Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured Page 25

by Jolynn Raymond

Mikhal treated her with devoted respect. Loved her, cherished her, listened to her opinions, allowed her to voice her concerns, all things most women weren’t allowed to do, and in return, Alliana forgave his manly indiscretions and overlooked the dark part of his being. If he was bull headed and domineering at times so be it, if he snarled and acted a jealous fool over a glance from a local merchant, that suited her fine as well. He was wonderful to her day in and day out so the little things simply didn’t matter.

  Almost three years had gone by since the incident in the dungeon, and the entire household was preparing for the birthday celebration of the twins. Sabina’s dire prediction had yet to come to pass, and Alliana had pushed it from her mind as well. It was true that little Mikhalen threw the most horrid temper tantrums, but his sister could hold her own in that department as well. The only difference being that Mikhalen’s cries held snarls of rage and his features changed. Never did he strike out at Katia or those around him, and both Alliana and Mikhal were certain he never would. Mikhal had taken a strong hand with the boy and spoke to him firmly and often about his demon self and how he must control it.

  Alliana herself had grown to love her son. She always had, but in the beginning there had been fear of him as well, but that had faded. True he was a sight when angry, but a mother’s love saw only beauty no matter how frightening he might look to others. That was at least until the day of the celebration, for it was then that all went wrong, and the dire prediction could no longer be denied.

  The twins were in their playroom, oblivious to the frantic preparations taking place in the rest of the castle. All who served Lord Arcos were on edge; knowing that the celebration that was to be held that evening had to be perfect or they would risk his wrath. He had gentled to some extent over the past three years. Become easier to reason with, less apt to tear one’s head off for minor acts of carelessness, actually appearing happy and jovial most of the time, especially when his human wife was about, but that had changed in the last few days as the babes third birthday approached. Mikhal wanted everything to be perfect, and would tolerate no sloth from any whom he reigned over.

  He’d been up through the night barking orders as to where things must be placed, who should be doing what, and how he expected things to look, carefully overseeing each detail of the celebration to mark the anniversary of the greatest day of his existence. Maids scurried, fear nipping at their heels, cooks cowered, and minions bowed their heads when he snapped an order or showed displeasure, but of all this, the babes were of course unaware.

  They sat now, on the floor of their grand room before the hearth, Katia with her doll who’s hair was the golden color of her mama’s and Mikhalen with his toy soldiers, both content, doing what young ones do best under the watchful eye of their mother and Natalya.

  “They’ve grown so, Natalya. I can hardly believe my babes will be three years now. It seems like a lifetime ago yet only moments since they were born.”

  Natalya smiled softly. Yes it did seem like a lifetime since they had come to Castle Arcos. Alliana first, stolen in the night, then Natalya later, to heal a sick friend, both finding love and contentment after much heartache.

  “Tis a grand life we lead now, Alliana. One we never...”

  Her words were cut off as Alliana interrupted to caution her daughter. “Katia, careful now darling. The horse is too big.” The child had abandoned her doll in favor of the new rocking horse Mikhal had brought to the nursery. It was one of their birthday gifts and in truth a bit large, but he’d actually made it himself and Alliana didn’t have the heart to tell him so.

  Alliana rose and stood near her daughter, not wanting to infringe on the child’s strong sense of independence. To do so would be to risk a tantrum of massive proportions. As she watched, Katia defied her expectations and pulled herself upon the wooden horse, wiggling unceremoniously on her little tummy upon the saddle, chubby legs kicking her gown, arms pulling with all her might until she managed to get herself up and into the saddle.

  “Well done, angel. Mama’s proud of you. Shall I give you a push?”

  Katia giggled and clapped her hands with glee at her accomplishment, neither one noticing Mikhalen who had come to see what all the fuss was about. Alliana went to the head of the rocking horse and pushed down gently, making it go forward and back, one arm outstretched to catch her child if she should tumble, but it was clear at once that wouldn’t be the case, Katia seemed a natural rider.

  “I’m riding, maman! Riding a horse.”

