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The Alpha's Torment (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 5)

Page 3

by Martha Woods

  Sarconi stepped over, his brow raised in surprise. “I’ve had a lot of people in this chair, but you might be the first to actually be willing to die. I know your life is pathetic but is it really that bad?”

  Andrew chuckled, before it turned into a full-on barking laugh, “Are you kidding? I’m in debt to seven loan sharks in New York alone, five in Miami. If there isn’t already a contract on me from all of them by now there will be soon, so tell me, what the fuck do you think you can do to me that they can’t? You think I’m going to be extra scared of you because I owed a shit ton to your dumb shit kid? News flash asshole, he wasn’t special, he just came after his money.”

  Sarconi smiled as his tirade finished, momentarily impressed that Andrew had that in him. “Most people are too scared to talk back to me, they’re worried what I’m going to do to them.”

  “Yeah well you lost a lot of your mystique when you came back into town alone, cock sucker.” He punctuated his insult by spitting a mouthful of blood at him, splattering the leg of Sarconi’s pants. For one of the first times he’d been in this room, Sarconi was genuinely speechless, only managing a shocked grin in response. “Well now, you do have balls.” He slammed his fist into Andrew’s nose, an audible crack sounding out through the room as his head shot back. Sarconi didn’t let up, raining blows down on his cheeks and into his stomach, pummeling him until the skin started going purple.

  Christian stepped away, taking care not to put his foot in any of the blood. “I think I’ll leave you two to it, enjoy yourselves.” He shut the door behind him, the sound of fist hitting skin still echoing clearly.

  * * *

  “Who owns you?” Farah panted as she fell back down on Cayden, her hips vibrating with each meeting of their bodies. “Who do you belong to?”

  Cayden groaned, halfheartedly struggling against her grip, her hands keeping his wrists pinned firmly to the bed. “God, fuck... You...”

  She slammed her hips down extra hard, drawing a surprised yelp out of him. “I didn’t hear you Cayden. Who owns you?” She ground herself against him, her wetness spreading across his stomach where it touched.

  He threw his head back, a throaty growl tearing out of his throat. “You. You own me. I belong to you.”

  “That’s right...” She leaned down, almost purring in his ear, “And you’re not going to do anything I don’t tell you to do first, are you?”

  “God no, I wouldn’t dream of it!” He didn’t move as she took her hands away, waiting for her to give the command.

  She smirked, enjoying the sense of control. “You may touch me now Cayden, but only my chest.”

  Cayden obeyed instantly, hands shooting to her chest and grasping at the silky softness of her cleavage. His fingers were almost swallowed up, the pliable flesh of her heaving bosom molding deliciously to his hand, her nipples pebbling as he flicked his thumbs over them.

  “That’s right...” She moaned, “That’s good. Just like that...” She felt herself edging closer to the end, but she had to make sure she was clear first. “You are not to cum until I tell you to, understand?”

  Cayden nodded, making a face that looked like he was in pain, but he was going to obey anyway. That was just how the commands worked, he couldn’t disobey them. Though the prospect of whatever penalty she could think of was enticing, he didn’t want to raise her ire if he could help it. So, if she said he couldn’t touch her, he wouldn’t touch her. If she said he couldn’t cum until she said he could, he wouldn’t, even if it felt like he was tearing his leg off in doing so.

  Farah tightened around him, his eyes screwing shut as he desperately tried to ignore the way she pulsed and moaned above him, her voice pitched high as she let out a seemingly never-ending series of curses and praises. Hoping she would forgive him, he took one hand off of her chest, shooting down and clamping around the base of his shaft, a second away from releasing inside of her. His vision swam as he fought as hard as he could to come down from the edge, breathing a relieved sigh when it started to fade away.

  Farah watched all of this with great amusement, though she would still have to think of a penalty for him to fulfill. She sighed longingly, watching the way his expression pinched when she pulled off of him, her body still having a tight hold upon his own. She situated herself between his legs, his eyebrows shooting up as he saw her in his favorite spot of all.

