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Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3)

Page 14

by Parin, Sonia

  “Because you don’t want to raise suspicion and if you stick to Lexie like glue, everyone will think you have something to hide.”

  “We’re here on a… date. I’m not faking anything.”

  “Trust me, you need to pace yourself because at the rate you’re going, you’ll be backed into a corner and forced to make a public announcement before the night’s out. Now, run along, Jack.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Lexie assured him.

  Jack strode away wondering if she’d sounded relieved. If Steph hadn’t interrupted…

  He’d slipped into a moment he couldn’t explain. With his hand around Lexie’s waist, their gazes locked, his body had hummed with pleasure, triggering a need...

  Walking away from her, Jack felt as if he’d fought a battle, lost it and was right that minute sinking fast. While his brain told him to keep moving, his body wanted to return and recapture whatever had been happening between them. Of course, he’d want more of something that felt good but it muddled his thoughts making him cranky enough to take a bite of the next person who looked at him sideways.

  Before he could tie himself up into a knot, he spotted Mason hovering between two groups of guests.

  “Where’s your date?”

  Mason’s eyes flicked away from his cell phone. “I didn’t bring one.”

  “So how are you managing to stand here alone? Why aren’t they swarming around you?”

  “It’s called taking care of business. Every time someone tries to get more than a greeting in, I discretely use my second cell phone to call myself and pretend I’ve been waiting for an important call.”

  “I thought you were bringing your friend Rachel.”

  “She bailed out on me at the last minute.”

  “What about her friend, the one you wanted to hook me up with?” Jack asked as he looked out one of the windows facing the golf course. Even as he forced himself to enjoy the view, his gaze drifted toward Lexie.

  Mason shrugged off the question. “How’s it going with you and Lexie? You two look cozy enough.”

  And he felt it too.

  He needed to pull back before he forgot Lexie wasn’t after a relationship and he made a fool of himself.

  The warning stung. Keeping his distance and not getting ideas went against nature. Did she find anything about him attractive? What if she didn’t? Should he take it personally? Or look at it as a challenge?

  Jack smiled to himself. He’d already decided he needed to keep his life free of complications. He still had a few weeks worth of work on the building, but he could delegate and take care of other business. He’d been looking at a property he wouldn’t mind acquiring and renovating. It would be a smaller job, but a challenging one nonetheless. Then there were the long-term plans he needed to think about and set into motion.

  “Are you getting ideas about her?”

  Jack knew he could throw Mason off the scent, but maybe a part of him wanted to be drilled for more information. Maybe he wanted someone to interfere and intercede. He frowned. Lately, every time he opened his mouth Lexie-like words had been spilling out.

  “I shouldn’t. Once the old adage of familiarity breeding contempt kicks in…” he shrugged. What would she reveal about herself that he didn’t already know? She’d made it clear she didn’t want a relationship. Why ruin it? Because being around her made him feel…

  Jack frowned. He wasn’t ready to become a piece of play dough… again. Playing by someone else’s rules and expectations. When he’d been with Juliette, he’d had a role to play and the moment he’d changed it—

  “There you go,” Mason laughed. “You’re thinking about it and worse, you think you’ve found a dating loop but I’ve seen you two together. It will backfire—”

  “Dating loop?”

  “It’s a version of friends with benefits. Fake dating with the fun bits taken out.”

  “Is that your phone ringing?”

  * * *

  “Earth to Lexie. Hello. Can you hear me?”

  Not really, Lexie thought. A second after Jack’s hand had slid away from her waist, her body had gone into meltdown. It took some doing getting her noodle legs to respond and hold her upright. She wanted to both hug and throttle Steph for interrupting.

  “Did I look like I needed rescuing?” she couldn’t help asking as her brain zapped out of the haziness of wanting to kiss Jack.

  “OMG. You’re Lulu through and through.”

  “What?” She turned to face Jack’s stepsister. She now understood why Jack had insisted on buying her a new dress. Steph wore a stunning sea green gown with her blonde locks cascading around her bare shoulders. She looked like a golden era Hollywood movie siren ready to dazzle the most hardened crime-fighting film noire detective into submission.

  “I often wondered if she has your personality and she does.”


  “That’s interesting. You didn’t bat an eyelash when I broke up your little intimate moment with Jack but now that I inferred you sound like Lulu McGee, you’re blushing.”

  Delayed reaction, Lexie thought, still trying to steady her legs. Jack sure knew how to fake being with someone. “Does this place have air-conditioning? It’s feeling a little stuffy.” She fanned herself but it did nothing to cool down the river of lava coursing through her. She watched Steph tilt her head the same way she did when she puzzled over something. Now that she thought about, she’d given Lulu McGee the same trait…

  “Okay, now I’m confused. Are you two really together or not? The last time I spoke with Jack he said there was nothing going on.”

  “Um. No comment?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry. I’m in on the whole dating you to keep the others at bay thing.”

  Lexie’s body stilled as a thousand thoughts sparked in her mind like a fireworks display. Had Jack discussed his plans before or after asking her to be his date? For some reason, she’d thought the invitation had been a spur of the moment, spontaneous, let’s jump off the cliff together—

  She wanted to think it hadn’t been planned because the alternative meant he had plotted out a meticulous plan to corner Lexie into admitting she didn’t want a relationship, making it safe for him to...


