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His Darkest Salvation

Page 10

by Juliana Stone

  Good timing, she thought. Yep, perfect week to be on the cusp and nearly in heat. The yearning deep within was compounded by the fact that Julian was nearby. Even now, his scent clung to her. It was inside her and was enough to drive a girl insane.

  She raised her glass, nodded to Kragen, and tossed the rest of the wine down her throat.

  Christ, I need an hour alone with my vibrator. She was on the verge of losing control and totally pissed at herself.

  “Care to share the details?” Kragen asked softly, like they were friends . . . or something.

  “Not particularly,” she replied, glad that her voice had at least returned to normal even as her thoughts continued to focus on Julian.

  She should have kneed the bastard in the balls, cut, and run.

  Kragen’s eyes narrowed as a predatory smile swept over his handsome face. She supposed some women found the weird color of his eyes attractive, but to her it screamed otherworld.

  Skye had warned her about Kragen. Finn’s sister had had dealings with him before. The sorcerer was a bastard of the highest order but handsome as all hell. He was used to getting what he wanted.

  “A toast then.” He lifted his glass, which was nearly full, and as Paulo swiftly refilled hers, he smiled. “To an unforgettable evening.”

  She held her glass high and finished it in two gulps. Daddy should see his little whore now, she thought, dressed to kill and guzzling wine like it was grape juice.

  Real fucking ladylike.

  She exhaled slowly and forced herself to relax. She needed to keep the big picture in mind and forget about Julian, her father . . . all of it. Her eyes fell on Kragen. Tonight, he was the target, and she’d be damned if she’d let him slip away.

  “What do you feel like? Have you had a chance to read the menu?” she asked softly.

  Kragen leaned back in his chair, totally relaxed. Confident. “What do you suggest? I’m feeling the need for something exotic and can’t decide.” He took a sip of his wine, his focus entirely on her, “I’d love to taste . . . everything.”

  Small bursts of energy flew from his fingers. They began to shimmer, wafting into the air like petals of mist. Her eyes followed them in surprise as they fell over her skin with the delicate touch of soft feathers.

  Her surprise soon turned to anger, and she gasped as an odd sensation crawled along with them. It felt as if tiny fingers were running along her flesh, between her breasts and across her nipples.

  Bastard! She felt her cheeks darken. If she was to be manhandled, it wouldn’t be by these means.

  She was not playing this game.

  She leaned forward, smiled wickedly, her leg stretching out underneath the table, and placed her stiletto-encased foot between his legs. She applied just enough pressure to make her point, and his eyes widened as the air around him stilled.

  “Don’t pull that freaky mojo crap with me because I won’t hesitate to impale my heel all the way up your dick. Are we clear?”

  The sensations stopped immediately as Kragen’s eyes narrowed. He studied her for a few seconds, then whispered softly, “Understood.”

  “Wonderful,” she said. “Let’s order ’cause I’m starved.”

  She signaled Paulo and proceeded to order for them both. Steaks, rice, and steamed vegetables.

  Kragen took another sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving hers, and cleared his mouth. “You gonna remove your foot anytime soon?”

  She laughed softly, dug in a tad more, then let her foot fall.

  “You’re not what I expected.”

  “Oh?” She grabbed a piece of warm bread from the basket and settled back. “Disappointed?”

  “Not at all. I’d heard that the DaCostas were somewhat . . .”

  “Stale? Old-world?”

  He stuffed a good-size portion of bread in his mouth and chewed slowly before answering. “Bloodthirsty and cutthroat.”

  His eyes ran the length of her once more, and a grin fell across his mouth, but he was more dismissive than anything. “You seem neither though you have spunk.”

  His mistake.

  “Spunk?” Jaden nearly showered Kragen with wine as she snorted. “Spunk will get you bitch slapped, my friend, and cutthroat”—she winked at him—“will get your balls worked over by six-inch heels.” Jaden shook her head. “Never forget who and what I am.”

