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A Woman In Love: Book Four (The Woman I Love Series 4)

Page 20

by G S Binkley

  Unexpectedly, Derek asked. “How did Johnnie die?”

  That question brought back dark memories. I guess when the cleansing starts there’s no turning back. “I told you he was locked up in another place. They had the girls in one and boys the other. He didn’t have to stay locked up as long as I did. I was really upset when I found out he was going home before me but… in the end that was what saved me. And I owe that to Fred. He wouldn’t let me out because he knew I was just working the program… not really getting the message.”

  Derek waited patiently for the rest of the story as Gage fidgeted with the steering wheel, obviously in deep thought.

  “He convinced the staff at his place he was ready to leave and within two weeks Johnnie was shot… trying to hold up another store.” Gage rubbed her eyes, recalling the moment she heard the news. “I was really angry. They had to restrain me because I charged at Fred. I didn’t care and I blamed him for keeping me there. All I could think about was that if I was out then I could have stopped Johnnie.”

  Derek reached over and placed his hand on her arm.

  “Fred did take me to his funeral though. I kept thinking about how it could have been me. It should have been me.” Gage squeezed Derek’s hand.

  “Not me. I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.”

  Gage took a few moments as she recalled seeing Johnnie’s dead body in the casket. It was a memory she wished she could erase from her mind forever. It devastated her. It meant her only real friend when she was growing up was really gone from her life forever. That was the main reason Gage didn’t want her children to go to Samuel’s funeral. When Lacy and Gage finally told their children about the death of their grandfather, they took it pretty well. Gage tried to concentrate on all the wonderful memories they had shared with him. “I’m glad I didn’t get hurt, too.”

  Thinking of never having Gage in his life, Derek was on the verge of crying again.

  Gage realized she had a few tears in her eyes, too. Mussing his hair, she grinned. “Boy, aren’t we both a mess?”

  That made Derek smile. “Uh huh.”

  “Well, to make the longest story in my life short…” Gage chuckled and Derek joined her. “I wouldn’t do anything differently because it led me to Lacy and you… and Dani… and Sammy and Hayley.”

  “And Stella.” Derek added.

  “Yes, back to my mom.” Gage let out a relieved breath. “Derek, we are the luckiest people alive, aren’t we?”

  He nodded. “Because we have each other, right?”

  “Right.” Gage winked at the boy she proudly called her son.

  “Gage?” He looked at her with such love and devotion.

  “Yeah?” In that moment, the blonde was willing to answer anything he asked.

  “Did you say we could get a puppy?” Derek cocked his head, waiting patiently for the answer that would make him smile.

  The blonde’s eyes popped open. Uh oh.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Prior to boarding a plane for New York City, Gage talked with her mother about her life and shared some of the same aspects she had previously revealed to Lacy. Their exchange helped both women to accept their past decisions and experiences.

  Lacy pulled her lover down on their hotel bed. “Well, are you ready?”

  Smiling, Gage nodded in agreement but said. “No, not really.”

  The younger woman quirked an eyebrow in question as she continued running her hand in a soothing motion over Gage’s stomach.

  “But I will.” Gage enjoyed her lover’s ministrations. “Because to tell you the truth, Lacy.” The blonde turned to her partner. “Coming to terms with my past gave me a sense of freedom. And I owe that to you.”

  Lacy kissed Gage. “You were the one that found the courage.”

  Shaking her head adamantly, Gage countered. “No, it was your strength that I drew from… having the patience to put up with me all these years. I would have kept running if it hadn’t been for you.”

  “Right into my arms.” Lacy teased.

  “Yep, and you refused to let go.” Gage pulled her lover’s head down in order to share a tender kiss.

  The brunette sighed slightly after the kiss.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I wish we could laze around here the rest of the day in each other’s arms but you have a date.”

  “It’s not a date.” The blonde huffed. “And I would prefer that you came along with me to see her.”