  No words were exchanged as she took him in hand, tongue flicking out to lick at his head, the taste of herself coating him driving her mad. She surged forward, capturing him in her mouth and working herself back and forth, not giving him any time to prepare. He struggled to keep his hands by his side, which she noticed with a smirk. Pulling back with a pop, she said, “You’ve been a good boy today I think, you can put your hands on my head.”

  He took the gift he was given, his hands placed on the back of her head as she pushed herself back on him, his length resting comfortably in the back of her throat. Her tongue worked its way over him, every inch of him lovingly tended to as she guided him towards his release. Farah’s hand cupped his sac, massaging the two tender globes contained within as she almost devoured him whole, desperate to swallow what he could give her.

  Cayden met her halfway, his fingers tightening in her hair as he pulled and pushed her against his crotch. He thrust shallowly into her throat at the same time, the movement making her gag in surprise before she adapted, making sure to note this for later. He was a sweating, babbling mess, desperate for more but forced to stop from going too far each time, something she gladly took advantage of. Farah took his entire length into her mouth, her tongue flicking out to toy with his globes as he held her down.

  After a minute, he could tell that he was going to lose control, begging Farah to tell him he could. “Please... Please I... I need to...”

  She worked her hand up and down his shaft, positioning herself in front of him before looking at him with hooded eyes. “Cum.”

  He erupted, his seed rocketing to the back of her throat as he screamed in pleasure. Her mouth was near overflowing, a few drops streaming down through the corner of her lips as she tilted her head back, a heavy gulp signaling that she had swallowed his entire volume down. He was still twitching in her hand, his legs shaking around her as he came down from his high, his vision all but blacked out in pleasure.

  When he regained control of himself he looked down, her head resting on her arms as she leaned on his leg. He smiled in a daze, reaching out a hand and pulling her up towards him. He captured her lips with his, softly moaning as she climbed onto his torso at the same time. She pushed her tongue through his lips, tasting every inch of his mouth as she began to grind against him, Cayden chuckling in response.

  “Again?” When she nodded, he laughed, “You’re insatiable.”

  He placed his hands underneath the swell of her behind, pulling her upwards until she was kneeling directly over his face. She let herself slip lower, her lower lips pressing against his as he nuzzled his mouth into her, hands kneading at her backside. She rubbed herself against him, moaning at each small squeezed and lick that he visited upon her body. Her taste was sweet, like liquid honey on his tongue, Cayden frantically lapping up every drop that he could coax out of her.

  He teased his fingers around, kneading and pulling her cheeks apart, her moans increasing in pitch as he teased her back entrance. “Huh... That’s interesting.” He thought, “I’ll remember that.”

  He pushed the tip of his finger in, and the effect was immediate. Her legs squeezed around his head, her upper body jolting forward and her hands shooting out to keep herself from falling over. She let out a guttural groan, her entrances tightening around his tongue and finger as she began to shake. She pushed herself backwards against his finger, grinding herself against his face as she fell into the throes of climax. He pushed in deeper, her mouth widening in a wordless cry as she all but shattered, body shuddering violently as he guided her through it, finally collapsing on top of him.

. Mmmm!” Cayden tapped her leg, taking a deep breath when she raised it off of him. “That was... That was pretty incredible Farah.”

  When she looked down at him, he had to force himself not to laugh when he saw her face was completely red. “Wait... This isn’t because I-“

  She clamped a hand over his mouth, looking at him seriously. “We will not discuss that right now. Maybe later, but right now you won’t mention anything regarding fingers or my behind, understood?”

  He nodded, giving a muffled, “Yes Ma’am.” Before she let go, immediately pressing her lips to his.

  “Thank you for that though, it was... Enlightening.”

  “Oh, my pleasure, believe me.” He smirked, chasing her lips down for another kiss. “Just let me know if you want me to do it again.”

