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Personal Foul

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  “Fuck yes, I did. That man is hot as hell. You know, I heard he likes students. I bet if we pretended to be lost, and just happened to wander into his office, we could get him naked,” a second girl says.

  They both giggle and my face pales. Ines reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  “I’d let him fuck me anyway he wanted to. Can you imagine sucking him off, having those light green eyes looking down at you? Shit, I’m getting wet just thinking about it,” the first girl moans.

  A stall opens up, and I hear Ines mutter, finally, before she pushes me toward it. I do my business and make my way out to wash my hands, not able to shake off the conversation of the two girls behind me in line; thinking about how many college girls Cole has had in and out of his bed, or his office.

  “Don’t even go there,” Ines states once she’s finished and we walk out of the bathrooms.

  I shake my head. “I’m not,” I lie.

  “You are, but you shouldn’t. It doesn’t matter what he did before you. All that matters is what he does now that he has you,” she states with a nod as we make our way back to our seats.

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask, arching a brow.

  She blows out a breath as she sits and turns to me. “Thomas is married, Jessa. He’s been married, and I’m not the first affair he’s had. When I came to him with Trent’s bullshit, he admitted it. She’s never around, traveling for work and stays gone for months at a time. When I came to him, my bags in my hand, he admitted everything,” she smiles. Although I can tell she’s trying to look chipper, I can see the sadness lying underneath.

  “He left her for me. He called her right in front of me, on speaker phone, and he told her that it was over. She cried, called him every name in the book, and hung up. Two days later, he was served with divorce papers and he signed them right then and there. So, you see, it doesn’t matter what happens before you, Jessa. All that matters is what happens while he’s with you—what happens between you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?” I ask in surprise.

  She shrugs. “I didn’t want to tell you over the phone. You’ve been pretty busy trying to handle your own shit. You did not need mine piled on you, too. We are so fucked. But all’s well that ends well, right?” she asks, bumping into my shoulder.

  I think about her words. Yeah, it’s true, all’s well that ends well, but have we ended well? Trent still hasn’t accepted the fact that we’re broken up, his parents don’t know, and I cheated on him. It makes me feel like a bad person, me sleeping and falling in love with a man when I was supposed to be a devoted girlfriend to another.

  I can’t deny that Cole makes me happy. No, he doesn’t just make me happy, he is my happiness. I’ve never felt the kind of happiness I feel when I’m with him. He loves me and I love him. He’s my everything. I hope that our beginning is not a precursor to the future, like maybe what goes around comes around and he’ll break my heart. God—I would die.

  I WAKE WITH a start, my heart beating against my ribs. Rolling over, I search for Cole's body only to come up empty. I seek out the clock in confusion as I glance at the time. It’s past three in the morning.

  After the game earlier, Cole came home, we made dinner together, ate, I did the dishes, and then we made our way upstairs and he fucked me. It was hard, fast, and delicious. He was still on an adrenaline high from the team’s victory. I happily accepted the way he wildly slammed into my body, making me come quick and hard, then repeating it until we both came.

  Searching for a t-shirt in the second drawer of his dresser, I throw it on and sniff the fabric as it passes my nose, trying not to moan as his scent fills me. I love the way Cole smells, though his touch is even better. I smile to myself as I descend the stairs in search of him.

  It doesn’t take me long to find him, standing at the sliding glass door, in the sunroom, looking out into the dark backyard. If he hears me walking toward him, he doesn’t make a move, not even a twitch as I press my chest to his back and wrap my arms around his stomach.

  “I wake you, baby?” he asks as one of his hands wraps around mine resting on his flat stomach.

  “Not you, but I woke up and you were gone,” I murmur as I bury my face against the middle of his back. “What’s wrong?” I whisper.

  He sighs and unlaces my hands from his stomach before he tugs me to walk around to his front. Cole’s hands span my waist, and he looks down at me, his pale green eyes saying something that I don’t understand before he speaks. “I don’t want you working at Bison Witches anymore,” he announces.

