Personal Foul

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Personal Foul Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

I hear his footsteps grow louder with each stair he takes that brings him closer to me. My lips curve in a smile, knowing that he’ll be completely shocked to find me where I am, naked, spread, and waiting for him.

  “Fuck.” His curse fills the air, and I lift my head to look into his face.

  He’s standing at the doorway, his eyes zeroed in on my pussy as he licks his lips. I watch as he rakes his eyes up my body to meet my own.

  “I know it was a rough game,” I whisper.

  He chuckles, “You have no idea, baby.”

  I don’t respond to his words as he begins to strip off his clothes. I lick my own lips at the sight of his hard cock beneath his boxer briefs. I can feel the wetness pool between my legs in anticipation of his touch, of his dick entering me and filling me, stretching me like I’ve never felt before him.

  “I’d tell you to touch yourself but, baby, I don’t think I could handle that right now. The sight of you alone has me on edge, Jessa. You look like a fucking dream,” he growls.

  His words send a shiver of excitement up my spine. I love that I make him a little crazy, because he makes me completely insane. I trail my finger down the center of my chest, to my stomach, just to tease him, but I don’t go further. I can’t. Cole reaches out and grabs hold of my wrist, gently but firmly, to stop my hand from traveling lower.

  “I need to taste you, baby. Spread nice and wide,” he rasps.

  Doing what he asks, I spread my legs as far as I can, bending my knees and placing my feet flat on the comforter. Still sitting straight up, I watch him. “Back up against the headboard, I’m going to fuck you just like this, Jessa,” he demands as he drops his boxers and wraps his hand around his hard length.

  I scoot the few inches back, until my head hits the wall behind me. I’m propped straight against the headboard, my legs still spread wide for him. Cole climbs up the center of the bed, and just when I think he’s going to keep going, he stops, his mouth right at my core. I gasp when his hot breath blows against my wet center.

  “Cole,” I whimper.

  He doesn’t respond with words, his tongue swirling around my clit instead. He’s warm and firm, but I can’t help but wiggle in search of more. One of my hands reaches up to dive into the longer hair on top of his head, and he groans before his tongue fills me.

  “Honey,” I hiss as my fingers tighten.

  Cole doesn’t lift his head or even acknowledge me, other than to move his mouth to my clit and suck me in deep. I let out a whimper as my thighs shake. My natural reaction is to press them against the sides of his head, but I keep them wide, just like he asked of me.

  When two of his fingers slip inside of me, I let my head fall back against the wall with a moan, and lift my hips slightly. His tongue flicks my clit once, twice, three times before his teeth scrape the nub. At the same time his fingers curl inside of me, and stroke me, until I come apart against his mouth with a cry.

  I keep my eyes closed, enjoying the way my body pulses as I come down from my climax, until Cole surges inside of me. My eyes pop open and my hands reach for his biceps, squeezing his hard muscles with my fingers as he fills me to the hilt. I lift my legs, hitching them up to wrap around his hips, crossing them at the base of his back, my heels pressing into the top of his ass.

  “I would fight for this, Jessa. I will fight for this, always. You are meant for me,” he murmurs as his nose runs alongside mine. “My home.”

  I hum, unable to speak as he starts to slowly glide in and out of me, his eyes focused on mine and staying unwavering and unmoving. Those pale green eyes hold me completely hostage as my entire body heats, and I feel myself climbing again.

  My heart speeds up and slams against my chest as he continues to make love to me, and that’s exactly what this is, too. The realization washes over me that this is more than just an affair. I feel more for him than I have ever felt for Trent.

  I love him. But I’m not ready to tell him yet, or anytime soon.

  I cry out as my release suddenly takes over me. I moan when my pussy squeezes almost painfully hard, trying to keep him inside of me, with each one of his thrusts.

  “Christ, that’s right, baby, squeeze my cock,” he groans.

  He continues to pump in and out of me before he freezes. Cole buries his face in my neck and lets out a shout as his body shakes and he fills me with his release. When his cock stops twitching, he continues to lazily glide in and out of me, keeping his face in my neck as he licks and sucks on my skin.

