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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 26

by Jolynn Raymond

  As the hour drew late, Mikhal and Alliana left the party to the watchful eye of Lucian, and retired to their chambers as well. He would keep control over the minions and assure all the humans made it home throats intact. Natalya steadfastly refused to leave his side though it was obvious she was weary as well. Her place was with him. If his duties insisted that he remain up through the night, then so be it.

  As Mikhal closed the door to their chamber behind him, he turned solemn eyes upon his wife, knowing the time had come for them to talk and make a decision regarding their babes. Two hearts born of their flesh, one seemingly pure, one held in evil’s grasp. Alliana stared back at him, the happy glow that had filled her face during the party gone, replaced by the pallor of the fear she felt for her baby girl.

  “What are we to do, Mikhal? He was so well behaved tonight, but earlier... I fear for her. His rage was terrible.”

  “I know sweet. Come here.” Alliana gratefully went into his arms and allowed her to give her fears over to her husband. It was true that he couldn’t make this better, but he could offer comfort, no matter what lay in store for them.

  Mikhal felt her trembling and then the slump of her body against his hard chest as she let go and entrusted her fears to him. He crushed her to him, whispering words that couldn’t truly comfort, and kissed the shell of her ear as he stroked her hair.

  She shook her head, a soft moan escaping. “What will we do? What did he say when you spoke to him? He’s so very small, Mikhal. How can we expect him to stop the rage?”

  “We can’t, sweet. He can’t. Not yet. He’s far too young. I tried but you cannot reason with a babe.”

  “If only he were far too young to do harm.”

  “But alas, he’s not. The proof in that lay upon Katia’s cheek. She will forever be reminded of what he did to her.”

  “She loves him. They share a heart, shared my womb.”

  “And we love him as well, but we can’t change the beast inside. Not yet, perhaps in time. I know he can be taught to control his demon like I control mine, but not yet, Alliana, tis far too soon. You know it as well as I.”

  Alliana nodded, worrying her bottom lip to keep from crying out at the pain in her soul. She would have to give up her daughter to ensure her safety. “We must take her to Sabina.”

  Mikhal let loose a low moan of pain at her words, but didn’t dispute them. He knew it had to be done. For Katia’s sake, it was the only way they could be certain she wouldn’t come to harm. To keep the children separate within the castle would hurt them even more. It would cast darkness on Mikhalen’s heart and make Katia fear her brother. If they simply sent her to the Gypsy camp and let Sabina raise her, telling her slowly about the magick that would be instilled upon her and of her family, as they simply told Mikhalen that yes his sister had to live with her mother’s people for a time, both children could be spared the grief of his demon’s danger.

  “We shall leave at dusk tomorrow. Once she is taken, all will be forbidden to speak of the reason why. I shall not have him hating himself for this, for something beyond his control.”

  “I would never speak of it, Mikhal. I love him. He is my son, a part of you. Please believe I have come to love all of you, the demon and the man, tis who you are. If it weren’t for the danger or if only there was another way.”

  “There is not. She must go, but the clan shall be told they must reside nearby. I shan’t have them moving.”

  “Husband, I wish her close as well, but our way of life is to roam.”

  “They shan’t have need any longer. No one will dare to harm your clan. Word shall be given. Riches shall flow as well. There will be no need to seek a living and move about to scavenge for food.”

  “Tisn’t that, tis to be free. I can’t ask them to change. Sabina will do what is best and we can speak with the Kris of our wishes, but that will not ensure blind obedience. Please do not make anger between us. They shall have Katia, Mikhal, you must learn to compromise.”

  “Your old way of life is foreign to me, wife. I cannot understand it. The comforts and safety of walls and the stability of a home are what a man should long for.”

  “Not all men, husband. Open your mind to my ways and understand that they make my people happy. Do you not wish for those who raise our daughter to be happy?”

  “Of course, Alliana. But I also wish to be able to see my child.”

  “A day’s ride. Will that be fair? That will give them leave to do as they wish but will keep Katia close at hand.”

