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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 44

by Jolynn Raymond

  “I haven’t the answer. I only know it’s why Natalya loved you. Your heart remained human even after you were turned. Even before you loved her you found no joy in the bloodlust. The maker who stole your life didn’t succeed in robbing you of your humanity.”

  “But the pain is intolerable. This existence is sheer hell without her, and now that I’ve stooped to being a savage beast both God and Natalya would despise me.”

  “One savage act does not make you worthy of disdain.”

  “She would detest me.”

  “Perhaps, or perhaps she would understand your grief. What’s done is done. I have no words to ease your pain. Only you can decide if you wish to be the man Natalya loved or become an evil thing she would turn her back on. If I were to lose Alliana, my heart would shatter, but I think perhaps I would want to be the man she loved on the chance that their God’s Heaven exists and she was able to still look upon me.”

  Lucian remained silent for so long that Mikhal thought he had no intention of replying, but then he motioned to the chairs before the cold hearth.

  “Sit, Sire. You’ve not come here to wallow in my self-pity. I am damned if she has witnessed my savagery and damned if her spirit has been snuffed out like a candle and only her memory lives on. Either way I’ll never be with Natalya again. My eternal existence is my own private hell. Yours will come as well, but for your sake, I wish you many more years with Alliana.”

  Mikhal sat without comment and waited for Lucian to do the same before he spoke again. “If you had the means to live a natural life as a man once again would you seize it?”

  “She would still be lost to me.”

  “It’s true that nothing can bring Natalya back. That isn’t what I asked you.”

  “Would I wish to be human again? That is what you want to know?”


  “No. Perhaps if she were still with me, but not now, if I wish to end my existence I will simply sit at her grave until dawn finds me.”

  “Is that your plan?”

  “I have no plans. I am bound to serve you as you wish, but have no plans of my own. What is it that you ask of me? Why have you come?”

  “I wanted to tell you of the spell Katia has found among Natalya’s things and make plans for the future. I thought perhaps this spell would appeal to you, but you’ve changed my mind.”

  “I’d hear it nonetheless if you would.”

  “Katia is going to perform a ritual that will make me human once more. There are risks involved but Alliana and I have spoken at length about it and it’s what I want to do.”

  Lucian had looked up, startled, as Mikhal spoke, now he stared at him with curiosity.

  “You wish to grow old with Alliana.”

  “Yes, there is that. I think perhaps if there is an afterlife I’ve a better chance of being with my mate if I am flesh and blood. I’ve no idea if my past atrocities can be erased, and no idea what waits for me after I die, but if I am like her, I may be able to remain by her side.”

  “What is it you wish for me to do?”

  Mikhal had expected Lucian to be bitter, but he showed no spite towards his Master. This spell had come too late; there was nothing to be done about it.

  “If I don’t survive the ritual, I need to know you’ll to see my family safely to the Gypsy camp.”

  “Of course. And if you do become human, what then?”

  “Either way we’ll leave here. The minions won’t obey me any longer and I won’t have the power to bend them to my will. It won’t be safe for us to remain. Katia’s magick could protect us from both the minions and the invading Turks, but I’ll not hide behind my daughter’s skirts to keep my title of Lord. The war has ravaged our country. It’s best if we start new somewhere else. Emillian wishes to go back to the Gypsy camp but I’d rather he and Katia leave Hungary as well.

  “What of Mikhalen?”

  “He may return after the war. I don’t know. He made it clear he couldn’t be what his mother would want him to be, and thinks it best that he stay away. Perhaps he can become Lord of Castle Arcos and all I own as was planned. He’s far from being a master vampire, but in time I believe he’ll be cunning and powerful enough to rein over the minions. You could remain in my absence as acting Lord. The minions will follow you and you’ve the power to keep the castle safe from the enemy troops.”

  “I don’t know that I’ll stay. Natalya is buried here, but her spirit is gone.”