  Only when he stills again does he lift his head, look into my eyes, and speak. “That was the best way to come home to a lost game, baby.”

  I laugh softly before I lean forward and place my lips against his, speaking before I kiss him. “I’m sorry you guys lost. I hope I softened the blow.”

  Cole chuckles against my mouthbefore he slips his tongue inside of me and tastes me in a sweet, slow kiss. Lifting his head, he winks. “You softened the blow and made me hard all at once. I’d be okay if we lost every game as long as that meant I came home to you just like this.”

  He pulls out of me but doesn’t get out of bed. He kisses down my neck to my breasts and starts to slowly lick and suck on the flesh and my nipples. “You should see what I’m willing to do if you guys win,” I breathe.

  Cole’s head pops up, and his eyes darken slightly before he licks his lips. “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “Anything you want, Cole,” I whisper.

  One of his hands slips between us and I feel his finger press against the entrance of my ass, causing me to gasp. “Anything? You sure you want to offer that, sweet baby?” he rasps. It sounds so sexy that my pussy pulses.

  “Anything, Cole. I trust that you’d always make me feel good,” I whimper as my eyes flutter closed.

  He curses as he lifts up and consumes my lips with a hard, bruising, owning kiss. “I’ll always make you feel good. I’ll never hurt you,” he whispers as he pulls away from my mouth.

  My stomach growls between us, and Cole’s head dips before he lifts it up and smirks. “You hungry, sweet baby?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “I don’t like stadium food,” I murmur as my nose scrunches.

  He crawls out of bed, laughing as he reaches for his boxers and pulls them up his legs. “How have you survived all these years? I’m sure you practically lived at the stadiums in high school.”

  I stand up and grab his t-shirt from the floor before I slip it on over my head and follow him down the stairs to his kitchen. “I brought my own snacks,” I shrug.

  Leaning against the counter, I watch as Cole grabs eggs, cheese, bell peppers, and bacon bits, placing them down before he reaches for a pan from a cupboard. “Omelets okay with you?” he asks, lifting a brow.

  “I’ll help cut stuff up,” I offer with a smile.

  We eat standing up in the kitchen. The conversation falling away as we watch each other, our eyes never leaving one another’s. Then when we’re finished Cole insists on doing the dishes as well. I heft myself up on the counter and watch him wash the dishes from our omelets. He’s so sexy, and he won’t let me help, so I decide I’ll ask him questions.

  “You’re from Colorado?” I ask. He nods his head. “Your family?”

  That’s when he stops what he’s doing and turns around to face me, closing the distance between us. Without a second thought, I spread my legs for him and he fits his hips between them. “My parents, and my sister. They live in Colorado.” He murmurs.

  “Do you think…” I let my words trail off. I’m afraid to actually ask him the question aloud that’s on the tip of my tongue.

  As if he can read my mind, his voice lowers before he speaks, “They’re going to fucking love you. My mom and dad will adore you, no doubt,” he murmurs. “My sister will warm up to you,” he grins.

  “You don’t think she’ll like me?” I breathe as I stare into his eyes.

  Cole shakes his head just slightly. “My sister doesn’t even like me, Jessa.”

  I lean for
ward and press my lips to his, not sure I want to think about meeting his family, or how stressful that scenario would be.

  “They’ll come for a visit soon, I’m sure. They’re due,” he whispers against my mouth. “They won’t call either, they’ll just show up unannounced,” he grunts.

  “Why?” I practically gasp.

  He shrugs as his only response.

  I decide to ignore that, too, pretending he hasn’t said it. Thinking about it would only give me anxiety. I have enough happening. I’ll worry about that bridge when I cross it.

  “When they see how happy I am, Jessa. When they see the woman you are, and how perfectly you fit with me, they will absolutely love you.” His words cause my heart to slam against my chest. They’ve stolen my own words so instead of speaking I press my lips against his in a gentle kiss.

  That’s how we spend our first night of living together, eating omelets, showering, and making love again. It’s the best night of my entire life, and I wonder if it can get any better? I hope that it does. With Cole, I hope for everything.