  “I don’t think you’d be on anyone’s forgettable list,” Kragen retorted dryly. His eyes glittered as he stared at her intently.

  Her jaguar stirred and she was glad that Paulo chose that moment to refill their wineglasses. She was edgy, riding on the cusp of something reckless, and in her world, that could prove dangerous.

  So she sipped her wine, mentally rearranged herself, and a half an hour later, when Paulo served their meal, she was in control.

  They ate, made polite small talk, each skirting the issue that had brought them together. It was a dance of sorts, one she’d played many times over. And yet this was like no other.

  Jaden was headed toward an end that she could not predict. An unknown, and that was utterly terrifying.

  The fragile rhythm of the earth was crying out as darkness slowly embedded itself deep within her soul. The frenetic energy that slithered through the jungle bled death and destruction into everything it touched.

  And it wasn’t just here in her small sliver of the world. PATU was responding to calls on every continent. They couldn’t train new operatives fast enough. Demon activity was up more than 50 percent in just six months. Hell, up until a few months ago, she’d never laid eyes on one. Now she was a goddamn expert.

  Otherworld crime was on the rise, with vamps, shifters, and magicks making more noise than ever. Old rules were being broken, lines crossed, and alliances built.

  It wouldn’t be long before the otherworld came crashing down upon the human realm.

  She looked past Kragen out into the night and let the warm whisper of air caress her heated cheeks. It tugged at her hair and she closed her eyes as long strands snaked out to ride the wind.

  The breeze was fresh, tangy, and she inhaled deeply. It fed the sorrow that burned in her chest, and her muscles tightened painfully.

  God, it would be wonderful to go to sleep and wake up in another time and place. One that didn’t suck as much as right now.

  If Cormac was successful in locating the portal, they were all screwed. He’d unleash such legions of darkness upon the human realm that the world would never recover.

  The goddamn underbelly of hell.

  Julian had been there. He knew what was coming.

  Forget about Castille.

  She toyed with her food, not really listening to whatever the hell was falling from Kragen’s lips. Christ, the man talked more than Robin Williams on crack. She forced the last piece of steak past her throat and washed it down with the rest of her wine.

  “—don’t you think?”

  “What?” she asked as she rested her hands on the table.

  Kragen frowned, and his tone was irritated. “I was just asking—”

  She cut him off before he could continue because she really didn’t give a damn. Enough of the bull; it was time to party.

  “Where’s Cormac?”

  Kragen cocked an eyebrow, surprised.

  “You do know where he is, correct?”

  Kragen settled back in his chair, his freaky eyes luminous, reflecting the light from the candle on their table. His entire demeanor changed instantly.

  Jaden took notice and sat up straighter, realizing the sorcerer had been playing her as well. The darkness that scratched below the surface of his skin bled through. The man was dangerous, and she couldn’t forget that.

  “I feel like dessert.” The words were pure silk. The air had changed, and she felt a shift in the energy. “Something tasty and smooth.”

  Her animal stirred once more, and her heart beat faster.

  Why not walk on the wild side? Besides, it wasn’t like she could get anything accompli
shed here in the restaurant.

  She stood in one fluid movement, smiling to herself as his eyes fell to her breasts. She leaned over the table, enjoying the game. Knowing if she moved to the right, he’d get a peek at the dusky tips that were still hard, aching, and unfulfilled.

  “Something sweet?” she whispered softly.

  It was amazing what a great rack could accomplish. It could reduce the most dangerous man to a pile of putty if used properly.

  “We can continue our meeting in a more . . . private situation,” she said, then tossed her hair back, exhaling as she did so.

  A soft breeze rippled across her skin, teasing the hot flesh, and suddenly she was filled with a need so intense her skin burned hot, like she’d been dipped in a fire. Everything blurred for a moment, and she stumbled briefly, regaining her balance just as fast.

  Her eyes swept across the terrace, out toward the darkness, and she paused. Something was there, watching. The weird sensation lingered, then evaporated in the breeze.