  “Those who reside here share your memories. Natalya won’t be forgotten. It isn’t in my power to make you stay and I won’t ask it of you. That will be your decision. We will leave, and this place will be yours. Just vow to see Alliana to safety if I perish. Katia wishes to do the spell tomorrow tonight.”

  “You have my word and my promise of protection. The minions won’t rebel. I’d never allow it.”

  “Very good, then. It would mean a lot to Alliana and Katia if they could say goodbye.”

  Lucian looked around his chambers and then down at his clothes and grimaced. He didn’t like the man he’d allowed himself to become. Though his heart was still shattered, it was time for him to rejoin the living.

  “I’ll get cleaned up and see you at dinner. This pain may never go away, but I won’t let all of you go without a goodbye. Your family has been mine for a long time Sire. You gave me the chance to live with decency and humanity. I’ll always be grateful for that.”

  “You could come with us Lucian.” Mikhal‘s offer was sincere. Lucian had become a trusted friend over the years. He held no fear that the vampire would do harm to any of them if he chose to leave Hungary with them.

  Their eyes met, and Lucian saw his Sire’s words were sincere, but he wasn’t tempted. He was torn between wanting to stay at the castle to be near Natalya’s grave and those who shared his memories, and leaving all of it behind him. There was no clear choice. Right now the pain of losing Natalya was too fresh. Only time would help him heal and know what he wanted from his endless existence.

  “Thank you, Sire. I appreciate your offer, but shall decline. While I wish you happiness, your joy reminds me of my loss. Tis best if we part ways. I’ll be down for dinner to say goodbye, then stay vigilant during and after Katia casts her spell.”

  “Very well. You’ve earned my respect and admiration, and will be missed.”

  They both stood and embraced briefly, slapping each other on the back, each showing a bit of false bravado to hide the sorrow of their goodbyes. They’d had a long journey together, one neither of them would forget.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Katia stood in the chamber that had once been her Aunt Marishka’s and looked at all that she had made ready. The pentagram and circle on the floor had been scrubbed of the thick layer of dirt; the altar was clean as well. All of that, which was connected to Marishka and the Mage’s dark magick, had been taken from the room. The symbols, the talismans, the books of dark spells, even the linens on the bed and the drapes over the window had been changed. Katia wanted all traces of evil to be removed. While it was true she would be calling upon Death, she wanted to welcome the spirits of white magick too, and the chamber that had been in Marishka’s time was not a place where good would have come.

  Her own tools had been brought in, white candles, a new covering for the altar, bowls made ready holding sage to cleanse the room, herbs she would need, and a bowl that held the heart of the lamb she had sacrificed the day before. It was best to do the slaughter in the forest by running water, but her papa had forbidden her to leave the castle grounds, so she had taken the lamb to the tiny pool fed by a spring under a copse of trees. The site was near the place Natalya was buried, and that made it seem right; nothing but good had ever come from her, and hence it was a place made sacred in Katia’s eyes.

  The ritual called for a sacrifice that exchanged life for life, and the flesh of that killed couldn’t be used to sustain other life in the form of food. Death demanded he be given a life in its entirety. To be given li
fe, one must make an exchange with Death, and so Katia had chosen the lamb, recited the words, dipped her dagger in the pool; then done the slaughter, all in an effort to appease the dark Spector on whom she would be calling.

  Katia could not and would never exchange a human life in any ritual. That would taint any magick that came of it, turning it evil and making greater the chance of unwanted consequences, but she did all she could to make certain the deal she struck was one that would be accepted. Yes, everything that could be done to insure safety and success had been done, all steps gone over, all possibilities taken into consideration as much as was possible, but still there was a slight unease. Magick was magick after all, and no one, not even the most gifted Seer, could foretell all of the ramifications of a ritual that would be performed. Katia simply hoped that her efforts would be enough; and that in the end, her papa would be granted the gift of true life in exchange for his immortality.

