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New Beginning's (The Billionaire's Baby)

Page 5

by Helen Cooper

  “To do coke?”

  “To lose myself.” Max stared out of the window. “To be someone else.”

  “That’s a normal feeling, Max. We all want to have a different life sometimes.”

  “I don’t feel that way when I’m with her.”

  “Your ex?”

  “No. With S., the love of my life.” Max sighed. He thought of Sophie and he smiled. She had brought him breakfast in bed that morning and he’d left as she was washing Jacob carefully. He wasn’t a good enough person to have the heart of someone so wonderful.

  “Does S think you are a saint?”

  “No.” Max laughed.

  “And S didn’t leave you after she found out about the baby.”

  “No.” Max paused. “In fact, she’s been wonderful.”

  “You said there’s a possibility you may not be the father?” Dr. Spencer cocked his head.

  “Yeah, there is another man, a very powerful man who may be the dad.”

  “Are you going to say anything to anyone?” The doctor frowned at him. “That may not be a good idea.”

  “I don’t know.” Max frowned. “We’d need a DNA test first.”

  “Do you think S will leave you when she finds out about everything you did in the sex clubs?”

  “I don’t know.” He grit his teeth. “We’re going to one tonight—she wants to see it.”

  “The X Club?” Doctor Spencer raised his eyebrows.

  “No.” Max paused. “I would never take her there. I’m taking her to the starter club. The one I started them all out in.”

  “That shouldn’t be so bad then.”

  “What if I fall into my old ways again?”

  “Do you think you will?”

  “No.” Max paused and smiled. “I have no interest in doing any of those things with her.”

  “So then it shouldn’t be a problem?”

  “You’re right. It shouldn’t be a problem.” He finally sat down. “I’ll take her there, show her around and then we’ll go home and that will be it.”

  “Are you still worried that you’ll go back to the drugs?”

  “No.” Max’s voice was firm. “I don’t need them anymore.”

  “If you ever feel like you need them again, you have to go to rehab.” Dr. Spencer’s voice was serious. “You do understand that right.”

  “Yes.” Max looked at his doctor seriously. “I know that.” He laughed. “You do know, Dr. Spencer, you are the only person who can get away with talking to me like that.”

  “It does feel weird to boss a billionaire around.” The man laughed and Max smiled at him.

  “We should hang out some time.” Max stood up and looked at the man from the door.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Max.” He smiled. “I think I can connect better with you as just your doctor as opposed to your doctor and your friend.”

  “That may be true.” Max laughed. “Thanks, man. I appreciate your time.”

  “No worries, Max. Please feel free to call me at anytime.” He smiled and stood up to shake Max’s hand. “I’ll save an appointment for you on Monday, if you need to talk about tonight.”

  “Okay.” Max grimaced and walked out of the door.

  Dr. Spencer took out his tape recorder and pressed record: “Maxwell Van Harkel emergency visit notes. He is going back to locations that may lead to regressive behavior. Look for signs of drug or alcohol abuse in next couple of sessions. Also look for bruises or cuts on his body.” He pressed stop and sighed and turned off the recorder. He hadn’t wanted Max to see it in his face but he was worried that Max was in for a relapse and that worried him. He then pulled out his phone and stared at it for a second before sending the message. Max will be going to ‘The Games’ tonight. No other new info. He didn’t name the man he thinks is the baby’s father. Dr. Spencer stared at the wall after he sent the message, he felt guilty and sad but there was nothing he could do. It was either him or Max that was going to go down and he couldn’t allow it to be him.


  As Max walked back to the office he decided to call Sophie to make sure that she was still okay. He also wanted to hear her voice so he could calm his nerves.

  “Hey Max,” she answered the phone breathlessly.

  “What are you up to?”

  “Just been pacing back and forth with Jacob,” she whispered. “He’s been crying for the last forty-five minutes.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” He wasn’t quite sure what to say. “Should we get a nanny?”

