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Finding Kylie

Page 9

by Kimberly McKay

  “Umm, yes. Nice to meet you.” She laughed off her awkwardness, and stood to shake his hand. Nice and firm. “Shall we grab a table in the corner? It’ll be easier to talk.”

  She gave him her most dazzling smile, and left him standing there. As Timothy watched her walk through the restaurant, he was taken aback.

  Wow. What a knock out!

  For a minute he thought he had the wrong girl. With the way she was staring at him, she acted like she didn’t have any idea what he was saying.

  Men probably approach her all the time. Okay Banks, this is business and you’re going home tomorrow, so knock it off!

  He followed her to the corner table, which set next to the open-air deck outside, and sat down across from her.

  “How was your flight?” She started with polite conversation.

  “It was fine, thank you. I hope you accept my condolences Ms. Wayne. I know your mother loved you very much.”

  “Thank you. Did you get to know her very well?”

  “Well enough to know that her major concern was that you wouldn’t understand about the money left to you. She wanted your future to be secure. Kylie said you had big dreams, and she wanted to help you reach them.”

  He pulled her file out of his briefcase, and slid the paperwork in her direction. Chastity’s curiosity was peaked.

  “She left me money? How is that possible? We didn’t have much...” Her voice trailed off, as she saw the figure on the paperwork. “Excuse me, but that can’t be right! That says I am worth just over two million! Where did this come from?”

  Chastity felt light headed, like she was in a dream. Each word she uttered seemed to be in slow motion.

  “Ms. Wayne. Are you alright?”

  Timothy reached across the table to make sure she wasn’t going to pass out.

  “Chastity, can you hear me?”

  She couldn’t make herself respond. All she could think of was if her mother had this kind of money, why didn’t they live life a little easier - instead of just making ends meet?

  How did mom have all this money? Just how much did Mr. Mikale give her that day she went to his house? Surely not this much!

  Timothy signaled the waitress. “Bring her a glass of orange juice, quick please!”

  When the waitress returned, he grabbed the glass and scooted across the table, to Chastity’s side.

  “Here take a sip. You look like you need a little something.”

  He placed it in her hands, and she drank it down.

  “Thank you Mr. Banks,” her voice barely a whisper.

  “Mr. Banks is my father. I keep looking for him when you call me that.”

  His comment made her smile.

  Well that’s a start in the right direction. What a smile.

  “Listen,” he said, moving back to his side of the booth. “Your mom instructed that I leave you a someday fund. She was pretty insistent on it being called that. Kylie said it was for you to be able to go wherever you wanted and live your life exactly how you need.”

  He waited for her to respond. Her silence made him shift in his seat, not knowing what she was going to do next.

  I’d be a little shaky too if I’d been left this kind of money.

  “I am sure you have a lot of questions. Kylie told me that Cheryl would have all the answers you need.”

  Chastity pushed the empty juice glass forward, and brought hers up to meet his, as if in a challenge. They held determination, and in that moment Timothy thought she was quite possibly the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “I think I need something stronger.” She lifted her hand to signal the waitress, who came over with an expectant smile.

  Before she could take their orders, Chastity raised her eyebrow and asked, “What’ll you have?”

  “I’ll have a draft on tap.” He loosened his tie.

  Chastity looked to the waitress and pointed in his direction.

  “Bring him a draft and for me, a Godiva kiss, please.”

  “A Godiva kiss?” He looked at her pouty mouth, thinking about how sexy it was. Although his eyes felt glued to her lips, he forced them to meet her eyes when she started to speak.

  Chastity angled her head, unsure of what just happened.

  Was he looking at my mouth?

  She denied the thought of his motives being anything but pure, and began to describe her favorite cocktail.

  “It’s Bombay Sapphire stirred with white chocolate Godiva liqueur and Hershey’s chocolate ... I only get them on special occasions. And if this isn’t a special occasion - I don’t know what is.”

  He glanced to her mouth once more and quickly brought his eyes back up. He tried not to stare, but every word she spoke begged his attention.

  There he goes again. I wonder if something’s on it.

  Chastity self-consciously licked her lips, which gave Timothy a jolt. His mind went places it shouldn’t have with a client, and he had to remind himself again.

  Tim ... stay professional.

  He quickly brought the conversation back to the subject at hand, to force his mind from the thought of slipping across the table and kissing her.

  “So, I bet you’d like to know when your mom first contacted me.”

  After the waitress set their drinks down, he watched her take her first sip and cleared throat. He promptly lifted his beer, and took a big drink before continuing.

  “It was about a year ago. She called me to set up a meeting, saying she had invested in to some funds, and wanted to draft a will for her daughter.”

  Chastity set her glass down, and was quick to inquire.

  “How did she find you?”

  “As far as I know your mother found me through my online ads. She said she didn’t trust any of the large firms.”

  “I thought all you guys ran ads in the yellow pages, or placed your faces on bus benches.” She smirked, trying to make light of the reality of her situation. It made sense that her mom wouldn’t go with a big name, but this scenario was too surreal.

