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The Marriage Mistake_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 105

by Natalie Knight

  "You're lying,” he screams. “You could never love a guy like me."

  I take a minute to consider my options and then say, "That's what I thought too at first. But then after I met you last night, you were all I could think about. Didn't you feel the same way?"

  I've got him confused now. He shakes his sweaty head and tugs on his hair in a frenzied gesture.

  "You mean you wanted to be with me?"

  "That's right. Still do. But I don't like being tied up, so come release me and then we can get more comfortable."

  "No!" he yells. "It's not true. You’re trying to trick me. I know you have a boyfriend."

  I flinch at his manic switch from confused to insane.

  I force a smile. "Oh, but you pale in comparison to him."

  "I don't believe you, you lying bitch!"

  I'm starting to lose him, and that means I'm starting to lose myself. I could be dead in an instant if I don't get a handle on him.

  "William, please believe me.” My voice shakes as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. “I broke up with Leo today. My bags are packed ready to run away with you."

  "Really?" Tears stream down his face now.

  His mood is more mercurial than anything I've ever seen. I'm wishing now I'd gone into Psychology rather than Finance so that I could know how to talk him down from this ledge.

  And to my utter horror, I see the flash of steel that indicates a gun as he reaches into his jacket for a tissue to wipe his sweating brow and tear-stained cheeks.

  Oh my God.

  It's all over.

  These are my last moments. In a state of complacent calm, I accept my fate. Maybe it's the wrong reaction, but I just keep staring at the streams of sunlight as they come in through the window.

  I think about how beautiful life is and how I need to appreciate these last moments of beauty. I hear myself breathing as if in slow motion. And then the most extraordinary thing happens.

  "Sienna! Sienna are you in there?"

  Leo? Am I imagining it? Am I actually already dead? Or maybe just unconscious and dreaming.

  Then I hear the pounding on the door and I snap back to reality.

  It is Leo! He’s come for me.

  "Leo! He has a gun!" I yell hoping to keep him from coming in.

  Please God, let it be me that dies and not him.

  He came for me, but he's a moment too late. William grabs my hair and pushes the gun up to my temple.

  "Please, William,” I sob. “Please don't do this. Think of the life you could have. My brother will still pay you. Just put the gun down. Please, put the gun down."

  I'm full out crying now. I'm about to be shot. Leo will walk in and I'll be dead. I'm crying out of fear and I'm crying because he's just a minute too late to save me.

  Everything we could’ve had was right within our reach. And now, because of this crazed maniac, it’s all going to be taken from me.

  Then another paralyzing thought hits me. What if William kills him, too?

  And it will all have been my fault. If only I'd listened and never insisted on being an escort, this tragedy wouldn't be happening.

  "Please, Leo,” I beg, “just go! He's got a gun to my head."

  Just then, as if on cue, the door bursts open. A crew of security guards surrounds us. And then there's Leo.

  For a brief moment I think maybe I've died and this is a dream of how I wish it had all gone.

  "Let her go," he says. He’s firm but cautious with William.

  He tosses a bag of money towards him, and it distracts William enough to give the security team their chance.

  They tackle him to the ground and a shot's fired. It bounces off the ceiling, but thank God it doesn't hurt anyone.

  Leo stalks toward William and crushes his wrist with one booted heel, forcing the psycho to drop his gun.

  And then it's all over.

  The police arrive and drag William off to jail.

  Leo gently unties me. I'm in a shocked daze as he puts my arms around his neck and lifts me up.

  "I'll never let you touch the ground again. All I want is for you to be safe. I'm so sorry, baby." He kisses me gently, as though a kiss could ever make up for what's transpired, what I’ve caused.

  I blame myself for everything.

  "Leo, I'm so sorry. He just grabbed me. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. I thought you'd find me dead and..."

  "Shh, baby. It's okay. It's over now. It's all over."

  "But it's my fault," I say as he wipes the tears away.

  "It's not your fault, baby. None of this is."

  "Can you forgive me?"

  "For what baby? You're perfect. And now we're together."

  And then I see my brother over his shoulder.

  "What is Jax doing here?"

  "He helped me. He helped organize everything. I couldn't have done it without his help."

  "You mean you guys worked together?" I ask incredulously.

  He laughs. "Pretty unbelievable, right?"

  I want him to take me home to the penthouse and to fuck my brains out to make me forget this whole night, to remember that I'm alive, to give me reassurance that everything will be okay.

  And I know he wants the same connect, to know that this is real. We haven't had any time to celebrate, But we can’t just yet. Right now, the place is a flurry of activity with policemen everywhere, and it looks like we won't be getting out of here anytime soon.


  Finally, late into the evening, the cops set us free. I’ve given them all I can. My body is exhausted, and despite being back in Leo's arms, having a brush with death is no laughing matter.

  I feel spent and not in a good way.

  "Can we just go home so I can take a shower?" I ask him.

  "Of course, baby."

  He takes me back up to the penthouse and has extra security stand outside the doors just to make me feel safe. The threat is over, we know, but until the cops have investigated all the angles it makes me feel more at ease knowing they are armed guards just outside the door.