  “I will...” She nipped at his nose. “But first I have to think up a penalty for you. You did break the rules after all, what do you have to say to that?”

  Cayden looked down, blushing furiously. “I’m sorry Ma’am, I’ll take the penalty.”

  “It won’t be too bad.” She grinned, her voice but a whisper, “Or maybe it will be. I’ll see what I decide on.”

  Their banter was interrupted when Farah’s phone began to ring, the woman groaning loudly and leaning over to it, her hand slick with sweat as she struggled to answer. “Hello? This is Farah.”

  “Farah, hey it’s Hayley.” Though Farah wanted to smile at the sound of her friend’s voice, she could tell within seconds that Hayley was obviously distressed by something.

  “Hayley? Is something wrong?”

  Her reply was shaky, “Yes, I’m fine but... It’s about Skylar. I’ve worked out what kind of supernatural she is.”

  If Farah’s attention hadn’t been securely grabbed before, it certainly was now. She sat up, expression set and her voice serious as she said, “What did you find out? Is it dangerous?”

  “We don’t know, Michael and I... We think we might have a plan to be able to help her, to be able to help all of us, but we don’t know for sure. Just in case things go south... We need your help, maybe you can help us think of something better.”

  She nodded to herself. “Of course I’ll help, you don’t even have to ask Hayley, you know that.”

  Hayley let out a breath of relief, her thankfulness plain in her voice, “Thank you Farah. We’re going to be meeting at Liam and Skylar’s house in the next hour, do you think that you can meet us there?”

  Farah looked down at her and Cayden’s bodies, the two of them slick with sweat and sex, not in any shape to go anywhere without at least a shower. “I think we might be able to make it there in the next hour, we might be a bit late though.”

  “That’s fine just... Whenever you can make it is good. And Farah? Really, thank you.” The line closed, Farah looking at her phone as she tried to think of what could possibly be happening with Skylar that had Hayley so shaken. Her worry must have been showing through, Cayden placing his hand on her leg and squeezing lightly.

  “Hey, you ok? What happened with Hayley?” She looked into his eyes, so wide with care that she almost felt like crying.

  “She’s fine. I have to go.”

  When she stood he grabbed her wrist, holding her back. “Woah, wait up a minute! What’s going on? Why just you?”

  “Because you’re still healing, with the amount of sex we’ve had I’m shocked your stitches haven’t torn open, so I don’t fully trust you with walking.”

  “Oh, come on, I’m not that useless! I just need some help getting around but... but I can walk, that’ll be fine!” He screwed his brow up. “What’s got you so rattled? Usually you can’t wait to take me somewhere.”

  “Well this is different! This isn’t... This isn’t about fun, this affects someone I care a lot for.”

  “Someone you care f-“ His eyes widened in horrified realization. “Skylar. What’s wrong with Skylar?”

  “Cayden I...”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Farah sighed, leaning forward. “Hayley thinks that she’s figured out what Skylar actually is, which I’m guessing means that she’s found out what the baby is going to be. She... She sounded worried. Really worried.”

  “I’m coming.” Cayden shook his head when she made to protest. “No, I can’t stay here, not knowing this. Skylar is my friend, I care about her as well. I’m all but fucking useless right now but I can at least be there for her when she needs support.”

  Farah sighed to herself, he was right, she would need as much support as she could get. Especially if she was about to learn what she and her child actually were, that would be a great emotional strain for even the strongest of people. At the same time... She would be lying if she said that one of her first thoughts was about how concerned Cayden still was about Skylar. She tamped down on that line of thought immediately, shaking her head for being so selfish as to even think of something like that, much less having it influence her decision making. As such, her answer was made as much out of concern for her friends as it was spite at herself. “Fine, you can come. But you have to keep up, I’ll drag you to the car if I have to.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” He couldn’t help that his gaze tracked over her strong biceps, corded muscle stretching and pulling as she moved. “So, should we get moving then?”

  She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “You don’t want to have a shower first? Wash at least some of the smell off of you?”

