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The Sheikh's Last Mistress (Harlequin Presents)

Page 15

by Rachael Thomas

  ‘I will give you the best medical care in the world. You can have all the tests you need to ensure you and the baby will be healthy, but you will stay and become my wife. We can raise our child together, or you can leave after it’s born, but it must be born within the bounds of wedlock if it is to be recognised as a true heir to the throne of Kezoban.’

  ‘What if I can’t keep the baby? What if the test is positive?’ The fear in her voice was clear.

  ‘Once you have the test we will know the situation.’ His mind whirled with the implications of what she’d told him. He could lose his child but, far worse, he could lose the woman he loved and if he couldn’t admit to her what he felt, he couldn’t turn his back on her. He wanted to be with her as she found out. He wanted to help her through whatever came after—no matter what the results were. He wanted her because he loved her. Every second he looked into her eyes intensified that.

  ‘I’m scared.’ The hushed whisper held hints of shame and he fought against the urge to hold her, protect her from fear, but just by doing that he could scare her more.

  ‘There is nothing to be scared of, Destiny. Not now. I’ll be with you all the way. We’ll deal with this together.’

  ‘Why?’ Confusion clouded her eyes and filled her voice.

  ‘You are to be my wife, Destiny.’

  ‘But I still couldn’t marry you, don’t you see?’

  He shook his head, unable to comprehend what more she wanted.

  ‘I know what it’s like to grow up at the mercy of a man who never wanted to be a husband, much less a father.’ She lowered her gaze and pulled her hand free of his, clutching hers tightly in her lap. ‘I cannot do that to you, Zafir. I am not your destiny.’

  All was becoming clear to him. While he’d been nursing his guilt about what had happened to Tabinah, she’d been running scared. Just as he’d lost Tabinah, he could have lost Destiny. The way he’d felt when he’d realised she’d taken Majeed into the desert rushed back at him, taking all the breath and strength from his body.

  ‘I can’t let you go, Destiny.’ The truth of his emotions ripped from him, his words lacking any of his usual firm control, and she looked at him questioningly. Had he finally got through to her, finally made her see why he couldn’t let her go?

  ‘It doesn’t change anything.’ Sadness echoed in every word.

  She took a small faltering step towards him but her next words destroyed any hope. He couldn’t give up on her because he loved her.

  ‘Even if you looked into the future and predicted I’d be in the best of health and give birth to a healthy baby, I still couldn’t marry you.’

  ‘Don’t you see, Destiny, you gifted me your virginity and, even if that union hadn’t resulted in a child, I am duty-bound by my honour to marry you? It is the way of my country.’

  ‘But I was never a candidate to be your wife, I was just a passing affair, your last mistress before you married. You even went in search of a wife. Your honour didn’t stop that. So what’s changed?’

  Zafir recalled how he’d felt as he’d met with the women who were presented to him. In each and every face he’d looked for Destiny. He’d longed for her as he’d lain alone in bed; she was all he could think about and because of that he’d halted his search. Even before he’d known she carried his child, he was sure she was the one, the woman he wanted to be his bride.

  The very fact that he had chosen her and not let his aides decide was an issue he couldn’t get past initially. Was he right to seek marriage to the woman of his choice when he had forced Tabinah into an arranged marriage—making her so unhappy she had run away, losing her life in the process?

  Now, to add to the confusion filling his mind and his heart, Destiny had admitted that she’d slept with him because she’d been spurned by the man she loved. Was the pain in his heart, the ache in his soul because he too had been rejected by the person he loved? Destiny couldn’t love him because she loved another man.

  He stood up, knowing he couldn’t force her to love him, couldn’t force her to stay. Her heart belonged to another man. He couldn’t force his will on another woman. He’d done that to his sister and had learnt from it. He loved Destiny too much and he would do anything for her—even let her go.

  ‘I have made you unhappy, just as I did to Tabinah. I will give anything you need, but please know that you are free to go, free to make your own choices. I will not force you to do anything.’ The pain those words caused burned like fire in his throat, making them almost impossible to say.

  ‘What of your duty to your country, your people?’ Her face had paled and he worried he would upset her, make her ill.

  ‘My duty is still to my country and my people, but it is also to the child we created out of love and affection.’ He was testing, gauging her reaction to the mention of the emotions she’d already denied wanting from him. Now he knew why—because her heart belonged to another—but his heart belonged to her and if she left she’d take it with her.

  * * *

  Destiny’s body, weary from the constant battle of wills, went rigid with anger. How could he say they’d shared love and affection? He’d already made it perfectly clear he didn’t want anything to do with such feelings. He was just saying it now as a last-ditch attempt at keeping her in Kezoban.

