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Eclipse of the Heart

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by J. L. Hendricks

  Eclipse of the Heart

  The Interdimensional Saga, Book 4

  J.L. Hendricks

  This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright (c) 2016 J.L. Hendricks

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.

  Cover Illustration by Dawnya Goode

  Eclipse Design by Michael Anderle

  First Edition May, 2016

  All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 J.L. Hendricks

  This book is dedicated to

  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  This book is part of a series and best read in the following order:

  Book 1 – Eclipse of the Warrior

  Book 2 – Eclipse of the Soul

  Book 3 – The Eclipse of Power

  Book 4 – Eclipse of the Heart

  Book 5 – To be named (This was an unplanned book, my story begged for this to happen so I am going along for the ride. I hope you like it)

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Author’s Notes

  Cast of Characters

  Chapter One

  “Good morning B’Lana. How did you sleep?” The reverend asked me as I walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

  “Pretty good all things considered. I guess my life is going to be full of fighting and killing from now on?” I couldn’t believe how many times I have had to fight in the past few months.

  “Dear, there are a few things we should probably discuss now that you have recovered from the attack yesterday. I understand you won’t be needed at the courthouse until later today. Why don’t we go outside after you eat and sit in the garden?”

  “That sounds wonderful, thank you Reverend.”

  About 30 minutes later the Reverend walked me to a nice shady spot in the garden.

  “Please tell me you are going to help me understand what all of this prophecy talk is about? I don’t see how I am to fulfill some thousand year old prophecy.”

  “We don’t know a lot about the prophets from old, but we do know that every one of their prophecies have come true, with the exception of a handful. One is about a girl who is from Earth. She becomes a hybrid Sennafae and rescues her people from a great evil. She makes quite a few allies along the way, and it was even foreseen that she would bond with a dragonette; that is the ultimate honor for us. We only have a small amount of them left on this world.

  “Some think that evil has come already and you are the key to stopping it. While others believe you will bring the evil with you. And of course there are those who want the evil to thrive. So you see, you will need to be extra vigilant while you are here, and even when you return to Earth. There will be Sennafae and Rippers who will try to destroy you.” The Reverend sure knew how to make a girl feel special.

  “Is that all you know? Isn’t there anything else you can tell me?” That couldn’t be all there is? How could that small amount of information be enough to cause such a problem?

  “The rest is a bit confusing, it states that she will fall in love and her love will sacrifice himself for her. Although we don’t know if that means he will die. Ash and Lancer both have already sacrificed a lot for you. Lancer is on trial now because of you.”

  “Wait, I’m the reason he is on trial? How can that be?”

  “He turned you into a hybrid without getting permission first. Also, he sent a lot of warriors to their death because you wanted the Earthlings saved.”

  “So, it’s my fault he’s here? That’s so not cool! How can you say such a thing?” Is that why he was so cool towards me when I arrived? That would explain his behavior.

  “Ok, so if I believe what you say, and I am not saying I do, what is it exactly that I am supposed to do? Kill the ‘evil’ you mentioned? How is that possible?”

  “Like I said, we don’t know much, just that you will be the savior of your people. That could mean you will save the future Sennafae Hybrids or you will save the Earthlings from the rippers. Both are you people. But you must remember, now that you have long life, you may be many years from fulfilling the prophecy. Please don’t expect to be doing this now or even in the next few years.

  “Take this time to learn about our culture and to study everything you can about fighting techniques and various weapons. It could be another 100 years before you see the end of the prophecy; if it is even you who is to fulfill it.” The reverend looked at me with a pensive face and brought his hand up to his chin and just said, “Hmm”. That was it nothing else, and then he walked away.

  I ran to catch up to him, “Sir, what did that mean? Is there more to tell me?”

  “I’m sorry B’Lana but I must get ready for the trial, and I believe you need to as well. We can talk again later, after I have had a chance to look further into the prophecy.”

  With that he left me standing there in the garden, alone.

  I felt like I was more confused at that point than I was the day before. What did he mean that both Lancer and Ash have sacrificed a lot for me? Am I supposed to fall in love with one of them? That’s crazy! One hates me and the other loves every woman he encounters!


  “Are your court proceedings similar to those on Earth?” I asked Ash as we walked into the courthouse.

  “Yes, it is similar. Let’s sit towards the back, so we don’t draw too much attention.” Ash said as he grabbed my hand and led me towards a row of seats in the back of the courtroom.

  We seated ourselves right before the Judge came out to resume the proceedings.

  I leaned over to Ash and asked him, “Have you had a chance to set up a shopping trip for me with your sister yet? I would love to meet her.”