  “Are you all right?” Kragen asked politely though his eyes were focused on her breasts. Too bad the girls didn’t know how to speak. He’d have a heart attack for sure if they could answer.

  He stood swiftly, and she sensed his arousal. The signals were loud and clear. The sorcerer wanted to screw.

  Jaden hissed softly. “Follow me.”

  Thanks to Julian Castille, so did she.

  She looked back at Kragen and crooked her finger, smiling as a hungry glint lit his eyes. His body was tall, lean but muscular, and there was no denying that the man was attractive.

  She felt her belly tighten in anticipation, wondering if he could ease the ache that had erupted between her thighs.

  Maybe she could have her cake and eat it, too. Have her itch scratched and gather the information she needed.

  “Thank you, Paulo,” she murmured politely as she strode past her manager. She knew Kragen was not far behind and led him from the restaurant, taking the path that led toward the gardens.

  Cool mist crept along the ground, slithering across manicured grass like long fingers of smoke. The gardens were deserted, dark. Her guests usually kept to the well-lit paths, and that was one reason she’d designed the large area to be free of light.

  She could come here and be alone.

  Kragen caught up to her, she felt his hand at her back, heard the rhythm of his breathing escalate as he touched her. It was almost too easy.

  She resisted his touch and turned to the right, taking a path that led toward a grouping of large palm trees. At first glance, they seemed a solid wall, but she slipped through and into a clearing, her very own secret garden.

  A waterfall trickled in the corner, its sound musical, calming. Any other night it would have sung to her, but this night, with all that hung over her head, she heard nothing.

  She turned to Kragen, and the two of them stared at each other in silence. Was she out of her ever-loving mind? Had her judgment gone on vacation? Or was she playing Daddy’s little whore a little too close to the bone?

  She ached inside, and it wasn’t going away. In fact, the need was growing stronger, impairing her judgment.

  Could she seriously have sex with him? Would it do any good? Alleviate the craving that clawed at her incessantly?

  Only Julian.

  She snarled and pushed thoughts of the jaguar from her mind, ignoring the ferocious desire that tugged at her. Slowly, her hands crept along her hips, up toward her chest until she grazed the hard nipples that sat below silk.

  Her lips parted as pain shot through her belly, sitting low and heavy until it liquefied and filtered into the hot juncture between her legs. She fought the urge to put her hand there, all of a sudden not sure what it was that she wanted, or needed.

  Kragen lifted his hands, held them palm up, and seconds later, the small area was lit with an eerie glow.

  His face was dark, hidden in shadow, and a trickle of apprehension ran along her spine. Her animal burned beneath her skin, sensing things were off.

  “You are the hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time,” he muttered as he took a step closer.

  “Where’s Cormac?” she asked softly, the anxiety slowly fading as she focused on the matter at hand.

  The goddamn vibrator was looking more and more attractive, so the sooner she got this over with, the sooner she could snuggle down with the blue dolphin.

  Kragen walked toward her, a true predator, and stood inches from her body. His hand reached for her, but she stepped back, just out of reach. He frowned, and she felt his energy change once more.

  She would have to move quickly.

  “Does he still have the fallen with him? What can you tell me about Azaiel? Are they working together?”

  Kragen arched an eyebrow, and he paused before answering, his freaky eyes glowing. “Azaiel is tied to the jaguars and eagles, you should know this stuff.” His tone was dismissive. “It’s not my fault you’ve lost touch with your history, your culture.”

  Jaden frowned. She knew squat about Azaiel really, only what Skye had been told. That the fallen angel had been betrayed eons ago by a woman, Toniella. That only he had the power to destroy the portal.

  Azaiel was the rock star in this whole mess.

  “Let’s talk business later, shall we?”

  There was a cruel lift to his mouth, but she let him move closer, let his hand slide along her jaw until he cupped her head.

  “Tell me more of Toniella. Who was she? What happened to her after Azaiel was banished to hell?”

  Kragen laughed and shook his head. “I’m not a history teacher. If you want to better understand the dynamics of what is going on, you should look to the past. You’d be surprised at the answers you can find.”

