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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 33

by Jolynn Raymond

  When no quiet voice asked if she needed anything and no footsteps indicated someone was tending the fire, Katia looked up to see the smiling face of her brother. She rose to her feet at once and ran to him, throwing her body into his arms just as she’d done the night before.

  “Mika!” Katia hugged him fiercely and then stepped back, still clasping his hands in hers. “Have you slipped in without papa knowing, or do you bring news of my demise? Either would be a relief. I cannot stand the silence any longer.”

  “The minion at your door wasn’t prepared to let me in, but I persuaded him by pointing out that his job was to keep you confined, not to bar visitors from entering. He didn’t care for my logic but couldn’t say father had forbidden a visit from me, so here I am. My sweet little Katia, all grown up and causing a stir in the castle; I can’t say I’m surprised. What made you flee maman’s clan? You know mother and father were coming to get you in a few days.”

  “I refused to obey the laws of the clan. I am a woman grown and have a mind of my own. I can make my own decisions, and I’ll not be kept from what I want. ”

  “And what was it you wanted?” Mikhalen had a slight smirk on his face as he asked the question, guessing at once it had to do with a boy.

  “I… never mind that. It will all come out soon enough.”

  “Father always said you had mother’s will. I think it’s what is keeping them shut up in their room, arguing about your future.”

  “Oh Mika, are they truly fighting because of me? I wouldn’t change what I’ve done for anything, but I don’t wish for them to fight.”

  “It will be fine Katia. They have always had discussions when they don’t see eye to eye. Father allows mother the right to speak freely, and even weighs her counsel. Then he settles on what is best. Perhaps it’s the amount of time you shall spend locked in the tower room. What shall it be I wonder, ten years or perhaps fifty? Maybe by then a bit of your beauty will fade, and father won’t have to worry about men wishing to wed you.”

  Katia gave Mikhalen a shove backwards with a howl of indignation. “You are evil to torment me so. Come sit by the fire and tell me of your life here. I’ve always felt you in my heart Mika, but the bond has been barbed as of late. It’s as if I can feel the sharp edges of your rage. Are you troubled too?”

  How could he tell her of his need to rape and savage women just like her? Katia was a part of him, but she was mostly of his human maman, not his vampire father. It was true that his mother understood and loved his father regardless of his savage side, but Mikhalen often wondered if his mother would be so loving if his father still indulged his savage desires.

  “Mika?” He’d been silent too long. Now Katia was sure to hound him. She had welcomed him with love the night before, but he was certain she would be repelled by the beast that was so much a part of him.

  “Mikhalen?” Katia tugged at his hand, pulling him towards the hearth. “If you’ve come to visit, then perhaps you should allow words to come out of your mouth.”

  “Again I say you are too much like maman. You’ve gone from sweet sister to insolent shrew.”

  “Don’t say such a thing!” Her outrage was half feigned and the blow that landed on his arm done in jest, but her audacity and her fight stretched the fragile thread of control Mikhalen had upon his beast even thinner. His eyes flashed amber as he fought for control and pulled away from his sister’s grasp. Katia, feeling the rage of his demon, and seeing her brother teetering on the edge between his human half and his demon, moved back, but still stood tall. Fear would only make things worse.

  “Mika, tis me Katia. I meant no harm.” The amber in his eyes faded but the storm raging within her brother still crackled in the air. Mikhalen was winning the war, but the battle was still playing out. It troubled Katia deeply that such a small challenge would rouse the beast inside him, but it did not incite fear. He was her brother, her blood.

  Katia had heard the whispers of the clan as she drew close to her fifteenth birthday, but had ignored the malicious words. There were those who had doubts about the decency and goodness of her brother and even her father, though he hadn’t harmed any of them in years. Old hostilities fueled new fears and anger over the fact that their Golden Child was to return to her vampire father. Katia had refused to allow their suspicions to taint her love for either of them, and if Mikhalen was struggling, it was reason to help him, not condemn him.

