Personal Foul

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Personal Foul Page 17

by Hayley Faiman

  “You better not come until I’m inside of you,” he murmurs as he licks his bottom lip.

  “Why?” I ask, my voice a little raspier than intended.

  He positions me so that his cock is lined up with my center and then pulls me down, filling me completely. I let out a long moan, my head falling back as my breathing shallows. “I want that hot, sweet, wet cunt squeezing me, Jessa. I want to feel you all around me, and then I’m going to fill you up with my own release,” he murmurs as his fingers grip my hips.

  Lifting my head to look down at him, I cup his cheek with my hand and run my thumb along his bottom lip. “Baby, whatever you want, it’s yours.”

  Unable to stay still a second longer I roll my hips and start to move, giving him that show he so desires. His hands spread my ass cheeks apart, and I let out an involuntary moan at the sensation, unsure as to why it feels different, but loving it just the same. I gasp when I feel one of his fingers massage my back entrance.

  “Whatever I want, Jessa?” he asks, his eyes a touch darker than the normal pale green color. “Close your eyes, just feel,” he urges.

  I do as he says, closing my eyes as I ride him. Cole’s finger continues to massage my ass, and I let out a long moan of pleasure. It feels good, something I never anticipated. It feels really good, actually. My entire body shudders as he slips his finger inside of me, pumping it with the same rhythm as I’m taking him.

  “Cole,” I gasp as my eyes fly open and I look down at him. I can’t stop my hips from moving, or the way I grind my clit against his pelvis as I race toward my climax.

  “Come, baby. Fucking come on my cock, Jessa,” he grunts through his heavy breathing.

  I don’t have any words in me to respond with, so I do as he says, and I come. My head automatically flies backward and I let out a sob as my entire body stiffens and tightens around him. Cole’s hips takeover, thrusting inside of me from below as I fall forward, unable to hold myself up a moment longer.

  “Goddamn, baby, you’re so tight,” he pants against my ear. I feel his dick swell, and then it twitches as he climaxes, emptying himself inside of me.

  I press my lips to the underside of his jaw before I turn to whisper in his ear. “Maybe I should do my homework out here naked more often?”

  Cole squeezes the cheeks of my ass before he gives one a light slap. “I don’t want you out here naked again, Jessa. If one of my neighbors saw you, I’d have to kill them. To be honest, I don’t know how well I’d hold my own in prison,” he says, his voice and face completely serious.

  Throwing back my head, I don’t contain my laughter. Unfortunately, I lose him from inside of me when I do. I feel his release leaking out of me and onto his stomach, so I try to stand, but his hands clamp down and keep me where I am.

  “I need to clean up,” I murmur.

  Cole’s hands run up my back and fist in my hair, giving me a tug so that we’re looking into each other’s eyes. “Stay right where you are, baby,” he rasps.

  “I’m leaking,” I say, my face heating in embarrassment.

  “Baby, you’re leaking the evidence of us, the evidence that there is an us, and it’s fucking sexy as shit. Nothing at all to be embarrassed about,” he grunts. He then brings my head down and lifts his to meet in the middle, pressing his lips against mine.

  He consumes me like only he can, and by the time our kiss breaks, I’m panting and ready for more of him. He’s salty and sweaty, smelling like fresh cut grass and sunshine and mine. It’s the sexiest smell in the world.


  I JOG UP the stairs, hoping that Jessa is ready to leave. Tiffany and John are waiting for us, and I don’t want to be late. I ran off to the store to get a dessert and some of Tiffany’s favorite wine—something that Jessa was insistent I do. She wanted to make a good impression, even though I told her that Tiff wouldn’t care; she just wants to meet her.

  “Baby, you ready to go?” I ask.

  I step into our bedroom—our bedroom. The thought makes me grin. Brittany spent the night, even spent weekends over here at my place, but she never moved in, and I definitely never thought of this place as ours.

  With Jessa, it feels right that it’s not mine, but ours—proving that it doesn’t matter how much time you’re with someone, it just matters who the person is. Jessa, she’s everything I’ve never had, and everything I never knew I needed.

