The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World From Scratch
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internal combustion engine and motor vehicle mechanisms: Bureau of Naval Personnel (1971), Hillier and Pittuck (1981), Usher (1982).
history of electric cars: Crump (2001), Edgerton (2007a), Brooks (2009), De Decker (2010c), Madrigal (2011).
J. P. Davidson, Planet Word: The Story of Language from the Earliest Grunts to Twitter and Beyond.
Epigraph: Shelley (1818).
history of paper: Mokyr (1990).
chemical liberation of cellulose fibers: Dunn (2003).
papermaking: Vigneault (2007), Seymour (2009).
ink from berries: Dragotta (2007).
iron gall ink: Finlay (2002), Fruen (2002), Smith (2009).
social ramifications of printing press: Broers (2005), Farndon (2010).
development of printing press: Usher (1982), Mokyr (1990), Finlay (2002), Johnson (2010).
rudimentary radio transmitters and receivers: Parker (1999), Field (n. d.), Crump (2001).
foxhole/POW radios: Wells (1995), Ross (2005), Carusella (2008), and see Gillies (2011) for further ingenuity among POWs.
Kevin M. Dunn, Caveman Chemistry: 28 Projects, from the Creation of Fire to the Production of Plastics.
Sam Kean, The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Joel Mokyr, The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress.
Epigraph: Coupland (1992).
electrolysis of seawater: Abdel-Aal et al. (2010).
aluminum: Johnson (1977), Kean (2010).
electrolysis and discovery of new elements: Gribbin (2002), Holmes (2008).
periodic table: Fara (2009), Kean (2010).
black powder as elixir for immortality: Winston (2010).
nitroglycerin and dynamite: Mokyr (1990).
applications of photography: Gribbin (2002), Osman (2011).
rudimentary photography: Sutton (1986), Ware (1997), Crump (2001), Ware (2002), Ware (2004).
industrial chemistry: Mokyr (1990).
demand for soda: Deighton (1907), Reilly (1951).
Leblanc process, early industrial pollution, Solvay processes: Deighton (1907), Reilly (1951), Mokyr (1990).
William Crookes quote: Standage (2010).
nitrogen gas is the least reactive diatomic substance: Schrock (2006).
Haber-Bosch process: Standage (2010), Kean (2010), Perkins (1977), Edgerton (2007a).
Adam Frank, About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang.
Eric Bruton, The History of Clocks & Watches.
Dava Sobel, Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time.
Epigraph: Denis Diderot as quoted by Goodman (1995).
constancy of sand time (hourglass) compared to water clock: Bruton (2000).
sundials: Oleson (2008).
Manhattan as a city-size Stonehenge: Astronomy Picture of the Day, July 12, 2006,
mechanical clocks: Usher (1982), Bruton (2000), Gribbin (2002), Frank (2011).
60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours: Crump (2001), Frank (2011).
“o’clock”: Mortimer (2008).
first appearance of Sirius: Schaefer (2000).
resurrect the Gregorian calendar: see Pappas (2011) for one proposal for reformatting the year into a different structure of months.
navigation before accurate clocks by sailing along line of latitude: Usher (1982).
solving the longitude problem: Sobel (1995).
spring-based clocks: Usher (1982), Bruton (2000).
22 chronometers aboard HMS Beagle: Sobel (1995).
Epigraph: Eliot (1943).
nothing inevitable about technological progress and history of China: Mokyr (1990).
Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century Britain: Allen (2009).
metric system and why UK and USA did not adopt it: Crump (2001).
invention of barometer and thermometer: Crump (2001), Chang (2004).
the scientific revolution and how science is done: Shapin (1996), Kuhn (1996), Bowler and Morus (2005), Henry (2008), Ball (2012).
symbiosis between science and technology: Basalla (1988), Mokyr (1990), Bowler and Morus (2005), Arthur (2009), Johnson (2010).
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