  He smiled at her humor, and nodded. “I’m a little out side the box when it comes to gaining new clients, and I think that’s what your mom liked about me. I figure I need to advertise where I can get the most exposure. The phone book stays closed until someone needs something.” Timothy explained before taking another drink. “If they don’t already know my name, I feel the phone book is a lost cause.”

  “And the bus benches?”

  Timothy had a smart comeback that he held in check. He took the high road and replied with a proper answer.

  “I’ll leave that to the bail bondsmen.” He winked.

  She did a double take, wishing he were sitting closer. She, too, had to focus on the subject at hand.

  “So how did you win her over? She must have had a reason for choosing you. She didn’t trust many men, let alone a young, attractive - I mean … put together ones, such as your self.” She could have kicked herself.

  Timothy smiled. Is she blushing?

  He quickly gave her an answer she knew that was classic Kylie.

  “I couldn’t answer that, but I know she commented on my smile. If I remember correctly, she said I had beautiful teeth.” His eyes twinkled. “I can honestly say that I had never received a comment on my teeth before. She definitely made an impression on me.”

  Chastity’s face was full of emotion, and Timothy surmised that he upset his client.

  “Ms. Wayne, what I meant was your mother was refreshing. She had character and I liked her. She was someone you just liked being around.”

  Chastity’s heart felt like it was breaking in two. The fact that he actually understood her mom meant she let him in to see a rare side of her. That spoke volumes.

  With so many emotions tearing through her, she felt like running as far away as possible. The disappointment of her mother’s secrecy was as overwhelming as the tides breaking onto the shore outside – and the only other thing as powerful was the pull she felt for the lawyer, who was sitting
across from her.

  She was attracted to Timothy Banks, and knew the smart thing to do was to run as fast as she could in the opposite direction. She quickly finished her drink, and picked up the pen lying on the table.

  “Well it seems lately, that my mother is full of surprises. All I have to do is sign, and we’re done?”

  Timothy, taken back at the change in her demeanor, pushed the paperwork closer to her.

  “Yes, just initial and sign where I’ve indicated with the tab stickers, and … and you’re done,” he added softly.

  Chastity finished initialing for her new fortune, and hung her head.

  “Mr. Banks...” She lifted her face to him. “Timothy, I wasn’t trying to be rude. I’ve just had a lot to deal with in the last few weeks, and I’m not coping very well. Usually my first instinct when I’m not sure of something is to shut down. I hope you understand that it’s not personal.”

  “Completely.” He nodded, trying to comfort her in some way. “You’ve just lost the one person in life you thought you could count on. Plus, you’ve had a bombshell dropped in your lap today.”

  He gathered the papers and put them in his briefcase, saying, “I’ll tell you what, let’s order dinner - on me. Maybe it’ll make you feel better to talk about it. I mean … if you’re up to it.”

  Timothy hesitated, feeling that he’d crossed the line. For some unknown reason, he was drawn to her and really wanted to get to know her better. Against her better judgment, she nodded and shrugged her shoulders. It was all the permission he needed to signal the waitress and order dinner for two.

  Chapter 20

  It hit Chastity hard, when she realized how much she liked Timothy’s company.

  This is not like me. I would normally never engage this much.

  She was relieved when he asked her to stay, but decided to keep the discussion between them light. Whatever this was between them was nothing more than a harmless flirtation, so she stayed off the subject of her mom and focused more on her art and his background. She wanted the last impression she left to be interesting.

  Good thing he doesn’t live in LA. Any more time with him would just lead to more feelings like this, and that’s the last thing I need, she thought, as she dug inside her purse for her keys.

  To her, grabbing one’s car keys was the universal signal that their time has come to an end … the date was over. Chastity knew she should go, but as she watched him talk, with his beautiful smile and dark gorgeous eyes, she grew weak. Finally, she forced herself to push her chair back and stand.

  “Thank you so much for dinner. I had planned to walk to beach tonight, but the sun’s going to go down so ... I need to get home.” Ask me to walk on the beach!

  “It was the least I could do.” Does that mean she wants to walk on the beach with me?

  Timothy chastised himself. No idiot! She’s not asking for a walk on the beach … is she?

  He ran his hand through his hand through his hair, unsure of what was going on between them and offered a suggestion.

  “Maybe next time I’m in town I could join you for that walk?”

  “That would be nice.” He’s just being polite. Chastity, you’re so obvious.

  “Let me show you out … after you.” He held his arm out and waited for Chastity to take the lead.

  They walked in silence through the hotel and outside, to where her car was parked. He wasn’t ready to see her leave, but it was time to say goodbye.

  As she unlocked her door, he leaned in to open it, saying, “It was a pleasure. Thank you for staying and having dinner with me. I hate to eat alone.”

  He flashed a bold smile, which had her stomach in knots.

  Something tells me that he doesn’t have to eat alone very often.

  Chastity withdrew her hand from her purse, and pressed one of her cards into his hand.

  “It was so very nice to meet you. Thank you for everything.”

  Nice to meet you? Chastity, can’t you think of anything clever to say? Of course it was nice to meet him ... look at him! He’s definite scenery I wouldn’t mind having a regular view of.

