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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 2

by Jolynn Raymond

  Her lips were swollen, her hair gleaming a deep dark shade of wet copper, her cheeks ablaze with indignation, and her body, oh her body was so exquisite in that transparent, wet gown, but alas, he knew he had to leave. To deny his beast was a daunting prospect, but at least he had been able to return the fire to her gaze once more.

  “Yes, M’Lady. I am quite finished, and very convinced as to the healthy state of your welfare. Will we be traveling together on tomorrow’s eve?”

  Natalya swallowed hard, doing her best to maintain her composure. Truth be told her head was spinning and she could still feel the hands and lips of the handsome man before her, and sensation was not an unpleasant one at all. Disturbing yes, never before had she felt such things, but definitely not unpleasant.

  “That will depend on the Mistress’s needs and my charges in the village. Rowen should be checked on, but I can do that during the daylight hours if Alliana wants me to tend her and help her with the babes in the evening.”

  Lucian let out a low growl. Little fool. She would never be going beyond these walls without him again. True it was his fault that she had been attacked. He should have been there when darkness fell. Had it been light, the peril would never have found her, but never would she venture forth alone, be it by sunlight or by moon.

  “Do you have a problem with that, Sir?”

  “Tis not safe. I would think you were well aware of that now.”

  “I shall ask the Master of the castle. I do not need your permission.”

  Again with the supreme stubborn attitude he so admired. How was he to deal with such a woman as her? “As will I, Natalya. We shall see who wins this battle. Your welfare is the prize, and I am poised to fight for what I see is the only sensible decision. Have a good rest.”

  Natalya said nothing, just watched him with eyes hooded to conceal her thoughts in much the same way he always concealed his. Finally he gave her a small but distinct glare of irritation and spun on his heel, leaving her alone to rest.

  She quickly stripped off the wet dressing robe and pulled a nightdress over her head, then went to the bed, knowing her sleep would be troubled. As for Lucian, he stormed down the hall, loins aching, temper flaring, seeking the peace of a restful slumber, praying that visions of the fiery red headed temptress did not invade his dreams.


  While Alliana lay with her babes and her husband, and Natalya bickered yet again with the insufferable Lucian, Marishka sat crouched in front of the small fire inside the cave where Andor had left her, gazing into the dancing flames, looking for her fairies, listening for their sweet voices.

  She had stripped bare after Andor had left in search of food, feeling filthy and degraded in the once regal gown that was now no more than a rag, her hair matted, tangled, dull, hanging lank about her shoulders, and proceeded to dance around the fire. Hands over her head, twirling, swaying, trying to find the special place where her mind could be free, Marishka spun and danced, seeking the euphoria of madness.

  She’d been without her precious milk of poppy now for a day and she didn’t like it, not one little bit, and the hunger pangs in her stomach annoyed her as well. The cave was dank and dirty, cold and damp, and it certainly wasn’t fit for a Lady such as herself. There were no new gowns, no pretty trinkets, and no fawning fools to pay homage to her beauty. It simply wasn’t right.

  Time after time she had teetered on the verge of complete despair, and the only thing that kept these thoughts from overtaking her and driving her down into a deep state of languid depression was the fact that Andor promised he would have her back at the castle soon. That, and the fact that he would be returning soon with a nice morsel for supper to appease her growing hunger and need to torment him.

  He’d promised her a girl. She liked girls. They were so yummy when they were terrified and their flesh so soft under her harsh fingers. She liked how their sweet flesh bruised, how they cried and begged when she touched them in places that made their eyes go wide, and how they babbled out their terror, the scent of it filling her nostrils when she told them she would give them to Andor to rape and torture.

  All of it made for wonderful fun and drove away the darkness that filled her mind these days if only for a little while. She missed her Hannah, her sweet little toy, missed her castle and her gowns, missed her regular meals and her dark bloody play, and most of all, she missed her Mikhal.

  Her body felt heavy and cold, and she was hungry, but Andor had yet to return. The first rays of the sun were touching the horizon, telling her that if he didn’t arrive soon, she would be forced to endure another day alone and hungry.