  “Shh, we can discuss this later. No talking during the trial.” I was sure Ash was just trying to avoid the shopping discussion.

  The judge looked at me and smiled. But it wasn’t a nice, friendly smile. He thrust-out his chest and tilted his head while his lips moved into a tight line with just a hint of an upturn at the edges. He had this knowing look on his face, like he was waiting for me or something.

  “This afternoon we have a very esteemed guest with us. B’Lana, please do be a dear and come up here so we can meet you.” It was not an invitation, but a demand.

  I stood up and smiled my sweetest smile I could muster at that moment. As I walked past Ash he quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

  I walked up towards the judge and noticed that the space for the jury was empty. There were two attorneys up front, one with three people I didn’t recognize and on the other side of the room was Lancer and his attorney. The Reverend was sitting with them as well.

  I stopped right between the tables where the two sides sat, but directly in front of the Judge.

you know who I am, B’Lana?” The Judge asked me.

  “I am sorry, but I don’t know your name sir.”

  “I am High Judge Cyrus Tepal. I also hold a seat on the High Council.” He said while looking down his nose at me. His entire demeanor told me he did not like me.

  “Your Honor, it is nice to meet you. Should I address you as your Honor? Or do the Sennafae have a different title for their judicial leaders?” I stood straight with my hands behind my back. Making sure I looked him straight in the eyes and showed no signs of fear.

  “Your Honor is fine, thank you. Please have a seat to my right.” He motioned for me to sit in a chair to his right. It wasn’t very different from what I had seen back on earth. The judge sat up higher than everyone else, but the witness would sit on the right of the judge instead of the left.

  “We do things a bit different from Earth. While this is a trial, it is more of an informal hearing. There is not a jury to hand down a verdict. I will decide the fate of Lancer, and possibly others.” What did he mean by that?

  I decided to listen in to his thoughts, I knew it was wrong, but I had a weird feeling about this guy.

  “She is nothing special. I doubt she is the one the prophecy spoke of. Either way, we will have to eliminate her and her friends. But I must appear to be impartial. It won’t happen here.”

  I looked over at Ash and sent him a replay of what I heard coming from the judge.

  “B, don’t worry about that now, just answer his questions and be as nice and sweet as you can. I know that is going to be difficult for you, but you must try.”

  I started to laugh but immediately stopped and looked at Lancer. The judge saw me laugh.

  “B’Lana, is there something funny about what I said?”

  “No your Honor, I am sorry for my outburst. This is just so surreal. I have only been a part of this world for a few months and sometimes it can be a bit much to take in. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I just can’t believe this is all happening to me.” I tried to play the sweet, innocent girl who was out of her league. I hope he bought it.

  “Yes… well… back to what I was saying. The attorneys will each ask you a series of questions; I can interrupt any time I want with questions of my own. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, your Honor, I do.”

  “Wonderful, let’s get started, shall we? Harper, you may start the questioning.” The judge addressed the attorney sitting across from Lancer. Wonderful, the other side gets to grill me first.

  They both asked me questions and the judge did interrupt more than a few times to ask his questions. It seemed like it was at least two hours before they let me leave the stand. As I walked away my stomach started gurgling. It must be late, I felt the beginnings of hunger pains as I walked back to Ash.

  The judge dismissed everyone for the day and we all went back to the Reverend’s house for dinner.

  Chapter Two

  The next morning it was just Ash and I at breakfast. I was getting anxious to get out of the Reverend’s house for the day and see some sights. My left knee kept bouncing up and hitting the table.

  “B’Lana, please stop hitting the table with your knee, it’s very distracting” Ash put his hand on my knee to calm it down.

  “What are we going to do about the judge? It sounded like he might be one of those who is against us?”

  “B’Lana, I will pass along your concern to a few close friends of mine I know I can trust. I will ask them to keep an eye on him. Will that make you feel better?”

  “Yes, thanks Ash.” I put my left hand on his right and gave it a quick squeeze.

  “Ash, I know you don’t want to go shopping with me, and you probably don’t want me to leave the compound, but I can’t stand to stay here anymore! I need to get out and see some sights, please. We can bring a good size group with us and I bet if we stick to bigger shopping areas we will be just fine. I need a few things and Cash said he would contact his sister to have her take me out. What about your sister? Oh, and Xandrie too! I bet she would love to come along for a shopping trip. You wouldn’t even have to go with us with that many fae warriors shopping with me.”

  “B’Lana you are not going to be out of my sight the entire time you are here. I would be sharing your room with you if we weren’t staying with the reverend.” Ash winked at me when he said that last part and then gave me his sexy smile that just sent shivers down my spine. Why can’t I get that kiss out of my head?