  “This doesn’t feel dressy enough. Or maybe it feels too dressy, I don’t know,” Jessa mutters as she steps out of the bathroom.

  She’s wearing what looks like a cotton t-shirt, but it’s a short dress, with two small slits on the side, showing even more of her legs. On her feet, she’s wearing some kind of wedge heel that makes those legs look a million miles longer than they usually do. Her dark blonde hair is down and a little wavy, and her face, if it isn’t completely makeup free, she doesn’t have on much.

  My cock strains against the zipper of my jeans. “You look fucking perfect,” I grunt.

  I watch as a blush appears on her cheeks, and I want nothing more than to spin her around and pull that little dress up and fuck her from behind. I close the distance between us, my cock hard as fucking steel and getting harder with each step I take closer. Wrapping my hand around her waist, I tug her against my chest.

  “Baby, I want to fuck you so bad right now—but we’ll be late, so I’ll refrain. Keep in mind that I plan on fucking you in this little dress as soon as we walk back in this house tonight,” I murmur against her ear.

  “Please,” she whimpers.

  I trace my fingers along the backs of her thighs. Slowly, I make my way up her dress, running my fingers around her ass. I then trace one along the crack, feeling the warmth of her back entrance. Fuck, I want that part of her. I want to feel her tight ass squeeze my cock when it’s buried inside of her.

  “Cole,” she whines. “That feels so good.”

  “I’m glad you like it, baby. We’re going to play more there,” I grunt before nipping her earlobe and releasing her. “Now, let’s go.”

  I allow her to gather herself and her purse before we walk out of the door and toward my waiting truck.

  “What did you get for dessert?” she asks. She looks toward the backseat of my truck once we’re on our way to John’s.

  I reach over and wrap my fingers around her thigh, squeezing her in reassurance. “One of those cheesecakes with all the different flavors. Tiff loves sweets, and cheesecake is her favorite. I also bought her a bottle of her favorite wine and some beers for me and John.”

  “Just let me know what I owe you,” she murmurs. I laugh, my shoulders shaking. She probably thinks I’m an ass, but it’s funny as fuck.

  “Baby, you do know you’re my woman, right?” I ask after my chuckles have died down. She nods but doesn’t say anything. “You live in my house, under my roof. You eat my food, use my electricity, my water, and whatever-the-fuck else I have. Anytime we go out, I pay. Anything that we do, I pay. What you don’t do, is pay for a fucking thing while you’re mine,” I inform her.

  “That’s ridiculous, Cole. How can you expect me to be okay with that?” she asks as she crosses her arms under her chest, showcasing her perfect fucking tits.

  “You want to cook and clean, you’re more than welcome to. But you won’t pay for a fucking thing. End of discussion,” I announce as we pull up to John and Tiffany’s house.

  Jessa turns to me, her eyes full of attitude, and I can’t fucking wait for her to dish some out to me. “That’s crazy. I work, Cole, I can pay for something. What I can’t do is just live there and contribute nothing.”

  Reaching across the seat, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and give it a squeeze. “You’re my woman, which means I take care of you, and that means that I take care of every part of you, baby. You’re also a student, and you’re working your ass off in school and at Bison Witches; your money is yours. Do with it what you wish. What you won’t do is spend it on food, housing, or going out.”

  “This conversation isn’t over,” she whispers.

  I grin as I lean forward and press my lips against hers. “Oh, but it is. Let me take care of you. I know you’ve been taking care of yourself for a long fucking time, but let me takeover. Give that to me, my sweet baby.”

  I watch as she sinks her teeth into her lower lip. “You play dirty,” she says with a tremble.

  “Damn right, and remember that,” I mutter before I press my lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

  Letting her go, I slide out of my truck and jog over to her side, helping her out before I grab all of the shit I bought. Jessa takes the dessert, and I carry the wine and beer. I kiss her lips one last time and then, together, we walk toward the front door.

