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28 Days: a romantic suspense

Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  Feeling her core as it pulsed tightly around him, he lost it, and spilled his warm release deeply inside her. Tiny aftershocks pulled more from him, so much so that his legs shook with the power behind his climax.

  Panting, Saige started kissing him all over his face, neck, and back up to his face. Finally finding his lips, she whispered, “I’m yours, Quinten. I love you,” before she sealed their lips in such a powerful kiss that he felt it to his toes…

  Suddenly awake, Quinten panted and tried to get his bearings.

  Like an ax falling, reality struck his heart and caused it to lurch in pain. Saige wasn’t there…he wasn’t with her. He was still in prison…dreaming of her. But it had felt so real that he’d come hard in his briefs.

  His breath caught in the back of his throat and tears fell from his eyes for the love that never had a chance so long ago.

  Day 10


  * * *

  Saige watched Quinten sleep softly on his back beside her, the covers long since shoved to the floor.

  Sated from a night of loving, Saige smiled as she remembered how beautifully he’d made love to her the first time, and she vowed to never forget it. She’d fallen in love with him and wanted nothing more than to spend all her time in his presence.

  They had never made love before that night, but she knew he’d thought about it, like she had.

  Usually they’d talk until the early hours of the morning then go their separate ways before anyone else was up for the day. That part she hated. She wanted to be able to sleep in his arms every night, and to wake up with the sun streaming through the windows while they made slow, sweet love. She wanted to pull him down to breakfast and shout to the world that they were in love, but they couldn’t do that…at least, not yet.

  Needing to feel his hands on her once more, Saige couldn’t resist waking him in a most delicious way. A way he hadn’t wanted her to feel she had to do to him, after he’d used his wicked mouth on her.

  Her eyes moved to his penis and widened when she saw how swollen he was in his sleep. Her heart pounded with arousal as she reached out with a hand and slowly traced around one of his nipples before she let her fingers tickle down his hard stomach and along his shaft.

  Becoming bolder, Saige ran her fingers back and forth along Quinten’s throbbing flesh, which was warm and smooth beneath her touch.

  Her small hand wrapped around his girth, her thumb rubbed over the leaking tip...and that’s when she heard a loud groan before she found herself on her back with Quinten looming over her.

  She met his glittering, hunter green eyes seconds before he dropped his head and kissed her taut nipples, rousing a melting sweetness within her.

  “I love these,” he whispered, cupping her breasts in his large hands before blowing warm air over them.

  He smiled and slowly moved his hands downward, skimming either side of her body to her thighs. They trembled at his touch and she whimpered when he placed her legs over his shoulders and nibbled along her flesh until he arrived at her pelvis.

  He nuzzled against her and she felt her face heat with embarrassment.

  Quinten chuckled, and opened her up to his eyes. All it took was a teasing pressure against her clit with his tongue and she was ready for him.

  “Inside me,” she begged.

  He met her gaze, his face buried between her legs. “I love being down here.” He breathed against her.

  “It’s morning,” she felt tears choke her. “I have to leave—” she didn’t finish her sentence.

  Quinten quickly rose up, took hold of his hard flesh and slowly sank into her welcoming heat.

  He gathered her against his warm, pulsing body. Her breasts tingled against his hair-roughened chest, as her hands caressed the planes of his back before her fingers dug into his buttocks.

  “I love you, and I don’t want to leave you,” Saige confessed.

  He kissed her, hard and long. “You’ll be back in my arms before you know it, Saige.” He kissed her on the tip of her nose. “I love you. Only you.”

  Quinten slowly moved his hips...

  Tears streamed down her face and Saige felt the wet pillow under her seconds before her eyes opened. She knew, without a doubt, that her dream had been a memory. The love she’d felt coming from Quinten had been tremendous, and to think that she’d thrown all that away because she hadn’t remembered. How had she not remembered being with him before now?

  And the chair that she had in her apartment in Tampa—her favorite one that they would cuddle up on and talk. It had been their chair. Somehow she’d known that the chair had meaning to her, and now she knew what it was. Saige just wished that she had the rest of her memories. She was so desperate to remember. The fact that she couldn’t left a hard lump in the pit of her stomach. How did Quinten feel knowing that she couldn’t remember him or their time together? Saige knew, deep in her heart, that he hadn’t been the one to harm her.

  Saige turned over in bed to lay on her side, using the quilt to wipe at her cheeks. Her heart hurt and she felt utter misery. Even only having that one vivid memory of Quinten made her crave to have him lying beside her with his arms holding her snuggled tightly against his strong chest.

  * * *


  * * *

  The chains grated on Quinten’s nerves as he entered a small room to visit with his brother. The visiting rooms in the building he’d been moved to were more private than what had been used when he’d been in a death row cell. And while he liked the new rooms, reason as to why he’d been moved caused his heart to beat recklessly in his chest.

  As the guard indicated for him to sit, he wondered whether or not a stay would be given. Until he’d been convicted, he believed in the justice system, but not anymore.

  Quinten knew that he was innocent—of the murders and hurting Saige. He only had himself to blame for screwing up the crime scene with his blood. His only concern at the time had been getting Saige and getting the hell out of the shack.