  “So be it. As I said, we shall leave tomorrow at dusk. Come to bed wife. I am weary and my heart aches.”

  “I wish for Katia to be here with us. Please, Mikhal. I need her with us tonight.” Children did not share their parent’s bed in a noble household. It was unheard of. The fact that Alliana and Mikhal spent so much time with them was an oddity in itself. To most, children were to be seen at brief interludes, always attended by a nurse, and never ever heard.

  “Of course, Alliana. I shall get her. Go to bed. Your babe will soon be in your arms.” The words ‘for the last time’ was left unsaid, for neither of them had the heart to speak them. Mikhal kissed her forehead and left the chamber to fetch his darling girl, aching to hold her as his heart broke at the thought of not seeing Katia’s smile every morning of his life.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The mournful day set in motion by fate dawned like any other as the occupants of the castle slept. Alliana was restless, her subconscious mind reminding her over and over that the sweet child who lay within her arms would soon be gone. She woke often; the pain of her impending loss stabbing her heart with crystal clarity. The haze of sleep never befuddled the impending pain for the true rest of a deep slumber never came. In this Mikhal was spared for he literally slept like the dead. He did not dream and therefore wasn’t tormented by the dark images of leaving his baby girl in the arms of virtual strangers.

  The castle’s inhabitants slept in silence till midday, and were awakened by the humans who served them. There were preparations to make for the journey ahead, things to be done which could not be entrusted to simple servants, for what they were about to embark upon was a journey of misery and importance.

  Mikhal opened his eyes immediately upon hearing the soft knock on his chamber door and glanced over the tousled head of his daughter at his slumbering wife. Alliana had finally managed to slip into a deeper state of restfulness, but the shadows under her eyes and the frown lines upon her forehead attested to the restless night she had spent. One arm was curled protectively around the little girl whose eyes were now open, staring towards the father whom she could not see in the darkness that surrounded her. A smile formed upon her lips as her father reached out and stroked her cheek lightly, then tickled the end of her nose, his enhanced eyesight cutting through the blackness with ease. He bid the servant to enter so the chamber could be lit, then rolled on his side to appraise his wife and daughter once more.

  “Papa.” The single word was whispered as light brightened the room and brought the man who had tickled her nose into view.

  “How’s my sweet girl?” Mikhal asked of his child, his voice thick with emotion, the reality that this would be the last time he was able to greet her upon rising settling around his heart like a stone.

  Katia simply giggled in response, a sound that made Alliana stir. She opened her eyes and looked from her happy daughter to her husband, meeting his blue gaze with the same sorrow that was evident upon his face.

  Alliana bit her lip, unable to speak, and Mikhal pulled them both close, wrapping his strong arms around his wife and daughter, holding them close, stilling any need to speak, just relishing in the feel of them being together. They dozed off again for a bit, willing to put the world on hold for just awhile longer.


  The nurse walked down the long corridor to the Master’s chamber with trepidation, the boy child Mikhalen at her side. She had no knowledge of the bustle the day held at hand, and
so felt it was early, far too early to intrude upon the Master and Mistress. It couldn’t be helped though; the boy had been fitful and had woken in a fiery mood, demanding to see his papa. One look at the child’s face as he prepared to change to his demon self and throw a tantrum had convinced the nurse it would be in her best interest to do as the boy wanted. She was afraid of him; she admitted it freely. How could she not be when she had seen the destruction his kind could do? He may be small, but his teeth were razor sharp and his nails grew to talons that could shred nonetheless.

  She paused at the door to knock but the child had other ideas. Mikhalen stood on tiptoe and pulled the latch, then went right in without a knock. T’was his parent’s room and they was always happy to see him. Why should now be any different? Besides, he needed his papa ever so much. Last night had been the first in his young life that he’d been alone and he hadn’t liked it one bit.

  He burst into the room and ran towards the bed, laughter and a shout of “Papa! Get up, maman.” spilling forth, but then froze as he spied Katia. What was she doing here? Why had his sister spent the night with mama and papa while he’d been made to sleep in a strange room all alone? His little face fell, and then darkened with fury as he backed away from the bed.