  “Ha, ha, ha, you think you are so funny don’t you. You would not be sharing my bed with me, no matter where we stayed.” Stink! Now I want him to sleep with me. I miss those days in the beginning when we were allowed to share a bed because of the nightmares be both had. I don’t miss the nightmares, but I do miss his arms around me. Oh brother, I’m in trouble now. Who do I like more? The one who hates me or the one who just wants to play with me? Wait, I don’t like either of them. Neither would be good for me.

  “Seriously though, if you don’t want to go shopping I can just get another group to take me. I need a few things from the mall, like a swimsuit and some shorts. It is really hot here.”

  “B, I will be happy to help you pick out a new swimsuit.” Ash looked over my body with what I could only assume was desire in his eyes. I felt very flattered but also very uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. It was almost like he was a hunter and I was his prey. He even bit his bottom lip while looking me over.

  “Just call your sister and Cash’s too. I would like to go out this afternoon if possible. Unless we are going back to the courthouse?”

  “No, we aren’t needed at the courthouse today. Lancer’s attorney called this morning and said that they only had a few more witnesses to call. He thinks it might be wrapped up the end of the week. Did you want to stay until we know what happens?”

  “Yes, I would really like to be here for Lancer, even if he doesn’t want me around.”

  “What do you mean? Of course he wants you here. He wants both of us here.”

  “Then why isn’t he talking to me? We are staying in the same house and he ignores me or avoids me whenever possible. I thought we were friends, but I think he might be mad at me for the trouble he is in. I can’t really blame him. It is my fault.”

  “B, it’s not your fault!” Ash came over and put his arms around me and hugged me close. “He doesn’t blame you at all. He knows his actions were his choices to make. And we both agreed he did the right thing. What is happening now is inconvenient to be sure, but he knows it is just a political thing. He won’t be in any real trouble from this. We both expect that he will come back to Earth and take back leadership of Squad 1. Everything will go back to the way it was.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and sighed heavily, “Thank you, but I do think he is mad at me right now. If he isn’t, then why does he ignore me?”

  I looked up into Ash’s eyes at that moment and wanted nothing more than to kiss him right there; which of course I couldn’t do. For one, we were in the Reverends house and two, Ash didn’t have the same feelings that I did. He was a player and I couldn’t let him hurt me.

  Ash looked right back at me and a small smile started on his lips as his head moved closer to mine. His lips grazed the side of my face as he started to whisper, “B, if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I will have to find a quiet place for us to finish what we started the other night in the garden. I don’t think Fillie will appreciate that very much.” Then he kissed my cheek and stepped back from our embrace.

  I could feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment, or was it desire? I looked down at my feet and said, “Ash, I don’t think we should finish that at all.”

  I took a deep breath, and looked up at him with a straight face, “Let’s find out who wants to go shopping and get everyone ready for that. Is there a restaurant we can all go eat at before shopping?”

  Ash just gave me his patented lover boy smirk, and said, “Whatever you say B, I know you want me to kiss you again.” T
hen he walked off to make some phone calls.

  “Fillie, are you around here somewhere? I need to talk to you.” I reached out via mind speak since I hadn’t seen her all morning.

  “Hey girlie, good morning to you too. I’m not near the house. I’m surprised you can reach me this far out so soon. Did you know I’m over 100 miles away right now? How far could you mind speak with Ash before we met?”

  “We only tried it a few miles before we came over here. Do you think it’s because of the bond you and I share now? And good morning to you too.”

  “The bond could have intensified this ability between us. The last Fae I was bonded to couldn’t reach me past 50 miles, but he couldn’t mind speak with anyone else either. We will have to see how far this works. Very interesting. How about any more abilities? Have you tried to do anything else besides listen and speak to anyone using your mind?”

  “I do have one other ability, but I’m afraid to speak of it. And I haven’t tried anything else yet. What else could there be?”

  I went back to my room and sat down on my bed for more privacy, and so that no one would know I was speaking to Fillie. I didn’t want to have to answer any questions at that point, in case anyone knew how far away Fillie was.

  “Why are you afraid to speak to me about it? We are bonded. That means that I will do anything to protect you. Even keep secrets, although I keep secrets all the time from just about everyone. So don’t worry about me, my lips are sealed.”

  “Do you even have lips?” I chuckled out loud as well as through the mind link.

  “Don’t go making fun of me young lady, I may be a little dragonette but I am still your elder! Now tell me why you’re afraid.”

  “Ash made it clear to me that I’m too keep my powers secret for as long as I can. There are too many who would try and use me, or destroy me, because of my powers. Even General Avex was compromised and ultimately died because of it.”


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