  I LOOK UP at the front door of the house and shiver. Trent texted me to meet him here when I contacted him an hour ago to talk. Cole wasn’t thrilled with the location, but he determined I’d be safe enough during the daylight and gave me the go-ahead to get this over with. It’s the same frat house he took me to for the two parties he forced me to attend.

  Lifting my hand to knock, the door opens before I can actually knock. Trent stands in front of me, wearing nothing but a pair of black sweats that hang dangerously low on his hips. He’s shirtless, and I notice that his body looks even bigger than it did the last time I saw him shirtless. He’s bulked up fast, and it makes me wonder if he’s doing more than just adding protein powder to his drinks like he normally does.

  “Can we talk? Out here?” I ask, lifting my chin to the bench that sits on the porch.

  Trent shrugs as he walks over and flops down, spreading his legs and leaning his back against the corner of the bench. It doesn’t give me much room to sit down, but I don’t need a ton of space, so I make it work as I turn to face him.

  “This about what I said? About wanting you with other dudes?” he grunts as his eyes narrow on me.

  I have so many ways I want to respond to that, so many things that I want to say, but I don’t say a word. I have no desire to argue with him about why I want to break things off. It isn’t just one simple thing; it’s a bunch of little things, mixed with several big things. But the main reason, the catalyst, is Cole.

  I can’t imagine not being with Cole. He’s the only one that I want, and that isn’t fair to Trent. He deserves to find someone who wants him, wants the same things that he does, and will be everything he desires. That woman is not me. Not by a long shot.

  “I don’t think we should be together anymore,” I say with a shaky voice.

  He snorts and shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter what you think, Jessa. Where else are you gonna go? I fucking own you. You owe me your goddamn life,” he laughs harshly. “Do you know where you’d be if it wasn’t for me? You probably would have been raped daily by your foster daddy and whatever foster brothers went in and out of whatever shithole they sent you to.”

  I fight back the tears that threaten to spill, twitching my nose at the tingling feeling at the tip. “I talked to your dad, Trent. He told me that they took me in because of me, because they wanted to help me. It had nothing to do with you.”

  Trent shakes his head with a menacing smile on his lips. “Jessa, do you think if I didn’t want you there that you’d have stayed? Wake the fuck up and accept what you already know. I saved your fucking life and you owe me every goddamn thing. Nobody has ever wanted you—your dad, your mom, any other relatives you have out there. The only person who has ever wanted you is me. Wake the fuck up. You should be on your knees taking my cock daily.”

  His words feel like a physical assault. As much as I don’t want them to penetrate, he’s partially right. Nobody did want me, nobody but him—and he didn’t want me because he loves me, he wanted me because he thought he owned me.

  Everything changed when Cole looked at me. One look was all it took.

  Cole wants me, desiring nothing in return but my loyalty to him.

  I stand from the bench, not wishing to discuss any of this further.

  It’s over between us.

  “I’ll always be appreciative of your parents, Trent. But I don’t owe you anything, especially not the mental abuse you so love to dish out to me. I certainly don’t deserve to be this fuck doll that you loan out to your buddies. How you ever thought I would be all right with that I’ll never know,” I whisper, taking a step back as he stands.

  “You’ll do what I say, when I say it, Jessa. Now stop acting fucking crazy, and come inside,” he practically growls as he reaches for me. I continue to step back, minding the stairs of the porch as I quickly back away from him.

  “No, Trent. It’s over. We’re over,” I state firmly as I continue to walk away from him.

  He shakes his head as though he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying, and then he chuckles before he calls out across the walkway. “Keep thinking that, babe. I’ll get you right where I want you, soon.”

  I turn my back to him and I hurry away, toward Cole and where I know I’m safe. My phone rings in my pocket, and I look down to see that it’s Jim calling me. I take a few calming breaths before I answer, trying to sound chipper as I say hello.

  “Darlin’, I started not feeling so hot, so we went ahead and headed on home about an hour ago. Sorry if it ruined your plans, but I’m just not feeling good,” he explains. I let out a sigh of relief.

  I had completely forgotten about them still being in town, and I’m thankful they’ve left. Though, I’m not happy to hear Jim isn’t feel well.