  Eight years later, he still had trouble getting his head around the fact that he had been convicted while the real fucker was out there somewhere. That had been his fear at first—that the real bastard would go back and finish off Saige because she’d been the one to get away—to survive.

  No one would listen except Detective Robinson. The detective hadn’t completely been on his side, but Robinson had been the only one to question the evidence at the scene. In the end it hadn’t mattered, he’d still been given the blue pants and orange shirt to wear for the remainder of his life.

  When the door creaked open, he turned and watched Alex walk into the room. His brother looked the same as always in his jeans and heavy rock T-shirt. But he had cut his normally unruly hair.

  Once a month, his brother would visit and Quinten knew that it always took a lot out of Alex. It took a lot out of him as well...except this time would be different.

  Alex cleared his throat and finally met his gaze. “You okay?” Alex asked.

  “I haven’t been okay in eight years.” Quinten sighed. “Sorry. It’s not your fault that I’m in here.”

  “It is.” Alex’s eyes flickered to the side before he met Quinten’s again, “I should have done more.”

  Quinten shook his head, as the older brother, Alex had always taken on the task of watching his back. Changing the subject, he said, “I’ve heard you’re helping Saige. That’s good.” Even saying her name out loud to his brother caused his heart to hitch in his chest.

  “Yeah.” Alex let out a loud breath and laughed. “I’m an idiot. I spent all this time being angry with her for not helping you back then when she had no clue about any of it. Even when I first talked to her I was slightly skeptical about her loss of memory, but there was no faking her reaction when I told her that she had a relationship with you.”

  Quinten flinched, dipping his head so Alex wouldn’t see how much it hurt. Not only couldn’t she remember him, but she was out there right now trying to
get her memories back. He hoped that she did. He wanted and needed to see her just one more time before...

  “If it helps, she dreamt about you last night.”

  That got his attention and his eyes snapped back to his brother.

  “Go on.” Quinten waited impatiently for Alex to tell him.

  “Saige was tired at breakfast and wouldn’t go into detail, but she looked visibly shaken. She finally admitted to dreaming about you. I got the impression that it was, um, one of those dreams.” Alex cleared his throat and offered him an embarrassed smile. “I think Christina is hiding something. She certainly influenced Saige into choosing your image when she was asked.”

  Saige hadn’t been the only one to dream last night. He’d lain awake for hours before he managed to fall back asleep. In a way, he hated having dreams about Saige because it made him realize all the more what he’d lost.

  “Christina hated me being with Saige. She also hated the fact that you’d tease her before knocking her back.”

  Alex wouldn’t meet his gaze. “She’ll talk.”

  “Alex,” Quinten growled, “don’t go doing something you’ll regret.” His brother was hot headed and had a habit of acting before thinking. “The last thing I want is for you to end up in jail and for Saige to be alone out there.”

  Alex smirked. “Are you only concerned about Saige, bro?”

  “Dammit.” Quinten tried to control his temper at his brother. “You know damn well that I love you. You’re the only family I have...but I love Saige as well. Hell, God knows what can of worms she’s going to open by doing what she’s as well.”

  “You mean trying to save your ass?”

  “Yes.” Quinten hated knowing that Saige was out there and vulnerable. “Whoever took her is still out there and if the wrong person finds out what she’s doing...I don’t even have to say’s obvious. Just watch her back as though it’s mine.”

  Alex shook his head and his eyes filled with guilt. “I didn’t do such a good job with yours.”

  “There was nothing you could have done. Once they had the DNA results back they didn’t look for anyone else.” And wasn’t that the truth. He’d been guilty in their eyes regardless of what he said. Detective Robinson had been the one to question everything. Jocelyn, his ex-wife, hadn’t helped with her lies. He didn’t think that she’d have known the truth if it had jumped up and bit her on the ass.

  “You heard about Jocelyn?” Quinten asked, and watched Alex wipe a hand down his face as though he was exhausted.

  “Yeah. Detective Robinson showed up in Port Jude and told Saige and me...” He glanced around the room, his eyes falling on the barred window that overlooked an exercise yard. “A woman was murdered five nights ago as well,” he added, his voice raw with emotion.

  Quinten frowned. “What does that have to do with me?”

  “I don’t know. Her name was Fern Jordan and she worked for Daniel Sterling. Detective Robinson thinks both Jocelyn and Fern’s murders are connected in some way to you. I don’t see how.” Alex raised a questioning brow to him.

  “I never met Fern, and I don’t think I’ve heard her name before.”

  “Didn’t think so,” Alex admitted but avoided his gaze again as his eyes swept the room.

  “What’s going on with you?” Quinten asked, wondering if his brother lied to him.

  He used to be able to tell when Alex lied because he’d avoid looking at him, and he’d twitch, which he did now.

  “Nothing,” Alex replied and laughed. “Seriously, I’m okay. But I do need to talk to you about Saige.”

  “Five minutes,” the guard informed them.

  Quinten nodded to acknowledge that he’d heard.

  “What about Saige?” Quinten asked.

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea that she comes here.” Alex waved his arms around. “Are you sure you want her to see you in this place?”