  I immediately pull my clothes off and trash them. I never want to see that outfit again. I walk naked through the penthouse into the shower. Once inside, I curl up into a little ball on the floor and let the shower rain over me.

  The water slides down my back, and in here, within this privacy, I let the tears fall freely for all I almost lost.

  I cradle myself in my own arms and the warm water provides some assurance, like life is saying, You haven't lost yet, baby. You still have more to live.

  The shower helps to wash the wretchedness of William off my body. The idea of my last moments on Earth being been spent with him makes me want to fall apart. I hope he's rotting in jail and that he never gets out.

  Eventually, the water turns cool and it's only then that I rinse off and re-emerge back into the world of the living. The world I’m still a part of thanks to Leo.

  Leo’s knocking gently on the door. "Sienna are you okay? You've been in there awhile."

  "I'm okay," I say in all honesty. "I just needed some time...alone."

  "All right, well come out soon. Your brother's here to see you."

  My brother? What the hell is he doing here?

  I wouldn't have thought he'd care if I lived or died the way he’s been acting lately. He's probably just happy not to have to make the ransom for me.

  I brush my hair and pull on a pair of Leo's oversized sweats. I want to be warm and cozy, not cute.

  I come out of the bathroom, swimming in his black sweat suit. Jax is there, and the two of them seem to be like old friends pouring shots at Leo's kitchen island.

  "What am I missing?" I say, unhappy that Jax is here.

  I might as well apologize for my part in the debacle. After all, none of it would've happened without me insisting on being an escort.

  "Jax, I owe you an apology. You warned me to stay away from this business and I just
didn't listen."

  I'm too tired to argue if he won't accept my apology.

  To my surprise, he says, "It's fine, Sienna. In fact, it really wasn't your fault. I'd heard about some disgruntled employee a while back, but I didn't take it seriously. I should've been more on guard."

  "So," I rib him as only a sister can do. "You're saying it's actually all your fault?"

  He smiles. "Yes, for the sake of avoiding an argument, or hell, an all-out war, let's just say that."

  "Fine by me."

  "Here, baby." Leo hands me a shot of whiskey.

  "So it's going to be that kind of night?" I ask, ready for some levity.

  "Let's hope so," he says with a gleam in his eye.

  Instead of yelling at us and going crazy, Jax seems surprisingly fine about Leo and me flirting.

  "Have you finally accepted it, brother? That I'm in love with your friend?"

  "Love? Do you hear that, Leo? She loves you."

  He sidles up next to me and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. It's a small act, but filled with promise. Leo never would have been so free with that type of affection before.

  "It's a good thing, too," Leo says. "Because, Sienna, I think it's safe to say that I've loved you forever...since we were kids. After you and I were together that first time, Jax forced me to stay away from you. Right Jax?"

  My brother looks up from his whiskey, his expression somber. "I admit it. I'm sorry, Sienna. I threatened him at the time and used all my influence to chase him out of town. That's why it appeared like he abandoned you. I just didn't want you to get hurt. Can you try to see it from my perspective?"

  All those lonely nights of crying myself to sleep come flashing across my mind.

  "I thought...I thought you just didn't like me, Leo. You'd had your fill. I was a conquest or something." I’d been devastated.

  He looks at me and his eyes reflect genuine regret. "I never should've left. No matter what Jax did or what he threatened, I should never have left you like that. I've loved you since I first set eyes on you Sienna. I loved you then, and I've loved you every day since."

  Tears of regret come up for all those times I spent ruminating over what I could've done wrong to make Leo leave so abruptly.

  Now I realize it was all Jax.

  How my brother could've remained tight-lipped for all that time I spent grieving Leo, I'll never understand. He saw how badly I was hurting for years afterward and yet he never revealed the truth.

  "Jax, how could you?"

  I am so tired of crying. I want this day to end with me by Leo's side, never looking back.

  "I'm sorry, Sienna, truly I am. I thought he was going to hurt you. I really did. I thought he was just out to prove that he could get you. I had no idea he actually loved you. Now I see that his love is real. It's been him all along, and I'm so sorry for being so overprotective. I never should've overstepped my bounds like that."

  I nod, taking a steadying breath. I want to be angry at him. I want to rail and rage that he caused me to lose ten years with the man I love. But if I’ve learned anything through this experience tonight, it’s that life’s too short to hold grudges.

  Relationships are too important when they can just be taken away from you in a heartbeat.

  "It's okay," I say, and this time I mean it. "I'm ready to put the past behind us for good now and never look back."

  "Deal," Jax says. "I see now that Leo’s never going to break your heart. That's all I ever wanted for you, Sienna."

  "Thanks, Jax."

  He gets up and kisses me on the cheek. "I'm glad you're okay. You should've seen this guy in action.” He nods toward Leo. “He wasn’t going to stop until he'd torn through the entire casino making sure you were found. You've got a good guy here."

  "Thanks man," Leo says. "But I couldn't have done it without you."

  "Now I better take my leave and give you guys some privacy."

  Leo walks him out, and I'm left in pure astonishment mulling over the fact that Leo never wanted to leave me. He was sent away by Jax.