  I don’t even have to knock as John swings the door open, his eyes shifting from me to Jessa and then back to me before a wide grin appears on his lips.

  “Jessa this is John. John, Jessa,” I introduce.

  John holds out his hand and gives her a hearty shake before he pulls her in for a hug, careful not to squish what he knows is dessert. “Come on in, sweetheart,” he chuckles as he releases her.

  We walk past him and into the house. I hand him the beer just as Tiffany walks into the living room. I hear Jessa gasp as Tiffany freezes, then she offers Jessa a wide smile. I look from Tiffany to Jessa in confusion but I don’t question anything—at least not yet.


  I LOOK IN shock as the woman I recognize from Bison Witches, the woman who was with that bitch that talked about Cole, walks into the living room. It makes sense now. Tiffany, that was the friend’s name. I should have put two and two together, but it’s been so long since they were in the restaurant that I’d completely forgotten.

  “Tiffany this is my girl, Jessa. Jessa this is John’s wife, Tiffany,” Cole introduces. I plaster on a fake smile as I walk closer toward her.

  “It’s really great to meet you. Cole said you like cheesecake, and he picked out a bottle of wine that you like,” I ramble quickly, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

  “Oh, it’s perfect. Thank you so much,” she says, giving me her own fake smile as she takes the cheesecake. “Does anybody want drinks? Dinner won’t be ready for another few minutes.”

  “Beer, but I’ll get it, babe,” John announces as he walks past us. Cole wraps his hand around my waist as he tugs me against his side.

  “Do you need any help?” I ask, praying that she’ll tell me no so that I can curl up in the corner of their sofa and try my damnedest not to cry like a baby.

  “That would be lovely. The guys can drink beer and talk football, and we can get to know each other a little better,” she smiles, but this time it isn’t fake. It seems genuine.

  “Be good to my girl, Tiff,” Cole murmurs before he places his lips at my temple and kisses me.

  John hands him a beer and the two of them turn and walk away from Tiffany and me. I follow her toward the kitchen as she takes the cheesecake from me to place in the fridge. I sit down at the little breakfast table, uncomfortably and completely on edge. I have no clue what she’s going to say to me, or if she’s going to say anything at all.

  Tiffany turns to me and opens her mouth a few times before she finally speaks. “I’m sorry Brittany was such a bitch to you. I didn’t know why she wanted to go out. No,” she shakes her head. “That’s a lie. I knew why she wanted to go to Bison Witches, but I didn’t know she was going to say anything to you. I figured we’d sit across the room. She told me she just wanted to see you, see what was so special about you that Cole had finally called it complete quits, with her.”

  Tiffany is breathing heavily as she looks at me, her deep blue eyes watching me for a reaction. I honestly don’t know what to say to her.

  “It’s okay. I mean, she obviously has feelings for him. I can understand not wanting to let him go.”

  “You’re nicer than I would be,” Tiffany mutters.

  Shrugging, I cross my arms over my stomach, trying to relax a little, forcing myself to be calm and trying to comfort myself all at the same time. “It’s not about being nice. It’s just, you don’t need to apologize for someone else’s actions. She’s an adult, she knew what she was doing, you aren’t responsible for her.”

  She smiles and thanks me for being kind, again, before she turns to check on the dinner baking in the oven. “I hope you like chicken and broccoli casserole. It’s one of Cole’s favorites,” she says as she pulls the cheesy dish out of the oven. The smell waifs over to me, and my stomach growls.

  We both giggle. “Yeah, I like it. I’m not picky when it comes to food. Is there anything I can do?” I ask.

  “There’s a salad in the fridge. Grab that, and then we’re ready to eat,” she smiles kindly. The tension in her body is completely gone, and it eases my own nerves.

  “Ready for grub, boys,” Tiffany calls out.

  I lean over the table and set the salad in the center just as Cole’s arms wrap around my stomach and his chest presses against my back. Goosebumps cover my flesh as his lips skim the side of my neck.

