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Eclipse of the Heart

Page 3

by J. L. Hendricks

  I pushed Merv back a little as I passed him and walked to the SUV. We all got in and pulled out once their trucks moved out of our way.

  As we were leaving the parking lot I did get a read on Merv. He was thinking that I did have the ability and they needed to get me before I left for Earth. They couldn’t let the girl of the prophecy escape them, again. Then I ‘heard’ him start a phone call to his boss explaining that he did not get an interview but he did get some good video that they could edit to make me look bad.

  Great, that’s all I need; a stupid Sendryl version of TMZ putting up negative video about me.

  We made it back to the Reverend’s compound safely. I asked Xandrie if Anise and Callie made it home safe and she said she would check with them. I really liked both of them and hoped I would get to spend some more time with them before leaving.

  As I walked into the living room, Lancer walked in behind me and asked me how the day went. “Fine, lunch was fun and shopping was awesome, until we met Merv from Channel 8. Is his show like a Ripper version of TMZ or Extra?”

  Lancer laughed and said, “Only you would get caught on video by Merv. He isn’t even as respectable as TMZ. I can’t wait to see how he edits your encounter. This should make a fun night. Time for popcorn.” Lancer laughed as he walked back out and went to the kitchen.

  Then I heard him making popcorn…

  I turned around and went to my room, to put away my clothes I bought and to escape from the ribbing I knew would come as soon as Merv aired his dirty little video.

  The Reverend found me in my room about an hour later. “B’Lana you can’t let anyone like Merv bother you. He’s just a bully, I am sure you have dealt with them back on Earth as well, right?”

  “Yes, but on Earth bully’s never put me on their TV show. I handled things a bit differently. I have always been tough and never backed down. But here I am afraid that if I did anything to Merv or his crew I would be in trouble. Back home, it would always be my word against the bully’s word. I usually ended up on top. I’m not sure how to deal with someone like Merv.”

  “I imagine it would be similar to what most Earth girls do, just ignore the boy. He will go away eventually, and if you pretend like he doesn’t even exist then he will look bad and you will look to be above it all.”

  “Hmm, I usually gave the bully a black eye and then no one would bother me for at least a year. You mean I have to just take his taunts and ignore him? Do you know if he is part of the terrorist group or is he just an idiot?” What I heard from his thoughts could go either way.

  “I think you need to be very careful and assume anyone who isn’t a friend could be an enemy.”

  Of course he would give me a vague answer, he is a religious leader after all.

  “Come on out, dinner is ready and this might be our last night here as a group. Lancer’s trial could be over tomorrow.”

  “Really? Lancer said nothing about that when I came in, he just laughed at me and then went to make popcorn while waiting for the ripper TMZ to come on.” I got up off my bed and followed the Reverend to the kitchen where everyone was waiting for us.

  “Lancer, tell me about your trial. Do you think you could be going back to Earth as early as tomorrow?” I sat across from Lancer at the dinner table and Ash sat to my left.

  “It’s possible. Both sides finished up today. I don’t need to go to the courthouse until they call me. If the judge has a verdict as early as tomorrow, I will be leaving the Reverend’s compound either way.”

  Lancer proceeded to explain that if he was found innocent then he could go back to Earth right away, and that would actually be safer for him. There was a small group that was gaining traction who wanted him out of the picture. Even his attorney told him he should stay on Earth for a while if he was set free.

  But if he was not set free, then he would be transferred to a different jail somewhere far from the capital.

  “Either way, I think it is safer if you left for home tomorrow B’Lana.” Lancer looked to Ash to support his suggestion.

  “I agree Lancer, I think we should all go home tomorrow. It is actually safer for B’Lana on Earth. I never would have thought that, but between the terrorists here and the media, she is too big of a target.”

  “Wait, we decided that we were staying until the verdict came in, why don’t we just stay here in the compound until that happens? I promise I won’t try to leave or do any more sightseeing or shopping. I do believe that we should stay here and support Lancer, even if he doesn’t want me around.” I looked to Ash as I said that as I didn’t want to look at Lancer. My feelings were hurt. I realized that my attraction for him was starting to go away, but I still wanted to be friends with him. Lancer did not seem to want my friendship since he left Earth.

  “B’Lana, it’s not that I don’t want you here, it’s that I think it would be safer for you to go home. That’s all.” Lancer looked at me and tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it away from him.

  “Lancer, just admit that you blame me for your situation. I know you can’t stand me anymore. Why can’t you just let me be your friend and try to support you? I am truly sorry for anything I did that caused you trouble.” I had to look away from Lancer as my eyes started to tear up.

  “B’Lana, I don’t blame you at all. And I don’t hate you either. I’m in a tough situation here. Why don’t we take a walk in the garden after dinner and we can talk about this?”

  “Ok, let’s eat before dinner gets cold.”