  Where was he? He had promised her goodies, and knew his mummy didn’t like to be left all alone, bad Andor, bad boy. He angered her so very often now days, but inside Marishka knew she needed him.

  Giving in to the hunger that made her skin crawl and her stomach growl, she stretched upward on her toes, intent on capturing one of the bats that had so recently returned to its roost. As her fingers clutched the furry little body she froze, stone still, listening intently. The tower bells were pealing, telling her that the brat had been born.

  She shrieked causing the bats to stir, and squeezed the one in her hand, crushing it like a delicate flower, its blood spurting between her fingers as it made a small squeak of pain.

  “So it has happened, and so early too. Enid always said we know not what magick will do. I hope the Gypsy whore died in her bed, bled out like a pig stuck for slaughter.”

  The image of Alliana lying pale upon the sheets, blood soaking the linens beneath her, cheered Marishka and she grasped another bat, this time snapping its head then bringing the small body to her mouth and biting deeply. It was an undignified meal to be sure, but one had to make due. She would take her fill of the treat Andor brought to the cave but in the meantime she would satisfy her need and think on what the birth of Mikhal’s son meant.

  Perhaps the boy who seemed to care for Andor could steal the child and make the Gypsy follow so all would be well. Perhaps things would still go as planned. Just because Hannah couldn’t serve her purpose didn’t mean the boy couldn’t serve his.

  Oh she wished Andor had come home. She was hungry and weary of living in this dank hole in the earth, and they had so much planning to do. It was time, it was finally time, and here she was, trapped in a dark cave by the killing rays of the sun, unable to reach the Gypsy who had destroyed her very existence.

  Chapter Two

  Alliana awoke to the warm feeling of her daughter nestled in her arms. She opened her eyes and gazed down at the downy-headed babe who had come as such a surprise to them all and her heart swelled with love.

  She was simply perfect; her tiny hands were curled near her cherub face, her skin pink and smooth, her wispy lashes feathered against her cheeks. Alliana stroked her daughter’s cheek gently, savoring the feel of her and inhaled deeply, loving the smell of her as well. Everything about her was warm and soft and just... perfect. She was just like a little angel.

  Her hand then went to the cheek of her son and she noticed the immediate difference when she touched him. Katia’s had been so warm to the touch, but Mikhalen was cool like his father, almost cold. The babe certainly looked as sweet as his sister, as human, but this oh so subtle sign made Alliana wonder if the boy carried more of his father’s beast inside him than his sister did.

  She caressed his cheek and he opened his eyes, the blue orbs darting about, taking in all around him. Then they focused on her for a moment, and in that instant it mattered not if he were a demon within, he was hers. Her son, and he had come from her womb, so he couldn’t be evil. He simply couldn’t. Her husband had good buried deep inside him so it stood to reason that her son would as well.

  Alliana looked up from her children, her eyes searching the chamber for her husband, knowing he wouldn’t have left his new family. She spied him at the writing desk running his hand over a large leather bound tome, a thoughtful expression upon his face. He loo
ked so serene, so at peace, and it pleased her that she and their babes were the reason for his joy.

  “What have you there, Mikhal?” Her voice startled him and he looked up, smiling. He had been completely lost in thought, so intent on the miracle that had just occurred in his life, that he hadn’t heard her stir.

  “Tis the family ledger. I have just recorded the births of our children. Twas something I never thought possible, Alliana. You have given me a gift that is so very special, wife. Words cannot express how I feel simply looking at you and our babes. I never dreamt of a family, never dreamt I would love like this. Thank you.”

  Alliana blushed at his words. She was pleased as well. Her life had come a long way from the night he had stolen her away from her clan. Once she had been imprisoned inside the castle walls and made to submit to him; once she had hated him. Alliana never dreamed she would be content, but now she knew she was. This was her home; her family surrounded her, and she had to admit that love had blossomed in her heart for the man who was her husband.

  Mikhal saw the blush tinge her cheeks and the glow of happiness fill her eyes as she looked at him and her children. His eyes met hers and he rose, staring deep into her emerald gaze, looking, hoping, pleased with her obvious happiness, but wishing for more. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took her hands in his and brought them up for a flurry of kisses.