  “My paralegal will be contacting you soon to finalize the transaction. Have a safe drive and call me if you need anything.”

  Timothy shut her door and sent her off. Call if you need anything? Banks, you’ve got to get a better pick up line.

  Chastity drove off shaking her head.

  Did any of that just happen? Two million dollars with a dreamboat attorney as a perk! Pinch me. I think my someday turned into reality.

  Chastity laughed aloud. What is reality? She didn’t know anymore.

  She slowed at the four-way stop and looked up through her windshield, toward the mountains. Her mind wandered to her mother’s attorney. The thought of her mom matchmaking from beyond was ridiculous, but deep down it felt like she had a hand in it.

  Mom, did you know that I would find him extremely attractive?

  Maybe it was the slow music from her radio, or maybe it was the beauty of the ocean, as the setting sun reflected over its smooth water, but Chastity felt extremely sentimental. The barriers she had built around her heart slowly slipped away, and she knew it was because Timothy was someone special.

  This is probably nothing more than an intense attraction, she justified, trying to stuff her emotions back down. She bit her bottom lip and turned up the music.

  Did he keep looking at my mouth or was that all in my head? She shook her head. No... I bet I just had food on it. He probably was trying to keep from laughing at me.

  She lifted her hand, to push her hair from her eyes and internally groaned.

  I made such a fool of myself. He said to call if I needed anything, but that was just for legal purposes ... not for personal ones. She shook her head. I guess that’s it then.

  She pulled onto the highway and looked over her shoulder, to merge in with traffic. The sun was going down, and the symbolism wasn’t lost on her.

  Goodbye Timothy Banks. Too bad ... it could have been interesting.

  Chapter 21

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving at Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City. Please stay seated and keep your seat belts fastened until we’ve come to a complete stop. For those of you traveling on to...”

  Chastity tuned out the air flight attendant and looked out the window. I can’t believe it! I see bales of hay. There is so much land here.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many fields from the air,” she commented to the woman next to her, laughing half-heartedly. “I’m definitely in Oklahoma.”

  “Is it your first time here?” Her curios travel mate had a slow twang, which intrigued her.

  “Yes, my mom was from here, but I’ve never been.”

  Chastity looked to the blonde woman, who was accessorized and dressed to the nines.

  “Oh my! You need to go check out the downtown area. Between the Bricktown development with the Riverwalk, and the Murrah Bombing Memorial, it’s pretty amazing! There are also some great restaurants down on the Riverwalk.”

  “Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll look into it.” She nervously smiled and tightened her seat belt. “I am just glad to be landing right now. I’m not a big fan of being in the air.”

  “You did just fine honey.” The blonde waved her manicured hand in dismissal. “You staying long?”

  Man! She’s a talker. “Maybe … I am visiting some friends of the family. We’ll see how long they let me stay. I bought a one-way ticket.”

  “Well,” the blonde drawled. “Welcome to Oklahoma City. Have a good stay, and don’t forget to make your friends take you out. There’s a whole lot more to see than just those fields from the air.”

  “Thanks.” She lifted her shade and turned to watching their landing.

  Chastity undid her lap belt once the plane pulled into the gate. Once she was able to reach for the overhead bin, she stretched – grateful to be on the ground.

  She watched the passengers strug
gle for position, hoping to get out first. It hit her that she couldn’t remember a time when her mother flew them anywhere. They shuffled from state to state in their old beat up station wagon, because her mom said they couldn’t afford to fly.

  Why did we live so poorly? If mom had all this money, why didn’t we fly anywhere for holiday like most families? A little fun would have been good for us. What was she saving it for?

  So many questions about her mom’s past had been answered, but it seemed like every time she turned a corner – she ran into a new revelation. The last couple of months had been an emotional roller coaster, much like the turbulence on her flight.

  Why couldn’t she just tell me? We both would have been better off, emotionally and financially!

  Chastity smiled at the stewardess when leaving the plane. She walked through the gate and started for the baggage claim area, surprised at what she saw. Even though she wasn’t sure what to expect in Oklahoma, she sure didn’t expect such a classy airport.

  The breezeway, which connected all the gates, had silver metal arches that reached up the both sides of the walkway. The windows spanned from top to bottom, giving her a clear view to the outside and the stone exterior. The artist in her appreciated the mixture of cool metals and warm stones that were combined to give the impression of a modern cowboy fortress.

  Impressive, she thought.

  After retrieving her bags, she stood outside by the curb and watched for Cheryl and her daughter, who were supposed to pick her up. In glancing to her watch, she saw she was only a few minutes away from the time they’d agreed on. She looked up in time to see Whitney run to her for a big hug.

  “Look at you, Whit. My goodness you’ve grown up overnight.” She pulled back from their embrace, thinking she was a carbon copy of Cheryl. “When was the last time I saw you?” She gave her a once over.

  “When we came to see you guys two summers ago,” Whitney said, immediately wishing she could kick herself.

  Don’t bring up Aunt Kylie. That was stupid!

  Chastity didn’t seem to notice. “That’s right. My gosh you’ve grown up.” She was amazed at the transformation.


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