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Star Wars - The Stele Chronicles

Page 8

by Rusel DeMaria

  TIE Starfighter

  The backbone of the Imperial starfighter fleet is the TIE Starfighter. This versatile craft performs all operations including fleet escort, reconnaissance, space patrol, planetary guard, and hunter/destroyer. Pilots of the TIE Starfighter enjoy a speed and maneuverability advantage over almost any spacecraft currently in operation, although recent advances by the Rebels have brought them close, or even superior to, the TIE.

  The TIE Starfighter matches well with the Rebel X-wing and shows some superiority to the Y-wing. However, Rebel starfighters support more weaponry and have deflector shields, making them dangerous foes in one-on-one combat. Fortunately, our TIEs generally enjoy superiority of numbers, making even the most talented and stubborn of Rebel pilots run away and jump to hyperspace to escape.

  Name/Model# TIE Starfighter

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Combat Designation: Space Superiority Fighter

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor

  Propulsion System: SFS P-s4 Twin ion engines (rated at 150 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 100 MGLT

  Flight Control System: SFS F-s3.2 flight avionics system

  Maneuverability Rating: 100 DPF

  Navigation: SFS N-s6 Navcon computer system

  Hyperdrive: none

  Weapons: Two SFS L-sl Laser Cannons (single or fire-linked)

  Shields/Armor: No shields; Titanium hull with Quadanium Steel armored Solar Panels (rated 15 RU)

  1. Twin Ion Engines

  2. Solar Panels

  3. Laser Cannons

  TIE Interceptor

  There has been concern on the part of some of the leaders of our Imperial forces that our TIE starfighters were no longer distinguished as the most advanced starfighters in the galaxy. The rabble of the Alliance have managed, with the help of the Incom traitors and other sympathizers, to create a highly versatile and dangerous series of starfighters, led most notably by the X-wing. Therefore, the Imperial leaders have conceived a new starfighter, based on the TIE designs, but faster, more powerful, and even more maneuverable. This new craft is the TIE Interceptor.

  The TIE Interceptor is based on the custom bent-wing TIE fighter designed by Lord Darth Vader. Its twin ion engines have been enlarged with added power coming from the greater surface area of the solar panels. At this time, the TIE Interceptor is the fastest starfighter in existence. Some claim that the Rebel A-wing is faster, but no evidence exists to confirm or deny that claim.

  Visibility problems with the oversized solar panels are solved by the dagger shape of the front panels, and firepower has been increased by the addition of four laser cannons mounted in the fronts of the solar panels, at the points of the “daggers.” The twin chin-mounted cannons have been removed from the fuselage. To improve accuracy, the targeting software for the weapons guidance systems has also been updated.

  Name/Model# TIE Interceptor

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Combat Designation: Space Superiority Fighter

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: SFS l-s3a solar ionization reactor

  Propulsion System: SFS P-s5.6 Twin ion engines (rated at 175 KTU)

  Speed Hating: 110 MGLT

  Flight Control System: SFS F-s4 flight avionics system

  Maneuverability Rating: 125 DPF

  Navigation: SFS N-s6 Navcon computer system

  Hyperdrive: none

  Weapons: Four SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons (single or fire-linked)

  Shields/Armor: No shields; Titanium hull with Quadanium Steel armored Solar Panels (rated 20 RU)

  1. Twin Ion Engines

  2. Solar Panels

  3. Laser Cannons

  4. Computer Targeting System

  5. Sensor System

  TIE Bomber

  The TIE Bomber is one of the newest of the TIE series. Featuring a double-hull, this fighter/bomber can carry a lethal load of proton torpedoes, guided missiles, orbital mines, or free-falling thermal detonators.

  The TIE Bomber excels at surgical placement of ordinance, picking out small targets on planetary surfaces or on enemy ships. In contrast with full-scale naval bombardment which leaves only rubble behind, the TIE Bomber can selectively destroy military targets while leaving commercial or military assets untouched. With its small size and high speed, the TIE Bomber can often slip past defense systems set up to watch for larger craft.