  “I should go.” She’d been silent too long, adding credence to his belief that she would think him vile because of his inner turmoil.

  “No, Mika, it will be fine. Please stay. I’ll tell you of my disobedience and the reason I have ended up locked in my room by maman and papa. You can chide me as well for my rebellious ways. We don’t have to speak of you, if you’d rather not. I can feel your struggles.”

  Before her brother could make a choice, Mikhal and Alliana came through the door. It appeared the time of reckoning had come. Mikhal immediately sensed the tension between his children and felt the beast inside his son far too close to the surface. The fact that the two of them had been alone when Mika’s demon was calling for blood and lust chilled him. While it was true that Katia had a powerful means to protect herself, he had never dreamed Mikhalen would be facing such inner turmoil to curb his demon when the two were back under the same roof. It was a situation that wouldn’t end well if allowed to continue.

  A rider had come while Katia had been locked in her chambers, and told them of the events surrounding their daughter’s flight from the Gypsy clan. After hearing of Katia’s clandestine meetings and her rebellious use of magick to aide in her folly, Mikhal and Alliana had been horrified and opposed to the marriage their daughter longed for. It was the one thing they both agreed upon. Their views on what should be done to curb her defiant ways couldn’t be reconciled however.

  Her parents agreed that Katia must not be allowed to return to the boy she loved, and decided there would be rules and a punishment for their rebellious child, but what came after, was still uncertain. Mikhal wished to keep her locked away in the castle now that she had discovered love, Alliana wished to entertain the idea of suitors once her time of confinement had come to an end; all that was before they walked in upon their children. Mika’s beast was angry with his sister, and that was a very bad thing.

  “Mikhalen, I don’t recall you gaining permission to visit your sister. She has been confined to her chambers for a reason. Having you here to entertain her defeats the purpose of her punishment.”

  Mikhal made no mention of his son’s anger or the fact that his beast was hovering near the surface. All in the room knew Mikhalen was struggling, and Mikhal had no desire to make matters worse by being confrontational. It was a matter best left for later. Right now they had to deal with Katia’s wayward behavior. They hadn’t had both of their children under one roof for most of their childhood, and now that they were here, Mikhal was losing his grip on his sanity. Children brought joy to one’s life, but they also brought mayhem.

  “Mika came just a bit ago, papa. We meant no harm.”

  “Katia, you are well aware that you were being confined to your chambers for a reason. Mika, we shall see you at dinner. Your mother and I expect you to be prompt. Do not disappoint us.”

  “I will be there. Be brave, Katia.” The last was said with a teasing smirk. Mikhalen couldn’t help but goad his sister just a bit. It was usually he who was at the receiving end of his parent’s wrath. He kissed Katia on the cheek and gave her hand a little squeeze of encouragement. His beast was under complete control once again, and he was feeling only tenderness for Katia. That was part of the problem though, now that he was growing up it seemed as though his body and his emotions controlled him, not he them.

  Once the door had closed behind her brother, Katia stood facing the hearth, unable to look upon her parents and the disappointment in their eyes.

  “Katia, you will face me now. You made your choices and now the time of reckoning has come.” Katia
wrung her hands for a moment then took a deep breath, knowing the consequences for what she had done were going to be unpleasant. Turning, she first met her mother’s eyes, her own begging for understanding, and then faced her father, standing tall, despite her unease.

  “Papa, I…”

  “You will offer explanations when I am ready. For now you shall listen and be glad your maman has taken the edge off my anger. What you did was rebellious and foolhardy, not to mention treacherous. You caused those who love you great fear and made them fearful of me as well. It does not sit well with me that Sabina and your maman’s people are worried that I might blame them for your impulsive and childish behavior. The rider who came looked as if he thought I was going to slaughter him for bringing the news of your flight.

  “While it is true that we entrusted them with your care, I place full responsibility for your actions on you, young lady. You will be the only one who will feel my fury, not the boy who joined you in this folly. The Kris will take care of him. While it is true he was at fault, he did his best to stop you once your tryst was discovered by Sabina.”


