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Servants and Followers

Page 20

by Courtney Bowen

  “You’re right.” Hastin sat down, and she placed a menu on the table. “How’re you?”

  “Fine. Our special of the day—”

  “Did your father kick you out?”

  “No, I left of my own accord. Why would you think that?”

  “Some of the boys were talking, they said you were living with my sister. Is that true?”

  “That’s one thing right.”

  “How is she?”

  “She’s managing,” Jawen glanced around to make sure the hostess wasn’t listening to them. “She keeps herself busy, working as a seamstress. We don’t talk about Basha or Oaka, it’s still too painful. She’s been going out a lot, maybe walks around the park or into the fields. Whatever she does, it seems to help.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  “At least you’re concerned. Our speical of the day is two—”

  “I’ll admit I haven’t been the best big brother, but Sisila’s always been a bit of a free spirit. Dating Oaka was just like her. She wanted to move out on her own. Our father supported her because he thought it was best, so she’d understand what it was like to be free and independent. It’s helped her.”

  “That doesn’t justify abandoning her. I helped her when Oaka left.”

  “Are you helping her, or is she helping you?”

  “Don’t mock me like that. Our special for—”

  “I’m not mocking you, I’m just as concerned for you as I am for Sisila.”


  She found herself blushing at him and mentally yelled at herself to get a grip. It’d been ten long days since Basha left, and though Hastin’s concern for her was flattering, and he might care for her, she knew he was looking for a less than chaste way of comforting her.

  Basha wouldn’t approve if she strayed while he was performing this quest for her. It was her quest as much as it was his, not that she’d asked for it, she’d just accepted it.

  Jawen wouldn’t fall under Hastin’s sway, if she could prevent it. She had to remain strong for Basha, malakel it. How long did she have to wait for him to come back?

  The bell rang over the door again. “Hold on a moment, I’m going to seat this customer, then I’m going to take your order.”

  “But I—”

  “No buts! You took too long ordering, and now you’re going to have to wait!”

  Jawen left Hastin and went to the front of the restaurant. “Welcome, we’re so glad you could join us today.” Jawen curtsied before she grabbed a menu. “Our special for the day—Sisila!”

  “Hello, could I speak to you for a moment?” Sisila’s voice was low and miserable. Her eyelids were drooping like she’d just gotten out of bed.

  “Your brother’s here. Want to go sit by him?”

  “No, I’ll only be here a moment. I wanted to wish you good luck, and thank you for being a good friend.”

  “Thanks, you’re welcome. Is anything else wrong?”

  “To tell you the truth, I didn’t sleep well last night. Yesterday was sort of a bad day.”

  “What happened?”

  “I heard something terrible and awful, and I’m not sure if it’s true. I don’t want it to be true, but she sounded so convinced.”

  “What are you talking about? Who told you this?”

  “Iibala. But—”

  “Don’t you dare believe a word that woman has to say.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Good. I don’t care whatever it is, Iibala’s only trying to upset you. It’s her way of getting back at us for having loving, caring relationships, the kind she can never enjoy. Like trying to drive a wedge between me and Basha. I’ll never forgive her for that. You got me?”

  “I got you, but I don’t think this is the same.”

  “Trust me, and stay away from Iibala. Promise me that. She’s only trying to use you for her own amusement. She loves inflicting pain and misery.”

  Sisila frowned. “I trust you, but I don’t think you understand this is different.”

  “Believe me, I’m only trying to look out for your own best interests.” Jawen rolled her eyes. She knew Sisila was babbling, too frustrated and flustered to even understand what was going on here. Jawen saw reason, and reason told her Iibala was up to no good. “You’ve always had my best interests at heart, right?”

  “Right, I’ve helped you out before.” Sisila said, cautious.

  “Then promise me you’ll stay away from Iibala.”

  “Okay, I promise you.” Sisila sounded grumpy, but she’d soon see reason again.

  “Thank you. Want some breakfast?”

