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Cursed Crown

Page 4

by Laura Greenwood

  Kayla just shrugged, not saying anything as Svetlana backed her against the wall. Even if she didn't have her cornered and with a tight grip on Kayla's wrist, then she didn't think the woman would run away. She was loyal to a fault, and she’d pay dearly for it.

  "Fine, have it your way." Svetlana called upon her power, thinking the words that she'd memorised as soon as she'd found them.

  Finally, Kayla began to react, her free hand flying to her throat and clutching at it, not unlike Cienna had before. But this was different, and a satisfied smile crossed Svetlana's face. Blue smoke swam around Kayla and she disappeared before Svetlana's eyes. She was somewhat disappointed that she hadn't seen the results of the curse, but at least she knew it had taken. Kayla would have to live in the sea, alone, for the rest of her life.

  10 Cienna

  She ran from the palace, colliding with someone who was just entering. They fell into a heap, and when she pulled back and looked down at the person, she met a startling pair of green eyes. They were oddly familiar to her, though she couldn't quite tell why that was.

  "Good evening," she said, nerves making themselves known as she spoke.

  "Evening," he said, the one word answering everything.

  "Harry?" She couldn't believe it.

  "Well, Henry," he said with a broad smile across his face. She cocked her head the side in confusion, why would it matter if he was a Henry instead of a Harry? Which was when it dawned on her.

  "Prince Henry?"

  "The one and only."

  "But you're missing..."

  "Not anymore. A beautiful woman kissed me and broke the curse." He was still smiling, like he was pleased with something that she couldn't quite get.

  "Oh." She looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes while he was thinking about someone else.

  "You, Cienna. You didn't care that I was a frog." He held his hand out and in it was the small gold ball she'd given him two nights ago.

  "Of course I didn't care, it didn't make you any less you."

  "And that's what's so perfect about you." He leaned up and threaded a hand into her intricately braided hair, though she supposed that it was already coming undone from her altercation with the other woman. He tugged her head closer and pressed his lips to hers. She was taken aback for a moment, mostly because this was her first ever kiss, but she was soon responding to him, feeling something unlocking inside her.

  After what seemed like an age, but nowhere near long enough, they broke apart, staring into each other’s eyes as if they were the only people in the world.

  Cienna heard a commotion from inside the palace and fell to the side, sitting up as straight as she could.

  "We need to go," she half-whispered, beginning to stand and almost tripping over her ballgown. How had she never realised how impractical these things were until now?

  "Why?" Henry asked, frowning at her, but standing anyway.

  "Someone's after me, just come on." She took his hand and dragged him off towards the stables to saddle her horse, once again happy that her parents had let her learn things like this. Well maybe not let, but they turned a blind eye when Maddy and her beau, Thomas, taught her them. As she was fastening the strap of her horse's saddle, she promised herself that if she ever had the daughter that Maddy kept telling her about, then she'd make sure that she learned all the things she needed to in order to take care of herself.

  She swung herself onto the horse, gesturing for Henry to join her, but had to wait while he grabbed a sword that one of the palace guards must have left behind. He swung himself up behind her, wrapping his free arm around her waist and she enjoyed the warm feeling of being pressed against his chest. She could get used to this. She tugged on the reigns, hoping that her horse would stay quiet enough for them to sneak out undetected.

  11 Svetlana

  The damned woman had gotten away. Anger flooded through her. No one escaped from Svetlana. She'd have to find her, which could become problematic if she'd found Henry and now had the might of Alventia to protect her. Though his curse shouldn't be broken, it was clearly wearing off. She'd have to work out why. But that was for later. If he was in human form, and the extra life force in Cienna was to do with love, then they were only heading one way. And after that, the other woman would be untouchable. Unless...

  No. She needed to drain Xavier, not marry him.

  But with his powers behind her, she could maybe consider getting some revenge. Which made the decision an easy one. Now all she needed to do was share the good news with Xavier himself. No time like the present.

  She marched back through the palace, to the doors where she'd first encountered Cienna. This time, instead of pausing, she walked straight in, taking in the clear scent of repressed lives. Perfect. Xavier certainly knew how to keep his subjects in line. She could live with that.

  She spotted the man in question. He was sat on a stone throne, looking on as everyone danced but seeming to take no joy in it. At least he was alone, that made it a lot easier to approach him without having to let anyone else in on her plans. She walked over with purpose and watched as the dancers moved out of her way. It was like they could sense her power and knew to stay away. Even better was the feel of Xavier's eyes now following her across the room.

  She dipped a curtsy and he nodded to her.

  "Lady Svetlana."

  "Your Majesty," she replied, already admiring his emotionless tone and command. Here was a man completely in control. Maybe she'd have been wrong to drain him after all.

  "How may I help you?" he asked.

  "I believe your guest has vacated the palace."

  "And how would you know that?" he asked, leaning forward ever so slightly.

  "I ran into her while I was entering. We had an altercation."

  "You're the reason she left?"

  "She'd have left anyway, she's started a thing with Prince Henry." Svetlana studied her fingernails as Xavier studied her.