  Name/Model# TIE Bomber

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Combat Designation: Space Bomber

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: SFS E-a2b solar ionization reactor

  Propulsion System: SFS P-s4 Twin ion engines (rated at 125 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 80 MGLT

  Flight Control System: SFS F-s3,2 flight avionics system

  Maneuverability Rating: 75 DPF

  Navigation: SFS N-s4 Navcon computer system

  Hyperdrive: none

  Weapons: Two SFS L-sl Laser Cannons (single or fire-linked)

  Two SFS M-s3 Concussion Missile Launchers (4 missiles each) or Two SFS T-s5 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: No shields; Titanium hull with Quadanium Solar Panels (rated 50 RU)

  1. Twin Ion Engines

  2. Solar Panels

  3. Laser Cannons

  4. Computer Targeting System

  5. Sensor System

  Assault Gunboat

  The Imperial Navy’s newest spacecraft is the Cygnus Alpha Class Xg-1. After developing the beautiful Imperial Shuttle, Cygnus was awarded the contract to develop an assault vehicle, and the Xg-1 is the result. Due to its unique five-wing design, the Xg-1 is commonly known as the Star Wing. Equally at home in vacuum or atmosphere, the unique wing design can adjust to conditions, thanks in part to a revolutionary computer system from Miradyne.

  The Star Wing is designed for offensive strike missions against enemy convoys and fleet craft. Its fire power and heavy shielding make it ideal for escort roles as well, and as an assault vehicle in combination with the Stormtrooper Transport, it is unmatched.

  Name/Model# Alpha Class Xg-1 Star Wing

  Designer/Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks

  Combat Designation: Assault Fighter/Gunboat

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: Iotek 9j ion power cells and ionization reactor

  Propulsion Engines: Cygnus 4K7 Dual Line ion engines (rated at 300 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 90 MGLT

  Flight Control System: Miradyne RCS-6 flight avionics system

  Maneuverability Rating: 90 DPF

  Navigation: SFS N-sH.6 Navcon computer system

  Hyperdrive: Cygnus HD7 Hyperdrive Activator Unit

  Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or Fire-linked)

  Two Borstel NK-3 Ion Cannons (single fire or fire-linked)

  Two SFS M-s-3 Concussion Missile Launchers (8 missiles each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at l(X) SBD)

  Quadanium Steel armored titanium hull (rated at 50 RU)

  1. Twin Ion Engines

  2. Laser Cannons

  3. Ion Cannons

  4. Warhead Launcher

  5. Targeting Computer

  6. Sensor System

  7. Thrustor Control Jets

  TIE Advanced

  The most deadly fighter we have produced to date, the TIE Advanced is based on a design from Lord Vader. Equipped with fast-recharging shields and an extended Twin Ion Engine capacity, this new ship should out-speed the Rebel X-wing and will provide safety for its pilot within the shield array. In addition, the production models of the TIE Advanced feature a hyperdrive motivator unit—the first of the TIE fighter line to have this capability.

  The superiority of this newest TIE starfighter is such that TIE pilots are already giving it the nickname “TIE Avenger,” as it is widely held that the TIE Advanced represents
an opportunity for redemption after the Rebels’ treachery at Yavin.

  Production of TIE Advanced units has been increased due to its excellent performance in trials and selected missions.

  Name/Model# TIE/Ad

  Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Combat Designation: Space Superiority Fighter/Interceptor

  Crew: 1 pilot

  Power System: SFS I-s3a solar ionization reactor

  Propulsion System: SFS P-sx7.4 Twin ion engines (rated at 230 KTU)

  Speed Rating: 145 MGLT

  Flight Control System: SFS F-s5x flight avionics system

  Maneuverability Rating: 150 DPF

  Navigation: SFS N-s6 Navcon computer system

  Hyperdrive: SFS ND9 Hyperdrive Activator Unit

  Weapons: Four SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons (single or fire-linked)

  Two SFS M-g-2 General Purpose Warhead Launchers

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 100 SBD)

  Titanium hull with Quadanium Solar Panels (rated 20 RU)

  1. Twin Ion Engines

  2. Solar Panels

  3. Laser Cannons

  4. Computer Targeting System

  5. Sensor System

  Tyderian Shuttle

  The Tyderian Shuttle (sometimes known as the Imperial Shuttle) was designed for transporting very important personnel from one base to another. It can be used in both vacuum and atmospheric conditions and can carry as many as 14 passengers, although it often carries only one or two in more luxurious conditions.