  I blink once, twice, and then open my mouth to speak, unsure of what I’m going to say, but he interrupts me. “Baby, I saw the pictures. I blocked her from my phone, but she’d sent them to me before, so I saw them. Seeing his hands on you that way,” he shakes his head before his eyes meet mine, and I see straight fire behind them, which causes me to gasp. “I want to rip his goddamn head off,” he growls.

  “Cole, it was nothing, I swear,” I whisper, trying not to cower from his angry, heated gaze. “I need the money.”

  His head dips and his mouth hovers over mine before he whispers. “I’m your man. I wouldn’t tell you to quit your job if I wasn’t fully able to back you up. I’ll take care of you, Jessa. Whatever you need, whatever you want. It’s all yours,” he rasps before his lips gently press against mine.

  I pull away slightly, tipping my head back, my mouth hanging open in shock. “I can’t ask you for that. It’s too much, way too much.”

  He chuckles, then it turns into a full-on belly laugh before he speaks. “Sweet baby,” he mutters. “Let me take care of you for a while. Plus, I’ll get to spend my nights with you, and you can do all of your homework when I’m still at practices. I’m a selfish fuck, I just want more of you.”

  I close my mouth, knowing for certain that he is definitely not a selfish man, considering I know what one looks and acts like. One of his hands leaves my hip, sliding up my side before he wraps it around the side of my neck. “Focus on school, Jessa. Let me take care of you. I know nobody has. Let me do that for you, baby.”

  Sucking in a breath, I close my eyes, thinking about his words—let me take care of you. He’s right in the fact that nobody ever has taken care of me. Trent’s parents did what they could, but Trent has always been their focus, as he should have been.

  I lived with them, but I also took care of my own personal needs, like clothes and personal necessities, including things like yearbooks and anything extra I wanted. They paid for my food and the roof over my head, that was it.

  “I don’t know,” I murmur. “I…”

  He grunts before his mouth brushes mine, his tongue sliding across the seam before I spread my lips apart for him. He dives his tongue into my mouth. With a moan that I swallow, his hand on my hip moves to my ass, squeezing my naked flesh as he presses his hips against my stomach, his length hard and ready.

  “Say you’ll quit, baby. Give your man peace of mind,” he growls.

  His lips trail my jawline, to my neck, and down to my collar bone. I shiver when his tongue sneaks out to taste me. I sigh in his arms, when the hand on my neck moves to cup my breast from over the top of the shirt I’m wearing, his thumb gliding over my nipple.

  “Okay,” I breathe. His fingers stroke the crack of my ass, gentle and lazy.

  His lips twitch. “My sweet baby,” he whispers against my collarbone. I moan, his fingers feeling heavenly against my back entrance, something I never imagined I would enjoy. “Like it when I play with your ass, don’t you?”

  “Cole,” I breathe as my face heats with embarrassment.

  He lifts his head, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Nothing to be embarrassed by, Jessa. Your ass is fucking gorgeous. I personally love playing with it.”

  My legs shake as his other hand slips between my legs, and he starts to play with my center. I’m drenched, and I know it, but I don’t care a single bit. I moan when his feather light playing ceases and he fo
cuses his touch on my clit.

  “Say you like me playing with that sweet little ass, Jessa,” he grunts.

  He continues not only to run his fingers through my crack, but also his other hand continues to focus on my clit. There are too many sensations at once, and he’s not giving me enough of either to satisfy any part of me.

  “Cole,” I grind out as I try searching for more.

  He chuckles. “Tell me, baby,” he grunts, his teeth nipping my bottom lip.

  I suck in a breath, unable to control myself. I lift my hand to place it on his hard, warm chest for stability. “I love it, honey. I love when you massage my ass, fuck my ass with your fingers, and just touch like you are now, are you happy?” I practically shout.

  “Fuck me, baby,” he growls as he pulls his hands away from me, causing me to whimper.

  Wrapping his hands around my waist, he spins us and gently pushes me toward the sofa. His hand presses against my back to bend me over the arm. “Hold on, Jessa.”