  Mikhal held up his hand. He wasn’t finished, not by a long shot. “You would do best to get him out of your head. While I will not disparage your emotions by saying you did not love him, I will tell you now that you will not marry him. You are too young.”

  Katia stomped her foot which simply gave truth to her father’s declaration that she was too young, but her temper had been piqued and she was unable to help herself. She’d known inside that her parents would frown upon any ideas of marriage, but she wasn’t going to give up so easily.

  “Papa, I am not a child any longer. Emillian is a good man. He loves me and I love him. He is kind and…”

  “Enough. Your actions were those of an irresponsible child. You put yourself in danger. Proper young ladies allow their husbands to be chosen. Your maman and I know nothing of this boy. How could you disgrace yourself and Sabina by being so bold as to meet with him in secret? It isn’t done, Katia. The proper way would have been to tell us of your wishes once we had come to bring you home.”

  “You wouldn’t have listened. Please maman, you must understand about love. I’m not a child who doesn’t know her own heart. I don’t need anyone to decide who it is I should marry.”

  “Katia, I do not doubt that you care for this boy and we know that you are intelligent, but that does not make you wise. What you did was impulsive, and like it or not, it showed us that you are not old enough to make your own decisions. You will stay here with us, and your papa and I will figure out what is best for you. Your magick makes you special, and it appears that you have yet to learn there can be dire consequences that come with it.

  “Maman, I…”

  “This time I am the one who is not finished.” Katia’s mouth closed at once. It wasn’t often she saw her mother’s anger, but she had learned that it was wise to do as she was told when it surfaced. Her father could often be swayed with tears and promises, but her maman wasn’t so easily manipulated.

  “I will be honest and tell you we aren’t sure what we are going to do about your future, but one thing is certain, you will learn to control yourself when it comes to your magick and listening to your elders.

  “It would be best not to anger me further, Katia. Your papa wished to lock you in the tower chamber and throw away the key, but I thought a week of isolation was more reasonable. You should be thankful I was able to get your papa to agree. Natalya will take over your instruction concerning your powers, and you will be at the dinner table each night, but aside from that you will be alone. No one will be allowed to visit. We expect you to use your time of solitude to reflect on the rashness of your actions.”

  What was left unsaid, but was known by all, was the fact that her punishment effectively kept her from being alone with Mikhalen. No one wanted to have a situation where Mikhalen lost control and Katia was forced to use her magick to defend herself. Granted they had kept them apart until now so Katia would have her magick to keep her safe, but neither Alliana nor Mikhal had thought their son would be so unable to quiet his beast when Katia returned to the castle.

  Katia sighed with resignation, it was clear words were not going to help her here. Perhaps she could speak with Natalya while they worked upon their magick. Natalya had been forced into a loveless marriage, but had found love when given a chance to choose. Then again her mother had been forced into marriage as well, and for all the pain it had caused, they now loved each other very much. She would not give up the idea of Emillian, but for now, Katia knew it was best to be obedient and meek. Defiance would only bring more solitude.

  “Yes, maman. I am sorry I caused so much trouble.”

  This time her father was the one who reacted. “Trouble? Is that all you think it was, Katia? You scared a good many people and could have been killed, never mind breaking the laws of your mother’s clan and disobeying everyone who holds you dear. You will be moved to the tower chambers so you may have fresh air and sunlight, but will not leave your rooms unless I come to escort you to dinner. Your maid has also been instructed not to speak with you. I’ll not have you trying to gain her help in some devious plan. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, papa.”

  “Very good. Use your time to reflect on your actions. I will be back at 7:00 to escort you to dinner. Your things will be moved then.”

