Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 24

by Jolynn Raymond

  As her hand encircled his member Mikhal hissed, throwing back his head as she began to stroke him. He in turn sought the pool of heat in her womanhood and lightly began to stroke her there in time. She was ready for him, in body and mind and it was all he could do not to roll her onto her back and take her with wild abandon, but he held off, wanting her to be on the precipice of ecstasy when they joined.

  Time stood still, the world meant nothing as they took each other higher and higher until their intense need drove them both to abandon their play. Alliana bought Mikhal’s head down to her lips and kissed him fiercely even as she rolled onto her back; welcoming the man she called her own.

  Mikhal needed no further invitation, and quickly moved over her, hovering for just a moment, his hardness just touching her heat until Alliana let out a moan of deep longing and arched upward. As she did so, Mikhal thrust forward, entering her velvet heat, joining them completely as he wrapped her up in his arms, one arm sliding under her hips to position her just so as they began the ancient rhythm that would bring physical bliss and a joining of their hearts.

  The fire blazed, casting dancing shadows of golden hues around the room, as the two were one, moans of pleasure accompanied small snarls as passion built and finally began to spill over. As he felt Alliana begin to find the ultimate ecstasy, Mikhal moved his mouth to her neck, which she freely offered up to him. Lapping for only a moment, feeling he on the verge of completion even as the walls of her womanhood began to flutter. He howled out his claim declaring her his, sending thrills coursing through his mate before biting deeply and drinking of the blood they shared. The taste of his mate’s blood was like a potent elixir as it flowed over his tongue, making the pent up desire explode deep in his belly even as she convulsed yet again beneath him. Trembling, crying out, moving as one they rode the waves of intense pleasure, tumbling over the precipice into the abyss of intense fulfillment in each other’s arms.

  They clung to each other as the waves of pleasure shook them, leaving them weak, whispered words of, ‘I love you’, spilling from both of their lips. Mikhal peppering her face with tiny kisses, holding her close as her heartbeat settled and her breathing finally slowed.

  Rocking, stroking, kissing, murmuring, he brought her back to earth as her body trembled with the aftershocks that made every inch of her tingle. Finally, when her head stopped it’s crazy spinning; Alliana opened her eyes and smiled at the man whom she loved with her very soul. His dead heart swelled with the evidence of her love, for all he wanted now was her happiness.

  “I love you, sweet.”

  “And I you, Mikhal.”

  “Tis a good thing then. Shall we rest, my love?” He said the words even as he began to swell inside her, desire once more taking hold but knowing he would do what was best for her if she were weary. Alliana felt him, felt her own need begin to burn and shook her head, eyes glistening with delight even as she pulled his head down for another kiss.

  Time didn’t matter. The upstart minions didn’t matter. Lucian was well able to keep things under control for the time being. He needed to love his wife, and they could rest come the new day. Tonight would be for loving and passions long denied.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The pair had made love through the night and into the dawn, before finally giving into the weariness that could no longer be denied. They’d slept as had most of the castle as the sun rose high in the sky and began to make its way slowly down to the horizon in the west. Finally though, the tiny inner voice that told him there were matters that needed attending within his realm became insistent and roused the sleeping Lord Arcos, making him grudgingly slip from the warm bed.

  He dressed silently, and left the chamber in the same manner, Alliana never stirring once. Mikhal knew that soon she would wake, her body would be calling out for her children, making it impossible for her to remain asleep, and that was why he needed to finish the unpleasant task at hand here and now.

  He strode purposefully down the corridor to Lucian’s chambers, his once serene and satisfied face taking on the form of the monster within. Twas nasty work ahead and the human part of him had no business in it.

  Rapping sharply, knowing that Lucian would be expecting him but also knowing Natalya lay within as well, Mikhal waited to be bade entry then did so, to find the drapes securely drawn around the bed, and his first in command pulling on his boots.

  “My Lord.” Lucian gave a nod but said nothing else.

  “How did the rest of the night progress? Did all do as they were commanded?”

  “Yes, but begrudgingly. T’was very apparent that not all of our kind were pleased with the festivities. I imagine a bloodier celebration would have been to their liking.”

  “There was a small group, I know not their names. One seemed bolder than the rest. Do you know of whom I speak?”

  “Yes, Sire. He is Romell. I believe Marishka turned him shortly after you came in control of the castle.”

  “Then he is old enough to know the way of things.”

  “Forgive me, but he is also old enough to believe he knows how things should be. Who is predator and who is prey.”

  “Those thoughts will not be with him much longer. Do you think he has enough of a following to have gathered a large group of supporters?”

  “I doubt it. True many were disgruntled by the lack of blood and violence last night, but most of the minions are stupid louts who simply obey blindly as they should.”

  “Still, there were others, three, maybe four who were insolent enough to show their displeasure. Bring them to me. I shall be waiting below in the dungeons.”

  “Yes, Sire.” The fire in Lucian’s eyes told Mikhal he agreed whole-heartedly, and was eager to put things right. Both men knew the safety of the women and the babes depended on Mikhal’s continued reign.

  “And Lucian, time is of the essence. Lady Arcos is sleeping and I wish to be done with this before she wakes.”

