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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 101

by Natalie Knight

  "What is this? Leo?" Her eyes light up, and I fucking love it. I want to be the one to put that look on her face every single day.

  "I've ordered it all for you. I want you to just relax and let yourself be pampered."

  She kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you."

  She's always grateful for even the smallest things and that makes me want to spoil her even more.

  "You deserve some respite." I pour her a glass of wine to get the evening started. "Here, we might as well make this fun."

  "Yes! Have a glass with me?"

  "I'll have whiskey."

  I pour myself some in a crystal tumbler. Then I leave her to enjoy all the fun that comes with having a glam squad.

  "I'll let you enjoy it without any distractions."

  "Okay." She’s already rifling through the rack of clothes with happiness.

  Well, at least something's been able to put a smile on her face.

  I finish my drink and go to take a shower and by the time I come out, Sienna's squad is putting the final touches on her makeup.

  "You look...amazing."

  "Just wait until you see her dress," the stylist says as she holds up a tiny black silky thing.

  "Plus, there are sky-high heels," Sienna says with delight.

  My eyes grow ravenous as I take her in. It's hard not to want to fuck her day and night. I feel like taking her perfectly polished appearance and fucking her until she’s in complete disarray. I feel like sending these people away and tossing her over my shoulder so that I can have my way with her in the bedroom.

  She looks at me and sees what I'm thinking. Is my desire that obvious?

  "No, Leo,” she says with a smile, though I see the heat in her eyes and her unwillingness to leave yet too. “We don't have time."

  She read my mind.

  "But later we will.” She says it like a promise. “And I guess that means we have all night to think about it."

  The sexual tension is thick, and I'm happy to say we've made the glam squad suitably uncomfortable. They finish up quickly and pack away their things. There are kisses on the cheek and thank yous before they depart. Sienna has likely made fast friends of the squad and I imagine they'll be around more often. At least as long as she’s here with me.

  I pull her close and kiss her. She leans back, her eyes wide.

  "No, babe! My lipstick."

  She doesn't leave me hanging, though, because she unties her robe and lets it fall to the floor. All she's wearing is a black lace bra and thong. She does a little spin, causing my cock to twitch, straining against my pants to get to her.

  "Now help me get into the dress."

  "No problem." My voice comes out thick, and I have to swallow hard and clear my throat. Fuck, this woman drives me crazy. Typically by this point, I’d be tired of a woman. Bored. But with Sienna I seem to want her more every day. It’s becoming an insatiable desire.

  I hold the skimpy little dress up and try to determine front from back. She's laughing at me now as I fumble with the fabric.

  "Give it to me,” she says, snatching it away.

  She slides it over her head, and her lingerie sadly disappears, but the tight fabric of the dress hugs every curve just right so that my imagination doesn’t have to venture far.

  "You ready for this?" I ask as I take her arm and lead her downstairs.

  "Yes. But it's going to be pretty hard to hate you."

  Breaking up is part of our plan.

  "Well, you didn't seem to have any problem with it before," I jest.

  "That's when things were different." Her voice is soft this time. There’s no anger there.

  But I don't probe her more. I’m still uncertain about how to deal with what’s going on between us.

  We go downstairs and into the Inner Sanctum. Our plan is to continue making it look like she's an escort so that we can possibly get a handle on who the informant is working for. The easiest way to kill the target is to go right for the hornet's nest.

  Again, we walk through the casino, and there's a hushed silence despite all the chaos of slot machines going and tourists everywhere laughing and drinking. Our names have been splashed all over the media, and all eyes are on us, which is just the way we need it to be.

  I lead her to the high roller tables and we begin gambling. We're pretending not to notice that people are watching our every move. Little do they know that a soap opera's about to be played out for their entertainment needs.

  We act like the happy couple at first. I'm kissing her and smiling. We're ordering drinks and laughing as we play blackjack, poker, and roulette.

  I whisper in her ear as we plan our dramatic scene.

  "Do you think it's time?" I inhale her perfume as I say the words.

  My cock is throbbing, and I want to take her into a side room and fuck her brains out before the drama begins. I can't take my hands off of her. And she's happy to be wanted. She's flirting with me and I hate that we'll have to separate for even a moment before I ravage her tonight.

  "I guess it can be time. But I'm having so much fun."

  "I know. But the sooner this is over, the closer we'll be to freedom."

  "Okay." She nods, and her eyes are wide, and I know she regrets as much as I do what has to be done.

  "Alright, I'll start. Just remember that whatever I say, I don't mean." I feel like I need to give her fair warning after the harsh things I said to her when we first saw each other again.

  I start to argue with her, loudly enough so that people in the immediate vicinity can hear.

  "You little slut, are you telling me you want to break our agreement?"

  She stands up and pours a glass of water all over my suit.

  "That's exactly what I'm saying. You're an asshole and I wouldn't dream of spending a single moment more with you."

  She turns to stalk out but I grab her arm. People are definitely looking but we stay true to our roles. It's the only way to put an end to this blackmail.