  I widen my arms, grabbing onto the back of one of the cushions and the side of another. Cole taps my ankles with his feet, and I spread my legs wider as he slips the shirt I’m wearing up my hips. I let out a moan when two of his fingers slip inside of my pussy and curl. Closing my eyes, I force my body to relax and just feel what his touch does to me.

  I gasp when he removes his fingers, and I feel one pressed against my back entrance. He doesn’t do anything but massage. My body relaxes, and he must feel it because that’s when he slips his finger inside of me. “Cole,” I cry.

  “Fuck yes, baby. Relax and I’ll make you feel so good,” he mumbles as he leans against my back and presses his lips to my neck. I shiver when he slips my shirt up my body, over my head, and removes it.

  I moan when his lips trail across my shoulders as his finger fucks my ass. It doesn’t take long for me to push back against him, enjoying the sensation of him filling me. It’s so dirty, so wrong, and yet with him, it feels so right.

  “Going to fuck your pussy now, sweet baby,” he grinds out, pulling away from my back, his finger never stopping its slow in and out motion from my ass.

  When the head of his cock presses against my center, I can’t control my moan or the way my thighs shake.

  “Fucking you nice and slow, Jessa,” he rasps as he fills me. He feels bigger inside of me. I rear back, needing him harder, needing more. “Fuck yes. Take me—fuck yourself on my cock and fingers,” he growls.

  I do as instructed, because I’m his sweet baby, and he feels so damn good. I feel so full, like he’s stretching me to the max, but it doesn’t hurt, it just feels exceptional—it’s the only way I can describe it.

  “Oh, god, I’m going to come,” I cry as my body shakes and I come all around him.

  My pussy and my ass squeeze and pulse, but he doesn’t pull out of me. He begins to fuck me harder, his cock slamming inside of me and pressing me achingly hard against the arm of the sofa.

  “Fuck, yeah, take me,” he grunts as he fucks my pussy and my ass, his finger making a motion inside of my ass that I can’t quite detect. Then he stills as he empties inside of me. I feel every single twitch of his cock as he releases himself. I gladly take every ounce, loving the way he fills me up.

  His weight presses against my back. I feel his sweat soaked forehead against my neck, as his hips slowly continue to glide in and out of me. His finger in my ass does the same which causes me to shiver. “Goddamn, sweet baby.”

  Lifting one of my arms, I wrap it around the back of his neck. “That was amazing,” I whisper truthfully.

  “Used two fingers in you. Swear to Christ, you lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree when I put the second inside of you,” he murmurs as his lips press my neck.

  “Ummm.” My cheeks blush, and I feel completely embarrassed.

  Cole pulls his fingers from me, and I lose him from my pussy as well before he tugs me off of the sofa and spins me in his arms. His pale green eyes look down on me and his lips twitch.

  “Jessa, it felt so amazing. Not because your ass feels amazing, believe me it does, but because I was giving you something that made you feel good. Wouldn’t matter what it is, baby. When you feel good, it turns me on so fucking much,” he murmurs before his lips brush mine.

  “I feel like it should be dirty, like maybe I shouldn’t like it,” I whisper as I bounce slightly on my toes.

  Cole smiles, his teeth sinking into his full, bottom lip. “Baby, you’d be surprised the shit people are into. No reason to feel dirty that you like your man playing with your ass, especially seein’ how much I fucking love it. How about I get you a little toy? Now that might be fun,” he rasps.

  “Cole,” I say, my face heating.

  His lips lower and brush mine before they travel to my ear and he whispers, “You’ll look so fucking beautiful, that sweet ass plugged with a toy. Then we can get more creative with positions.” My breath hitches, and I bite the inside of my cheek. “Yeah, my sweet baby likes that idea,” he murmurs.

  I don’t respond. The next minute, he picks me up and carries me upstairs, straight to the shower. We shower together, and he spends too much time ensuring I’m clean, everywhere. Then again, I do the exact same for him.

  We fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, and again, my world has changed in the blink of an eye. Just like when I packed my bags and moved in with him, I can’t wait to see what happens and how it all unfolds.


  STANDING ON THE fifty-yard line, I watch as the players run the drill that I instructed them to. I inhale deeply and jump when I feel a hand come down on my shoulder.