  Katia gave one more look around the room, and then sighed, wishing her Godmother Sabina or Aunt Natalya were with her. She had the magick needed to perform the ritual, her magick was stronger than both women combined, but she was lacking in self-confidence. Try as she might, Katia couldn’t shake the tiny niggling of self-doubt that ate away at her certainty, but what she lacked there, she made up for in determination and conviction, and that was why she wanted to go ahead with the spell regardless of any misgivings. She wasn’t being rash, she wouldn’t do that when her parent’s lives were at stake, but she knew she could do it. Her magick was strong, even if the young girl inside her still held some fears.

  Knowing it was now or never, Katia left the chamber to tell her parents she was ready. They had spent every moment of the last day together, alone, in their chambers, making the most of every minute. All of them knew there was a chance of failure. The spirits may not grant what she requested, Death had to be dealt with, and all of it, the magic, the potion, the spell, had to align for her papa to become human again. The desire was certainly there, but fate was a fickle thing no matter what the expected outcome, so Mikhal and Alliana had made the most of their time together, knowing that they could be taken from each other. There was no guarantee that her father would continue existing as a vampire if she failed to give him back his humanity.

  She knocked and was bade entry. They had been waiting for her. When Katia entered her eyes swept over the room. The bed was in wild disarray, the room lit only by a few candles and the light of a low fire. They were up, and dressed, but her maman’s eyes were red rimmed and her papa looked somber. Both knew when the day was done, they could be lost to each other forever.

  “Everything has been made ready. We must begin at midnight.”

  “Are you certain your maman will be safe?”

  Alliana turned to look at Mikhal, her eyes narrowing. They had discussed this and had, she thought, agreed that she would stay with him throughout.

  “Maman will stay back, out of the circle. The mulo’ will not harm her because she won’t be a part of what we do. They may try to make mischief, but I will be calling on Death and Osiris who is Keeper of the gate, and on Del, who is our God of old, so the spirits may well stay away. The gate will be open and they may come at will, but the power in the chambers and the presence of such powerful beings will make them mind their manners.”

  “And your maman cannot be taken through this gate you are asking to be opened?”

  “No, I have made the sacrifice that Death requires and though Osiris controls the gate, Death would have to take her in order for maman to pass.” Mikhal looked very dubious at his daughter’s assurances so Katia rushed on. “Truly papa, maman won’t be in the sacred circle and won’t have anything to do with the magick. Our God will be summoned as well, and will give strength to my powers. You will be the focus. Your immortality is a gift that Death will happily steal away. The bargain comes in our asking for a trade, your immortality in exchange for new life.”

  “Mikhal, we have been over this. I won’t be apart from you. Though Katia is strong and Natalya believed in this ritual, there is the possibility the last moments of your existence could happen in that room. If you must leave me, then I shall be there as you go. Think of how you would fight to be by my side should I be dying. I won’t heed you if you forbid it.”

  “Papa, you must believe that I know best in this. Please, the hour grows near. We have to go now.”

  “You are asking me to take a chance with your maman’s life.”

  “And you are asking me to take a chance with yours, Mikhal. I have agreed to this ritual because it is what you wish, but I am frightened of losing you. I’m scared and yet I have given consent. Do not ruin all Katia has arranged by becoming stubborn now. We have said our goodbyes if the worst should come to pass. Let that be enough.”

  Before Mikhal could argue further, Alliana walked past him and took Katia by the arm, leading her from the chamber. He could stay if that was what he truly wished to do. If Mikhal were to change his mind, then her fears of losing him would most certainly not come to pass. In her mind, that was actually the better of choices. She’d loved him a long time as an inhuman creature because she’d uncovered the good in him, and she could happily live out the rest of her days without him ever losing his immortality and becoming living flesh once more. Alliana didn’t think his love for her could be made stronger whether he was one of the undead or a living, breathing man. She’d only stopped protesting the magick that was about to take place because it was what he truly wanted. She’d seen the pain Lucian had suffered, and couldn’t condemn Mikhal to the same fate if he didn’t wish it.

