Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 4

by Jolynn Raymond

  Natalya kept her company throughout the day, she busied herself with caring for the children, and Mikhal spent as much time as he could by her side. All told she was very happy. Katia was her heart’s love, and small Mikhalen had found a place for himself deep in his mother’s heart as well. All she ever saw of her son was the tiny cherub human face he wore when he was in good temper, so to Alliana, her son was a little angel, just like his sister.

  Someone, be it Natalya or Mikhal, always was in the chamber when she was accompanied her son. He stayed with her during the day so they could bond and she could cuddle him and nuzzle his downy head, but whenever the boy showed the slightest sign that he was going to fuss, Mikhal whisked him away as promised.

  She had asked her husband the day following the horrible incident, if Mikhalen retained his human form when he nursed if he wasn’t in a fit before being given the wet nurse’s breast, but Mikhal had sadly told her no. It seemed the boy’s need was for a diet of breast milk mixed with human blood, and he always changed to his demon form before settling down to his meal.

  Mikhal had assured her that the poor wet nurse was not being tortured in the process. The babe only made two punctures that closed up quite quickly after little Mikhalen had his fill. In truth Mikhal had hoped this information would change Alliana’s mind about nursing her son, but it had most certainly not. She couldn’t stand to think of her sweet baby boy looking as he had on the day he was born, for then he was far too much like her husband’s demented sister. She loved him dearly, but she couldn’t see him like that again. Not yet.

  Both babes were thriving and eating well, or so she was told in young Mikhalen’s case. He was the picture of health, as was Katia. They were always kicking their feet about and waving their little arms as they cooed and gurgled. Both were a joy and very dear to her. Neither was more loved, neither more cherished. Her heart swelled with intense love and pride just to gaze at them, and to hold them was heaven.

  That her son was taken away immediately upon the first sign of rage was never discussed after her one question about the well being of the wet nurse. It was simply done, and therefore harmony had been established. Mikhal was content to watch Alliana bond with Mikhalen in other ways, the child felt loved by his mother, and Alliana felt no fear for her son.

  When she had tried to venture upon the subject of Mikhal’s feelings, he had hushed her, and told her that he had been prepared for the need of a wet nurse, seeing as how she had given birth to twins. Twas a common practice for those of wealth, and it was fine with him that Mikhalen was fed in that manner. He claimed it would be too taxing upon her to feed them both.

  His face had remained loving and sincere, and his eyes never betrayed the pain he still felt inside at her revulsion over the part of little Mikhalen that came from him, so Alliana accepted him at his word.

  While it was true that Alliana felt remorseful over the fact that she hadn’t taken the babe to her breast, she reasoned with herself that he spent all of his time being loved by her aside from the trips to the wet nurse. Her husband and the babes slept in her chamber, and little Mikhalen was whisked back to her as soon as he had been fed. By then he was content and sleepy and ready to be held or rocked to sleep.

  Their routine was working well, and Alliana truly believed that time would conquer her fright. It was her fervent wish that someday soon she would be able to nurse her son. Truth be told, she wasn’t certain she would react in quite the same way as she had, but for now she felt it better to let him go to the wet nurse rather than have him sense the horror and subsequent rejection that she could possibly feel once again.

  The mood of the castle had oddly enough taken on a merry tone that hadn’t been felt in nearly a century. Even the brooding Lucian had a sparkle in his eyes when he had been ushered in by an ever so proud Mikhal to see Alliana and the babes. Gypsy law forbade this; Alliana knew she really should have been kept away from all others, but her husband was far too proud of his family to not show them off.

  The other vampire had gazed at the children in wonder, knowing that for his kind to have sired children was indeed something to rejoice in. He had even asked if he could hold little Katia, and had talked to her in some nonsensical talk that had Natalya raising her eyebrows in surprise before her gaze turned tender, and Mikhal chuckling at his behavior.

