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Dirty Heat

Page 3

by Cairo

  “Aah, shit.”

  I felt the air around me go thin. I couldn’t believe it. I was letting her play in my ass with her tongue. Licking, lapping, laving, she trailed wet streaks up and down my crack, then she licked my asshole and gently tugged on my balls.

  Propping up on my elbows, blinking hard, my heart beating fast, I held my breath. Felt my stomach quiver. Felt the throbbing in my dick as it stretched. Felt the tightening of my balls as they filled with arousal. Felt the electric currents that shot through my veins as her luscious lips kissed my hole, as the tip of her tongue touched the rim, circling and licking and circling some more, then licking, licking, licking, and more licking until my body shook. She sucked on my asshole, blew into it, then drove her tongue inside.

  “Oh, shiiiiit!”

  My mind went blank.

  Everything I thought, everything I believed, about an asshole…mine, in particular—being touched by someone, about it being something only gay men enjoyed; whatever insecurities or reservations I might have had prior to her lips, her tongue, touching me there—went up in flames the moment I felt my insides vibrate. And heat shoot through me.

  Holy fuck!

  The shit felt good, real good.

  My body tensed.


  She slapped my ass.

  Shocked, I blinked. Bucked my hips.

  “Mmm. You have a beautiful, manly ass.” She pulled open my ass, again. Flicked her tongue over it again. “Mmm, it tastes so good. I love your man hole.”

  There was something about having my ass on display for her that had me feeling strangely aroused. I glanced over my shoulder, to see what she was doing.

  Whack! Her hand went down on my ass, again; heat flaring over my skin.

  “What the fuck…?”

  “Relax, baby,” she cooed, smoothing her hand over the area she’d smacked. “Maybe I should blindfold you. Tie your hands behind your back.”

  “Nah, you good,” I said, hoping like hell she didn’t try to pull out a pair of shiny handcuffs. I definitely wasn’t down with that. It was bad enough I had my six-two frame up on the bed on my knees, pushing my dick to the back of me for her to suck. The last thing I needed, wanted, was to have her cuffing me up, then leaving me there with my ass up.

  How the hell would I have ever explained that?

  She touched my ass again. This time softly.

  I’d never experienced anything like that before. And the shit had me so turned on. Turned my dick into a faucet of pleasure, leaking streams of precum.

  Peaches pressed her thumb against my asshole, and my heart jumped.

  I flinched. “Oh, shit. Wait, wait. Hold up.”

  “Relax, baby.” Her lips pressed into my back. “Let me in,” she whispered. She sprinkled kisses over my shoulders, then trailed her lips down my spine to my tailbone until she had me relaxed. A fingertip burrowed back into my crack, causing me to tense. “Let Peaches have this sweet, musky man ass.”

  She then used her free hand to stroke my dick back into her mouth. She stroked it. Licked it. Kissed it. Then sucked it back into her mouth, again, this time harder.

  Aah. Now that felt good.

  I let out a deep breath. A mixture of moan and groan escaped me as her thumb skimmed around my asshole. I knew it was now or never. I’d let her go this far. The ache in my balls wanted her to go a little further. I rocked my hips back as she pressed the pad of her thumb, rubbing her fingertip over it until I gasped.

  “Relax, baby,” she murmured. “Let Peaches love this man hole. Mmm.” Her finger skimmed my ass again.

  And then…her hand left my ass. I’m not sure if it was relief or disappointment I initially felt. All I know is, when I glanced over my shoulder to see what she was doing, she was holding a small bottle of lube in her hand. I couldn’t remember when she’d had time to grab it. Couldn’t recall if she’d already had it in her hand when she climbed onto the bed. I pulled in a quick breath. Watched as she opened the tube. Squeezed some out onto her fingers, then pulled my ass cheeks apart. I tensed again.

  She encouraged me to relax as she squeezed out more lube, smearing it slick over my hole. My hole clenched.

  “Mmm. Look at that sweet man hole winking at me. You ready to feel Peaches’ fingers inside you?”