  “No.” Her voice was sharp and then she softened it. “I don’t want a nanny but maybe we can go to some classes together, so we can learn how to look after a baby.”

  “I think we can arrange that.” He smiled into the phone. “I love you.”

  “What should I wear tonight?” Her voice was low and anxious. “I want to fit in.”

  “We’re just going to check it out, Sophie, not partake in anything.”

  “I know.” Her voice sounded peeved.

  “You weren’t expecting to do anything, were you?” His voice was sharp.

  “No.” Her voice was low.

  “Do you want to sleep with another man?” He stopped and closed his eyes as he waited for her answer.

  “What?” Sophie’s voice was shocked. “No, no. Of course not.”

  “Okay.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “Then what were you expecting?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t know what else goes on there.”

  “But you want to try something?”

  “Maybe.” She paused. “Something small. Just to experience it.”

  Maxwell felt his heart beating fast and a grin spread across his face. “Well, maybe we can arrange something.”

  “What?” Her voice was breathless again.

  “It’ll be a surprise.” He grinned as they hung up the phone. It seemed like his sweet innocent Sophie was not as interested in staying innocent and as he walked back to the office, he thought that perhaps it wasn’t going to be such a bad night after all.

  Chapter 8


  Ella was anxious to get home so that she could check her account. Capri had helped her create her profile and she had been receiving notifications all day on her phone from men who had sent her messages. She was excited to see what sort of men had contacted her and was hopeful that she would also like a few of them. For the first time in months, she had gone through the day without thinking about Joseph and wishing that he were still in her life.

  “Hey Sophie,” she answered the phone with excitement.

  “Hey Ella. What you up to?” Sophie sounded frazzled.

  “Just going home.”

  “I’ve never heard anyone sound so excited to be going home.” Sophie laughed.

  “Okay, don’t laugh but I joined a dating website. I’m going to check my messages.” Ella laughed.

  “Oh wow, exciting.” Sophie grinned and then sighed as Jacob started crying again. “Oh my gosh, hold on a second.” She went and picked Jacob up and patted him on the back.

  “How’s my nephew?” Ella asked softly into the phone, she had completely forgotten all the drama of yesterday and was hopeful that Sophie and Max were doing okay.

  “He’s good, I think.” Sophie spoke softly. “Aside from being a baby.”

  “Are you doing okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Sophie sighed. “Anyway enough of my daytime TV life, let me hear about your dating stuff.”

  “Want me to read the emails out to you?” Ella’s excitement was infectious.

  “Sure.” Sophie smiled into the phone. “Let me get comfortable on the couch and put you on speaker phone.”

  “That’s okay. Hold on a second, I’m just opening the door.” Ella ran to her room and turned on her laptop. Then she took out a pen and a pad so that she could take some notes. “Hold on, let me a glass of water.”

  “Sounds good.” Sophie sat back and rubbed Jacob’s b
ack. He turned his face up to hers and smiled and she felt her heart melting. When she looked at him she felt nothing but tenderness, though, her heart still ached that he was Max’s son with Alexis.

  “I’m back,” Ella squealed into the phone. “Okay, loading the page now.”

  “Exciting.” Sophie laughed softly.

  “Oh my gosh, I have twenty-five messages.” Ella exclaimed in excitement. “Goldengirl lives.”

  “You did not call yourself Golden girl?”

  “Capri helped me choose the name.”


  “Oh, a new friend I made. She told me about the site, I’ll have to introduce you. She is awesome.”

  “Oh ok.” Sophie tried to keep her voice light but she was jealous. Ella had gone out and gotten new friends and she was still practically friendless. She thought back to Nick, the guy she’d met at the park. He’d been fun and friendly and made her feel like she was just a normal young girl again. She wished she had exchanged numbers with him. He could have been a good friend.

  “O.M.G.—listen to this pervert.” Ella groaned. “I can’t believe he thinks that this will win a girls heart.”

  “Okay, let me hear.”

