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A Woman In Love: Book Four (The Woman I Love Series 4)

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by G S Binkley


  Book Four

  The Woman I Love Series

  written by

  G. S. Binkley

  ©2004 Binkley

  ©2014 Binkley Cover Art and Design

  Synopsis: A Woman In Love is the fourth story in the Woman I Love series and continues on with the lives of Lacy and Gage a couple years later as the writer finally confronts all of her past. A previous relationship is revealed that threatens Lacy and Gage’s union and one of their children experiences behavioral problems. The first story

  ‘The Woman I Love’, is followed by ‘A Woman Like You’, then ‘Here Comes My Woman’ along with an epilogue to that story ‘Here Comes My Woman - Epilogue’.

  Sexual Content: F/F partners


  L: Love between two people with kisses, embraces and tender moments.

  LS: Love scenes described in more detail, involving scenes of lovemaking.

  ES: Explicit love scenes.

  This story is rated: ES

  Fiction (Alternative)

  Language: Caution – some language used may be offensive, however, it is only used in the context of the situation or the character’s personality. Overall - minimal usage.

  This is copyrighted material, © 2004 Binkley … all rights reserved.

  No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher (author).

  This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters or incidents either or the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales are completely incidental.

  other stories


  g. s. binkley


  The Woman I Love

  A Woman Like You

  Here Comes My Woman

  What A Woman

  Murder at Fountain Blue

  An Innocent Heart

  Short Stories: Just the Way You Like It

  Heart of Africa


  Angel in Disguise

  Murder at Red Rum

  Murder at Knifepoint

  Once Again, Alexis

  Here Comes Jordan

  About the Author

  G. S. BINKLEY has the privilege to write the stories that many characters have come to reveal. It is really their lives that seek an audience to share their stories.

  ** I write both mainstream and alternative stories. All my stories have a romantic element in them. I hope you enjoy them.

  Table of Contents

  G. S. Binkley

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  The End

  Chapter One

  Lacy Levine woke from a deep sleep after hearing several tiny whimpers in the early morning air. Groggy, she untangled her legs from her partner, ready to check on their youngest child in the adjacent room. When Lacy swung her long legs over the side of the bed, a small cry escaped from her partner.

  Lacy’s head snapped around to see her lover’s restless body fight with the covers. Concerned, Lacy shook her lover lightly. “Sweetheart?”

  Gage Ballant twisted and turned, yanking the covers up over her blonde head. “No!”

  Scooting closer in order to pull the blonde into her comforting arms, Lacy tried to wake her partner of six years. “Gage? Sweetheart, what is it?” Over the last couple of weeks, Lacy had awakened nearly every night to the tossing and turning of her lover.

  Gage curled around, burying herself deeper in her covers as Lacy tried to untangle the blonde. The haunting dream that had disturbed Gage over the last ten days seemed to grow in its intensity. The more Gage fought against the demons that entered her sleeping state, the more real it seemed to her. In the dream, she was fighting against long forgotten memories that were now insisting upon revealing themselves. She struggled but was unable to escape the magnetic hold they had on her. It was when a sharp, vivid picture of an unhappy Derek snapped into focus in her mind that she jumped up, coming to a full waken state. Breathing heavily, Gage clawed at her covers in a desperate bid to unwrap herself from her self-inflicted mummy cocoon.

  “Hold on, Gage.” Lacy fought against her lover’s persistent hands that were insistently pushing the covers off. Finally, unveiling her lover’s blonde head, Lacy pulled her close. Stroking her partner’s cheek, Lacy tried to calm Gage. “Sweetheart, it’s okay. Everything’s okay.”

  But it wasn’t and both women knew it.

  The dreams were getting worse and the more the younger woman attempted to get Gage to talk about it, the more Gage retreated to her writing and on several occasions she asked to be left alone. At first, Lacy thought it was because three of their children were off in Los Angeles visiting their father since the nightly dreams started shortly after they left. But then that didn’t make sense because in their years together, there were several times that Lacy and Gage were left alone while their children were gone.

  When Gage finally took stock of her emotional wrecked state, she eased herself from Lacy’s arms only to get out of bed. With one forlorn look at Lacy, Gage dropped her head. “I’ll see if Hayley is up yet.”

  Gage knew she was driving her devoted partner away with her silence and reasoned that Lacy deserved much better but, at present, she was unable to give anymore. Guilt grew inside the blonde with each retreating step. Thank God, Hayley’s still here. Upon entering the adjoining room, Gage winked at her smiling daughter. As she reached down to pick Hayley up, the taller blonde said. “I hope I didn’t wake you up too.”

  The two year old stretched then crunched her face before producing another smile. “Hold you.” This was Hayley’s way of letting Gage know the little tyke wanted to be held.

  “Okay.” Gage lifted Hayley up. “I guess you wanna see your momma.”

  “Momma? Hi!”

  “Uh huh, I know that means yes.” Gage laughed.