  “Yes you are, baby. Good girl. Hold on.” Alliana went to push the horse again but Katia screwed up her face.

  “Me do it.”

  “Okay, baby.” Alliana backed up far enough for Katia to have the independence she so cherished, but still near enough to make a wild grab if the child took a tumble. As she did, Mikhalen approached the horse, hands fisted, face dark.

  He reached out towards his sister and gave her a small shove. “Mine.”

  Alliana sighed in exasperation. Why was it that whatever one had the other suddenly wanted? It appeared Mikhal would have to make another horse for the nursery in order to maintain the peace. “Mikhalen, it’s Katia turn now. You can ride the horse in a minute. Go back to your soldiers.”

  “No, now!” Mikhalen made a move to shove his sister again but Alliana was quicker. She grabbed the boy and pulled him back, even as a shriek of rage tore from deep inside him, the throws of an intense temper tantrum already building.

  “Stop it this instant young man. Katia will have a turn and then you. Be a good boy or I shall have Natalya take you to your room.”

  Alliana’s words were firm but they had no effect, the child had begun his tantrum and he meant to continue it until he got his way. Demon’s rage boiled inside him at being denied his wish and his little face transformed into that of his vampire self, eyes glowing amber, teeth gnashing as he stomped his feet and shrieked.

  “My horse. Mine.”

  “No, Mika. It is for both of you. You must wait.”

  The child had no wish to listen to reason, he wanted to ride the new horse and he wanted it now. Pulling mightily upon his mother’s grasp, he tore from her and flung himself upon the ground, thrashing and howling with rage, pounding his fists and kicking his legs, shrieking loud enough to bring the castle down upon their heads.

  Alliana went to his side and tried to calm him, to be gentle but firm in order to bring him from his state just as she had seen Mikhal do, but it was no use. He was completely out of control. It was clear Natalya would not be able to handle him. She would have to get her husband.

  “Mikhalen, listen to me. Do you wish for me to get your father? He will not be pleased. You are to control your temper young man.”

  Mikhalen flung his arms over his head and beat the stone floor with his tiny fists at her words, his beast too much in control for him to care what she was saying. Seeing her little son pounding the floor with his tender hands sent Alliana into a panic. With his strength he could do serious damage to himself.

  “Natalya, send for Mikhal. Mika listen to mama. Please Mikhalen. You shall hurt yourself.”

  Alliana knelt upon the floor and grasped her sons flailing hands but with a strength Alliana had never felt before, Mikhalen pulled free and twisted away, rising to his feet, eyes once more taking in the object of his wrath. He spied Katia, now sitting stone still upon the prized rocking horse, and flew at her, mind numbed by his animalistic rage.

  He let out a bone chilling shriek and slashed at his sister, cutting deeply into her cheek, just missing one of her eyes, and tumbling her from the horse

  Alliana screamed at the sight of the crimson blood flowing down her baby’s face and threw herself into the mix. Grabbing Mikhalen and holding him with all her might as he thrashed about howling like a caged beast.

  “Mikhalen stop it. It’s maman, Mika, please, baby, please. Stop it now.”

  Alliana knew she was fighting a losing battle. Her son, in his vampire self was stronge
r that she, and if Mikhal didn’t arrive soon he would break free.

  “Natalya, take Katia out of here.” She looked at her precious daughter again who had begun to wail, tears mixing with the crimson blood that poured from the gash. “Oh my God. Natalya, get her help.”

  Just as Natalya scooped Katia up in her arms, Mikhal raced into the playroom. He stopped for only a moment as the shock of the scene before him hit. The sight of Katia all bloodied and terrified, his wife fighting with every ounce of her strength against his son as they rolled upon the floor, his tiny boy in full demon form, spittle flying, eyes burning was almost too much, but he snapped out of it and raced towards Alliana.

  He pulled her up and away from the enraged child, taking her in from head to toe in a second to make certain she was okay, then turned to his son and scooped the toddler up into his iron embrace, speaking quietly but firmly as he did, words punctuated by small growls of displeasure.