  “It’s fine, I’m going home.” Sisila turned towards the door. “I’ve some work to do, and it’s a waste of money for me to eat here. Thanks for listening.”

  “You’re welcome.” The smile plastered onto her face again as she turned away, feeling better for having helped her friend.

  “Stay away from Hastin!” Sisila called back before she left.

  Jawen frowned and turned around, but Sisila was already gone. She shook her head before she headed deeper into the restaurant, back to Hastin’s table. She’d remain strong, even without Sisila’s needless warning.

  Chapter 13


  Secrets are everywhere if you know where to look,

  Secrets hide inside books, hearts, minds and more,

  When secrets are a part of who we are and sustain us as

  The truth is sometimes too hard to bear, blunt and true.

  ~ Secrets, Pinal

  “Goga, you’ve gone too far this time.” Fobata paced back and forth before his captain of the guards and Hava the scribe. “Disturbing guests, and me most of all? Why couldn’t you wait until morning to begin your search?”

  “Because it couldn’t wait until morning. Malakel it, Fobata, we had to find those youths before they got away, and the woman who helped them. But it’s too late, because they’re no longer here with us. They got away.” He sniffed, and hacked up some phlegm.

  Hava gaped at Captain Goga. How could he get away talking like this to the Duke of Coe Aela? Oh, Captain Goga would be arrested and beheaded, and Hava would face the noose!

  “So the whole search was worthless and pointless?” Fobata shook his head. “Malakel it, you’re better than this. You’ve got to think before you act, haven’t you ever listened to me?”

  Hava hadn’t expected this. Lord Fobata sounded disappointed, but it didn’t seem like he’d order their executions. What was going on here?

  “I’ve heard you.” Goga growled. “I needed to search before I could be certain. It was the most I could do when my guards had to be mustered and armed. Otherwise I would’ve sent them stumbling out into the dark, unarmed and unprepared, and we still would’ve lost the group. I was thinking, not just blundering about.” He sniffled.

  How could Lord Fobata stand such insubordination? What made Captain Goga so untouchable? How did he get to be like this, what did he have against Lord Fobata? What sort of captain was he?

  “Well, it’s too late now. You’ve ruined my whole birthday celebration. All of my guests are bound to leave with more questions I can’t answer.”

  “You shouldn’t have let them into Coe Aela in the first place. You should’ve left them out there for the Black Wolves to eat.” He hacked up some more phlegm.

  “I couldn’t, I needed to know my enemy. Don’t tell me you weren’t curious as well about why we were forced to deal with these children?”

  Hava glanced at Goga, also curious. He’d seen many strange things since coming to Coe Aela, but the strangest of all had to be this one.

  “I’ve seen these children, the way they acted, and the Black Sword one of them must’ve held…I’m telling you these are no ordinary children.”

  “We knew that, Goga.”

  “Not everybody did. Or at least they pretended not to know.”

  Hava whistled softly. Whoever faced Goga’s wrath would be in trouble.

sp; “What’s the matter with you, Goga?”

  “Just a cold, it’ll go away.” Goga waved away Fobata’s concern.

  “Are you sure you didn’t drink too much wine yesterday?”

  “Maybe, but it hasn’t affected my mind, nor has this cold.” Goga sneezed. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need anyone’s help.”

  Hava rolled his eyes, thinking Goga hadn’t been too proud to ask for a scribe’s assistance.

  “I’m just worried, that’s all, thinking about the last time you lost control of yourself and your temper.”

  “That was a mistake.” Goga faced Fobata. “It won’t happen again. I won’t be so careless.”

  * * * *

  “Marlo, where’re we going?” Janus asked as he and the steward strode through the halls, even more empty than usual.

  “To see Goga. He wishes to question us on what you saw yesterday, regarding the youths who’ve escaped.” Marlo said.

  “Really? What happened?”

  “Don’t play coy with me.” Marlo turned. “I trusted you on Hava’s word alone. I should’ve been wiser. I shouldn’t have listened to him.” He opened the door to a plain room containing nothing except an examination table, occupied by Lord Fobata, Captain Goga, and Hava the scribe, with two guards flanking them.

