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The Wraith of Valenastrious: A LitRPG Epic (World of Samar Book 1)

Page 19

by LitRPG Freaks

  Dennis tapped his fingers quietly on the table. “Would it make you feel better if I said yes?”

  Harrison smiled for a brief moment, realizing he and Dennis were more alike than he assumed; he said those exact same words to Maverick just that morning. “That’s not how it starts?” he asked, trying not to let his worry show through.

  “I’m afraid not. A prompt appears and presents a quest for the player. Based on their choices during that quest, that is what makes them switch sides. This voice…was it feminine?”

  Harrison nodded once. “Sounded exactly like Valenastrious when she appeared.”

  “We’re jumping ahead. Go back. You leapt out of the tower and landed on the dragon. How did you control it?”

  “I’m not sure really, the voice just said I could.” He set his glass down hard on the counter. “Actually no, sorry that’s not right. I ordered it to obey me.”

  Dennis pushed back from the table. “Go on.”

  “I…I commanded it to attack and it did. Afterwards, when it landed again, that was when things got weird. Maverick, Alana I mean, she said my body lifted off the dragon and was surrounded by fire. She said it was like a shield of some kind. I heard her trying to get to me, but the flames wouldn’t let her.”

  He heard her yelling for him even now, felt her slamming into that wall as if she could shatter the fire and yank him from its hold.

  “She appeared then, stepped out of the fire and told me to join her, the Demon Queen.” He lifted his gaze so his eyes locked onto Dennis’. “She said she doesn’t do that normally, not for everyone, and that I would make a great addition to her army.”

  “You would indeed be an incredibly powerful demon player,” Dennis agreed.

  “Yeah, but not at the cost of what she wanted,” Harrison argued. He crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. His hair, grown longer since his time here, fell across his forehead and he shoved it away. “She told me I had to kill my guild, use the dragon and kill them all right then and there.”

  “And still no prompt window appeared? Nothing for you to accept a quest?’

  “Nothing. I laughed in her face and told her she could either fight me right there or she could leave me alone. I wasn’t going to hurt my friends, my family.”

  Dennis’ smile brightened his face, chasing the worry lines away. “Sounds as if you put the Demon Queen in her place. You certainly did that. Not to alarm you, Harrison, but she is not supposed to have contact with any player until they reach the sixth Demon Lord, and by my last count you have only met Saurgaurd.”

  “And that was after she was gone,” Harrison added.

  “There are many aspects of this game I have kept secret from the beta testers, from you, to see how it would develop on its own. I must say I expected some interesting outcomes, but I did not expect the system to recognize you as such a strong character, treating you as if you’re one of its own almost.”

  Harrison’s mouth fell open slightly as Dennis stood, humming to himself, and wandered further into his apartment. “What do you mean?” he asked and hurried after him.

  “I mean, set within the game is a bit of freedom for the program to grow, adapt on its own based on what it sees of the players within the system,” Dennis explained, as he slid open a door and entered a larger room with several different computers and a station matching the ones downstairs in the lab.

  “Is this where you log in from?”

  “It is indeed. All of the high level techs have one in their rooms, so we can provide maintenance on the game while you and the others rest…or if we need to blow off steam,” he suggested with a wink. “I can’t keep some of them, myself included, away from this game. Alas, we have only made it to the third dungeon.”

  Harrison grinned, picturing Tyler and all the other techs running around with Dennis and taking down the Demon Lords. “I’d love to see your guild play sometime. Bet they’re amazing.”

  “Ha! They’re more creator than player. They get distracted like damn squirrels sometimes.”

  Harrison stared at the private system. If there was one in every room…was that where Rodney was trying to get to when he and the other gamers were caught? But no, that incident happened while everyone was logged in…but then again, he didn’t always keep track of where Rodney was. The man could have easily claimed he was sick that day and sat out in his room, waiting for the quarters upstairs to be vacant.