  "Prince Henry has been missing for years," he said, clearly not believing her.

  Svetlana scowled.

  "I've known where he was the entire time. And now he's back, and I suspect he's human again."

  He raised one eyebrow in the biggest sign of emotion she'd seen from him yet.

  "Human again?"

  "Yes. He's' been a frog for the past three years," she snapped, allowing her own emotions to get the better of her. She needed to work on that, there was no way that he'd let her stay around if she was so obvious about what was going on in her head.

  "And you did that?" He seemed surprised. And interested, maybe she could claw this back after her outburst.

  "Yes." She lifted up her chin, hoping it conveyed the sense of pride that she was feeling. Most magic users didn't have the power to do what she'd done, and even less had the inclination. She was one of the only ones.

  "What else can you do?" he asked, the slightest hint of curiosity entering his tone. Good. She was getting to him. That was going to be the way that she made him hers. With his power behind her, and as a Queen, there was nothing that would stand in the way of getting Cienna and taking her life force. Svetlana took a step closer, bringing herself to within touching distance of Xavier. She leaned forward so that her mouth was just inches away from his ear.

  "I can't tell you that. But I can show you." She stepped back, a wicked smile on her face, with a matching one spreading over Xavier's normally impassive face.

  "Very well. What do you need?"

  "Do you have a dungeon, Your Majesty?" she asked the question sweetly, an approving flicker going through Xavier's eyes.

  "I do."

  "Then lead the way, Your Majesty."

  12 Svetlana

  The dungeons were dark and damp, a perfectly miserable place for prisoners to be. And for what Svetlana needed to do.

  "Do you have a prisoner you don't mind parting with?" she asked, excitement building up within her at the thought of what was to come.

  "Yes." He walked down past sever
al closed iron doors, ignoring the cries and pleas that came from within. Svetlana was sure that they knew the cries were useless. the pathetic creatures. They shouldn't have crossed a powerful man if they didn't want to end up this way.

  He swung open the fifth door down and motioned for Svetlana to enter. Maybe she should have been worried that he'd lock her in the dungeon now, but she wasn't. She could always use the life force inside her to get out easy enough.

  She stepped inside and was impressed to see that the tiny cell was even more depressing than the dungeon as a whole. She smiled to herself, already pleased that she'd decided not to drain him after all.

  "Do you like it?" he asked, sounding slightly gleeful. She turned back to face him, seeing the childlike gleam in his eyes. That was surprising, he'd been in such control of his emotions until now.

  "Very much," she replied. She turned back to the small room and finally noticed that there was a figured huddled in the corner. Unlike the other prisoners, this one wasn't crying out, instead she was looking through her lank hair with wary eyes that remained unbroken. Svetlana would have to see what she could do about that.

  "Do you need more space?" Xavier asked.

  "That would be best," she replied, not taking her eyes off the huddled figure. He moved passed her and crouched down in front of the huddled figure, looking into the woman's eyes.

  "Come," he commanded. The woman rose to her feet in a trance like state and waited for Xavier and Svetlana to start walking. Once they did, she followed, still not making a sound. She had to admit, she was impressed. That was some serious magic that it took for him to control another person. And here he was doing it without a thought. She hadn't even known he had magic.

  "Why is she here?" Svetlana asked. She didn't really need to know, but was curious nonetheless.

  "She was found in bed with an elf," he answered instantly. Svetlana nodded, unsure why that was a crime, but that didn't really matter so much.

  "A former member of your Court?"



  "You think I should free her?" he asked.

  "Not at all. If she's displeased you, then she should be here."

  "I'm glad you agree." He looked at her sideways, his eyes almost looking admiringly at her.

  "Of course."

  "Does this work for you?" he asked, waving a hand throughout a room that seemed to be filled with torture equipment. Which was perfect if anyone asked her.

  "Yes, can you get her to lie down on the bench over there?" She nodded towards a flat wooden bench complete with leather straps to go around the person's limbs and torso. It'd be perfect after she got Xavier to release the woman from his control. She wanted the prisoner completely aware of what was going on. Xavier repeated her instructions and the woman lay down. As soon as she had, Svetlana tightened the straps, but only enough so that they kept the woman in place. She wanted her to be able to move around, otherwise she couldn't properly demonstrate the powers that she had and what she could inflict. And that would defeat the point. "Can you let go of your control?" she asked, receiving a nod from Xavier.

  Svetlana watched as the woman's eyes cleared and darted around the room. For the first time, something more than defiance crossed them, making Svetlana smile. She was going to enjoy breaking the woman.

  She searched through her mind, looking for the right words. Well, not the right words, but the words for what she wanted to show Xavier.

  Settling on a fire, she thought the words and watched as the flicker orange and yellow flames began to dance up one of the prisoner's legs. She kept her thoughts focused on the one area, too much fire would kill the woman, and it was too soon for that. Svetlana watched the woman's face as it screwed up. But somehow, the woman wasn't making a sound. No matter, Svetlana would change that soon enough. She focused on the flames, fanning them hotter, and the smell of sizzling flesh filled the room. The woman on the table began to whimper, only spurring Svetlana on. But just as the flames were starting to take root, Svetlana changed tactics, thinking the words that would douse the woman's leg in ice cold water, extinguishing the flames completely and drawing a high-pitched scream from the woman. Finally.