  He guides me toward a chair and pushes it in before he sits down next to me. I lift my eyes and see that both Tiffany and John are staring at us. My face heats with a blush before John clears his throat and asks if I’d like a glass of wine.

  “Oh, no, thank you. I’m good with water,” I smile, pointing to the full glass of water in front of my plate.

  “Do you not drink?” Tiffany asks as she sits down across from me. I shake my head, not wishing to go into the fact that I’m not old enough to drink.

  We’re sitting, two of us on each side, the ends of the table both empty. Cole wraps his arm around my shoulders and his thumb runs along the side of my neck, adding pressure to massage and help relax me even more—it works beautifully.

  The conversation is light and easy as we get to know one another. John tells me that he’s known Cole for a few years; they were hired as coaching staff around the same time. I ask about his football career, since I already know that Cole played professionally for a year before he was injured, and I wonder if John’s history is the same.

  “I only played through college level. I wasn’t really good enough to play professionally. I got my degree in sports medicine and started to pursue that once I graduated but was offered a coaching job at a local high school, like Cole,” he chuckles. “My team went from the worst ranked in the state to number one, and stayed that way for a few years. Then the university contacted me, and the rest is history,” he grins.

  “Wow, yours and Cole’s stories are so similar,” I point out. Turning to Tiffany, I’m about to ask her what she does for a living when she speaks first.

  “So, Jessa, what’s your major?” she asks, slipping a bite of casserole past her lips.

  Taking a deep breath, I think about my answer, which is pathetic. These people are in their thirties. They have their shit together, they’re adults, and here I am, some kid who doesn’t even have a college major. I’m playing at being an adult. Suddenly, my body feels hot.

  What happens when Cole realizes that I’m just a kid? What happens when he decides that he wants a real woman, just like Brittany said he would? I don’t deny that he will. He’s a man. He has a solid career, and he’s lived a life where he knows what he wants and how he wants it. When he’s ready to start a family, and I have no doubt he will be soon, what happens when he doesn’t choose me to do that with?

  “Jessa?” Tiffany asks again.

  I lift my panicked eyes to hers. She sucks in a breath as her eyes widen, but I try to calm myself down.

  “I’m… I’m undeclared,” I whisper.

  Tiffany looks at me with what appears like pity, and I hate it. I hate that look, because I’m so used to getting it from everybody I’ve ever met. Everybody who knows anything about me always, always looks at me with pity. Either because of my mother leaving, because Trent was a dick to me, or right now, because I’m a fucking child with no declared major. She knows, jus
t like I do, that Cole won’t want me for long.

  “That’s okay, honey. I was undeclared for a couple years before I figured out what I wanted to do,” she smiles kindly.

  Still, I see that pity just below the surface. I know that it will always be there, always staring at me straight in the face.

  Clearing his throat, Cole tells Tiffany how awesome the dinner was before he takes a pull from his beer. I can’t cook, not at all, and I have a feeling that will be another ding against me when he’s ready for me to go. He’ll get tired of taking care of me; he’ll get tired of having to basically teach me everything in life. I won’t be able to take care of him like a woman should, and that will be the end of us.

  “We have an announcement,” John booms as he stands. Tiffany pulls on his arm, and I watch as she shakes her head, but he ignores her and continues on. “We’re pregnant.”

  “Holy shit,” Cole shouts as he stands up.

  I watch the giant smile that forms on his face before he rushes over to Tiffany to take her in his arms as he gives her a big bear hug, then he turns to John and does the same, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Congratulations, you guys,” I say softly, trying to keep from crying. I’m suddenly a big ball of irrational, or maybe they’re rational, emotions.

  The three of them start to talk, and I take that opportunity to clear the table quietly. I need to get lost inside of my own head, and I need to be alone, so I decide to do the dishes as a way to thank them for their hospitality.

  “Baby?” Cole whispers as his lips skim my neck for the second time tonight. I close my eyes at the hoarse sound of his voice, but I don’t respond, continuing to wash and rinse the plates in the sink. “Let’s go home. You obviously need to talk to me.”


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