  “I have brought you here today for several different reasons. One to ask that any more interesting developments such as the one you just described, you come and speak to me about them,” Dennis requested and Harrison returned his focus to the old man. “Can you make me that promise?”

  “Yeah sure. I’m interested now to see what else happens.”

  “As will be the rest of my team. We hoped for certain…developments to take place, it’s why I encourage exploring and taking the path less traveled, but we never anticipated the Demon Queen herself would manifest before a player she deemed worthy.” Dennis sighed, and his smile fell as his eyes darkened. “The second reason I asked you to come here is sadly a more serious matter.”

  “Oh? Did I do something wrong?” Harrison shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his pants, so Dennis wouldn’t see them shaking again. He bit the inside of his cheeks hard, trying not to let his anxiety show, but the old man wasn’t an idiot. His eyes narrowed and he walked closer to Harrison. “Dennis?”

  “The other day, when you and the others were violently pulled from the game, we found several suspicious testers from the demon side of the lab tampering with one of the servers.”

  “Really? That’s terrible, what the hell were they trying to do?” he asked. Did he sound angry enough? He furrowed his brow and shook his head. “Idiots.”

  “Idiots indeed. We could not prove they did anything to technically violate their contracts, yet, but one of them had something very interesting to say.” Dennis walked around Harrison. Suddenly, he felt as if they were back in the game and it wasn’t Dennis walking around him but his character Daemyn, staring him down with a penetrating gaze, ready to strike at any moment. “He said there was another player we should be watching out for. One from the hero side.”

  Harrison gulped. “Is that right? Did he say who?”

  “No, he gave no name, but my team is working on finding out who he meant. He and his friends are banned from the game for a few more days, until we can find out what’s happening here. I ask if you notice anything strange, anyone of your guild or another acting out, please inform me immediately.”

  Harrison breathed an inward sigh of relief. “Yeah, of course. That’s terrible. I can’t imagine anyone tampering with the game.”

  “This game has been my life’s work, Harrison. I will not see it fall into the hands of some ruffians, or worse,” he muttered darkly. “The virtual world is new territory for all of us. Not everyone wants to use it for entertainment purposes.”

  His words sent warning bells ringing in Harrison’s mind. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we have already been approached by several investors interested in backing our game, but they are not the type of men I would ever do business with. That is what I mean.”

  He had to know, how could he not know? Harrison kept his face blank as he waited for Dennis to say something else, but the two men simply stared at each other long and hard before the old man glanced at his watch.

  “Well, I think lunch is over. You should get back before your guild misses you. Something tells me you are very close to the second dungeon,” he added with a wink.

  Harrison smiled. “Think we are. Thanks for the dinner, and I’ll keep you posted in regards to both issues. You have my word.”

  “Good, very good. And Harrison?”

  He stopped at the doorway and turned. “Yeah?”

  “Good luck with the next dungeon. I look forward to watching you succeed again.”

  Harrison smiled and waved. “You and me both.” He left
the room and, the second he was out of sight, took off out of the apartment. He raced downstairs, not for the cafeteria but for the bathroom. Panting, he locked himself in a stall. The bit of food he did eat roiled in his stomach and he was covered in a cold sweat. Rodney and those other players were still in the building. What was stopping them from trying again or, worse, forcing Harrison to do what Paris wanted him to do? He held onto the rim of the toilet bowl until he heard the announcement lunch was over and it was time to return to the game.

  Flushing the toilet out of habit, he left the stall and splashed cold water on his face, rubbing vigorously at it.

  “You can do this. Just stay focused on the game. That’s what matters.”

  As he walked back out to the lab and joined his guild, though, all he could see was Dennis’ look of disappointment when he would find out the other traitor was him.

  Chapter 13

  “Is that it?”

  Bishop shook his head and glanced around. “What? Where?”

  “Those giant doors with dragons carved into them,” Jimmy said with a laugh and pointing. “How can you miss them?”

  “Sorry, didn’t sleep much last night.”

  Maverick huffed beside him. “Sure, blame it on lack of sleep.”