  “Janus, you’re brought forth to answer questions regarding the testimony you gave yesterday afternoon,” Goga tried to sound judicial reading a piece of paper Hava had just given him with his stuffed-up nose. The guards closed the doors behind the servants.

  Yet he already sounded bored. “The report you gave stated the youths who arrived here Markee 14th were mostly harmless, and there was no need for alarm. But there was a need.”

  “I saw children at play.” Janus said.

  “Playing what sort of games? The only game I saw was the duel I fought with the boy with dark hair, and that was not playing. He could fight, he’d skills.” Goga sniffed. “What makes you think that was mostly harmless?”

  “He may be skilled at what he’s learned, but can he fight in actual combat? Can he kill? I think not.”

  Goga eyed Janus with cold calculation. “What makes you so sure?”

  Hava wrote with a blind, furious passion, recording the interrogation. Fobata blinked, slightly startled out of his trance.

  He’d been gazing off into the distance, not really paying attention to the proceedings Goga controlled. But now Janus was upsetting Goga, which amused Fobata, though the servant displayed more intellect than they’d guessed at.

  “I’ve heard that, though a fighter must be skilled in handling a weapon, he must also have the guts, bravery, and instinct to kill someone in battle. Would you say that young man who faced you could’ve killed you?” Janus challenged.

  “Maybe not. However, that doesn’t mean the potential to kill isn’t there, if it’s cultivated, allowed to grow. That potential’s there in him and all of his young friends. They also had a weapon beyond compare, one that could’ve caused much damage, and be even deadlier if they were capable of killing others.” Goga wiped his nose.

  “Maybe you should be glad they aren’t capable of killing others.”

  “Not yet anyway.” Goga glared at him.

  “Gentlemen.” Fobata spoke up for the first time since Janus had entered. “Perhaps we should discuss this philosophical matter another time, much as we’ve enjoyed it. We must proceed with the case at hand to determine if he’d anything to do with the children’s escape.”

  They proceeded with Janus defending himself as he established an alibi, confirmed with reports from other servants who were brought forward. Janus also had to confirm he’d no contact whatsoever with the group during their stay here, and this led to questioning his appointment as a spy on behalf of Marlo.

  That led to Hava’s name being brought up as he’d suggested it. Goga glared at Hava, who shrank down into his chair, then had to be called forth as a character witness.

  Eventually Goga dismissed Janus with a cursory wave as no proof could be found he’d aided the group. No charge was filed when he’d fulfilled his duties to the best of his abilities, however wrong he might’ve been. Janus walked out, leaving Marlo.

  Marlo was also questioned as to any concern he might’ve had for Janus performing his duties as a spy, and if he’d aided the youths. But Marlo defended Janus, and everyone trusted Marlo, even Goga, so it wasn’t seriously believed the steward could’ve had a hand in the youths’ escape.

  Marlo was dismissed, and walked out of the interrogation room as Goga sneezed, then ordered that the servant women should be fetched and questioned. Marlo walked down the hallway alone for a while, and then stopped.

  “Who’re you, Janus?” Marlo asked after a moment of silence.

  Janus sighed, and slipped out of his hiding place in one of the alcoves. “That depends on what you mean. You know I’m a servant under your command. If you suspect me of anything, it’s within your power to inform your superiors.”

  “Don’t tempt me, Janus. It may be what you deserve.” Marlo shook his head. “I didn’t say anything. I must be crazy. Where’re you going?”

  “The blacksmith’s shop.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Marlo walked alongside Janus, who didn’t protest. “I’m not comfortable with this state of affairs.” Marlo continued. “It’s not unusual to have unrest, but for me, your presence is an act of open rebellion. You may be clever, but you’re not clever enough to pass yourself off as subordinate. You treat this like a game, but there are lives at risk and none of this can end well.”

  “Then why protect me? Why say nothing?”