  Lacy laughed. “Yeah, I can see that. She will really open up and talk with you about the past with me there staring her down if she even looks at you the wrong way… or comes too close to you.”

  Her lover suddenly attacked Gage and the blonde enjoyed all of the attention. The blonde rasped. “I like your idea about staying in bed.”


  After meeting Gail Randall at the restaurant both women agreed they weren’t really that hungry so Gage suggested they take a walk in the park. “I’m surprised you live here now.”

  The dark haired woman cast a glance at her former lover. “For the last five years but… I’m considering moving back home.”

  “Really?” Gage felt awkward talking with Gail after so many years.

  Taking a moment before she answered, Gail briefly closed her eyes. “My husband’s promotion brought us here but my… our children still live back home and I miss them.”

  “How many kids do you have?”

  “Three. Two girls and a boy.”

  “Lacy and I have two girls and two boys.” Gage said quickly.

  “They’re grown now. Our youngest is in college.”

  Gage smiled at Gail. “I know what you mean about missing them. Lacy and I’ve only been gone a couple of days and well… we both miss them terribly.”

  The other green-eyed woman looked away. “Sounds like you really love her.”

  “More than I ever knew I could.” Gage admitted.

  Spying a bench, Gail asked. “Do you mind if we sit down?”

  “Sure.” Taking Gail by the arm, the blonde directed the brunette to the closest bench. “It’s beautiful here.”

  They both sat there in silence for a long time until Gail finally said. “I take it you asked to talk with me for a reason.”

  Oh boy. Looking everywhere except at the dark haired woman sitting next to her, Gage summoned the courage within her as she thought about Lacy’s words to her right before she left. You are the strongest person I know. “Yeah, right.” The blonde said more to herself.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, I… yes, I’m… I’m glad you stopped by that day in the bookstore.”

  “Really?” Gail gathered from the reception she felt that day especially from the dark haired jealous actress that her appearance was not well received.

  Gage thought about it for a moment. “Yes, I am. It brought back a lot of memories and… well, I’m just glad.” Because I was able to traverse that part of my past with Lacy. Gage coughed. “Actually, there’s been a question I’ve always wanted to ask you.”

  Fearing what that question would be, Gail remained silent.

  The blonde twisted toward Gail. “You remember when you… Gail, did you ever love me?”

  Surprised by the question, Gail assured her former lover. “Yes.” Gail turned away and sucked her bottom lip in thought before she reluctantly admitted. “I think I still do.”

  Uh oh. “I’m in love with Lacy. Absolutely and totally in love with her.” Gage wanted Gail to know exactly how she felt.

  Gail placed her hand on the blonde’s thigh. “Yes, I saw it in your eyes that day and that same love mirrored in hers.”

  “Good. I mean I’m glad.” Her words stumbled then Gage sucked in a deep breath. “What I mean is that I’m… relieved actually to know that you did.”

  “Why do you ask?”

  Gage turned her eyes down to stare at the ground. “Because of something you said.”

  When the blonde didn’t say anymore, G
ail prompted her. “What was it?”

  “You know… about being on a deserted island.” The blonde admitted, feeling scared at the moment.

  Cocking her head to the side, Gail suddenly remembered. ”Oh, I know it wasn’t what you wanted to hear but I meant it.” When she saw the look of horror on the blonde’s face, Gail felt the need to explain further. “Gage, when my sister found out about us and I went home. I don’t know… my parents were upset and went on about how unnatural it was. I guess it was just easier to give in… give you up.” There was a hitch in the brunette’s voice upon remembering how her parents bombarded her with demands about coming back home. “But I did love you.”

  Shaking her head, the blonde was very confused. “But I heard you… at the party telling your friend that you would never be with me.”

  “What are you talking about?” Gail asked, confused herself now. “I told you that if it wasn’t for my parents and society and… if it was just us, Gage, I wished it was just us and to hell with everyone else.”