  Seeing no option but to follow, Mikhal did just that, and soon the three of them were in Marishka’s old room. All three looked about, Katia to check that all was in order. Satisfied that it was, she closed the door and turned to her parents.

  “Once we begin, there is no turning back and no questioning what I do. Maman, you gave me your magick, and Sabina taught me well. Papa, you gave me your strength, and my actions are ones of pure intentions. Nothing we ask of Death, Osiris, or Del, is asked to do harm. Trust me in my ability to keep both of you safe. I am strong and I am powerful, and I have both of you in my blood.”

  Anything else she might have said was cut short by the arrival of Emillian. Katia looked outraged for a moment, but then resigned herself to the presence of her husband. She couldn’t very well order him from the room. What reason did she have? If it was safe for her maman, then it was safe for Emillian. She gave a resigned sigh then repeated what she had just told her parents about not interfering. When she’d had her say, Katia then told her maman and her husband to take the chairs near the hearth and to remain silent until they were told all was done.

  “We must begin. Papa; speak to the Del, Death, and the spirits, and tell them of your intent and your free will in giving up your immortality.” As Mikhal spoke, Katia lit the bundled sage and walked around the room, softly chanting words her father did not understand. When she had circled the room twice she then come back to him and then called upon those who would have to be present for her to succeed in her quest to resurrect her father, moving the smoldering sage before him and around him as she did so. When she was done, Katia took him by the hand and led him to the center of the pentagram, inside her witch’s circle.

  “Lay down, papa. Close your eyes and remain silent. You are not to speak of your wishes again. We will gain what we seek by giving Death your immortality, but my magick will allow me to bring your body back to life, once Death takes your offering and gives back the life we seek in return. Osiris will open the gate for your immortality to pass over to Death, and Del will touch all I do with his goodness and prevent Death from trying to cheat us out of the life we call forth in return.”

  Mikhal lay down as directed, and Katia knelt beside him, opening his shirt to expose his chest, then stepping out of the circle to light the four white candles that were placed around it. She picked up a jug that contained a mixture of oil and herbs and the c
halice that held the lamb’s heart and blood as well.

  Stepping back into the circle, set the things she needed next to her father, Katia took a deep breath; then called out to those she had summoned. The air in the chamber swirled in a breeze that made the candles flicker. It was warm, then cold, and then still. Satisfied that those she needed were listening, she knelt beside Mikhal, and dipped her finger into the lambs blood, bringing it up to paint a line of red upon her forehead and on each cheek, and then dipped her finger again and painted the ancient symbol of life from the script of the magicks, upon her father’s chest, over his dead heart. Once she was finished, Katia raised her head and spoke the words needed to begin the ritual to bring her papa back to them.

  Osiris, Keeper of the gate

  Death, Keeper of all fate,

  Hear me now.

  Before time and after,

  Before knowing and nothing

  Accept that which I give.

  One life for another

  Eternity for the breath of life anew

  Katia dipped her hands in the chalice and held up the heart of the lamb, letting the blood drip onto Mikhal’s chest.


  I give to you the life of an innocent


  Hear my prayers

  Beseech Osiris to open the gate

  Let pass through my gift

  Take and accept all I give

  Release the life that was Mikhal Arcos

  Return to him the life once stolen

  Take in return his immortality

  Take his existence without time

  Give life to his flesh

  Resurrect his heart, his lungs, his bones

  Steal from him the gift of forever

  Return to him a life that has end

  Katia took her magical medallion in one bloody hand, and placed the other hand over Mikhal’s heart, her palm covering the heart of the sacrificial lamb as her eyes glowed bright and the air in the room began to swirl, blowing her hair back as it passed her, making the candle flames dance but not extinguishing them. The wind increased, sending things in the chamber around the Katia and Mikhal into a whirlwind of motion. All was in turmoil, blowing wildly around the room, but still the two inside the circle we left untouched despite its mayhem.


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