  His eyes were half-closed, and though Jaden let him believe he was in control, she was already growing weary of the game.

  “Why did you want this meeting?” she asked.

  Truthfully, she was more than a little puzzled. With Cormac off the grid, and the portal seeming to have disappeared, all bets were off. New alliances were being drawn up every day. Drawn, then broken. Such was the way of it with the otherworld. Loyalty was a bitch that no one believed in.

  “I’m into self-preservation and just testing the waters. Curious as to where the DaCosta jaguars stand in this whole mess.”

  “We want the portal.” I want the portal, she thought.

  “Don’t we all?” he answered though his focus was on her lips.

  He tried to pull her closer, but she resisted. “Cormac has gone rogue; he can’t be trusted. Once the portal is opened, he’ll be after all our asses. He’s not exactly the sharing type.”

  She let a smile fall across her tight lips. “We need to work together, so when the tide turns, we come out on top, no?”

  Kragen studied her closely but didn’t answer.

  She rubbed against him, her voice husky. “So why don’t you tell me where he is, and we can get on with it.”

  “That’s a secret I’m not sure I’m ready to share yet,” he whispered softly.

  Jaden pushed away, feeling little bolts of energy ride over her flesh as she did so. She was pissed but needed to keep a cool head.

  “You indicated that you had information. We all want to get our hands on the portal, and I can help you.” She blew a strand of hair from her face as she faced him.

  She was going to have to get physical. She could feel it.

  “Lady, there’s only one way you can help me right now, and it has nothing to do with Cormac.”

  Jaden ran her tongue along her teeth, ignoring the hum of energy that slithered over her hot skin. Her hair was damp and clung to her shoulders, and the tattoos along her neck were irritated. They burned like hell.

  “Really?” she purred softly, welcoming the dance that was about to begin. She had way too much pent-up energy, and a good asskicking was the perfect way to expend it.

  He grabbed her shoulders, and his eyes glittered dangerously as
he spoke. His energy was black, thick, and repugnant. “You’ve been nothing but a cock-tease the entire evening, and now it’s time to collect.”

  She let him pull his body along hers, gritted her teeth as he lowered his head, and when he would have claimed her mouth, she head butted him.


  He cursed loudly, but his arms kept her pinned as a grimace crept across his features. “Like to play rough?”

  She smiled up at him. “I told you earlier not to forget who and what I am.” She dug her nails in deep. They were razor-sharp and cut him quickly.

  “I am going to enjoy breaking you,” he whispered hoarsely, and the air shimmered around him as the heat was sucked away and replaced with a blast of cold.

  Jaden’s power erupted from deep in her gut, and she hissed loudly as she stomped a six-inch heel into the top of his foot. She laughed as she felt it break through leather, and when he drew his arm back and swung it forward, she grabbed it, held it in place, and grinned at the surprise that rolled over his features.

  She jabbed him hard in the gut, her long nails piercing skin, then she spun around, putting several feet between them in an instant. She’d moved fast, her body a blur of dark hair and long limbs.

  “Let’s try this again,” she spit. “Where the hell is Cormac?” She held her hands loose and ready, her legs wide, pushing the boundaries of the silky material as it strained against her flesh.

  She watched him warily as his eyes gave her the once-over and made no effort to hide her disgust. To think she’d considered, even briefly, using him for sex. It spoke of desperation, and in that instant, she hated Julian Castille for everything he’d done to her. Even if it wasn’t his choice.

  She was gonna have to become a nun. She thought of the blue vibrator. Or invest in a lot of batteries.

  “You really are quite magnificent.” Kragen took a step toward her. “I was telling you the truth. I have no idea where Cormac is holed up. He’s gone dark over the last few months, and from what I can tell, paranoid as all hell.”

  He shrugged and ran his hands through the hair atop his head. “He’s waiting.”

  “For what?” Jaden let that information run through her mind. He knew more than he was letting on. She was sure of it.


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