  Upon hearing her partner’s welcomed laughter, Lacy allowed a momentary smile. She remained in bed, hoping for a few quiet moments with Gage before the start of their day which for the last week seemed to be filled with Gage writing while Lacy occupied her time painting and attending to their daughter. They did spend the occasional walk or quiet evening together at Hayley’s insistence. Thank God, Hayley’s still here.

  When Gage stepped back in the master bedroom, the telephone rang causing her to jerk from the unexpected early morning ring.

  Lacy astutely noticed Gage’s startled reaction to the telephone ringing. She motioned for Gage to bring their daughter to the bed. Picking up the telephone from the side table, Lacy patted the spot on the bed next to her. “Hello.” She smiled at the sound of the voice on the other end. “Hi, mom.”

  Gage sat Hayley between them and the little girl immediately crawled on to her mother’s lap.

  Brushing her lips against her daughter’s head, Lacy listened to her mother on the telephone. She sighed. “No. Not today.
I think we’ll just hang around the house.”

  Gage tried to get her partner’s attention but Lacy ignored her. When Gage heard Lacy say goodbye to her mother, the blonde asked. “Why didn’t you go with her today? She’s been after you all week to go shopping.”

  Lacy’s blue eyes turned downcast. Reluctant to answer, Lacy drew in a deep breath but still refused to say a word.

  Sensing the tension between her parents, Hayley crawled toward the foot of the bed intent on dispersing the anxiety in the air.

  Neither Lacy nor Gage took note of their daughter undressing herself since they were locked in a wordless battle of wills. Gage scratched her ear and sighed, hoping for a reprieve from the prodding questions her partner was sure to have. Lacy closed her eyes, offering a silent pray that Gage would find the courage to open up and share the torments of her past. All the while, Hayley was putting her plan into action.

  When the young impish naked blonde stood up and bounced on the bed several times, she waited just long enough to get her parents attention before scrambling off the bed onto the floor. “Momma? Catch me.”

  Hayley ran around the room as Lacy and Gage chased the speedy toddler. Hayley giggled as she slipped past Gage’s grappling hands, missing her again. “Momma help me!” Hayley ran from Gage to her mother but ducked between Lacy’s long legs, alluding capture. The tiny blonde climbed upon the hope chest Lacy’s grandmother had given her. Balancing herself first, Hayley then bounced a couple of times and clapped her hands in victory.

  “I thought you wanted me to help you?” Lacy shook her head at her daughter’s antics.

  Propping her hands on her hips, Gage let out a genuine laugh. “Look at her. She’s just like her mother.”

  A petulant eyebrow rose in question. “What do you mean?”

  Nodding at their daughter, Gage said. “Running around naked as the day she was born.” Then Gage smirked before she continued. “And I’ve got pictures to prove it.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I was never naked.” Lacy tilted her head, referring to her many photo shoots for magazines. “Only nearly naked.”

  “I’m not talking about that…not those pictures.” Gage countered.

  The same eyebrow hiked even higher.

  “You know… the Polaroids.” Gage’s twinkling green eyes shifted towards where Hayley was standing. “The ones we took here… in the bedroom.”

  Lacy stepped closer to her partner. “Oh, those. By the way, where’d you put them?”

  “In the hope chest.” Gage winked.

  Taking a leap of faith, Lacy wrapped her arm around Gage, embracing her. Pulling Gage close, Lacy whispered. “Maybe tonight we could look at them and……” She left her lascivious suggestion dangle in mid-air.

  Gage squeezed her partner before offering her lover a sweet and gentle kiss then with a silly grin said. “You hope.”

  There were no truer words that Lacy could have heard in that moment. The couple relished the closeness they shared only briefly before one set of blue and another set of green eyes zeroed in on their mischievous daughter.

  Hayley’s greenish blue eyes widened. “Uh oh!” Seeing her parents embrace, the young child knew her mission had been accomplished. A small smile beamed brightly at Lacy and Gage before she quickly turned and jumped onto their bed, wrapping the covers around her.


  What promised to be a sensual morning of intimacy between the couple, turned out to be another day just like the rest of the week. After a quiet breakfast, the couple went their separate ways. Gage sequestered herself in her writing room working on her newest screenplay, ‘Angel In Disguise’ while Lacy took Hayley with her and reluctantly lost herself in the unfinished painting on the canvas.

  With each stroke of the brush, Lacy felt the distance between her and Gage grow wider. She turned to see her daughter playing with some Mardi Gras beads. “What color is that one, Hayley?”

  Having gotten her distant mother’s attention, Hayley jumped up. “Blue.” She slung it over her neck and selected another one. “Purple.” She held the long string of beads out toward Lacy.

  “That’s right, honey.” Lacy stooped down next to her tiny daughter. “And this one. What color is this one?”

  Smiling, Hayley answered without hesitation. “Green.”

  Lacy selected several more strings of beads. “How many do I have, Hayley?”