  ‘It wasn’t love, Zafir, it was lust. Pure carnal lust.’

  ‘Can you be so sure?’ He came to stand before her, forcing her to look up at him and intensifying his domination, a tactic used often by her father. She stood quickly in an attempt to counteract it. ‘Maybe it was lust that brought us together, but what if it is now something more? Can you turn your back on that?’

  ‘Saying it isn’t enough.’ She hated that he was taunting her again.

  ‘Then I will show you.’

  Before she could do anything she was in his arms, her body responding as his lips met hers in a hard and demanding kiss. Fire leapt to life within her, scorching her heart and, try as she might, she couldn’t stop her arms winding around his neck, keeping her close to his lean body. The need which rushed through her was so wild, so intense she could hardly breathe.

  His hands cradled her head, keeping her in exactly the right place, enabling him to delve deeper with his kiss, pushing her further towards the edge. Sense suddenly prevailed and she pulled her arms from his neck, pushing hard against him.

  Finally he let her go and she staggered backwards, her body pulsing with desire that would have to remain unquenched for evermore.

  ‘That proves nothing but lust. It proves that I am nothing more than a convenient mistress. I want more, Zafir, more than that.’ She hated her ragged breathing as she fought for control and the heated flush of her cheeks.

  Zafir too was breathing hard but his face wore an expression she’d never seen before. He looked vulnerable and exposed, as if he’d finally smashed down every barrier around him.

  ‘What do you want?’ The husky growl of his voice sent a tingle of awareness down her spine.

  ‘I want a marriage made out of love.’

  ‘Love will flourish if you let it—if you forget the man you claim to have given your love to and open your heart to one who does love you.’

  Now she was confused. Was the passion he’d set free within her fogging her mind, mixing with the worry of the test she knew she had to face, making her imagine things? ‘What man?’

  ‘You said you’d done the same as your mother—fallen in love with a man who didn’t love you.’

  He took hold of her arms, pulling her closer to him, the fire of unsated desire sparking around them. Open your heart to one who does love you. Those words echoed in her mind but she was too scared to say anything. What if she’d got it wrong? It was bad enough he thought she loved someone else, but if she exposed her love for him, would he use it as a weapon to make her stay?

  ‘Who is this man?’ A hint of jealousy showed in his voice and she knew she had to be totally honest with him, risking her heart in the process i
f she’d got it wrong.

  ‘He is a great leader, a very powerful man, exactly the kind of man I did not want to love.’

  ‘Who is he, Destiny?’


  The silence which followed that one word was so tangible it was as if a mist had shrouded them, but the expression on his face rushed from disbelief to suspicion. He didn’t believe her.


  ‘Why what?’ Did he mean why did she love him? Or why was he the wrong man for her?

  ‘Why do you not want to love a man such as myself, to quote your words, a great leader, a very powerful man?’

  ‘Because I have spent twenty-six years being ruled by a man who didn’t have even the smallest amount of love inside him for me, his daughter. I have protected my sister, who is prone to speaking her mind, more times than I can remember from his wrath. He is only happy when he is controlling those around him. I came here because I cannot live any longer like that. The deal I made with you was my escape route.’

  * * *

  Zafir looked at Destiny, shocked not just by the admission that she loved him, but by the story of her childhood. No wonder she’d made that overzealous deal with him. She’d been desperate to get away from the man who was supposed to protect her. Her father.

  ‘It is true I am a leader, but a leader of my people for the good of my country. I would never seek to dominate one person—not again.’


  ‘Why do you think Tabinah left? Why did she ride out on my horse, a beast that was far too strong for her to handle? Because I forced her into marriage, forced her away from a man she’d grown up with, one I’ve since discovered she wanted to marry. It was to him she was riding and planning to run away with. My need to control her made that happen.’

  All the guilt poured out in those words. He should never have insisted Tabinah make that marriage. This was the twenty-first century and time for change. He should have seen that her heart was already taken. He’d lost her and he’d thought the same of Destiny when she’d said she’d given her heart to a man who couldn’t love her and what he’d said afterwards had come from deep within his heart. He did love her.

  Destiny’s silence said it all. She was probably wishing she’d never admitted loving him.

  ‘I see my words have proved you right. I am the all-controlling man you fear.’ He let her arms go and turned from her, not wanting to see the accusation in her eyes. He had to leave, to walk away. He’d played it all wrong. Gambled and lost.


  The softness of her voice stilled the thud of his heart and he turned to look at her, but remained silent.