  “I love you, wife. Can you find it in your heart to feel for me as I do for you? I have done you wrong in so many ways, and I know I can never erase that pain.”

  “Tis alright, Mikhal. I am happy with my life here. Our babes, well look at them, they are perfect and my heart swells with joy just to look at them.”

  “Tis not what I asked you, Alliana. I am pleased that you are happy, but what of me?”

  “I...” She wanted to say the words, knew he needed to hear them, but her tongue still froze as her pulse raced. ‘Trust him, he has shown you he loves you.’ her heart said, but her mind still warned of caution. If she professed her love she would finally and completely shatter the wall that had been protecting her heart all these past months.

  Alliana looked at her husband again. Looked at his eyes and saw the love he held there. Saw the need for her love in return, and knew it was time. She couldn’t deny him or herself any longer.

  “I love you as well, Mikhal I truly do.” Her words were whispered, and she had lowered her eyes as she said them, fear gripping her as they slipped forth, but once they were said, a rush of pleasure filled her. It had been the right thing to do.

  Mikhal let out a whoop of joy then pulled her to him, paying heed to the tiny infants that lay between them, and held her tight, a low soothing purr issuing from deep inside him.

  “You won’t regret this, Alliana. You shall never regret giving me your heart. I will make you happy, all of you, you shall see. Your life here will be one filled with joy every day of your existence.”

  He kissed her then, lightly at first, then harder as his heart swelled with emotion and Alliana kissed him back with the same fervor, her heart rejoicing as well. She felt free for the first time in months. Free of the pain, free of her lingering fears, free to feel and love. True nothing could ever erase what had happened from her mind, but she had forgiven him in her soul. She felt cleansed and loved.

  A sharp cry from Katia startled both of them, and Alliana broke the kiss immediately, her mother’s instinct taking over, her need to tend to her babe overwhelming. The little girl opened her mouth and let out another howl, and Alliana murmured soothing words, even as she picked up the tiny girl and leaned forward, struggling to sit so she could offer up her breast.

  Mikhal placed pillows behind her, and sat back, eyes wide in fascination as Alliana opened her gown and guided Katia’s tiny mouth to her nipple, stroking the child’s cheek to encourage her to take it and begin suckling. After a moment, the babe found what she was seeking and began to pull on her mother’s breast, content, as her tiny fists waved in the air.

  Mikhal had noticed the glint of gold given off by the medallion right before Alliana had settled the child into position, but his question as to what it was slipped away the instant it had come. He had a daughter to watch. The scene before him was mesmerizing.

  He stroked his little girl’s tiny cheeks, watching in amazement as they moved in and out, then wiped the tiny trail of milk that seeped from her mouth off her chin with a huge grin on his face. She was perfect, beautiful just like her mother, and the warmth of her skin had not slipped past his notice, nor did the beat of her tiny heart. She seemed fully human, but he supposed time would tell. Everyone had cautioned him about magickal babes.

  As he watched his wife and daughter, overwhelmed by how lovely Alliana looked in this the most pure of acts a mother did for her child, Mikhalen began to fuss, showing he was hungry as well.

  Alliana looked from Katia to Mikhal, a small look of dismay on her face. She attempted to shift her daughter, who obviously was not finished with her meal, so she could bare her other breast, thinking perhaps she could nurse both at once, as Mikhalen’s cries increased.

  Mikhal picked up his son and reached for Katia as well so Alliana could manage, but she shook her head as her fingers pulled the lacing on her nightshift further open and she bared her other breast. The question was though, how was she to hold them both? Juggle them one above the other?

  “I can summon the wet nurse, Alliana.”

  Her face fell instantly. They were her babes; she would not have another feed them. “No, Mikhal, tis not what I wish. Give him to me.”

  Mikhal did so reluctantly, and then moved to do as he had said. He would give her a chance, but he wanted the wet nurse here just in case. He didn’t wish his children to hunger, nor did he wish for Alliana to become overtaxed.