  It had also made Alliana look at Natalya with questions in her eyes, but her friend had simply blushed and looked away. Where those two stood in relation to each other wasn’t quite known to Alliana. She knew Natalya harbored feelings for the dashingly handsome but often impossible vampire, but also knew her husband had laid a claim on Natalya, one which would have to be relinquished if Lucian wanted to court her.

  The trouble was, Natalya still went to the village to see to her charges, and therefore, Mikhal felt he needed to keep her under the protection of the Master of the castle. Alliana felt his logic was faulty and had ventured to tell him so once, but her husband had turned glowering eyes upon her, asking her if Natalya had told her of Lucian being anything but a gentleman.

  Alliana had let the subject drop after that. If the two of them, Lucian and Natalya, did indeed wish to be together, then they would have to work it out amongst themselves, and then talk to her ornery husband.

  One of the things that had completely shocked then frightened Alliana was that Mikhal was planning a grand ball to celebrate the arrival of his children, and to show his appreciation of his wife to the world.

  At first she had become terrified, remembering the banquet at which she had been introduced to his men. The debauchery and the screams, the disgusting minions lined up to kiss her hand, how she had vomited at her husband’s feet, and how angry he had been. But Mikhal, seeing the fear in her eyes and guessing the reason had assured her that this time would be very different. The men would be on their best behavior, and no one would be killed or harmed in any way.

  It was to be a true celebration, not a means of humiliating and tormenting her like the first party had been. He’d gone on to apologize once again for his treatment of her then, and had held her close, whispering how much he loved her, until she had hesitantly said the words back. It was true, it was finally true. Alliana knew in her heart that she had finally allowed the love her husband so desired to blossom in her breast even though the words sometimes still were hard to come by. She had guarded her heart for so long against his cruelty that now, even when she knew she was safe, a tiny part of her tried to still the joyful words from flowing from her tongue.

  Now the castle was a bustling place as everyone prepared for the ball that would take place in a month’s time, and though she stayed in her chambers ‘recovering’ like a proper lady and following the Gypsy laws, Alliana heard the sounds of wagon after wagon coming and going. Many of the room in the castle had been shut up during Mikhal’s rein, and now he wished for each and every one of them to sparkle, and for the castle to be the showplace it once was.

  Chandeliers were forged and added throughout the halls to compensate for the shuttered windows, and in all the rooms, candles, candles, and more candles were brought from the village. The carpenters were brought in to fix old and decaying furniture and return it to its previous luster. The floors were polished until they gleamed. All about were the sounds of bustling accompanied by Mikhal’s booming laughter.

  The change in him astounded her each time he came to visit. There was a look about him, like he had truly come alive again because of the birth of his children. Oh she knew that there were still dark aspects that were better left unquestioned, and she knew that though the village folk had nothing to fear in their comings and goings, there were those in the special kitchen area who had much to live in terror of, but Alliana simply refused to dwell on these facts because she couldn’t change them. Though laughter and merriment had come to the castle, Alliana knew all didn’t feel it. The beasts of the castle still fed, and their baser needs of instilling terror and satiating their lust were met as well, but she was in
no position to stop any of it.

  Mikhal of course, never told her these things, but Alliana knew all the same. Her husband may have changed, but that didn’t mean those who resided within the walls she called home had changed with him. They troubled her deeply, these acts of debauchery she knew still took place, but Alliana had no idea how to intervene.

  The demons who lived in the castle fed on humans, it was as simple as that, and like it or not, it was them or the humans who served them, and Alliana knew her husband wouldn’t wipe out his clan of minions with a simple request from her. He was of them, even if he was genteel now. It simply wasn’t going to happen, so it was best to turn a blind eye and be thankful for the mercy he was showing those who lived on the land surrounding the castle.

  And so, though she had been recuperating in her grand lady’s bed, she had been busy. For one thing, Mikhal had summoned an artist from the village that had come and spent a few afternoons making a sketch of her with the babes, sitting up in the grand bed in her finest dressing robe with Lord Arcos at her side.