  “For the last time, I’m not going to the dark side, so can we drop it? If this is the second dungeon, we have plans to make.” Bishop didn’t mean to sound so aggravated but, ever since he got back into the game yesterday, she watched him like a hawk as if expecting him to turn full demon at any second. “I’m sorry,” he said to her, and he offered a smile. “But really I’m fine. I’ll tell you if that changes.”

  “Fine,” she said with a punch in the arm. “No reason why I shouldn’t trust you I guess.”

  Bishop smiled, even though she did have reasons not to trust him. They all did, but he wasn’t about to get into that right now. The doors to the second dungeon lay before them, hidden beneath the crypts of the Sanctuary. Trajan told him yesterday evening before they all logged out for the day they had a suspicion where they were. However, his group was busy preparing their gear and getting everyone up to level twelve, leaving Bishop and his group to finish the search for the dungeon entrance. Now they stood before it, and he itched to run forward and open those doors.

  “You think it’ll be like last time?” Benji asked.

  “Harder,” Bishop said. “I bet that dragon’s in there too, and I don’t think it’ll be as nice to us as it was last time.”

  “So a boss and a dragon and what else?” Arthur mused as he walked closer to the doors.

  “Not sure, but now that we know where it is, I say we do the same as Trajan’s guild. Three of us still need to hit twelve, get a few more gear upgrades,” Bishop decided. “I’ll send him a message and let him know we need to get together soon and make a plan of attack.”

  “Dungeon number two,” Shamus announced, excitedly. “This is going to be epic!”

  “Oh you mean like last time where we all died?” Jimmy reminded him, and they all laughed.

  “We’ll be fine. As long as no one turns on us again,” Maverick added, and she gave Bishop another solid punch even as she chuckled. “Nah, we’ll get through it if we have the LongBeards with us.”

  Bishop walked to the doors and placed his hand against them, wishing he could see what lay beyond, when a message appeared on the doors. “Well crap. That changes things a bit.”

  “What?” Maverick hurried to his side. “Damn. Looks like we have some power leveling to do.”

  “The boss inside that dungeon is level fifteen, minimum. The quest chain is red.” Bishop pointed to the prompt on the door. “Well, we have a few hours until lunch and then the rest of the day. Who wants to do some hunting?”

  Jimmy cringed and the others sighed and muttered annoyed curses along with him. “Who wants to go hunt some orcs?” he asked, not sounding too enthusiastic about it.

  “Oh come on, it’ll be fun. Like a date,” Maverick added, as she slipped her arm through Jimmy’s and dragged him back towards the steps to the crypt. “We can even have a picnic.”

  “With orc bodies around us? Only a shifter would think that could be romantic.”

  “Just because you’re an elf doesn’t mean you have to be so squeamish.”

  Their bantering trailed away as the rest of the group followed, leaving Bishop behind. He studied the doors closely, searching for any hints as to what they would face on the other side. At least hunting today, he would have a chance to use his new tracking skill and maybe pick up a new bow. If not, he would definitely have to make one sufficient enough to take on the next—


  He spun around, glaring into the flickering light of the torches. “Hello?”

  Bishop…come to me, Bishop.

  He removed his bow from his body, his fingers resting on the string. Willy refused to follow them down here and he was tempted to summon the wolf, but that felt wrong dragging him into an unknown situation that could kill them both.

  He squinted into the shadows, not seeing anything.

  My sweet, sweet Bishop, still you fight me?

  His body tensed down to his toes at the words. “Valenastrious.”

  Her laughter washed over him like silk. Who else would reach out to you, my strong hunter? Come with me, you are far too tense. Let me relax you. Let me show you the easier way.

  “No thanks, I like things just the way they are.” He was marching towards the stairs when two strong hands yanked him backwards and spun him around. He cursed, staring into the glowing eyes of the damned queen herself once again. “Let me go!”

  “Now why would I do that? I finally have you alone,” she purred.