  I don’t remember if I responded or not. But what I do remember is, her finger sliding into my ass. I remember the way my ass muscles clenched, unclenched. But she kept on gliding her finger in and out.

  “Aah, shit…aaah, shit…goddamn, fuck…”

  My dick was back in her mouth again. And she sucked on it harder. Faster.

  That did it. Got me to relax more. I found myself really getting into it. I spread my legs wider. Slowly winded my hips.

  “Oh, yeah. Suck dick that dick, baby. Aaah, goddamnshit…mmm…damn.”

  She pulled her finger out. And as I glanced over my shoulder again, I watched as she stuck her finger into her mouth. Slowly sucked on it, moaning.

  “Mmm. Your ass tastes so good.”

  The sight of her sucking and licking her finger as if it were a dick had me so damn aroused. The vision was so sexy.

  Totally surprising myself, I reached in back of me and opened my ass. “Put your tongue back inside me. Lick it some more, baby…”

  She happily obliged, her tongue working a mile a minute, wetting me, licking me, loving me. “Ooooh, yeah. Fuck, baby. Lick it, lick it…mmmm. Lick it real good.”

  I pressed her face into me as she stuck her tongue in my ass again. She moved her lips over my hole. Her tongue delved deep inside me. And all I remember at that moment is the room spinning.

  Her finger went in deeper. Then she stopped pressing in, replacing her thumb with her tongue. She licked over and over.

  I moaned softly, feeling guiltily like a bitch in heat. The persistent flickering of her tongue was driving me over the edge. But I wanted more.


  Instead, she licked inside my thighs. Nibbled on my balls. Licked around my hole again. Then trailed her wet tongue along the back of my balls before licking the underside of my dick. She used her tongue to tickle under my nut sac, then sucked my balls back into her mouth.

  She gave my dick a long, deep kiss. Then, without warning, she caught me completely off guard by pushing her finger back into my ass while taking my dick to the back of her throat. I gasped, breathless as her finger worked its way into the outer ring of my asshole, then slid out. I clamped around her finger, and started to buck. Peaches slid another finger inside. I’m not gonna lie. She had me wide open, ready to climb walls.

  “Aaah, shit…”

  She pulled out. Then slid them back in; eagerly, she sucked my dick while curling her fingers upward. A rush of fire shot through me.

  She’d found my P-spot.


  The shit she was doing to me that night had me begging like a junkie needing his fix. It was a feeling like no other I’d ever experienced. It was beyond bliss.

  She licked my ass and sucked on my balls and suckled on my dick like it was her last meal. My dick got harder than I thought possible. And I emitted a deep groan as she sucked and fucked and licked me like a porn star. And then…I was coming, faster and harder than ever.

  The muscles slightly below my dick clenched over and over and shot out spurts of cum. My body juddered in extreme pleasure. Heavy squirts of nut blasted out of me leaving me lightheaded, hardly able to breathe, and clawing at the sheets. She kept sucking and stroking, and I kept filling her mouth and her throat with warm gushes of semen, groaning in ecstasy as her finger continued stroking inside of me.

  I literally almost passed out from the intense sensation.

  The next day, when the liquor wore off, the memory of the night before hung over my head like a noose. I felt guilty as hell for what I’d let her do to me. She’d licked my ass. Then fingered it. Yet, I had enjoyed it. And wanted to experience that feeling again.

e shit had me feeling confused like hell. Had me doubting everything I knew and believed to be true about who I was, about who I thought I was.

  I knew I wasn’t physically or sexually attracted to other guys, but that experience had me questioning my own sexuality. Had me second-guessing my masculinity. Had me wondering if something was wrong with me for enjoying having a tongue licking my ass and a finger stroking in it.

  But the intensity of that nut I’d popped stayed with me, ingrained in my brain. Etched itself into my DNA. I knew then, I’d never be the same.

  That night in Vegas was where it all began for me. A new kind of freaky was unleashed in that hotel room. And I wanted more of it. The problem was, finding women who were open-minded enough I could trust with my secret to indulge me.

  • • •


  Krista looked up at me. “Are you sure?”