  Lifting my brow, I turn to the side to see Patrick standing next to me. We are colleagues, but not friends, so his presence at my side is surprising.

  “Heard you tagged a young piece,” he states as his opener for conversation. I don’t say anything, not wishing to talk about Jessa, and not liking the fact that he’s calling her a piece. “Keller’s all kinds of pissed off.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I grunt, turning back to the field.

  Patrick clears his throat before he speaks again. “I know why you wanted to keep him from the field. He’s not ready,” he admits.

  “Yeah, I told you that, basically verbatim.”

  “Showin’ up drunk to most practices, I can’t have that,” he announces.

  “You get his ass tested, like I suggested?” I ask, still refusing to face him.

  Patrick practically groans. “I did. Just got the results. Him and four other players popped positive for performance enhancing drugs,” he admits. “I come out with this, Bronson, you know they’ll never play the game at this level, anytime again soon.”

  “So you’re not going to the athletic department? You’re going to let these fucks ruin their bodies and their lives, and for what?” I demand.

  He shrugs before his lips twitch in a small grin. “We won the last game, Cole. We’re here to win, and this little report, it can go away in a heartbeat. You and me are the only ones who know about it. I light it on fire and its done,” he chuckles.

  “I don’t play that way, Pat. I don’t give a fuck if we win if all of our players are hopped up on the shit. We train them, and we train them well, and they’ll win.”

  Patrick breaks out in laughter and wraps his hand around my shoulder. “You’re livin’ in a fucking dreamland, a dreamland filled with young, tight pussy, so I won’t be too hard on you. But we just train them and we lose, guess what? It’s our asses on the line, not theirs, at the end of the season. I ain’t losing my job or my paycheck, not because a couple guys who are winners need a little extra juice.”

  I watch as he walks away from me, his head and his shoulders shaking in obvious laughter, thinking he’s some big fucking man. Yeah, well, fuck him. I’m bigger. I call John over and tell him to finish practice while I yank out my phone and call the head of the department.

  Fuck Patrick.

  I never used juice. Didn’t need it. I worked my as
s off and played the game by the rules. These kids gotta learn, and they gotta learn now.

  WALKING THROUGH MY front door, I slam that fucker as hard as I can, trying to get some of my rage out.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Nobody believed me, and if they did, they didn’t give a fuck. Like Patrick, they’re worried about nothing but a win. They want to keep their funding, they want alumni to keep offering financial support, and all of that goes away if the team loses.

  Goddamn fucking shit.

  “Honey?” Jessa’s sweet voice calls out from the kitchen.

  I’m in no mood to see her, and yet, when she speaks my mood immediately shifts. She walks out of the kitchen, wiping her hand on a towel. Her dark blonde hair is pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head, and her face is bare of makeup. My eyes drag over her body, and I practically whimper at the sight of her long, lean legs on display, wearing a pair of short jean cut-offs and a tank top, no goddamn bra.

  “Baby, what the fuck are you wearing,” I grunt as my cock hardens at the sight of her.

  She presses her thighs together, and I can tell by the look in her eyes she knows exactly what’s happening beneath my jeans. “I decided to take a shower after class. I just threw whatever on. I did some homework, and then made you dinner,” she whispers.

  “Dinner?” I ask, furrowing my brow.

  Jessa nods and reaches her hand out for me. I take a few steps and wrap my fingers around hers, following her into the kitchen. As soon as I enter into the room, the first thing I notice is the smell. Good goddamn. It smells so fucking good.

  “It’s this pasta, pizza casserole thing. I don’t know what I’m doing, so I went on Pinterest, and this looked easy enough,” she shrugs.

  I step behind her, wrapping my hand around her belly before I bury my face in her neck. “Baby, it smells out-fucking-standing. I can’t wait to eat it, and then eat you.”

  “Cole,” she exhales.

  Pressing my lips at her neck, I whisper, “Had a horrible fucking day, sweet baby. First food, then I’m going to eat your pussy for dessert, and then—then I’m going to fuck you long and slow.”


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