  “What do you want from me? I already said I wasn’t going to join you.”

  “Yes you did, but things change. For instance, that hard look was not in your eyes the last time we spoke, nor was the fear beneath it.” She trailed her hands over his shoulders, cupping his face in a steel grip. “Tell me, Bishop, what scares a hunter such as yourself?”

  “Nothing to concern you. I’m leaving now.” He tried to step away from her, but his feet wouldn’t move. They sunk into the ground and he staggered forward, only staying upright by the demon holding him. The corridor around him shimmered with a glitch as if the system was trying to disrupt what the queen was doing to him. Was she full out fighting against the server itself to be here to see him?

  “Why do you continually try to leave me?” she growled. “All I offer is what deep down you want.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Power, a chance to control your life for once. These heroes, these people you fight for, all they offer you is death against my legions. But I will offer you the chance to lead my army. Be the one who takes them down and washes the world in green fire.”

  Bishop glanced frantically over his shoulder. Where was his guild? Did they not notice he was missing yet? Not that he wanted them to face off against the queen, but anything might be enough to distract her so he could get away.

  He considered yelling, but something on Valen’s face told him that wouldn’t work. She ran her claw tipped fingers down his cheeks.

  “You could be so much more if you only let yourself give in to what you want.”

  “Lady if I did that, I’d be a dead man by now,” he muttered.

  “Perhaps in your world, but not in mine.”

  Bishop’s blood ran cold. “What did you say?”

  “I said perhaps with the heroes, but not with my demons,” she said and her eyes narrowed.

  “No, that’s not what you said. You…you know?”

  Valen cackled. “I know many things, Bishop, Master Hunter of Samar. I know in the end, the others will only get you killed.”

  Others. Bishop’s eyes widened and he darted a glance at his free hand. His fingers twitched as he opened his bags and spotted the horn to call Tavin. Would it work if he wasn’t in a dungeon?

  Valen was still tal
king and didn’t notice, until it was too late, the horn in his hand. As quickly as he could, he raised it to his lips and blew hard. The deep sound reverberated against the stone walls and Valen screeched in pain, letting Bishop go so she could cover her ears. She stumbled backwards, hissing curses at him, as he blew it again and again. He feared it wasn’t going to work. But then, Valen straightened and her face turned into a hideous snarl, her mouth opening wider than should’ve been possible, as fire burst to life at her feet.

  “Tavin,” she roared.

  Bishop spun around to see Tavin standing there, a sword in each hand and her face scrunched in rage. “Valenastrious, you murdering bitch!”

  She darted past Bishop with a yell and charged the Demon Queen. He watched them go at each other and drew his bow, aiming at Valen. He hit her dead center with Increased Swift Bow, but she had no health bar. As far as he could tell, she didn’t even feel his strike.

  Tavin fought with a fury Bishop never witnessed before in his life. She didn’t let up her attacks, slashing and stabbing as Valen defended with her clawed hands, before a staff appeared in her grasp.

  “Bishop! Get out of here!” Tavin hollered. “Go!”

  He glanced up, expecting to see her health bar. However, just like Valen’s, hers was missing. Bishop ran, his mind racing as confusion filled him. What the hell was going on down there? He had to talk to Dennis and it couldn’t wait until lunch time. He reached the crypt, sprinting passed dead bodies and tombs before reaching the cellar of the Sanctuary. He ran until he was out in the courtyard, doubled over struggling to catch his breath.

  “Bishop? What the hell man?” Jimmy asked, laughing. “You didn’t have to run.”

  “Down…down there,” he gasped. “Valen and Tavin…fighting. Have to tell…Dennis.”

  “What? You’re not making sense,” Maverick argued.

  “Explain later, just don’t go back to the dungeon without me, alright?” He straightened and quickly logged himself out, the last thing Bishop saw being the confused faces of his guild mates.


  “Whoa, Harrison, take it easy man,” Tyler said, pushing Harrison back down. “Your pulse is way too high.”


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