  I blinked, bringing my attention back to her. “Huh? Am I sure about what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I asked you if you were sure about not wanting to get fucked in your ass because I’m not signing up for none of that kinky mess.”

  I blinked back the image of a warm wet tongue swirling around my asshole, and the heated sensations that followed every time the tip of it dips inside me. “Of course I’m sure. I’m not with that shit.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “Good. After everything that happened with Latrice and Herbie, you never know. I don’t ever want to be in her shoes and find myself blindsided like she was.”

  Here we go again. Back to Herbie and Latrice. “C’mon now, Krista,” I said calmly, trying to mask my frustration and annoyance that she’d try to spin the conversation into something more than what it was. Was she fucking serious? Blindside her? The mere fact that she even remotely entertained some shit like that had me pissed off. But I bit my tongue. Arguing wasn’t the plan. Getting some pussy was. “I’m not Herbie. And you’re not Latrice. What he did was fucked up. She didn’t deserve that. But trust me, baby. The last thing you’ll ever have to worry about is finding me with another man. Not gonna happen.”

  “I hope not. All I want is for us to always have an honest relationship.”

  I gave her another kiss. “And we do.” Yeah, an honestly one-sided sexually stagnant one, if you ask me. “After all these years, you should know by now what kind of man you have.” I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t even believe I’m standing here having this conversation with you, like I have to defend my honor and my manhood to you.”

  “I don’t want you to defend anything.”

  “Well, that’s how it feels,” I said tersely.

  “Don’t get defensive,” she replied, hand on hip. “All I said was I don’t want to ever be in Latrice’s shoes. My heart breaks for her. That bastard put her through hell.”

  “Well, I’m not him. And you’re not Latrice. That’s their struggle, not ours. Now how did me asking you what you thought about a man wanting his woman to lick his ass turn into a conversation about Latrice and Herbie, and you practically questioning my manhood?”

  “I wasn’t questioning your manhood, Kendall. I was only stating an opinion. But if your sexuality came into question for me, believe me, I’d be confronting you.”

  I frowned. “And so you should. But you don’t have to. You know that.”

  “I only know what you tell me. Anything else is left up to fate and speculation.”

  I sighed, shaking my head. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I know what kind of man you are with me, when we’re alone behind closed doors. But questions like that make me wonder…”

  “It was a question about me.”

  “I know it wasn’t. Still…”

  “And, again…not that I should have to say this, but I will so that we’re very clear. I’m not some DL cat living a double life. And I’m not Herbie or any other man who does.”

  Yeah, it wasn’t exactly the God’s honest truth. But it wasn’t a complete lie, either. I mean. The fact that she’d never have to worry about me being attracted to—or wanting to be with—another man was true.

  But, creeping every now and again with a freaky babe was a whole other story. So yeah, I lied, sort of—by omission. But. Out of necessity, it had to be told. Still, I hated doing so.

  I let go of her, feeling like shit for not being able to be straight up with her about my hidden desires. I felt like such a fraud for not being able to man up and tell her what I enjoyed.

  That I loved my ass licked.

  That she was married to a man who loved a finger stroking inside his ass.

  That I loved having my prostate massaged, milked.

  That it was the most intense, pleasurable experience, ever.

  No. I couldn’t tell her any of that. Her reaction to what was only a hypothetical question was proof of that. So what other choice did I really have? I could only imagine what her real reaction would be if I confessed my sexual sins. Divorce was (and is) the last thing I want. But does that mean I should deny my sexual urges? Am I supposed to deprive myself of pleasure simply because my wife isn’t down with the program?

  Hell no.

  Why should I when I can have my cake and eat it, too? After all, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? Eat the cake?

  “Good,” she finally replied. “Now that that’s settled. I’m going to start dinner.”

  “Hey, hey. Not so fast.” I gently grabbed her arm as she went to walk off. My mind still reeling from the conversation, I needed to be sure I’d heard her right. “So you’d really divorce me if I told you I wanted you to lick my ass?”