  Again this had gone against custom, for she should have been kept from the artist’s eyes, but Mikhal had wanted it so. Alliana had been unable to deny his request and in the end had reasoned that she was doing her best by staying in her chambers.

  When the man had come with his satchel and parchments, she had cradled both children while Mikhal put an arm very possessively around them all. He had glowered at the poor man as he drew even though Alliana had whispered for him to stop. It wasn’t as if the artist had any choice but to be in her bedchamber and stare at her during the sittings. Mikhal had ordered it. It was just that his jealousy of another man gazing intently at his mate had gotten the best of him. So try as he might to please Alliana, Mikhal couldn’t refrain from sending a look at the artist time and again that made it clear he was to keep his eyes focused on the Lady’s face, and not the swell of her breasts.

  Through it all, the poor man’s hands had shaken so badly at times that Alliana wondered how the portrait would turn out. The man was commissioned to paint a grand portrait of the entire family that would hang in the great room, and make a tiny locket for her as well, and she was very anxious to see them both.

  Alliana had been busy with other things as well when she found herself alone with Katia, and knew she wouldn’t be disturbed. During these times, she did things to test her magickal abilities, seeing just how much control she actually had over the elements and how exactly she could invoke that control.

  Some of the things she shared with Natalya, some she didn’t. Perhaps it was a lifelong feeling of inferiority when it came to magick and her friend that made Alliana hide her actions; perhaps she simply wanted to be alone to keep her embarrassment in check if things went wrong.

  She had made the water in the barrel in the corner swirl as if caught in a whirlpool for her first attempt, then feeling more self-assured by her success, moved on to the fire. Knowing how things had a tendency for turning tragic when she and magick were meshed, Alliana held the medallion and concentrated on extinguishing the flames rather than sending them soaring. At first the fire flickered and danced, making her think she would fail, but then as if doused with a bucket of water, the flames went out. Smiling and clapping her hands, calling out to Katia who lay in her cradle that her maman had done it, Alliana had then made the fire ignite once more.

  On this particular day, tired of lying abed, alone with Katia because Natalya had taken Mikhal to the wet nurse, she had gone to the tower room and played with the wind, making the clouds race across the sky then cover the sun briefly. When she had tried to summon a storm, she had failed, much to her dismay. Either she didn’t have enough power or she was simply too tired or not skilled enough yet. The experiment hadn’t depressed her though; it felt wonderful to have these powerful skills.

  Alliana wasn’t certain how or when she would use them, wasn’t even sure what exactly the prophecy had in mind when it said she would be helping her people with her magick, or bring riches since she certainly couldn’t turn dirt into silver, but she was pleased none the less.

  As she had sat and toyed with the wind a bit longer, basking in the sunlight streaming through her window, it suddenly occurred to her that she had never brought Katia up to the tower room. The babe would love the gentle breeze and the warming golden sun, but was it safe?

  She had always thought of her daughter as being purely human. She was warmer to the touch than young Mikhalen for certain, and Alliana could hear Katia’s heartbeat when she laid her ear on the tiny babe’s chest. Mikhalen’s was so faint it was hard to hear. Katia also had never, ever, had an amber glint in her sweet blue eyes let alone turned into a demon child, even when angry, but was she human enough to withstand the sun? Could she be a daughter of the light? Alliana was almost certain Mikhal could never go out during the day.

  Having doubts about what she was about to do but knowing she had to know never the less, Alliana made her way down the tower room steps and to Katia’s cradle. She picked up the small girl and bundled her tightly in the blanket Thalia had woven for the child, and then went back to the foot of the stairs.

  “Forgive me, sweet one if I do you any harm, but I must know. There may come a time when you need to go outdoors. Besides, you shall be much happier if you can share the sunlight with me.” She parted the blanket and kissed Katia’s head, then covered her again and went upward, clutching the babe to her breast. At the top of the stairs, Alliana fumbled with the blanket, and reached inside for her daughter’s tiny hand and pulled it from the safety of the wrapping.