  She move Katia just so, and was about to place Mikhal, whose cries had turned to shrieks of fury, to her nipple, when to her horror, her little boy began to change.

  Alliana let out a loud cry of dismay, and turning back, Mikhal saw her staring at her son with a look of pure shock and terror on her face; her beautiful babe, her darling son who only moments ago had downy curls and gorgeous blue eyes, had worked himself into such a tantrum over being denied his supper that his demon side had come forth.

  Gone was the cherub face with the tiny pouting mouth. His forehead was wrinkled, his skin taking on a reddish hue, and his eyes glowed amber with the fire of the damned. Tiny needle like teeth had formed in his mouth where a vampire’s fangs would be, and his tongue darted in and out seeking the blood that instinct told him would nourish him. His perfect little hands had grown talon like nails, and he was waving them about in his fury as he hissed and screamed.

  Baby Mikhalen’s cries turned into earsplitting bird like shrieks as his anger grew and Alliana’s panic rose with each decibel. Her whole body started to shake in terror and her mouth opened and closed soundlessly in her panic. Her sweet boy was not a boy at all. He was a thing just like the other demons in the castle. She shook her head back and forth in denial but her eyes showed her the proof.

  Alliana pulled Katia closer to her, and laid Mikhalen down on the bed abruptly, scooting away with her daughter in tow, terrified of what her son had become as his cries turned to growls of rage mixed with hisses of fury. Mikhal watched the scene, his heart breaking to see his family in such turmoil, even as a mad rage fueled by his demon half filled him at the sight of his son being rejected by Alliana.

  Once again both sides of him raged and this time, because of the helpless babe, his demon side was winning. He loved Alliana, he did, but she was his mate and the mother of his son, and to reject his child was unthinkable. It infuriated him to no end to see her cast off the boy like he was a horrid beast and move from him as if he were evil. What did that say of her true feelings for him if she could cast away the babe that had come from her womb?

  "Feed him, Alliana. He is yours and he hungers."

  She looked at him, eyes wide, not able to comprehend his ludicrou
s request not quite entering her numbed brain. He couldn’t possibly mean for her to take the boy to her breast. Not snarling, as he was, not with those teeth, not when he was like... this. Her son was a monster.

  Mikhalen’s shrill sounds of rage increased in intensity as he lay on the bed, arms flailing, mouth opening and closing, face turning ever redder with fury as his eyes blazed.

  "I told you to feed my son, Alliana! He is hungry."

  "No! I can't. He..."

  “He came from your womb. He is our son. Feed him, Alliana!” No longer did thoughts of the wet nurse fill Mikhal’s mind. Right now everything was focused on Alliana’s rejection of his son... of him.

  Her whole body was trembling violently as she looked at the thing that Mikhal the Merciless wanted her to comfort and nourish, and knew she couldn't. It didn't matter what he did to her, didn’t matter if he went back to being a beast himself and reverted to his old ways, she couldn't. Those teeth, that face, those hideous glowing eyes, those claws, surely he would rip into her flesh if she put him to her breast. How could she feed such a babe?

  Mikhal took several calming breaths, trying desperately to get a grip on himself, becoming enraged with Alliana wouldn’t help matters. Force was not what was needed.

  “Alliana please. He needs his mother. I know this is a shock but he is only what I am. Don’t forsake the boy because of it.” His words spoke of little Mikhalen, but his eyes pleaded for himself as well.

  “I cannot feed him. Look at him, Mikhal, he shall surely tear me apart.”

  Her refusal, her complete denial of their child, sent him over the edge and his demon came forth. He snarled at her, wishing to tame her, to dominate, to show his mate what was right, even as the man inside him screamed at him to stop.


  Alliana began to sob, loud gasping cries that sent a dagger into his heart, and couldn't stop. Her mind snapped and she buried her face in tiny Katia’s chest as if to shut out the horrid reality of the situation. Her baby boy was gone. A monster had replaced him. He was gone. Her beautiful son was gone. Her mother's heart broke as her mind spun in horror. She would never know the sweet pull on her breast from him, only pain and terror.


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