  Katia hung her head in defeat. There was nothing else to be done. She had acted rashly, but she had been certain her parents would listen to reason when she fled. Well at least she was home, and after a week, she would have a chance to make them see things her way.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Mikhalen moved to take his seat at the table, kissing his mother’s cheek as he passed her and flashing a grin at his sister before sitting down. The nightly ritual of everyone sitting down together for dinner was a mandatory event. Even though the men present didn’t need to eat the fare that was being served, both Alliana and Mikhal insisted upon them all being together each evening. His mother enjoyed the subtle bit of elegance the chandeliers and silver provided, as well as the time spent together each day. Natalya and Lucian always joined them unless his father’s first in command was out on patrol, and now that Katia was home, they were one happy little family.

  Mika felt Lucian’s eyes upon him and wondered if his father had told the man of the tension that was clearly evident in his sister’s chambers when his parents came in. If so, he knew Lucian would work even harder to make certain Mika was with him the next time he set out from the castle. It was what he wanted as well, and if his battle with control made his mother less resistant then that was all the better.

  “Nice of you to join us, Mikhalen.”

  “Forgive me father, I lost track of time.”

  “You should be more mindful then. Your mother shouldn’t be kept waiting.”

  “Maman, Natalya, Katia, I beg your forgiveness. It wasn’t my intention to display such horrid manners.” Truth be told, he’d stopped in the ‘special’ kitchen for a bite to eat before coming to the table. There were humans kept at the castle for just such a purpose. The vampires were expected to feed, but not drain those would gave of their life’s blood, and they were never to be terrorized. It was expected that the activities that satisfied the primal beast be done away from home.

  Mika had chosen a girl who was pretty enough, she was one he’d fed from before, but the simple act did nothing to quell his demon. True his stomach was full, but his lust was even stronger. His demon’s reaction to Katia’s show of willfulness earlier had been highly disturbing. He damned himself for the rage, and yes the lust, he’d felt. She was his sister, and while he’d heard the stories of his Aunt Marishka and the things his father had done before his mother came to the castle, it didn’t soothe his conscience. He thought of those he fed on as cattle, unworthy of compassion or caring, but his mother, Katia, and Natalya were different.

  Natalya had
been with him since his birth and had often taken the role of mother when his parents were gone visiting his sister, and his mother and Katia shared a blood bond with him. He’d never had a curse to instill empathy or love inside him, but he did feel something for the women in his family. Though he was like his vampire father in many ways, he held the blood of his human mother as well. It was possible he possessed a heart capable of feelings or even a soul that lent a bit of conscience, but whatever part of him came from his mother; it wasn’t strong enough to dominate his beast.

  “Mika! Have you left your tongue as well as your manners in your chambers?”

  He looked up in surprise to find the entire table looking at him. His sister was now the one who wore the grin, and Mika felt his demon stir as his embarrassment overtook him. It was then he noticed the serving girl who stood beside him with trembling hands.

  “Silvija asked if you cared for any soup.” Mika waved the girl off as he struggled to regain his composure. Before Katia had a chance to tease her brother any more, one of the minions came into the dining hall, clearing his throat and nodding his head towards Mikhal.

  “Excuse me, Sire. We have returned with urgent news from Buda. King Louise is sending out a vanguard in an effort to halt the Ottoman army’s progression up the Danube. It seems they are advancing at an alarming rate and have begun construction of a bridge that will allow them to crossover and enter Hungary.”

  Mikhal sat in silence for a moment as did everyone else at the table. While his main objective was always to protect his family and home, he felt some allegiance to the Hungarian King. If Hungary were to fall to the Ottoman Empire it could be disastrous for everyone. As things were now, he was left alone despite or perhaps because of the rumors surrounding his origins. Those with any sort of supremacy knew him as a lord who ruled without question, and one it was best to leave be. While it was true he had ended his reign of terror many years ago, and now showed compassion when it was due, that didn’t mean he had lost his moniker of Mikhal the Merciless. His decree was law for anyone who lived on his land, and any who thought to harm or take what belonged to him were dealt with in a way that assured the cooperation of those under his rule. As long as he had been lord, he’d been given the freedom to do as he wished from those who held any power, and Mikhal was determined that things would remain that way.


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