  “Don’t tempt me! I’ve never condemned another for defiance. Yet I’ve never been an insubordinate man either. It’s a paradox. For most of my adult life, my allegiance has lied with Coe Aela. When I was young, I served in order to get myself promoted. Then I was obliged to uphold my loyalty to keep myself and my family safe. Now I work out of force of habit.

  “My own daughter Ravona despised Coe Aela, especially when Lady Niobe died. Those were terrible, horrible circumstances. I’m not saying otherwise. At my daughter’s insistence, I cajoled His Grace to transfer her. Perhaps against his better judgment, he did. She’s been gone for over ten years, a lady-in-waiting at Coe Kiki. She’s barely visited me and writes infrequently. My last letter informed me she was pregnant, months ago. She would’ve had the baby by now, my only grandchild. I don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl.” Marlo sighed as they reached the main doors. “I don’t blame her, yet I’ve little doubt as to her activities.”

  Janus stopped and waited.

  “But, since her own reasons are righteous, and she’s of my blood, I’ll give you a chance.” Marlo said as he and Janus pushed open the doors and walked outside. “You must be careful. Don’t leave any proof behind. You could be indicted for inciting rebellion, or worse. I’ll try not to catch you, but I can’t say the same of others.”

  “Such advice from you, a man of principle, shall be highly regarded. As for your problems with your daughter, I believe they can be resolved, if given the chance. Both of you are only doing what you think right.”

  They stopped near the blacksmith shop. “I thank you for your kind words. I know I’m not always doing the right thing.” Marlo frowned. “But who are you, Janus? I almost recognize you, you seem familiar. Where have I seen you before?”

  “We met just the other night.”

  “No, we’ve met before, in your other life.” Marlo gasped, realizing. “Your face is frozen.”

  “You recognize me now? That was a long time ago, when you were a young man, and I was just the same as I am now. My name was Cannon, but no more.”

  “‘The mark of Doomba is upon Cannon.’” Marlo whispered, remembering the man caught between youth and old age after visiting Doomba. “That’s what we used to say. It was a sign of respect.”

  “Respect? Doomba didn’t respect me then. To him, I was just another source of power, a cog i
n his machinery. In another lifetime, I didn’t always do the right thing either. But now I’m learning to do some good, and serve my king. You’ll see me again.” He warned, moving away from Marlo.

  Janus sat upon a barrel in front of the blacksmith shop, apparently waiting for someone, and didn’t look at the steward again. Marlo shuddered and left, too frightened to ask any more questions. He might believe what this fellow had to say.

  * * * *

  Running all night long, not certain where they were going except as far south as they could, they collapsed in exhaustion around dawn. They found a hollow behind a sunken tree in the forest and slept there for a few hours. Fato nestled up in a tree, snoring loudly until someone stirred.

  Oaka swatted at some flies and rolled over, his hand brushing up against the Blue Sword. “Ow!” He cried, startled awake by a pulse that seared his hand. “What’s this?”

  Monika woke up, followed by Basha and Gnat. “What’s wrong?” Monika yawned.

  “Your Blue Sword hurt me!” Oaka held out his hand.

  Monika examined the burn. “It did? How’s that possible?”

  “Oh, go back to sleep!” Fato called from above. “I was having a wonderful dream about hands.”

  “What’re we talking about?” Gnat asked.

  “My hands and feet.” Fato smiled.

  “I don’t know, it shocked me!” Oaka gasped. “Like a fire or lightning bolt, it burned me!”

  “It’s not static shock. Did you burn yourself with your fire power?” Monika asked.

  “No, I never burn myself. I don’t think I’m conscious enough when I’m asleep to use my powers. I think you have to be awake to use magic, even inadvertently.”

  “That’s probably true.”

  “Your Blue Sword did this, and I don’t know why.”

  “Maybe it’s because you’re Menthar.” Fato remarked.

  “Shut up! I’m not Menthar!” Oaka cried. “Just because I’ve got his powers doesn’t make me the same as him!”


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