  Svetlana smiled.

  "Impressive," Xavier said, placing a firm hand on the small of her back. "What else can you do?"

  "This." She thought up other words in her head and watched as thin red lines worked their way over the woman's chest. A frown pulled at her features. It wasn't nearly so impressive when the woman was completely covered. Svetlana leaned forward and ripped the woman's tunic clean from her, revealing the trail of blood that had cut their way over the woman's pale skin. It was oddly beautiful, but not that painful, as proved by the woman's soft whimpers.

  She changed the words in her head, twisting them so that instead of thin lines, the power created stab like wounds across the woman's body. Svetlana had to focus though, she didn't want to get too carried away and kill the woman before she could drain her life force. That wouldn't impress Xavier enough to keep him about.

  Glancing to the side, she noticed that Xavier's eyes had glazed over and that he was licking his lips, focused on the blood welling up on the woman's skin. Svetlana smiled to herself again. Maybe they could practice both draining a person at the same time in the future. It'd be a race to see who could kill them first.

  Changing tack once more, she wiped the wounds away, knowing that they'd still be bleeding on the inside of the woman, and that she wouldn't last that much longer. Good job she didn't need to.

  "Ray," the woman whimpered.

  Perfect. The words were working then. The woman's head was filled with her worst nightmares, and from the almost incoherent words she was muttering, those thoughts seemed to revolve around her lover. The elf was probably dead already from what Svetlana had heard of Xavier, but the woman herself didn't need to know that.

  "Please, no, don't hurt him." She began to struggle against her bonds, which was certainly interesting. Svetlana had never thought that making images appear in someone's head would cause them more pain than anything physical she could do. She'd have to keep that in mind for later. It'd be a useful trick she'd be sure. The woman struggled more, shouting for them to stop what they were doing to her beloved. It reached the point where the leather around her left wrist was cracking with the strain.

  But Svetlana wasn't worried. With her own powers, and whatever it was that Xavier possessed, she doubted that the woman would be able to get very far.

  "I'm impressed," Xavier said impassively, his hand still resting on her lower back. "No one's managed to break her before now."

  "Thank you." Svetlana tried to contain the self-satisfied smile that crossed her face but failed. "Ready to see the best of what I can do?"

  Xavier nodded, and indicated towards the woman with his free hand in what Svetlana took to be a be-my-guest gesture.

  She let the mental torture drop, but the woman continued to whimper, clearly still being affected by the moments they'd shared. Leaning forward, she touched her fingers to the woman's wrist, feeling the life force within. Like with Cienna, and the couple, there was something different about this woman, almost as if her force was stronger than it should be. She thought the words in her head, and felt the force begin to slip inside her, a soft glow enveloping her as she did. She smiled to herself as she pulled the life into her, feeling more invigorated than ever before.

  Turning to Xavier, she smiled sweetly, drunk on the power she'd just ingested. He glanced between her and the now lifeless form of the woman next to them before returning her smile.

  "Shall we continue the discussion in my private chambers?" he asked, his eyes roaming up and down her body.

  "It would be an honour." She licked her lips, excitement building within her and only adding to the euphoria she was already feeling.

  13 Cienna

  The inn was surprisingly crowded, but Harry, no Henry, pushed through, pulling her behind him gently. Cienna was glad for th
e comforting pressure of his hand in hers, without him she'd be out of her depth, not knowing what to say or do while outside noble life.

  She was lucky she'd put her purse into the hidden pocket of her dress, along with a small dagger she hoped she'd never have to use. Yet more advice from Madeline she always tried to listen to. The woman tended to know what she was talking about.

  They reached the stairs and slipped up them, making their way to the small room that Harry had booked for them.

  It was cosy, with nothing more than one bed and a basin for washing in, but even so, Cienna breathed a sigh of relief. There was next to no chance that the woman who'd attacked her, or Xavier, would find them here. She didn't think that Xavier would even think to look somewhere as lowly as an inn. More fool him though. Harry wasn't the kind of person to worry about luxury, he couldn't really after spending so much time as a frog, and she was more bothered about staying under the radar.

  Even so, the moment that Harry dropped his hold on her hand, she began fidgeting with the fabric of the worn brown dress they'd swapped her ballgown for. While Harry could get away with the clothes he'd been wearing when he returned to human form, the gold fabric of her dress would have given her away as more than just a traveller after just one glance.

  "Cienna, what's the matter?" Harry asked, a concerned look crossing his face and he reclosed the gap that had formed between them, pulling her hands away from her skirts and taking them with his. Caring green eyes bored into hers, and she felt herself wanting to spill her deepest soul to him.

  "I'm worried about my maid," she admitted quietly.

  "Madeline?" he asked.

  She nodded, surprised that he remembered the name that she'd only mentioned in passing while they'd talked the other night.

  "She's at the palace still, and Xavier said that he wanted to see her in the morning." Harry frowned.

  "Then we need to go get her back."


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