  The small child scrunched her face and pointed. “One, two, thwee…. four.” Hayley was well versed for her age having three older siblings that considered themselves self-appointed teachers. And, Hayley was a quick study.

  “That’s right.” Lacy kissed her daughter’s head. “You are so precious. You know that?”

  “Gimme.” Hayley grabbed each set of beads and placed them over her head.

  “You look so cute.” An idea popped in her head. “It’s such a beautiful day. You want to go outside?”

  Hayley’s eyes brightened considerably. “Outside? Hi.”

  Lacy laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She scooped her young daughter up in her arms. “Why don’t we see if we can get Gage to go outside with us?”

  Hayley bounced in her mother’s arms. “Outside!”


  Gage was reluctant to admit it but being dragged out into the fresh air by her partner and daughter was exactly what she needed. “I have work to do, you know.”

  “Push me.” Hayley guided the stroller up to Gage. When the taller blonde squinted her eyes at Hayley, the toddler produced an endearing smile. “Pwease.”

  That was Gage’s undoing. “Oh, okay.” Gage secured Hayley in the stroller before grabbing the handle. “Which way?”

  “Water!” Hayley yelled. “Want water.”

  “Big surprise there.” Gage glanced up at Lacy. “She gets that from Dani.”

  Shyly, Lacy slipped her hand around Gage’s elbow and when the blonde didn’t protest, the dark haired woman sighed in relief. “Well, I’m sure Dani would much rather be here than in LA at the moment.”

  “Mmmm…” Gage guided the stroller along the concrete path to the lake’s shore.

  “Which is kinda unusual since she’s always enjoyed being with her dad.” Lacy’s thoughts turned to her oldest son. “But what’s really weird is how much Derek seems to be enjoying this visit with his father.” She was jolted from her musings when she felt Gage tense up. “Sweetheart?” Sensing she had hit a nerve in her partner, Lacy tentatively asked. “Something on your mind?”

  “No. Nuthin.” Gage shrugged and wished Lacy would drop the subject.

  It seemed like forever to reach the dock where she was sure Hayley would insist on getting into the water. While Gage complied with their daughter’s wishes, Lacy pondered the reason for her already reticent lover to become even more distant.

  The warm, sunny day offered a beautiful backdrop as Hayley splashed in the water. Gage had undressed Hayley down to her diaper and remaining beads but when the diaper was soaked, she disposed of it and declared their private beach a nude one. “But only for you, Hayley. No one else can gallivant around here naked.” Gage cast a quick look at her partner who seemed to be distracted. Again, Gage felt a ton of guilt fall on her shoulders as she kept Lacy at arm’s distance. I should just leave before…..

  A speeding boat brought several pounding waves to the shoreline as Lacy gazed across the lake to the distant shore. She had always enjoyed the lake and the kids had such a wonderful time here with all the laughter and fun shared by all. It was then an idea popped into her head. I’ll talk with Gage about it later. Lacy tapped her finger to her lips. But first I’ve got to figure out what’s bothering her. Lacy knew the answer to that question was there floating around in her head but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  Gage nudged her partner. “Hey, what you thinking?”

  Surprised, Lacy smiled at her partner then leaned over to give Gage a kiss. “You.”

  Not at all surprised
by Lacy’s answer, Gage remained silent. A long moment passed and Gage was on the verge of saying something when Hayley waddled up to them.

  Demanding, she yanked at Gage. “Pway with me.” Cocking her head, she added. “Pwease.”

  Lacy bumped her lover. “She misses the rest of the kids.”

  “Me, too.” A sad look covered Gage’s face.

  “Me, three.” Leaning against Gage, Lacy grabbed their daughter. “Come here, Hayley.” Sitting next to her lover, Lacy sat Hayley partially on her lap and Gage’s.

  Hayley would be content to sit with her parents and be a very patient little girl. Somehow she sensed the much needed connection she offered her parents.


  With each stroke of the key on her laptop, Gage knew the distance between her and Lacy was growing wider. Finishing her sentence, Gage saved the document before turning the computer off. She relaxed back in her chair and stretched.

  “Hard day?”

  Gage shrugged. “Long day. You?”

  “Bout the same.” Lacy’s shifted uncomfortably in the doorway, unsure if she should go in. “I put Hayley to bed. She said she’d go to sleep only after you came up and said goodnight.”

  Gage chuckled on her way toward the door. “Demanding little thing, isn’t she?”

  Lacy placed a gentle touch on Gage’s arm. “Yeah, just like some other blonde I know.”

  Green eyes closed before Gage rubbed her temple. “I’m sorry.”

  “Gage?” Lacy turned her lover around to face her. “I was just kidding.”

  Slowly, Gage’s guilty green eyes lifted to meet Lacy. “But it’s true.”

  Pulling Gage into her arms, Lacy felt her body shudder under all the pressure the couple had been putting on themselves. “Go on. Tuck Hayley in and say goodnight. Then come to bed.”

  Gage pulled back from her lover and could only simply shake her head.


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