  “I understand. I shall bring them with haste.”

  Mikhal left the room with a curt nod, heading below to where his tools of pain and terror awaited. He would squash this bit of rebellion rising up in his realm with a brutal fist to make certain none dared question him again.

  After Mikhal left, Lucian quickly went to the bed and kissed a still sleeping Natalya. The hardness left his eyes for a moment as he looked at her, her gentleness making him warm, but then it returned tenfold. She was the reason he must carry out his orders without mercy. Nothing and no one must ever harm his love.

  “You shall be safe, sweet. Tis my promise.” She murmured, her nose scrunching up a bit even as a small smile turned up the corners of her mouth upon hearing his voice. He gave her one last quick kiss then left the room, his guts burning for the pain of those who would challenge the Master.

  He went from chamber to chamber, barging in, yanking the unsuspecting minions from their beds, often stumbling upon the corpse of a drained and battered maiden in the process, cuffing them soundly into silence, making his intent to kill at the least sign of resistance known, stopping any revolt as he gathered all the offenders and herded them below.

  It took only a matter of minutes before they began their descent, the four minions and Lucian, shoving, cursing them in full game face, taking them to their painful deaths. Romell had dared to balk but he was silent now. A few swift blows and the shredding of one arm had silenced the upstart, and he now moved as docilely as the rest, knowing what was in store.

  When they arrived in the large catacomb that held the torture chamber, Lucian gave the minions a mighty shove, sending them sprawling into the straw that would soon run red with their blood. Mikhal nodded in approval and told them to rise. He wished to look them in the eye so they could see the promise of what was about to transpire.

  They did, slowly, fear replacing the insolence of the night before, pleading words of mercy and accusations against Romell on their lips, but Mikhal silenced them with a loud snarl. It was time. He moved forward, taking
the one who had laid the blame with another. The minion was the best to start with. Mikhal dragged him to the cuffs that hung at the end of chains bolted into a heavy beam above and snarled once again, fiercely stating his dominance.

  “You shall be the first so the others may see what to expect. I want all of you to know this is because you dared to show disrespect for my family. This is my realm. I am Master here, and I shall remain in power for eternity. Daring to defy me brings only pain and death.”

  That said, Mikhal set his beast free, and so began the bloody process of exacting justice for his family and of showing the minions gathered there how very, very stupid it was to cross him. Little did Mikhal know however, that Alliana had awoken a short time after he’d left her and was even now wandering far too close to the stone steps that led below. If he had, he would have torn off the minion’s head to silence the bloodcurdling screams that tore from his gut and were at that moment making their way to the ears of the woman whom Lord Arcos was defending.

  Hearing the agonized cries of the tortured minion, Alliana felt her heart tug at the sound. She was a gentle soul and the sounds of his pain broke her heart. She followed intent to see who was committing such a despicable act in her husband’s castle.

  Step by step she went lower as the screams increased, the pain held in each cry making tears stream down her cheeks and her stomach twist in knots. The horror was to be over here, the terror gone. Human weren’t to be brutalized any longer. Mikhal had promised.

  Alliana arrived at the bottom of the steps to the wild sound of snarling and growling. It sounded like a fierce animal battering its prey, toying with it in an agonizing fashion, beating relentlessly until the poor soul was shrieking out of his mind.

  Still Alliana went on, never fearing for herself, too intent on stopping the debauchery. She rounded the corner and stopped stone cold in shock at the sight of her husband, her own dear Mikhal, in full vampire facade, tearing the hanging minion apart bit by bit.

  Blood stained the straw below the poor man, flesh hung from his bones, his eyes were rolled up in his skull, his mouth twisted in a scream of agony. The scene was one from hell and it made Alliana cry out as she fell to her knees, disbelief stunning her. Why? Why was Mikhal hurting this man? Why? He had changed. He said he had changed.

  Upon hearing his wife, Mikhal turned, his beast in a frenzy, spittle flying from his mouth, fangs glistening, eyes blazing with an unholy fire. He spied her there, kneeling upon the cold stone floor, tears upon her cheeks, mouth open in shock, eyes full of pain and disbelief, and a war began to rage inside of him.

  The man in him rose up, wanting to go to her, needing her to understand, but the beast was so far gone. He shook his head, snarling, feeling the eyes of all present upon him, the cries of the tortured minion falling silent, the only sound being the muffled sobs of his wife who sat with her hand pressed against her mouth.

  Their eyes met and she shook her head in disbelief, all the questions in her heart coming forth in her gaze. The pain was bright and shimmered along with her tears and both got through to the man who lay within the monster.

  “Alliana.” He stepped towards her, game face fading but blood covering him from head to toe.

  “NO!” She arose suddenly, terror giving her strength, turning to flee up the stairs, to leave the horrors of the dungeon, to leave the man she had thought she loved.

  “Alliana!” Mikhal started after her then turned, what he’d started had to be finished. “I’ll be back. Romell you shall pay for her pain.” That said Mikhal raced up the steps after his wife, knowing he had to make her understand before it was too late. He could feel all they had built up between them begin to shatter as her terror and revulsion wiped out the love that had grown in her heart.