  Mikhal, seeing the rage building upon the face of his small son, was already climbing out of bed to go to the boy as Alliana sat slowly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, trying to clear her head and take in what had just happened.

  She looked at her little Mika, saw his tears, saw his eyes looking at his sister with a gaze that held jealous rage, and let out a cry. Oh her poor sweet boy. He would never understand.

  “Mikhalen, tis alright, come to maman. Katia had a nightmare, come to maman and we’ll all cuddle.” The child shook his head, face growing darker, his demon taking hold as jealousy burned in his blood.

  “Listen to me, Mikhalen. Your mother speaks the truth. T’was a bad dream she had and she couldn’t fall back to sleep. The nurse was unable to calm her.” After he said the words, Mikhal shot a scathing look towards the children’s nurse. Why on earth had she allowed this to happen? The nurse in turn cowed under his gaze and backed as far as she could away from her Master, sure that if the Mistress hadn’t been present that she would already have been struck down.

  “You made me sleep all alone.” Alliana and Mikhal looked at one another then at Mikhalen again. What could they say to that? They couldn’t tell him they were afraid he would maim or kill Katia. A lie was in order, and quick.

  “Please, darling. We thought you were becoming such a big boy that you would need your own chambers. I’m sorry you didn’t like them. We shall do them however you please. Now come to bed with maman. I have kisses just for my little boy to chase all the loneliness away.

  Mikhalen didn’t believe her, not one bit. If the room he had slept in had been meant for him, why hadn’t they told him ahead of time? If it were a surprise, then why hadn’t any toys or other things of his been moved so he would like it there?

  Before he could tell his mother what he was thinking, Mikhal took him firmly by the hand and then tilted his chin up so his son was looking in his eyes. “Listen to your mother. Come and sit with us. I have something to tell you, both you and Katia actually.”

  Mikhalen’s face scrunched up again but he knew he didn’t dare rebel. Not against his father. He allowed himself to be led to the bed and scrambled up to sit next to his sister. He gave her a scowl, still feeling the heat of sibling jealousy roiling in his gut, but then changed it to a small pout upon seeing his mother’s disapproval.

  “Give maman a kiss darling.” Mikhalen unceremoniously pushed Katia to the side and went into his mother’s arms, allowing her to rain kisses upon his face as he wormed his way between his mother and his sister.

  Mikhal shook his head at the boy’s un-chivalrous actions but couldn’t hold back a small smile. His son certainly knew what he wanted. The smile sobered at once though as reality came crashing back. This was the last time they would all be together in a very long time. He scooped up Katia and sat down next to his family, watching them for a moment; taking it all in, and then sought the words he would use to explain to his children why Katia had to go away.

  Should he tell the boy the truth? It would make him sad and fill him with guilt, but it could also instill the urgent need for him to learn to control the demon inside. That could work to their advantage. Mikhal knew that controlling the beast was a monumental task, one that should be taken on with any tools available.

  After Mikhalen finally settled down, Mikhal reached out and tickled him under the chin. “Feeling better?” The pout returned at once and Mikhal scowled, but it wasn’t a serious one. The boy was head strong, like his mother.

  “Mikhalen... behave.”

  “Yes, papa.”

  “That’s a good boy. Now I want both of you to listen. Your mother and I have made a decision. It will make all of us sad but tis for the best.”

  “I don’t want my own chambers.”

  “Mika, be silent. It isn’t that.”

  Mikhalen’s acute hearing didn’t miss the tiny sound of pain that escaped his mother at his father’s words. He looked form one parent to the other in confusion. Why did his mama look so very sad?

  “Tonight, when the sun sets, your mother and I will be taking Katia to live with your mama’s family. She is going to stay with them until she is a young woman.”

  “Mama, no. Papa, I don’t want to go away. I’ll be good.”

  “Oh angel, no, you are good. You’re our good girl, tis not that at all. Your Godmother and grandparents...”

  Little Mikhalen cut her off with angry words before she could go on. “It’s me, because I hurt Katia. I won’t do it again, papa.”

