. “Yup! All the important bits.”

ing his brows Rowan sensed a headache encroaching. True, this was just a game and Gabrielle was requesting only in-game things but again—this game was indistinguishable from reality. Better in many ways. Magic. Super strength. Respawns. No passing waste. Everything except for the technology of the real world. In many ways, this world was perfect apart from the blatant tropes and cliches. Though that would be changing very quickly under his rule. Under Gabrielle’s rule as well.

  Was handing over so much control to Gabrielle worth her pussy and loyalty? Perhaps he could take control back after he became a raid boss? Though she was asking for a power-up from the dark mark he’d received for The Frozen Calamity… It could do anything to her including an unimaginable power boost.


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