  The boy quieted immediately. His father’s beast showing displeasure subdued the demon inside. His little face once more took on its human features and Mikhalen turned in his father’s arms, reaching up to hold him around the neck, sobs replacing snarls of rage.

  “Hush, tis all right, Mikhalen. T’will be fine. We shall talk and it will be fine.”

  Alliana’s sharp intake of breath at his words made him turn towards his wife, and what he saw in her eyes made his heart sink. Fear, he saw a fear that hadn’t been there since the day Mikhalen had first turned to his demon self at her breast.

  “Alliana, twill be all right.”

  “All right? Did you look at your daughter? Mikhal how...? No, Sabina was right. Mikhal I was right here and I couldn’t save her. How can you say it will be all right?”

  Mikhal kissed his son on the forehead then put the child down. “Mikhalen, you are to go with Natalya to my chambers. We shall talk about what you have done.”

  “Yes, papa.” The boy turned sorrowful eyes towards his mother who had taken Katia from Natalya’s arms and was holding the sleeve of her gown against the gash in the child’s cheek. Alliana looked at him, her heart breaking as Sabina’s words came back to her, and didn’t speak. How could she? She had no words of comfort for him in that moment, not as the blood of her daughter soaked her gown.

  Young Mikhalen sniffled, and then took Natalya’s outstretched hand, turning his back on his mother as his human heart shattered. He’d been a bad boy and his maman didn’t love him. He took a few steps then stopped, unable to leave.

  “I’m sorry, maman.” A sob caught in Alliana’s throat as she looked at the cowed back of her son who stood there on trembling legs, begging for his maman’s forgiveness.

  “I know, darling. Mama loves you. Let me tend to Katia and then I shall see you after papa speaks to you.”

  Mikhalen nodded his head. She hadn’t said she forgave him but she had said she loved him. It was enough. He lifted his head higher and walked out the door with Natalya, hope blossoming in his child’s heart once more.

  As the door closed behind them, the sobs Alliana had been holding back came out full force. Her body shook as Mikhal went to her and Katia. He wrapped them both in his arms, hushing her, whispering words of comfort; heart aching for the pain caused that day.

  “I can make it better, sweet. Give her to me, Alliana. I can make it better.” Mikhal took Katia from her arms and stared down into the shocked eyes of his little girl, his angel. The fear he saw within her green orbs broke his heart anew. Never did he want his baby girl to feel afraid, especially not of her own brother.

  “Tis fine, pigeon. Papa will make it better. I shall fix you all up my angel, good as new.” He smiled at his baby girl, words of reassurance chasing away her terror, but both he and Alliana knew that though he could heal her flesh, he couldn’t take away the fear she would hold in her heart for her brother.

  Mikhal lifted her up and nuzzled her nose, making her smile through her tears, and then gently lapped at the ragged slash that marred her cheek. Katia jerked in his arms as his saliva mixed with her blood, the burning sensation making her cry out once more, but her papa held her fast as he tended her wound, bathing it, closing it, healing it until only a small pink scar remained.

  He placed tiny kisses upon it then swung her up high and tossed up in the air, grasping her under the arms and pulling her in for a cuddle as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “All better my sweet, pretty as a picture once more.” Alliana came over to them and took Katia from Mikhal without a word, quizzically taking in the scar that now marred the child’s creamy skin.

  “Twill fade, Alliana.”

  “Tis not that scar that worries me, Mikhal. What of her heart? What of the future? I told you, I was right here. Right here with them, Mikhal, and I couldn’t protect her. How can I keep her safe? Maybe she...”

  “We will speak of it later, wife. Let me talk to Mikhalen. There has to be another way.”

  “You weren’t here. You didn’t see his rage for her. It was over the rocking horse, Mikhal. The horse! He’s only three and he could have killed her in an instant. My God, Mikhal, he’s stronger than me and he’s only three.”

  “We shall speak of this later. Now is not the time. Our son is waiting, he too is frightened.”

  “I know that Mikhal. I love him, I do, but...”

  “No. I cannot hear this now. Take Katia outside for some sunshine.” Alliana looked at him eyes full of anguish as her daughter nuzzled into her chest. “Now Alliana. We will talk. I promise.”