  “Speaking of that, Gail. It wasn’t just us in the bookstore that day. I was surprised to see you and even more surprised that you kissed me in public.” Gage admitted, knowing that when they were together Gail would never have done that.

  “Oh, that.” Gail sighed. “Through the years I’ve learned to… not care as much about what other people think. It cost me too much.”

  “I see.” Understanding how Gail felt, Gage said. “About a year later after you left, I saw you at Mike Merrick’s twenty-first birthday party.” Gail nodded, remembering the party. Merrick worked with both Gage and Gail for a while.

  “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Well, I was… and I heard you talking to that blonde. You know the one who dated Mike for a couple of years.”


  “That’s the one. You told her you… you liked me but you would never have anything to do with me.” Gage shrugged. “I figured what was the use to stick around and left the party. But I was happy to see you there and wanted to talk with you again. See how you were doing. Well, when I heard that I thought that you never really did care about me… not like I did you and that’s why you left.”

  Gail took the blonde’s hand in her own. “No. I cared a great deal. Like I said… still do. I’ve realized that I gave up someone very special.”

  “But why did you say that?”

  “Gage, after I moved back home, my parents had me on every blind date they could scrounge up. Not too long after that party, I became engaged to my husband and Rhonda was a distant relative of Larry… my husband.” Gail explained. “She had heard the rumors about us and I just didn’t want to go through all of that again. Besides, I thought I had lost you forever.”

  “You did. But I still remember very fondly all the good times we had. You were the first person I loved that way.” Gage held the brunette’s hand. “I didn’t know if I was capable of loving someone till I met you.”

  “Guess I was good for something.” Gail turned away, feeling depressed.

  Gage pulled the brunette’s head back around. “You were the best thing in my life… back then.” Hoping that would bring a smile to Gail’s face but it didn’t so Gage quietly asked. “Are you happy?”

  “Yes, at first and my children have brought such joy to my life. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.” Gail finally smiled. “Now, since the children have grown and Larry is caught up in his work.” That thought turned the smile into a dark frown. “I’m kinda at a loss right now.”

  Gage hugged the woman she at one time cared so much about. “I don’t know what exactly to say… but there’s still a special place in my heart for you.”

  Upon hearing those works, Gail let loose a deluge of tears.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” Gage was at a loss of what to do next. She didn’t expect for this reaction.

  After gaining some semblance of composure, Gail mumbled. “Thank you.”

  Gage suggested they walk back toward the restaurant. On the way back, the blonde felt Gail needed confronting and wrapped her arm around the brunette’s shoulder, giving her a short hug.

  That’s what Lacy saw as Gage returned with Gail by her side. Lacy smiled when her eyes met those of her lover. She turned to Gail when they approached. “So, how did your talk go?”

  Gail stepped from under Gage’s strong arm toward Lacy. “You have a very special woman here.”

  “I know.”

  Even though things between Gage and Gail had not been discussed completely both women were happy to have spent this time together. “Gail, here’s my business card. If you ever need anything or want to talk…”

  Gail chanced a look to Lacy requesting silent permission. When Lacy nodded, Gail accepted the card. “Thank you.”

  The next moment was awkward until Lacy offered. “I’m a little hungry but I imagine you two already…”

  Gage looked at Gail and then spoke for both of them. “Actually, we haven’t eaten yet.”

  “Good then let’s go.” Lacy took her partner’s hand and led her and Gail into the restaurant.



  “Mmm…..” The blonde eased back in her first class airplane seat.

  Lacy grabbed her lover’s hand. “I like her.”

  Gage plopped her head to the side, staring at Lacy. “Who?”

  “Gail.” Lacy smiled. After Gage explained why Gail said what she did, Lacy could understand what the then nineteen old must have been going through. “But I like you.” The dark haired women kissed the blonde and punctuated each word with a kiss. “A…” Kiss. “..lot…” Kiss. “..more.”

  Gage scooted closer and waggled her eyebrows, giving her lover a ‘come hither’ look. “Wanna join the mile high group?”