  “No, I’d curse your ass out real good. Then give you the side-eye. I wouldn’t end our marriage over you asking something like that. You’re entitled to ask whatever you like. Just like it’s my prerogative to either be down with it or not. But, yes. Trust and believe. I’d divorce you in a heartbeat if I found out you were out here on all fours with another man…or woman; but definitely if it’s with a man. I’m not signing up for none of that. Back there is for exit only. Just like I’m not giving it up. I don’t want a man who does, either. No real man should want any kind of anal play. And if he does,” she paused, shaking her head, “you already know what my thought is…”

  Yeah. Real closed-minded.

  Krista’s repressive ignorance to sex and sexuality was stifling, for a lack of a better word. And I’d be damned if I’d allow her thinking or that of society’s to keep me chained to mediocre sex. It wasn’t going to happen. Like I said, I loved my wife, but, unfortunately, not enough to be deprived of my own sexual desires.

  No, I’d never leave her. My life with Krista is more than sex. Still, sex—fulfilling sex, that is—is very important…to me, anyway. So if Krista wanted to stay stuck in the dark ages of what sex should or shouldn’t be between a man and woman, a husband and wife, then let her.

  When the urge hit me, I’d find satisfaction elsewhere, in the sheets with another open-minded freak like me.

  She continued eyeing me suspiciously. “I’m still wondering why you’d bring that nasty mess up, anyway?”

  I shrugged off my true thoughts and said, “I didn’t think it was a big deal. I simply wanted to know your feelings about it.”

  She raised a brow. “Oh. Well, now you know. It’s nasty.”

  “Well, nasty or not, baby,” I stated as a matter of fact. “Everyone’s entitled to do what they do behind closed doors, in the privacy of their own homes and in their own relationships. To each its own.”

  She twisted her lips in disgust. “Mmph. Yeah, you got that right. Not in my bed, though, and definitely not with me. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of woman is licking some man’s ass…?”

  A freaky one, I mused.

  “Mmph. She’s just as sick and nasty in the head as he is for wanting it. I wish the hell I would.”

  No surprise there. Tell me how you really feel.

  “I hear you, baby,” I said thoughtfully. I gave her a
peck on the lips, then patted her on the ass. “I wouldn’t want your pretty tongue anywhere near my ass, anyway. But I know somewhere else I’d love to feel it.” I grinned, lightening the mood between us.

  She smirked. “Oh, I bet you would.”

  “Yeah, right over the head,” I teased, rubbing over the length of my erection.

  She rolled her eyes, waving me on. “Oh, you might get it there.” She glanced down at the bulge in my pants. She smirked, walking off. Then glanced over her shoulder, and said, “Maybe later.”

  Standing there with a semi-hard dick, I watched her swing her hips out of the living room, heading toward the kitchen to prepare dinner. I decided maybe I’d jack off to lighten the heavy load in my balls. Then thought otherwise and stalked behind her, grabbing her by the waist, then spinning her around.

  “Kendall, what in the world?”

  “I’m horny, baby. I want you. Now.”

  “What, all that talk about ass licking got you so turned on?”

  I laughed. “See. Now you tryna be funny.” Hell yeah. “The only thing that has me turned on is, you.”

  “But I need to get dinner started,” she protested, trying to wiggle out of my embrace.

  “You can,” I said, holding her tighter, then grinding into her. “Right after I get up in these beautiful hips.” I cupped her ass with both hands. “Better yet, I’ll just eat you.”

  She relaxed in my arms, and giggled. “Not now. Later.”

  I scooped her up in my arms. “No. Now.”

  She flung her arms around my neck, laughing. “Kendall Lamont Evans. If you don’t put me down.”

  I ignored her, carrying her off to our bedroom, then tossing her on the bed. “I want you naked, baby. Take them jeans off,” I ordered, pulling off my undershirt.

  She must have seen the hunger flash in my eyes—or maybe she decided she wanted some hard dick as badly as I wanted to give it to her—because she didn’t put up much of a fight. She quickly unfastened the button on her jeans, then pulled them down over her hips, kicking them to the floor.

  “Lose them panties,” I said next, slipping out of my sweats, then dropping my boxers. I stroked my erection in my hand. Watched as she watched it glide in and out of my hand.


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