  “Please tell me I didn’t put my foot in it. Jack will never forgive me. He hates it when people stick their nose where it doesn’t belong and I do that all the time but he has limits.”

  Lexie gave her suspicious thoughts a mental flick and turned her attention to Steph who’d drawn her eyebrows down. “What would he do?”

  “He’d probably give me the silent treatment. You know, avoid me. I’d hate that. Jack is the only male friend I can trust and at the moment, I’m using him as a sounding board.”

  Despite hearing every word Steph said, Lexie’s thoughts strayed. Until today, she’d thought she could trust Jack more than she could trust herself. But then, he’d put his hand on her waist. And that, Lexie told herself, had been an innocent gesture, all part of the game. If her body had chosen to overreact, then the onus was on her to rein in her wayward hormones.

  “Sounding board? Are you having man problems?” she asked.

  “You could say that.”

  “Bring it on.” Lexie rubbed her hands together trying to sound enthusiastic even as something hard lodged in her chest. “Jack can give you a guy’s point of view but I find it helps to balance it out with a girl’s opinion. I can’t promise I’ll be any good because I’m usually the one asking for advice. But I’m bursting with curiosity. I can’t imagine someone who looks like you would ever have any trouble with men. You look so… nonchalant.”

  “My couldn’t-care-less attitude is all an act and it’s taken me years to perfect.”

  Ava had the same look and Lexie didn’t want to think of it as an act. She needed to have someone like Ava sitting pretty on her pedestal. It gave her hope and something to aspire to, to evolve into. When she rushed into her next relationship, as she was bou
nd to do, she wanted to be wearing a sparkly new thick skin.

  “Dare I ask what lies beneath the cool exterior?”

  Steph smiled. “You sounded almost too scared to ask. Having second thoughts about being my sounding board?”

  She shook her head. “I have a lot of scary insecurities and I’m usually the one needing to be dragged out of a dark pit. I’ve tried putting on a brave mask, but my friends see right through it. In fact, I’d probably be more of a hindrance than anything else...”

  Steph’s lips pursed, then she burst into laughter. “We need to get together for a real heart to heart. Who says two wrongs can’t make a right.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You two look as thick as thieves,” Jack said when he returned to Lexie’s side. “Have you been talking about me?” He aimed the question at Steph but he looked at Lexie. On the surface, she appeared to be calm, but her eyes glittered with knowledge about something he probably didn’t want her to know.

  “We were having a deep and meaningful conversation about heroes in contemporary fiction and how they compare to real men,” Steph said.

  Mason, who’d joined their group, laughed.

  “It’s fiction, Steph. Get over it,” Jack said.

  “Says the man who convinced an innocent bystander to play the role of fake girlfriend so he could get his evil stepsisters off his back.”

  “I might have referred to them as persistent but never evil, and there’s nothing wrong with taking preemptive action. As for Lexie… she’s being compensated for her troubles.”

  “Will it make up for the daggers being thrown her way?” Steph asked.

  He raised an eyebrow at Lexie.

  She peered at him from lowered eyes. “I am feeling a slight discomfort between my shoulder blades. I should have cut a better deal with you.”

  “You’d cash in on my desperation?”

  The edge of her lips quirked up. “I told you this dress would have a strange effect on me.”

  “Like turn you into a mercenary?”

  Steph chortled. “Don’t answer that, Lexie. Jack is the one who resorted to underhanded tactics. He should man up and accept responsibility for his actions. And you need to renegotiate terms. I can do that for you. Get you something extra for duress—”

  Jack cleared his throat, his eyes drawn to the opposite side of the room. “While I’d like to hear what you can come up with, the guest of honor’s just arrived.”

  * * *

  If Jack hadn’t said anything Lexie knew she would have sensed the shift in the room. A buzz of excitement rose and fell and rose again, like a Mexican wave making the rounds.

  Jack’s hands disappeared inside his pockets. His jaw muscles twitched.

  “You never said anything about there being bad blood between you and your father.”

  “That’s because there isn’t any.” Yet his voice sounded strained. “It’s been a month since he took off, so the next few moments are going to be testy. But it’s nothing new with us, even at the best of times.”

  “Are you likely to lock horns?”

  “No, it’s not like that.”

  “As a keen observer of human nature, I’ll be interested to see what actually happens between two men who haven’t spoken for a while and probably don’t even know why. At least you’re smiling.”

  “It’s my party face.” His jaw muscles twitched again.

  “Keep it up and you really will need to see a dentist.”

  His smile turned grim. “I know what the next few minutes hold for me.”

  “You make it sound like a fate worse than torture.”

  “I’ve been in this situation enough times to have a vague idea of what I’m up against.”

  “You’re that afraid of meeting your new stepsister?” She laughed under her breath. If Jack caught a whiff of some of the thoughts she’d been entertaining, he’d be searching for exit doors. “I’m beginning to think you have some sort of godlike complex.”

  “Like I said, I speak from experience.”