  “It’s okay, Jim. I hope you feel better soon,” I murmur as I keep my hurried pace up to Cole’s house.

  He chuckles, “I’ll be fine, darlin’. You just take care of yourself, you hear?”

  “I will. Thanks. You’ll let me know if something changes?” I ask, my eyebrows tugging together with worry.

  He promises that he will, and I ask him to tell Margie that I’ll call her later in the week. I’m sure that by the end of the week, she’ll hate me, but I feel like I need to try. No matter what, Margie and Jim took care of me when they didn’t have to. I’ll always have love for them and appreciate all they did for me.

  “That didn’t take long?” Cole calls out as he wipes his face of sweat.

  I automatically lick my dry lips as I take him in. He’s mowing his lawn, shirtless, and sweat is dripping from his strong chest. Pressing my thighs together, I try not to pant, but I fail. He looks absolutely spectacular. He grins as his eyes slowly slide down my body and then back up, pausing at my breasts for a beat before he meets my eyes.

  “Jessa,” he rasps. “Tell me about what just went down.”

  His voice is rough, as though he’s hanging on by a thread, and I understand it because I feel the exact same way. I want him—no, I crave him, and it doesn’t make a bit of difference that I had him inside of me just a couple of hours ago, my body wants him again, right now.

  “He said I’d be back. He didn’t really accept it,” I admit as I close the distance between us.

  I reach out to his stomach and press my lips together as my hand slides up his slick abs and then chest, until I wrap it around the back of his neck.

  “You won’t be back,” Cole grunts.

  Shaking my head, I lift up on my toes and press my lips to his, “No, honey, I won’t be back. I’m yours now,” I whisper.

  “Go inside and get your homework done. We’re having dinner with my friend’s tonight,” he grunts as one of his hot hands wraps around my waist and gives me a squeeze.

  “Okay,” I breathe. I press my lips against his in a soft kiss before I release him and start to walk up to the front door.

  “Jessa, ba
by?” he calls out. I turn to him. “Do that classwork naked,” he grunts. I grin at his demand and sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

  “Yes, sir,” I laugh.

  I watch as a smirk appears on his lips as he grins. I make my way inside and take my books out before I do as he requests and strip down completely naked. I glance at the backyard and notice that the grass hasn’t been cut yet.

  I get a wild idea.

  I’ve never been adventurous, but Cole brings things out of me that I’ve never expected. Like the idea to do my homework naked, in the sunroom, while he mows the lawn. He has large trees that cut out the view from any surrounding houses along his fence line. Being inside of his sunroom, will be just the perfect amount of coverage, from anyone’s view. I never imagined that I would have the nerve to even attempt something like this before I met him. But now, doing this for him, it makes me forget everything else. Here, in this house, it’s just Cole and me.

  Once I’m all set up on his lounger, I start to dive into my classwork, focusing hard on my math homework. I completely forget the fact that I’m naked as the minutes pass and I become more consumed.

  “Holy fuck,” Cole’s voice shouts. I look up, startled as I watch him prowl toward me.

  “What?” I say in confusion.

  I yelp when he throws my books on the ground and drops his shorts right in front of me. Cole’s hand slips into the back of my hair and he grips the strands tightly as he looks down at me. His pale green eyes practically glitter, and his nostrils flare.

  “You want to sit out here naked, then you’ll ride me, Jessa. I want to see you wild and free,” he growls as he tugs on my hair, forcing me to stand.

  I watch in surprise as he releases my hair and then lays down on the lounger, leaning back and waiting for me, his dick standing straight up at attention. “Cole,” I say hesitantly. He looks almost feral, and I’m a little frightened, but turned on as well.

  “No, baby. Get over here and ride me. Give me a fucking show,” he demands.

  With shaky legs, I straddle him, my slick center rubbing along the underside of his hard cock. I moan as I coat his cock with my wetness, hitting my clit with each roll of my hips. Cole’s hands wrap around my waist, and just when I think he’s going to stop me, he doesn’t. He guides me, his fingers tightening as I continue to rub myself over his length.


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