  “No, Mika. Truly it’s not.”

  The little boy looked from his mother to his father once more and then at his sister. His hand came up and he reached to touch the long pink scar on her cheek but the girl shied away. His sister shied away from him. Her actions made him feel both sad and angry. It also made him feel just a bit dominant. The last was his beast talking, his demon feeling the pleasure of causing fear. Mikhalen didn’t understand it at all and it made him nervous. He loved his sister and didn’t want her to go away.

  “I’m sorry, Katy. I won’t do it again.”

  Alliana took in the scene between her children, and while Mikhalen’s love for Katia was obvious, the fear her daughter now held for her brother broke her heart. She pulled little Mikhalen closer, determined to chase away his feelings of guilt. It would be hard enough to lose her daughter; she’d not have her son feeling bad as well.

  “Listen to maman, Mika. There are many reasons Katia must go. It has nothing to do with you.”

  Mikhalen could hear the blood racing through his mother, hear her heart pounding, saw the look in her eyes, and he knew she was lying, but one look from his father made him keep silent. His father’s eyes warned him to be good, to stay quiet, and to not upset his mother.

  “Your mother is right. Katia needs to learn of your mother’s people. They wish to have her with them. Your mother’s Godmother will teach Katia all about magick so she can help them. Katia will have a good life there and we shall visit her often, and when she reaches fifteen years, she will return here.”

  “Will I go too? Will I visit?”

  Alliana thought of Sabina’s words and the prejudice her people would hold against her son. Was it best to allow the children to maintain their bond, or best to keep them apart until Katia was older and strong with magick? Time would tell she supposed.

  “We shall see, young man. Your mother and I will decide that later.”

  Mikhalen thought about what he had been told, and though part of him knew he would miss his sister, another part rejoiced in the idea of having his parents all to himself. “All right papa. I’m hungry.”

  Alliana looked at her son a bit perplexed for a moment but then simply shook her head. He was but a babe. How could
he understand the complexities of their situation? He had no concept of time beyond whether he could safely go out of the castle or not. Yes he would miss Katia when she was gone, but for now, the reality hadn’t set in at all.

  “Then your papa can take you for something to eat while Katia and I have our breakfast as well. Then we can spend the afternoon in the playroom. How does that sound?”

  Mikhal nodded emphatically but Katia stayed silent and looked on the verge of tears. Mikhal held the girl close and nuzzled noses with her, his heart aching for the time that would be lost between them.

  “Don’t worry poppet. It will be a grand adventure. Sabina is kind and loving and she will teach you many things, and your grandparents shall adore you. They miss your mother terribly and shall be thrilled to have you.”

  Her bottom lip trembled and tears filled her eyes despite her father’s words. “Must I, papa?”

  “Yes, my darling, tis for the best. We shall speak of it later.” Mikhal saw that Alliana was on the verge of tears as well despite her best efforts, so he quickly rose and then deposited Katia in her mother’s arms, and then took Mikhalen by the hand. There would be tears, of course there would, but it was best if the boy wasn’t a witness. Be it lack of true guilt or the bliss of youth, the child seemed to be okay with the turn of events and that was fine with Mikhal. He didn’t want his son suffering.

  “Come now, Mika. Alliana, we shall see you and Katia later. Love you poppet. T’will be fine.”

  Katia sniffled and looked up from where she’d had her face burrowed in Alliana’s chest. “I love you, papa.”

  “That’s a good girl. I shall tell cook to prepare you a feast fit for a princess.” That said Mikhal led his son away, refusing to dwell on the journey that would take place that night.


  The day passed quickly, far too quickly, as far as Alliana and Mikhal were concerned. Alliana had left the task of packing Katia’s clothing to Natalya. She hadn’t the heart to do it herself and Natalya was wise in the ways of their clan. She would know what Katia needed and would also understand that many things must remain behind. Theirs was a life of wanderlust and personal items had to be kept to a minimum. Both Alliana and Natalya understood this of course, but Alliana knew Mikhal would not.


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