  It took but a moment to catch her, she had stumbled in her haste, but was now screaming at him as Mikhal advanced, hands held out, eyes begging for her to listen as she sat cowering on the steps.

  “Alliana, please listen. Tis not what you think.”

  “What I think? What I think! You were torturing that poor man. How could you? You promised. You told me you never hurt those you feed upon, you said...”

  “Silence wife.” His tone was sharp, full of rage brought on by his own fear of losing her. How had things gone so horribly wrong? Only hours ago they were making love.

  His menacing voice stunned her into silence but didn’t quiet the voice inside that declared him a monster. She looked away, certain of what she had seen, not willing to hear his excuses. How could he even make them? He was covered in the blood of his victim. His hands, outstretched, begging for understanding were painted crimson with his guilt.

  “That was not a man, Alliana, tis a minion, a minion who dared to openly question my authority, along with the others present below. Not all were pleased last night.” Still she refused to look at him. “While you were caught up in the fairy tale I created for you, sweet, those men were openly displaying their hatred for you and our babes. They were far from happy that humans were not on the menu and feel you should be raped and tortured like the rest. They have no conscience, no morals, only blood lust and a thirst for pain. What do you suppose would become of you, Katia, and possibly even little Mikhalen if one of them were to kill me in my sleep?”

  Alliana whipped her head up, eyes huge, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She opened her mouth to speak but words failed her so she simply shook her head.

  “Remember Marishka and Andor? Remember what she would have done to Katia and to you? What of Natalya? Alliana, please, all of you, everyone I care for, everyone I love would be at the mercy of their twisted evil if I lost my command of this castle. I do what I must to maintain my iron control. I do it to protect you. Please don’t judge me. I may not be a man, but neither am I a monster.”

  The stink of blood drying upon his clothes and skin filled her nostrils and the mere sight of him glistening red with the minions’ pain made her ill, but part of her understood. She had to. He was doing it for them. She had forgotten in the blissful joy of her family that she lived in a place so very dark. It had been easy once she’d trusted him, easy to love him, easy to feel safe, easy to bury her head in the sand.

  Still she didn’t speak, but the panic had left her eyes and Mikhal hazarded a step forward, then two when she sat immobile. “Please tell me you understand.”

  “Yes.” The word was whispered through lips pale and taut. She was shaking, nauseated, stunned actually that she had let her guard down. What had she been thinking?

  “You can accept my actions, sweet? You understand why I must do this?”

  “Can’t someone..?”

  “No! It must be me. I am Master and need to remain so. Leaving the job to another is a sign of weakness.”

  “They cannot be banished?”

  Part of him, the beast inside wanted to slap her for being so naive. “Alliana, do you honestly wish for us to have enemies once again? To have to worry that someone will steal into our chambers and take one or both babes?”

  “No. Never.”

  “Then this is how it must be. Go to our children now. Hold them, love them, and know that I love all of you. I am sorry you had to witness this but I shan’t apologize for my deeds because they are just. T’would help if you would tell me of your understanding.”

  She rose and stepped forward but stopped at arm’s length. There was too much blood, and it sickened her. Right or wrong, to see him as his evil being, seeing the evidence of his cruelty was too much.

  “While tis true I am sickened, I do understand. Nothing must threaten the children. Tis hard though to see you as such, and to know that my feelings of security were a mere fantasy.”

  “No, Alliana. Twas not. You are safe here. This is your home and though evil dwells within these walls, it shall be controlled and never touch you or those you love.”

  Her brows furrowed and mouth turned down in a frown even as she swiped away one last tear.

  “Alliana I swear. I
t wasn’t a fantasy. My love is real. This is your haven, your family is here, and all of you are safe. Tell me you believe me. Please Alliana. I can’t have you living in fear, afraid in the place you dwell. It can’t be like before. I need you to be happy.”

  “I am, Mikhal. Despite it all I am happy. I do love you. Know that and be content with it. The rest shall take a bit of time. This was a shock.” She reached up to touch his cheek but her hand fell away. She couldn’t do it, not with the blood splatters that marred his skin. “I love you. Twill be fine. Let me see to the children.”

  Turning, she bounded up the stairs, needing to put the horror of the dungeon behind her. Cuddling her sweet children would help to put it all from her mind, and time spent with her husband later, after he was himself again, doting on their babes would help ease the rest of her doubts.

  He called after her just once, then let her go, knowing she needed time and space. For all the love they shared, the strength of the mating bond, the tie that bound them because of the children, they were still two vastly different beings and nothing, not time nor circumstance could ever change that.

  Sighing, Mikhal turned back to the task at hand, calling upon his inner demon, face changing back to that of a vampire as his steps drew him closer to those who had brought about this latest turn of events.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Time passed, and though Alliana never forgot what her husband was, she didn’t dwell on his inner demon either. To her and their babes he was a loving husband and father, and nothing could change the love she felt in her heart. It was true there were things they did not speak of, how he maintained order in his realm, how he filled his belly, how he’d spent year upon year terrorizing those of her kind, but the issues did not create an awkward silence between them, not at all, they were simply things pushed from the mind in order to preserve the happiness they shared.


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