  Ella cleared her throat and read, “Dear Goldengirl, I love your photos. You look hot as fuck. I could do you like you’ve never been done before. I have ten inches and I’m not scared to use all of them. Holla back if you’re interested. Eminemsbro.”

  “Oh my.” Sophie laughed. “He really called himself Eminemsbro?”

  “I want to know if he really has ten inches.” Ella laughed.

  “He sounds like a pervert for sure.” Sophie groaned.

  “Tell me about it. Ooh, this guy looks cute. Let’s see what he said.” Ella tapped on the message and started to read. “Goldengirl, you are drop dead gorgeous. In fact, I just got back from the hospital because after seeing your photo my heart stopped! In all seriousness, I am very interested in taking you on a date. I work on Wall Street as a broker, yes I make a lot of money but no, I’m not an ass. I enjoy going to museums and fine wines. I’d love to take you out for dinner. Imakebigmoola.”

  “He seems ok.” Sophie laughed. “Kinda.”

  “He does talk about money a lot but I’ll put him in the maybe pile.”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  “Okay, this guy is a no, and this one is a no as well and ooh, this guy looks super-hot,” Ella squealed with excitement. “O.M.G.—Sophie, I wish you could see this one.”

  “Let me hear what he sent to you.”

  “Okay hold on.” Ella sounded breathless. “Wow. Here goes.” She cleared her throat again. “Hello Goldengirl, I take it you choose your name because you have blond hair? I like the pixie cut, it is very cute and suits your face. I also have blond hair and think I should have called myself Goldenboy, so that I would have a more witty and appealing message. But hopefully, this one works just as well. I’m new to online dating and decided to join because my friend found his wife on the site. Some things about me: I like dogs, walking in the park, sushi and interrupting strangers conversations! I would love to meet for coffee one day if you aren’t put off. Iliketolisten.”

  “He sounds funny.” Sophie’s voice was enthusiastic. “You should message him back.”

  “Right now?”

  “Why not?”

  “Doesn’t that look too eager?” Ella sighed. “Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow.”


  “Or tonight then.” Ella laughed. “This is so exciting.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy, Ella.”

  “I know. I’m so over Joseph.”

  “You don’t know how happy that makes me, El.” Sophie’s arms were starting to ache and she adjusted Jacob. He opened his eyes briefly and then closed them again and she kissed him on the forehead. She never thought she would have a maternal instinct for someone else’s child.

  “Okay—here’s one more that sounds promising.” Ella laughed. “Is it wrong of me to only read the messages from the guys I find cute?”

  “Well, you may be missing out on some nice guys.” Sophie spoke earnestly.

  “But if I’m not attracted to them, what’s the point?”

  “No point, I guess.”

  “Okay, this is from surfgod77.” Ella laughed. “I even love his name. Okay here is his message.” She studied the photo of the hot blond man on her screen and grinned. “Hola, You are one hot mama. I like that. I hope you look as good in person. I’m a Pro surfer. I live in Hawaii, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and Australia because I travel a lot. If we hit it off maybe you can join me on the road. Check you later. Surfgod77.”

  “Oh no way Ella.” Sophie laughed. “He sounds like a dumbass.”

  “But he looks like a hottie. He’s a definite yes.” Ella laughed.

  “So two of them are yeses?”

  “I think so.” Ella giggled. “I’ll email three of them back and try and set up dates.”

  “Be careful, okay Ella?”

  “Of course.” Ella paused. “Don’t tell Max though, I don’t want him to worry or hire security to follow me around.”

  “Oh Ella.” Sophie laughed. “Okay, okay.”

  “Great. Anyway, I’m going to go to the gym now. I’ll see you later?”

  “Yes! And thanks again for looking after Jacob. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. I’ll bring my laptop. It’ll be fun.”