  Alliana nodded once then leaned in to give him a chaste kiss before turning and walking out the door, her daughter held tightly in her arms.


  Mikhal sat in a chair, young Mikhalen standing between his legs, almost nose to nose. He was scowling at the child, trying to impress upon him the severity of what he had done today and how imperative it was that he never, ever, harm his sister or fight with his mother again.

  “You simply cannot do such things, Mika. When you are angry you cannot allow your demon to come out. It hurts people. It hurt Katia.”

  Mikhalen shook his head, eyes huge, tears brimming on his lashes. His father was gripping his arms so tightly and looked so fierce. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “I know you didn’t mean to, Mikhalen, but you have to be a big boy and learn to stop it. Papa has learned and you must too.”

  “I can’t.”

  Mikhal shook the boy gently but firmly. “Listen to me, Mikhalen. You have to do better.”

  “Katy had my horse.”

  “Twasn’t your... bloody hell. You cannot hurt people over things you want. You can’t!”

  Mikhalen began to cry and Mikhal knew at once that the child wasn’t ready for these types of demands. He was only just three years of age. How could they expect reasoning and self-control from him? He’d had this ‘talk’ with him many times. Told him over and over that he couldn’t let his demon out, but the fact remained that the child was far too young for them to seriously expect him to control his beast. The question was; where did that leave them?”

  “Your nurse will take you to your chambers and that is where you will stay until the party tonight, young man. There shall be no more playroom time for you today. You are to think about how you must stop your temper. It was not your horse, Mika, it was for the both of you, and even if it was, you cannot allow yourself to become so very enraged over a toy. It wasn’t right, Mika and I shall not allow it.”

  The boy began to wail. It wasn’t fair. He didn’t mean to hurt Katia. He didn’t want to spend the day in his chambers while everyone was getting ready for the party.

  “Stop that caterwauling this instant, Mikhalen. You shall not dare to have a tantrum with me. Perhaps you should be put to bed.”

  This caused the child to wail louder. He stamped his feet and fisted his hands in a typical toddler fashion. He did not want to go to bed. He simply did not. The children kept the schedule of humans for the sake of their mother an
d he’d only just gotten out of bed a few hours ago.

  Mikhal looked at his wayward child, turned him quick as could be, and landed a sharp swat upon his bottom. Mikhalen bellowed but then quieted as Mikhal gave a low growl.

  “No tantrums, young man. Control yourself. Now I shall send for your nurse. You are to obey me Mikhalen. I shall tell her you are not to leave your chambers and if you defy her you will be put to bed. Understand?”

  Through his sniffles Mikhalen managed to mumble a quiet, “Yes, Sir.” Mikhal quickly did as he’d said and the nurse took Mikhalen back to the children’s nursery. After he’d gone though, Mikhal sat once more and put his head in his hands. What were they to do? The child could not be trusted around Katia. Not anymore. He was too strong and too willful. It wasn’t his fault, but he simply was. Mikhal knew that he couldn’t be there to protect his daughter both night and day and where did that leave them? Where did that leave her? The blood on his baby’s face had been a grim reminder of just how dangerous an enraged vampire child could be. Heart or no, Mikhalen was part demon, and that part could not yet be fully controlled.

  He and Alliana would have to have a serious talk that night after the party, for he feared that as she’d said, Sabina’s words were in fact coming true. For the sake of Katia, for her life, it might be time to let her go, for the only true safety could be found in the Gypsy camp her mother had once called home.


  The celebration was a grand one and lasted well into the night, long after the children for whom it was held were in bed. Without fanfare, their parents had taken Mikhalen and Katia away when they began to tire, and put to bed in separate chambers for the first time in their young lives. Neither questioned Mikhalen’s change of residence. It was left unspoken, just as the incident in the nursery earlier in the day had been. Katia had played with her brother during the party, had sat next to him, had clapped and smiled when he’d been near as always, but she’d also had just a hint of wariness in her eyes that neither of her parents had missed.


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