  The Tyderian Shuttle has some hyperspace capability and carries strong shields. Some models are heavily armed, while others may be almost stripped of armament and shields.

  Name/Model# Lamda Class T-4a “Imperial Shuttle”

  Designer/Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks

  Combat Designation: Armed Government Transport Shuttle

  Length: 20 meters

  Crew: 4

  Passengers: 1-14

  Weapons: 4 Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons

  Escort Shuttle

  The Delta Class JV-7 “Escort Shuttle” was designed to carry the most valuable cargo—our highest ranking officers and diplomatic personnel—through areas of extreme danger. The Escort Shuttle may also be deployed as a support craft for missions involving the Tyderian Shuttle. The most important weapon aboard the Escort Shuttle, the rear-mounted turbolaser turret, has taken many an enemy craft by surprise.

  Name/Model# Delta Class JV-7 “Escort Shuttle”

  Designer/Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks

  Designation: Heavily Armed Escort Shuttle

  Length: 30 meters

  Crew: 6

  Passengers: 10

  Weapons: 3 Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons

  1 Taim & Baik H9 Dual Turbolaser Cannon

  Stormtrooper Transport

  The Stormtrooper Transport is an assault vehicle designed to take over enemy ships. With only five crewmembers, it can ferry up to 30 stormtroopers, or 10 elite Imperial Zero-G stormtroopers—highly trained assault and boarding units of the Imperial Navy.

  Stormtrooper Transports feature very strong shielding, particularly in the front of the craft. It also carries a variety of weapons. Using a universal docking mechanism, it can attach itself to most ships, or it can bore its own hole in the hulls of most enemy vessels.

  Name/Model# Delta Class Dx-9

  Designer/Manufacturer: Telgorn Corporation

  Combat Designation: Assault Fighter/Gunboat

  Length: 20 meters

  Crew: 5

  Weapons: Eight Taim & Bak KT4 Laser Cannons

  Four AirMek SW-2 Ion Cannons

  Two Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (5 torpedoes each)

  Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 125 SBD)

  Quadanium Steel armored titanium hull (rated at 80 RU)

  Assault Transport

  Assault Transports are larger and better armed versions of the Stormtrooper Transport. They are used for capturing, boarding, or destroying enemy ships. With heavier shielding and hull strength, in addition to three turbolaser batteries, the Assault Transport is a formidable weapon in the fight for peace and security in the galaxy.

  Name/Model# ATR Assault Tran spoil

  Designer/Manufacturer: KonGar Ship Works

  Designation: Heavy Assault Transport

  Length: 45 meters

  Crew: 15

  Weapons: Four Taim & Bak H6 Turbolasers

  Two ArMek SW-3 Ion Cannons

  Two Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)

  Escort Carrier

  The lack of hyperspace capability common to the TIE fighter line has proved an occasional embarrassment to the Empire. This was extremely evident at the Battle of Ton-Falk in which two Imperial Frigates and a Dreadnaught were lost. Imperial High Command determined that these capital ships might have been saved with adequate TIE support, and passed a commission on to Kuat Drive Yards to design and build a TIE carrier. The KDY Escort Carrier is the result.

  Each Escort Carrier carries an entire TIE wing, with at least one squadron of TIE Interceptors. Extra capacity is often used to carry transports in addition to the TIE fighters. Escort Carriers do not generally involve themselves directly in combat. Though armed, they are not considered offensive weapons and their whole function is to serve the battle from a distance by delivering fighter support. In addition to the hangar wings, each Escort Carrier also has limited field repair facilities.

  Name/Model# KDY Escort Carrier

  Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

  Designation: Heavy starfighter/shuttle carrier

  Length: 500 meters

  Crew: 3505

  Weapons: 10 Taim & Bak H8 Dual Laser Cannons

  One Krupx VL-6 Warhead Launch System

  IPV-1 Patrol Craft


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