  Alliana stepped into the sunlight, staring wide eyed at Katia’s fingertips that were bathed in the golden glow, ready to bolt down the stairs and plunge her daughter’s hand into the barrel of water, but to her relief, nothing happened. Katia’s tiny fingers stretched in the sunlight, then wiggled as she waved her arm and gurgled under the tight wrappings of the blanket.

  “That’s right my little one, it’s sunshine. Isn’t it lovely, sweet?” Alliana slowly pulled the blanket from over her daughter’s head to reveal her merry blue eyes, her chubby cheeks, and her cherub’s mouth. “Do you like the sun, angel?”

  Katia gurgled again and Alliana laughed and hugged the child close. “You truly are of me, my sweet. I love your brother. I do, I hold Mikhalen deep in my heart, but you and I are special. You shall have your mother’s human traits, and your father will instill his courage in you as well. You shall be perfect my little one and you shall never harm anyone.”

  As she spoke the last words a sudden flash of lightening split the air followed by a booming rumble of thunder. “Oh my, perhaps your maman is able to summon the storms after all. We had better get below.” Hurrying down the steps, Alliana raced to the safety of her warm dry chamber, and walked over to the bed.

  “I am sleepy my angel. Would you like you take a rest with your maman?” Katia waved her fists and cooed. “Oh you would? Perfect.” Alliana laid the babe on the bed and slipped out of her dressing robe, then climbed into bed while unsuccessfully trying to stifle a yawn. She cuddled Katia close and began to sing to her, a lilting lullaby from her own childhood that spoke of the nights spent in the small wagons circled around the fire, safely at home with her clan. It wasn’t a song of yearning oh no, it was simply one of remembrance, for Alliana was determined that both her children would know of her Gypsy heritage.

  As Alliana laid down for a much needed nap, the small vampire boy in the hall who had waited and listened, smiled in the darkness as the Gypsy sang to her brat, knowing that soon she would be sobbing instead of singing and laughing.

  He sat and listened, listened and sat, until no more words spilled forth, and then eased the chamber door open an inch to gaze inside. Just as he had hoped, the woman was asleep. Creeping in on silent feet, the tormented child who needed to lash out at the only person whom he was able, crept across the room to the grand bed and the tiny cradle.

  He went to the cradle first, only to find it
empty, then turned to the bed once more and saw the girl child nestled down under the furs next to her mother. The small vampire boy smiled, thinking how easy it was going to be to steal the child and exact revenge on those who had hurt him and killed his precious Andor.

  He stepped to the bed and listened to Alliana’s breathing, making certain she was deeply asleep, then pulled back the furs and gently picked up the child, knowing he didn’t want to wake the Gypsy too soon. Once he had Katia in his arms, he backed slowly towards the door, out of reach, and then nipped at the child’s tiny hand, causing her to wail.

  Alliana woke immediately and looked to the place where her daughter should be, only to find it empty. She then looked up to see the boy who had suffered so much because of her, standing in her chamber with Katia in his arms.

  “Make a sound and I shall tear her throat out.” His words were hissed and as full of venom as a cobra.

  Alliana nodded mutely as she moved to get out of bed, wincing in the process, her body still achy from the arduous childbirth she’d just been through, her heart slamming in terror in her chest. She held her middle and stood, swaying lightly, staring at the child, hers eyes full of questions, her mouth soundlessly asking why. The morning’s activities had taken much out of her, but Alliana was wide-awake now, awake and in shock.

  “Marishka wants you and your brat. Tis your choice, I have the babe, follow or don’t. I will kill her. I think that she would be very sweet indeed.”

  Alliana’s mind was in a whirl. How could this be happening? Marishka had actually managed to lure this boy over to her side and now he had her daughter.

  “Tis daylight. You cannot take her now.”

  The boy reached out to pull a heavy fur throw from where it had been flung over the back of a chair.


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