  If only I’d known, I would've followed him anywhere. I could've told him Jax was way too protective and that he threatened every boyfriend I ever had. Normally, I just ignored him back then, but poor Leo. Jax must've threatened him big time.

  Leo walks back in and embraces me.

  "We're finally alone," he says.

  "Leo, I have one question. What could Jax possibly have said to make you leave?"

  He looks away as though he's ashamed.

  "What is it? Tell me."

  Finally, he admits, "He used my Achilles Heel. He knew that I never felt good enough for you. I came from nothing and you came from everything. Jax said he'd use the family name to exert influence over me. He threatened to smear my reputation so that I'd never get into school and I'd never find a job. I believed he could do it, Sienna. That's why I left. I felt like you deserved someone better, someone with more to give."

  The more I find out, the more it's all clicking into place. Leo didn't feel worthy.

  "Is that why you created this empire?" I ask.

  "Yes. I figured that if I ever saw you again in the future that I'd be ready. I did all of this for you. Though over time I became so jilted that the memory of you lay deeper in my heart as I covered it with booze, sex, and adrenaline. I've spent the last ten years trying to forget about you."

  I hug his neck and kiss his lips tenderly. "But Leo, I never forgot about you. Not for one day. And you were always worth it. I never cared about that kind of thing. Money or no money, I always loved you too."

  His eyes light up. He should've known me better than to think I could ever love anyone besides him. Or that where he came from mattered in the slightest.

  His arms come around my waist and then he's pulling softly on my hair so that my chin lifts up and he has full access to my mouth.

  "Now," he says authoritatively, "I can do what I want to you and no one will stop me."

  Anticipation pumps through my veins as I imagine all the ways he'll make me his. After so much time lost, I see that Leo will need to know wholeheartedly that I’m his forever.

  He kisses me with reckless abandon, with his commanding, dominating way that tells me it's going to be a long, unforgettable night...


  I take her in my arms and want to offer a shoulder to cry on, a shield to protect her from all the pain of the night. But the only thing I can give her is myself...unabashedly here to give her whatever she needs to heal.

  There are no more games between us. No more taunting and tormenting each other by being apart. Tonight revealed the truth that if anything happened to Sienna I would be at a loss for how to move on.

  May that motherfucker who did this to her pay with his life. Jax will make sure he stays behind bars forever. But that doesn't ease the fact that I want to punch his face in.

  "Leo, I was so scared," she says to me tearfully. "I thought I wasn't going to make it. I thought you would find my bloodied body and that would be more love story."

  My God, the poor thing and what she must've been feeling, hoping I'd come to help her, but thinking probably that was the end. My heart is relieved that I came at the moment I did and that she's safe.

  Being with her is the only thing that can calm my violent temper about the situation down. I'll definitely be on the phone with security in the morning or as soon as she falls asleep.

  I want her to know that I cherish every moment together, that I saved her tonight and I will always be there to save her, and that above all, I love her and always have.

  I envelop her with my arms and kiss her hair. My joy is in knowing that it's all over, the danger has passed, and finally, we can begin our happy ending.

  "Baby, I know you must've been scared. But trust me, I was going to be there for you. Why else do you think I have my eye on you so closely? I'm always watching and I'm always prepared in case something happens."

  "Oh Leo," she says. "I hope that's
true because I've felt so alone for so long. I was scared to escort because it's an evil business. And I guess I learned that the hard way."

  "It's okay. You thought it just meant dating and traditionally that's what it does mean. But here in Vegas there's a dark underbelly of prostitution going on and escorting is just a fancy name for that. Why else do you think I was desperate to get you out of it?"

  "I'm lucky," she says. "I had you to buy me and to show me the way out. Lots of women don't have that and I hate to think what they'll experience."

  She gives me an idea for the future, "We can change all that, you and me. I built this casino after all. We can build a new life for escorts."

  She looks at me hopefully, "You think so?"

  "I know so," I hold her tightly. "Now come relax. You've been through enough for one night. How about we go to the terrace, have some wine, and order up dinner?"

  "That sounds perfect."

  She's wearing my sweatpants and though I know it's not her aim she looks fucking hot. I pull up the sweatshirt a little so I can see her abs and how she's folded over the pants a couple times so they fit across her waist. There's something so sexy about seeing her all dressed down, not glam at all. If she can look this good in sweats imagine her body in a tight dress. Fuck. My cock is getting hard.

  She hugs my neck and I know she can feel it.

  "Leo, are you turned on by me, dressed down?" she laughs.

  "I can't help it, baby, you look so good. It makes me want to get you naked."

  She's giggling at the way I can't hold back. I kiss her and taste her hungrily. I don't want to dwell on it but for a moment there I was worried about losing her. She almost slipped through my fingers and it was too close of a call. In my head, I'm thinking about implementing extra security, but in my heart, I'm thinking about making her come so hard so that her mind is on me and not on what happened.

  She kisses me and tastes me back. But it's not enough. I can never get enough of Sienna.

  I pull her to the couch and she sits on my lap, legs on either side of me. The feel of her straddling me is such a turn on. She presses against my cock and it hardens more to think how close I am of pounding into that sweet pussy of hers.


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