  ‘It wasn’t your fault. Tabinah’s accident.’

  ‘How can you be so sure?’

  ‘When love is involved, all sense or reason disappears. Whatever you’d have done, it wouldn’t have been enough. Love can make you do crazy things, such as agreeing to marry a desert Sheikh and staying with him.’

  He frowned and strode back to her. As she looked up into his face he saw love blazing from her eyes, so bright and vibrant he knew he’d found the one person who would always have his heart. His Destiny.

  ‘You really mean that?’

  ‘Yes, but what about the test? What happens if I have inherited the same condition which claimed my mother’s life?’

  ‘Together we can face anything, Destiny. I love you. Nothing else matters. I want you in my life as my wife for ever.’

  ‘What if I can’t have children? What of your duty to your country then?’

  ‘Don’t worry about that now. My physician will give you the very best care.’

  ‘Then I can face anything if I have your love, because I love you, Zafir, so very much.’

  He swept her from her feet, gathering her up in his arms, and made his way out of her suite, along the corridor of his palace, totally heedless of any servants.

  ‘Where are we going?’ The question held a hint of teasing and he looked down at her, his eyes devouring the softness of her face.

  ‘To the Sheikh’s suite.’

  ‘What will people think? What about protocol?’

  ‘They will think I’m madly in love with you—and they will be right.’


  ‘I HAVE A gift for you.’ Zafir’s voice sent a shimmer of desire down Destiny’s spine as he stood behind her, pulling her against his body.

  She looked out over the palace gardens and to the desert beyond. So much had happened in the year she’d been here. Her life was so complete—married to the man she loved with a baby son who was the centre of their world. The fear of the tests was just a blurry memory now she knew she hadn’t inherited anything from her mother other than the need to be loved.

  In just a few hours, her sister would be arriving for what was fast becoming a regular monthly visit. How could she possibly need or want more?

  ‘I don’t need gifts, Zafir.’ She turned in his arms to look up at him. ‘I have more than I can ever want.’

  He kissed her gently, his lips holding the promise of much more pleasure. ‘This one I think you will want.’

  He took her by the hand and led her from the suite, towards the stables.

  ‘Why are we going this way? Have you bought another horse?’

  His smile was full of love and it melted her heart all over again. ‘You know me too well.’

  Intent on pleasing Zafir, she walked with him, but when they entered the ornate stables she was astonished to see Milly.

  ‘What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t due to arrive until this evening.’

  ‘Change of plan.’ Her sister grinned as she opened a stable door. Destiny looked in and gasped. The bay mare contentedly eating hay was Ellie, the young horse her father had forced her to sell. She stroked the familiar silky coat and the mare responded, nuzzling against her in recognition.

  ‘How did you find her?’ She turned to Zafir, a strange urge to cry almost overwhelming her.

  ‘With Milly’s help.’

  Destiny looked at her sister. ‘How did you manage to keep it a secret?’

  ‘With great difficulty.’

  Zafir took her hands, pulling her to him, and she looked up into his eyes. ‘Exactly a year ago, you arrived in Kezoban. You brought sunshine and the hope of a new beginning to my life and I wanted to celebrate that. What better gift than the horse you were forced to part with?’

  Destiny smiled up at Zafir. ‘I love you, Sheikh Zafir Al Asmari, so very much.’

  ‘And I love you, my very own Destiny.’

  * * * * *

  If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Rachael Thomas






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  The Shock Cassano Baby

  by Andie Brock


  ISOBEL STARED AT the figures on the screen one last time. The initial stages of the business plan had been implemented successfully; target forecasts were all on course. Yes, she was confident that the board of Cassano Holdings would be satisfied with the progress she had made so far. More than satisfied, even.

  After closing the lid of her laptop Isobel zipped it into its case. She was ready. She glanced at her watch. There was just one more thing she had to do before she could leave for the board meeting in the city.

  Rising to her feet, she smoothed down the skirt of her navy business suit and crossed the few steps to the sofa to pick up her handbag. Her heart was thumping now, her hand shaky as she slid it inside to retrieve the small packet in its chemist’s bag.

  Giving herself no more time to think she headed for the bathroom. There really was no going back.

  * * *

  ‘Any other business?’

  Orlando Cassano leant back in his chair, the gold pen in his hand catching the light as it was slowly rotated by strong, olive-skinned fingers.

  With a negative murmur the board members started to gather together their papers, opening briefcases and stowing away their electronic devices.

  ‘Isobel?’ The dark sweep of his eyes now focussed directly on the young woman seated on the opposite side of the wide glass table. ‘Is there anything else you want to add?’


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