  "You're not going anywhere," I say as a small crowd forms. "I paid a hundred thousand dollars for a month with you, and I expect you to make good on that arrangement. Otherwise, I'll call your boss and have you fired."

  She turns around with viciousness in her eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

  "I would," I say, confident like I always am, but with obvious anger in my voice.

  "Fine. Call him. I don't give a damn. I just want to be away from you forever."

  She storms out, and I know she's on her way back up to my penthouse through the private entrance like we agreed upon beforehand.

  The crowd eventually scatters, and I make sure to stay awhile longer to flesh out the scene.

  I act broody over my scotch, and in truth I am broody.

  I still haven't told Sienna about my true feelings, that I've loved her from the moment I first laid eyes on her.

  She still doesn't know that it was her brother Jax who kept us apart. She has no idea about his threatening nature and about how overprotective he is. I don't have to act the part of a crestfallen man because that's the way I truly feel. I don’t know how to get past all of that and to the point where we can be together.

  I stay at the luxe lounge for two more drinks and then make my very public walk to the penthouse elevator. Everyone who didn't witness our breakup knows about it now. The news has traveled like wildfire. My phone is pinging as concerned friends hear of the news. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s trending on social media. We probably have our own fucking hashtag.

  I go into the elevator and loosen my tie. I'm ready to be with Sienna without pretenses and without the charade. I want things to work out between us. I know this now. I'm ready to just be and to stop pretending.

  A little while more, I tell myself. At least it's guaranteed that she'll be with me for a few more days yet, until we have this under control.

  I go inside the penthouse and can't wait to find her. She's waiting for me by the window and we both burst out laughing at our pretend fight

  "You did really good down there," she says. "I'd hate to break up with you for real."

  "Yes," I agree. "My suit is still wet. You didn't tell me you were going to do that."

  She grins "Oh well, when the bartender delivered that water, I thought it'd be a nice touch."

  Her eyes are mischievous. "Hey, at least it wasn't wine."

  "Is that so?"

  Her playful mood deserves my full attention. I make sure the doors are locked and then I show her just how she’s going to pay for that splash of water.


  I can't believe I'm back on Roger's arm. After spending so much time with Leo lately, I'd nearly forgotten about what my real life was like when I was an actual, not just to him. Now every man pales in comparison to Leo.

  As much as I've tried to resist getting emotional about anything that's transpired between us, I find myself constantly thinking of him. It feels like a betrayal somehow to even be on another man's arm, even though I know it's all part of a broader scheme. And even though Leo and I haven’t actually talked about what’s going on between us.

  Roger thinks I'm here to work. As far as he's concerned, I've been paid by Leo and now he can keep the money and still sell me to other men. It's a money game, and I know Roger wouldn't bother to help us if he knew that ultimately we’re trying to bring down the informants that are trying to get to us. My boss certainly doesn't have a very good scouting system if he's been letting me be sold to men who are working undercover.

  He's pretty well respected in this town though, and Roger's known for only having the best girls. Which is why I went to work for him in the first place. I would never work for some low-end escort service, but after this entire fiasco, I’m rethinking my job of choice.

  A man approaches us almost immediately after entering the Inner Sanctum. Things move fast in this business, especially under Roger. He murmurs about the exchange and then it's done and I'm shifted subtly to the arms of the new businessman that has paid for my services.

  "Well, hello there," I flirt as I take his proffered arm.

  He's an average looking guy. His suit is of moderate quality. He looks like every other middle-income businessman in town.

  I'm looking around for Leo. He's supposed to be watching me but at a safe distance. I don't feel right about any of this but I know I have to do what's required. It’s all part of the plan. All I can do is hope that Leo has eyes on me from somewhere.

  "What's your name?" I ask him.

  "I'm William, at your service."

  "Okay, William, well I'm Sienna. And shouldn’t I be the one at your service?" I tease, though the words nearly stick in my throat.

  Leo told me I’m not supposed to use my real name in this business, even though Roger did at first, but it's the only way to catch an informant. They're looking for me, and the more obvious I can make it the better. Luckily he reveals himself a little too soon.

  He says, "I know."

  That little tidbit of information gives me everything I need to know. He's got to be an informant. Especially with how quickly he approached me. Our plan should work perfectly.

  He tries to cover his tracks. "I mean, Roger there told me your name."

  I know it's not true because I was standing right there. This guy is working undercover and he's not very good at it. At all.

  "Do you wanna go to the bar over there? The Zen Lounge I think it's called."

  "Sure that would be great."

  I squeeze his arm and plaster on a big fake smile. I'm trying to not be obvious but I'm looking for Leo everywhere.

  We enter the lounge and take a seat at a private little table partly shrouded in curtains. The waiter comes over and thinks we're just another couple in town. There's nothing extraordinary about our coupling except for the fact that I'm dressed better than him. Maybe I should've played it down a little bit and not worn Gucci. But the men who can afford escorts like me typically dress better. Yet another clue that this is my guy.

  "I'll have a glass of pinot," I say when the bartender approaches.

  "And the gentleman?"

  "Martini, neat, no olives."

  "Coming right up."