  “How soon till they get there? An hour? Two?”

  She nodded. “They’ll be there within the hour.”

  “Can’t afford to then, with the way I’m moving we’ll barely be able to get there on time as is.” His expression was completely serious, leaving no room for argument. “And we need to be there on time.”

  She was going to protest, but the thought of Hayley and Michael having to deliver the news alone... That was not a pleasant one. She sighed, he was right, they did need to get moving as soon as possible. Besides, it wasn’t like they reeked of sex, it was just... noticeable if you were within a few feet.

  “Alright, fine.” She stood, holding her hand out and pulling him to his feet. She bent down, picking up his pants and tossing them over to him. “I assume you don’t need me to shove you into those.”

  He chuckled, “No, I just need your help getting out of them.” He finished zipping himself up as she tossed his shirt over, already fully dressed herself.

  “At least wash your hands before we go, we can afford to do that much.” She stepped into the bathroom, the thought of what the both of them had been doing only minutes before compelling him to follow.

  “You know what? You make a really good point there.”

  * * *

  Hayley and Michael stood at the entrance to the Conway residence, opting no to drive through the gate just in case it got Liam and Skylar’s attention. The two of them were very anxious, neither of them particularly looking forward to delivering the news, nor were they happy about the plan they had for her safety. Hayley tried to push those thoughts to the back of her mind however, knowing that she would rather have Skylar be a little unhappy rather than in danger. If she had to she would choose that option every time.

  Michael however was having a harder time with it, he’d come to accept Skylar as family after all. Considering how screwed up their family had been before, he was grateful to her for bringing some stability and genuine love into their house. After the loss of her husband and one of her sons, god knows that Leah deserved someone that she could dote on, much as she would deny doing so.

  To have to deliver news like this to someone you cared about... Well, there were far worse things that you could be telling someone. But this was also far from the best.

  Hayley squeezed his arm, seeing how miserable he was making himself. “Hey, we’re going to be fine. She’s strong, she’ll be able to take it.”

  “I know, I... I know.” He sighed, “It’s just, she deserves so much more than this.”

��She does. But we never get what we deserve do we? Whatever it is that happens to be.”

  Michael shrugged. “I dunno, those guys last week sure got it.”

  “But not all of them, not the one that mattered.” Hayley kicked a rock by her feet, watching it skip off the gravel. “He gets to walk away scot free, while Liam and Sky have to deal with their house being blown up and her child being in danger. It just isn’t fair.”

  They both looked up as Farah and Cayden pulled in, their faces clearly fearful of what they would learn. Hayley could sympathize.

  “Hey you two!” Cayden waved over at them, getting out of the car with Farah’s help. “Sorry we’re a little late, it took longer than I thought to get around.”

  Michael waved him off. “Don’t worry about it man, you’re still hurt. You didn’t even have to come if you weren’t able to.”

  “No, I had to.” He patted Michael’s back, drawing him in for a hug. “You know why.”

  Michael was too surprised at the contact to hug back, instead looking over at Farah with wide eyes. “Uh, what is he doing?”

  Farah rolled her eyes at the display, walking over to them. “His stitches were killing him, so he took a bunch of his painkillers. He’s a little high right now honestly.”

  “Oh.” Michael awkwardly hugged back, patting Cayden’s back. “It’ll be alright, we’ll get this sorted out.” He sniffed, his nose screwing up and leaning away from the man clutching onto him. “Jesus, you two smell like fucking.”

  Farah pulled Cayden off, looking into his eyes. “Are you alright? Are you going to be fine in there?”

  He nodded. “I got it out now, I’m gonna be ok. Don’t worry about me.” He squeezed her hand, kissing her palm as he started to walk to the door. “Should we go in? Or did you need to talk anymore out here?”

  “No, we should get in there. The faster we do this the better honestly.” Hayley sighed, slapping her cheeks as she psyched herself up to go in. “This is going to be hard, but it’s alright. It’s for the best.”


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