  It started from her core and quickly erupted into a hearty laugh.

  The blonde shot Lacy a counterfeit glare. “I didn’t think it was that funny.”

  Chapter Twenty

  From the first moment the two love birds showed up on the movie set, Lacy and Gage could not keep their hands off of each other. Today, Lacy was dressed in a red dress with a slit up the side. The actress acquiesced to everyone’s insistence that she play Marta in the movie.

  Happy eyes ran the length of her partner’s seductive body. “God, Lacy, you look...” Gage sucked in a panting breath. “Gorgeous, sexy, beautiful. Come here.”

  Lacy fell into her lover’s embrace as the blonde’s quick hands teased her partner by tugging on the zipper located on the back of the slinky dress.

  “Alright, break it up.” The director yelled. “Can’t you see we’re shooting a movie here?”

  Gage winked at Ryan White. “Can’t you see I’m working on something myself?”

  “Yeah, trying to get my dress off.” Lacy ducked in for a brief kiss.

  Shaking his head, Ryan laughed. “Ready for your scene?”

  “I suppose.” Not really wanting to leave her lover’s embrace.

  “Michael? We ready?” Ryan called to his assistant director. When the young man nodded, the director walked over to the camera with Lacy and Gage in tow. “Shanti, Richard. Let’s take one.” He turned to Lacy. “Ready?”

  The Oscar winning actress nodded, walked on set and slid in the booth next to Richard Long while Shanti James took her respective place on the set.

  When Ryan called action, Lacy saddled up to the lead male actor, Richard, who was playing Chas in the movie and delivered her line. After the scene concluded, the director yelled. “Cut. Okay, that was great.” He turned to another actor on the set and said. “Your turn.”

  The new actor replaced Richard Long in the booth alongside Lacy as she took over the lead role of Chas. Taya Jennings was excited to work with Lacy and a bit nervous. “I’ve never…played a love scene with another woman.”

  “Just sit back and relax.” Lacy encouraged her fellow actor. “Follow my lead.”

  When Ryan yelled action, the actors r
eplayed the same scene Shanti and Lacy had just played before with Richard Long except now Taya Jennings played the role Richard had.

  It was Gage’s idea to shoot ‘Heart of Africa’ from two different perspectives. While Shanti played Ally Breedlove in both versions, Richard Long and Taya Jennings would play the other lead part. It would be the same movie but one version would have two females opposite each other and the other with a female and male acting out the lead romantic roles. They would distribute both versions, targeting their specific audiences. Gage hoped that this novel idea would go over well and she would structure her other screenplays to use the same format.

  “Cut!” Ryan moved forward and took Lacy’s hand. “See. What did I tell you? Wouldn’t take much of your time at all.” He leaned in and whispered. “Now you can get back to that blonde of yours and enjoy your second.. or is it third honeymoon?”

  “Very funny.” Lacy was glad she had accepted the small part and was enjoying her time in Africa with Gage immensely.

  “Michael? That’s a wrap for the day.” Turning back to Lacy and Gage who had just joined them. “Can I take you two to dinner tonight?”

  Both women shrugged. “Why not?” However, Gage was only willing to share a small part of their time together in the wilds of this dark continent as she had plans for her love that only included the two of them.

  “Great. I’ll meet you at the hotel… say seven?” When Lacy nodded in agreement, Ryan headed off to take care of a few last minute things before the following day’s shooting schedule.

  Lacy spotted Shanti heading their way. “You were wonderful. This film is really going to be great.”

  “Thank you but it’s the material that’s great.” Shanti smiled at Gage.

  “I agree.” Lacy tugged at the writer’s arm.

  Gage wanted to protest, at least make a show of it but the two women struck up another topic so she just relaxed and enjoyed the smile on Lacy’s face.

  “The studio’s ready whenever you and…” Lacy’s eyes searched the set for Michael Jessop and Kathy Griffen. “Your cohorts are ready.”


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