  He closed his eyes because he wanted to be selfish and say yes.

  “I don’t think it would do her any good coming here. This place takes it out of you. I wouldn’t want any girl I cared about seeing me in this place.”

  Quinten’s anger rose as he listened to his brother. At least Alex could leave when he wanted. There was only one way Quinten was leaving.

  “I don’t even know if she wants to come and visit me,” he said, his anger leaking out.

  “Robinson agreed to bring her. He’ll be able to get her in, but I want you to refuse.”


  “She’s too damn sweet to be in this place,” Alex admitted.

  “If she wants to come then...I look forward to seeing her.” Quinten stood and shuffled toward the guard.

  He refused to look back at his brother. He was angry and wondered what the fuck was going on between Alex and Saige.

  * * *


  * * *

  “Well…well…well, if it isn’t the whore...”

  Saige dropped to the grass on her hands and knees as the pain echoed in her head and she wondered what the hell that memory had been about. Someone with long dark hair had taunted her with those words...was it Jocelyn?

  She had no memory of ever talking to the woman. Saige had felt a shiver of fear slide down her spine at the taunt that had been delivered by a very angry woman.


  She heard the voice but it sounded like it came at her from faraway.

  “You’ll never have him.”

  Rapidly blinking, Saige tried to shake more of the memory free as hands grabbed her arms and helped her sit on the grass.

  “Saige, look at me.”

  Her eyes moved and met those of Detective Coulter Robinson.

  “What happened?”

  She raised a shaky hand to her forehead but, feeling weak, gave up and let her hand drop to her lap. She rested her forehead against her raised knees. “A sudden vision of a dark haired woman”—Saige swallowed, not wanting to admit who she thought it was and held Coulter’s gaze—“was before my eyes.” She sighed. “She said, ‘You’ll never have him’...I’m presuming that she meant Quinten? Could it have been Jocelyn? I didn’t see her properly, more like a fuzzy image.”

  “That would make sense, I guess. But Quinten and Alex said they didn’t think she knew about you two until the day you left for school.” Coulter frowned.

  “Even though we lived in the same town, I don’t ever remember talking to Jocelyn, and her appearance would change with the wind. I knew who she was. I think the whole town knew of her, but it would only make sense for her to say the words I heard. It wouldn’t make any sense otherwise.” Saige turned to her hands and knees and scrambled to her feet.

  Coulter followed and stood in front of her. “I don’t like any of this, Saige. None. Something happened eight years ago and I’m now, more than ever, convinced an innocent man was sent to prison. That’s the first thing that needs correcting.” Coulter placed his hands on his hips and stared out across the ocean.

  It would normally have a calming presence on her, but not anymore. Not while her mind was in turmoil.

  “I’m scared, Coulter,” Saige whispered. “What if we can’t help Quinten in time?”

  Coulter watched her carefully. “I’m taking you to the prison with me in two days.”

  Saige gasped and turned to the detective. “It’s been approved?”

  He nodded. “The warden will probably be present.”

  Saige raised a brow as Coulter continued to explain, “Although it isn’t unheard of for a victim to visit her abductor in prison, it isn’t everyday that one wants to visit one on death row. I spoke to the warden and told him about your memory loss, so he’s as interested as I am in seeing how you react in Quinten’s presence.” Coulter offered a small smile. “He has a soft spot for Quinten.”

  “I’m really going to see him?” Saige whispered the question as her body was wracked by a whirlwind of emotion—excitement, need, fear, apprehension, and worry. She was s
cared of going to the prison. She was terrified of what she might remember.

  “Yes. You really are going to see him.” Coulter watched her. “The prison isn’t for the fainthearted, Saige, so just remember I’ll be with you every step of the way, okay?”

  Saige nodded. “Alex won’t be happy.”

  Coulter frowned. “Why?”

  “He wants me to stay away from the prison...I can’t. I need to see him, and I won’t lie, I’m hoping the rest of my memory hits me when I’m in Quinten’s presence.”

  “Try not to get your hopes up. The mind doesn’t always do what we want.”

  “I know.” Saige started walking toward the house. “Can I get you a coffee or a cold drink?” she offered, and smiled when he fell into step beside her.

  “I’ll pass this time. I want to head back into town and talk to some of the townsfolk.”

  Saige smiled. “I hope you have a better time at it than Alex and I did.” She shrugged. “Agnes at the pharmacy knows everyone and everything, except what happened to those girls or me. She genuinely seemed disappointed that she didn’t know anything.”

  “I’ll call in and say hello,” Coulter smiled.

  “Mmm, using some of that hidden charm, Detective?” Saige’s eyes lit with amusement, more so when Coulter blushed.

  “Maybe,” he agreed, and then changed the subject. “The sheriff is out of town and due back this evening, so I’ll visit the sheriff’s office tomorrow morning.”

  “What about my father and Christina? You’re still going to talk to them, right?”

  Coulter nodded. “I hoped to catch them while I was here, but Pattie informed me that neither are around.”

  “My father has a meeting with a client, and I’ve no idea where Christina is.”

  “What about Alex?”


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