  I wish I'd ordered something stronger. I'll need it to get through this night. The bartender comes back quickly with our drinks, and I see over his shoulder Leo is tucked away at the back of the bar. Thank god.

  His eyes meet mine and I see a fury within them. He's jealous, I realize, though I don't know why. It's not like I want to be with this guy. It's all part of the plan. The plan he came up with!

  I try to remind him of that by giving him the signal that I'm with an informant. I flip my hair to the right so he can see, and he acknowledges the movement with a slight nod.

  I turn back to my date. "So are you in town for long?"

  "Just a few nights. What do you say we scoot these chairs a little closer together so I can really get to know you?"

  He moves his chair next to me before I even have a chance to protest. Yuck. I wrinkle my nose in spite of myself. I don't want this guy's paws all over me and yet I know that's what's about to happen.

  He's got the ick factor for sure, and I’ll have to sit here and endure it, even pretend that I like it. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I try to smother the cringe that I feel. It’s becoming more and more obvious that I’m not cut out for this escort gig.

  I see Leo about to get up. He's pissed that the man is touching me. That's not part of the escort contract, but for some reason, they all think they can do it. I'm supposed to be seen with them and to provide entertainment, not be groped and handled like this. It's really a dangerous position to put women in, and again and I'm wondering why I signed up for this job in the first place.

  I really thought it was going to be a glamorous adventure with some of Vegas's richest bachelors. Instead, it's been nothing but a creep fest, and I can’t wait to get out of it. Leo was right. Even though I’m not required to have a physical relationship with the men, it’s still expected by most of the clients.

  I toss Leo a pleading glance, and he sits back down.

  The man notices my wandering eyes and he's a real asshole about it.

  "Hey, honey, how about you focus on one man at a time?"

  Thankfully he doesn't see Leo, because that would be a dead giveaway, but I have to take his comment in stride, and that’s really fucking hard. I turn up the charm and start to flirt to distract him. I need him to not notice Leo or that will blow up all our carefully laid plans. I also make sure to play my part.

  "William," I give him my full attention, "no one could distract me from you. You have no idea how glad I am that you're my client. They're not all as hot as you are."

  I'm playing it up big time, totally fucking lying through my teeth.

  He grabs my head and pulls me toward him so he can whisper in my ear.

  "I want to get you back to my hotel room and show you what a real man can do."

  Normally I’d resist such a line but I have to pretend that I'm cool with everything. I turn my head so I can see Leo's angry eyes without William noticing.

  Though Leo's so pissed, it makes me feel better to know that he has me covered. Otherwise, with the advances my date is making, I'd be feeling really unsafe by now.

  "Come on," William says. "Let me get you out of here."

  "Don't you want another drink?" I'm trying to stall. "Please, I'd love to have what you're having."

  It works, and William is satisfied for now. I talk with him and try to extend the evening as much as possible. I emphasize the fact that I'm working for money and I like it. Normally I wouldn't talk about any of this, but to trap an informant I'll do anything.

  I see Leo every now and then when I can sneak a glance. I see the possessiveness written all over his face. It turns me on to think of him wanting to kill any man who touches me.

  My feelings for Leo are becoming harder and harder to ignore. I feel the intensity of our growing connection all the t

  Even though he broke my heart when we were younger and I had no idea why—still have no idea—I'm finding that those old feelings are not forgotten. I was in love with him then and I think I am now.

  Maybe it was always him that I was waiting for. Maybe some secret part of my heart was always hoping that he'd find me, that his abandonment was all a mistake, and that he'd be the one after all.

  I'm worried, though, that loving Leo again will leave me broken. He did it once and I might just be a fool to expect things to be different now. He's the ultimate playboy billionaire. I don't see him changing that lifestyle for me anytime soon. Yet his eyes are crazed with jealousy and I desperately want to know what that means for us.

  William is becoming more and more insistent that I leave with him. It's time to deflect and to put an end to the night.

  "You know what, William? If you meet me right here tomorrow night, I promise that I will spend the night with you. Okay? You see, I have another booking tonight that I have to get to."

  He seems appeased for now, and we make the agreement. Thank God I can get away from him now. That was pure torture.


  I'm going fucking ballistic watching Sienna on the arm of that average joe. How did he even get a date? Don't her clients have to at least be multi-millionaires? I know he's an informant so that's probably why he doesn't look worth a dime, but even if the guy had money, I'd still be going out of my fucking mind with jealousy.

  I try not to get jealous and I usually don't. No woman has ever been worth it. No woman provokes that primal feeling of passion inside me.

  Usually, I'm not into anything deep, but with Sienna, it's getting deeper every day. And watching her right now is making me want to throat punch that bastard.

  I order tequila. It might not help, but there's a good chance it will. The fiery liquid goes down hot, just the way I like it. It's something to distract me from the repulsive scene I see before me.

  That motherfucker’s hands are all over my woman and it's all I can do to stand back. I take another shot and then sit bleakly watching the scene unfold.

  I know it's all for a purpose. I know we have a plan. But I wasn't expecting that watching her with someone else would awaken such powerful emotions in me.


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