  Ella ran a quick comb through her hair before running out of the door with her laptop. She was happy that Max and Sophie were taking steps to get their relationship back on track. A night out would do them good and it would give her time to dote on her nephew and respond to her messages on She was really excited about all the messages she had gotten; something about the prospect of meeting a man who was single and ready to settle down was utterly charming and wonderful to her. She laughed as she got into a cab. It was ironic that both she and Sophie were both so young and gorgeous but both of them wanted to settle down.

  She got out of the cab and practically ran into the building; she was so excited to finally respond to the messages that she hoped that her brother and Sophie were ready to leave already.

  “Hi sis.” Max opened the door and gave her a hug. “Sophie’s still getting ready.”

  “Still?” Ella sighed and followed her brother into his luxurious apartment that was starting to look more and more like a home. Sophie had brought in her feminine touch and there were flowers, throw blankets and magazines strewn all over the apartment. “Well, it’s look nice and bright in here for once.” She laughed. “Not like the bat cave anymore.”

  “Well you know.” Max laughed. “Want a drink?” He offered his sister as he poured himself a scotch on the rocks.

  “No, I shouldn’t.” She grinned. “Let me go and check out Sophie.” She ran to the bedroom and saw Jacob lying on the bed and Sophie was applying a bright red lipstick to her lips “Whoa, hot mama.” Ella stared at her friend. “Are you trying to give Max a heart attack?”

  “No.” Sophie grinned and stood up. “Do you think I look okay then?”

  “You look gorgeous, Sophie.” Ella gushed and stared at the dress Sophie was wearing. “The dress is a little slutty though—I take it you’re not going to a fine dining establishment?”

  “No, not quite.” Sophie laughed self-consciously.

  “Where are you guys going anyway?” Ella asked curiously. “And I like the Louboutin’s. New?”

  “Yes. I went shopping at Sak’s today.” Sophie smiled. “I wanted to feel sexy tonight.”

  “Well. I think you achieved look alright.” Ella smiled at her friend. “You’ll have to help me get dressed for my dates.”

  “Do you have any booked as yet?”

  “No, I’m going to email them back tonight.”

  “Oh fun.” Sophie sprayed her body liberally with some Vera Wang Prince
ss perfume and twirled around the room in her short red dress.

  “Stunning.” Ella hugged her friend and then picked up Jacob. “Now get out of here, I have some emails to send.”

  “Okay, okay.” Sophie walked out of the room with her head high and Ella heard Max wolf whistle. She walked into the living room to see them kissing.

  “Hey guys, I have a baby here that shouldn’t witness such things.” Ella laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t be a dork, Ella.” Max pulled away from Sophie and laughed at his sister. “Jacob will have to get used to seeing us kiss.”

  “So you’re going to keep him?” Ella knew this wasn’t the right time to bring it up but she had to know.

  “Well, we haven’t discussed it.” Max’s voice was reproachful as he glared at her.

  “Of course we are going to keep him.” Sophie’s voice was soft. “He is Max’s child.”

  “Well…” Max began and Sophie looked at him sternly.

  “The child needs a home Max, we will give it to him.” Sophie and Max looked at each other for a few moments and Ella felt like that there was something she had missed. What was going on here? Was Max not the father? Knowing Alexis, that wouldn’t be a shock but would that mean that she had cheated on Max? But she seemed way too sprung on Max to cheat on him. It just didn’t make sense.

  “Thanks for looking after Jacob, Ella.” Sophie kissed the baby on the cheek and walked to the door. “We won’t be home too late.”

  “Stay out as late as you want.” Ella grinned and shooed her brother and best friend out of the door before opening up the laptop and logging into the dating site.


  “Capri, this is so awesome,” Ella gushed to her new friend over the phone. “I’ve gotten another ten messages and I haven’t even responded to the other guys yet.”

  “Yes,” Capri laughed. “It can be overwhelming and exciting at the same time. But remember not all of these guys are as good as they sound online.”

  “If some of them are half as good as they sound online, then I am going to be one happy girl.” Ella joked while ogling one of the new guys photos. “So you think I should ask them to meet as soon as possible?”


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