  “She might surprise you and dislike you at first sight.” Although, she doubted it. After all, she still had good reason to dislike him and yet her body hadn’t stopped pulsing in response to him. If all his stepsisters felt the same way about him, then he had reason to worry.

  “I suppose you find this amusing.”

  “Not in the slightest. I’m your ally.” She rose on her tiptoes and tried to catch sight of the happy couple.

  “Sure you are.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “I suspect you’re building an arsenal of weapons as leverage for your second round of negotiations.”

  “Do you think I’m that cunning?”

  “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t.” He slid his hand around her waist.

  “Hang on, I’m going to make a quick mental note. Jack likes to spar with worthy opponents.” Her breath gushed out. “Wow, that’s your father?” A tall man with the trademark distinguished good looks that would some day sit well on Jack.

  “What was that wow about?”

  “Me doing a bit of book cover judging. He must do serious workouts. You almost look as good as he does in a suit.”


  Lexie laughed. “You really need to give those back teeth a rest, Jack. You’ll end up wearing dentures before your time. Oh, I just caught a flash of his smile. That’s a winner. I bet he doesn’t grit his back teeth.”

  “What the hell—”

  “What’s wrong?”

  His hand dropped away from her waist and he took hold of her hand.

  “Did you know about this?” he asked Mason.

  “I had no idea.”

  “Lexie, you haven’t seen the gardens. Why don’t you and Steph go out there—”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t like the look of this”

  “Will someone please catch me up?” Lexie asked.

  “It’s her,” Steph offered. “Jack’s ex. I was about to call it a night and go home to read my book, but this is turning into live theatre.”

  “His ex what?” Girl Friday? Decorator? Neighbor? Please, Lexie thought, let her be anything other than what she suspected…

  “Juliette’s his ex-fiancée. No way am I missing this.”

  Refusing to let go of Jack’s hand, Lexie firmed her hold.

  She recognized a woman on a mission when she saw one. His ex looked like a Nordic beauty. Her blonde hair framed a chiseled face with high cheekbones and a wide mouth. Luscious lips curved at the edges. Her thickly lashed blue eyes shone bright with confidence. She even had a firm dimple on her chin.

  “I had no idea dad had taken up with Juliette’s mother,” Mason said. “Although, now I understand why he kept it so quiet.”

  “Are you okay?” Jack asked her.

  “I think I should be asking you that.” Lexie had to take a deep swallow. “And, yes, I’m fine,” and in the same breath she added, “Juliette only has eyes for you.” Lexie didn’t want to jump to conclusions but the slow motion unfolding of the situation told her she had front row seats to a clichéd performance. Juliette was going to completely ignore her and focus all her attention on Jack.

  Steph edged closer to them. “Lexie’s right. But she’s being diplomatic so I’m going to come straight out and say it. That’s the look of a woman on a mission. Juliette wants you back.”

  Lexie winced. “Jack, you’re squeezing my hand.”


  “Promise me you won’t use me as a human shield. I didn’t sign up for that.”

  “You’re still in time. Save yourself. I’d rather you did because I’m not sure—”

  He didn’t have a chance to finish. Everyone’s attention had been fixed on Juliette, so no one had seen the new Mrs. Riley’s beeline intention to stake a claim on Jack. Her hands went up to his shoulders as she kissed one cheek and then the other.

  “My almost son-
in-law. You’ve no idea how I suffered when Juliette broke the news to me. You were the perfect couple.”

  “Madeline. You look lovely. Marriage agrees with you. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Jack. I saw my chance and took it. Your father is too much of a gentleman to admit it, but I chased after him. I’m also entirely to blame for keeping it all hush-hush and insisting that we elope.”

  “Dad. Congratulations.”

  Lexie watched as the two men nodded their heads and shook hands. And, as predicted, Juliette stepped forward and, ignoring both Lexie and Steph, she leaned in to kiss Jack hello, the slow motion brush of her lips against his cheek lingering with practiced precision. When her eyes slanted toward her, Lexie knew Juliette wanted to make a statement.

  He was mine and he could be again.

  Lulu McGee would have taken up the challenge with a lift of her chin and a smarmy remark. However, Lexie knew better than to engage in a catfight. In this instance, she’d be lucky to walk away with a shred of dignity left. She bit back a gurgle of laughter and forced herself to shrug off the provocation.

  “This is Lexie.”

  Overcome by temptation, Lexie smiled and, despite Jack’s tug, she held up their joined hands as if to offer proof he hadn’t come alone.

  Pleasantries were exchanged. If they could be called that. Juliette might have claimed to be pleased to meet her, but she appeared to be more interested in the earrings she wore, and the dress, and her cup size, the color of her eyes, her skin condition…

  And then her attention fixed on the faint scar no one else ever seemed to notice. Lexie wouldn’t lie. The smirk on the woman’s lips stung.

  “This is a happy occasion,” Juliette said and returned her attention to Jack. “I suppose we’re related now.”

  * * *

  His father had married Juliette’s mother?

  What the hell?

  He would never, not in a million years, have seen that coming.

  “Is anyone worried about what just happened?” Steph asked when the happy couple and Juliette moved away. “I don’t expect Jack or Mason to have noticed—”


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