  After dinner Lancer and I walked out to the garden. I turned to look at Ash and noticed the sadness in his eyes before he put his stoic mask back on. I wondered what that was about, but decided I needed to focus on the conversation with Lancer first. I could always talk to Ash later.

  “Lancer, please be honest with me. Since you left Earth you have either ignored me or pushed me away. What’s going on? I thought we were friends before you left.”

  “B’Lana, if I go back to Earth I will be your squad leader again. We can’t be anything more than that. I know I kissed you back at HQ in LA and I’m sorry if I led you to believe that there was more between us. You need to move on, but not with Ash.”

  “Lancer, are you serious? You think I am hung up on that one kiss? It’s been months. Can’t we just be friends? I don’t know why you kissed me, but I also know you regretted it the very next day. So just get over it.”

  “I don’t think I can.” Lancer said softly as he looked at his feet.

  I threw my arms up in the air and said, “Great! You don’t know if you can be friends with me? After everything we have been through? You are the one who insisted on changing me into a hybrid for pete’s sake! Why do you now feel you can’t be friends with me?” I said while pacing back and forth and yelling at him.

  “It’s not that I can’t be friends with you, I can’t get over that kiss.” Lancer said as I stood there in shock with my open as I was about to say something but my mind went blank.

  Lancer walked over to me and grabbed both of my arms and kissed me. I mean he really kissed me. He reached around with one arm to hold my back while his other hand cupped my face. I kissed him back, but it didn’t feel like it did last time. It was a good kiss, this guy has talent. But I didn’t feel the butterflies this time.

  Just as I was about to stop the kiss, Fillie flew down and buzzed Lancer’s head. “Boy if you don’t stop kissing her right this minute I will breathe fire down on you!”

  I backed up and laughed. I didn’t know what else to do. It was so awkward being caught by Fillie twice now with two different guys.

  “Fillie, it’s about time you showed up. You missed all of the action earlier.” I said to her.

  “Well, from where I am flying, it looks like I stopped the action just in time! I warned you about kissing in the garden.” My face immediately turned red from embarrassment and I hoped that Lancer didn’t realize Ash had kissed me there as well.

  “Fillie, if I promise I won’t kiss Lancer a
gain, will you give us a few minutes of privacy?”

  “Hmph, I will go inside and say hello to everyone and you have five minutes. If I don’t see you I will send Ash out to bring you back. Do you understand?” Fillie flapped her wings in front of my face so hard, my hair looked like it went through a wind tunnel.

  “Yes, Fillie, I understand.”

  She flew off to the house and I looked up to Lancer hoping he didn’t know what I did.

  “Soooo, Fillie is um… pretty protective of you? When did she tell you not to kiss boys in the garden?” Lancer said after he put his hands in his pockets and rubbed the tip of his shoe along the path we were on.

  “The night she joined us. She wanted me to understand that I was staying in THE religious leader’s house and I needed to be on my best behavior.” It was my turn to look down at the path.

  “B’Lana, is there something going on between you and Ash? I know you two are close and I have been gone a while. But I get the feeling there is more than just friendship.” Lancer looked at me with longing in his eyes as he reached out to hold my hand.

  “Lancer, I remember what you told me about him. I know he is a playboy, even if he tries to deny it. But we have gotten close. We are really good friends. He has been there for me from the start. And I can’t even count how many times he has saved me. We train together every day and we usually tag team fight now as well. When you come back you will see how close we are. But I haven’t forgotten what you said. I hope you know I really do want to be your friend.” This conversation had turned awkward since the kiss. I didn’t know what to say or do. But I knew Fillie was coming back soon.

  “I think we better go inside before Fillie comes out here and gives you a buzz cut.” We both laughed at that and headed inside.

  “B’Lana,” Lancer stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder, “I do want to try being friends. I appreciate you coming here and staying until I hear the verdict. I hope you will be there with me we the judge calls us back.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. Lancer, we are friends. You and I are bonded, you helped to create the new me. I have your blood flowing in my veins now. I think we will always be connected. Don’t forget that.”

  Ash walked up to us both at that time and asked if we wanted to play some Sennafae board games. I told him I was up for anything.

  So we spent the next few hours playing games that felt a lot like Earth games. We all went to bed quite late as we were sure that it would be a few more days before the verdict came in.

  Chapter Four

  We were wrong…

  The Reverend woke us all up around 10 am to let us know that the verdict was in. We had to be at the courthouse by 1 pm that afternoon. We all hurried up and got ready and ate a good brunch.

  We took a lot of guards with us. After the mall incident, the Reverend didn’t think we should be out with anything less than twenty guards. I thought it was probably because he didn’t feel safe outside his compound if I was anywhere near him.

  I didn’t blame him, I was toxic…

  We all filed into the courthouse a few minutes before 1pm. Ash and I sat directly behind Lancer. We were all chatting and I could tell Lancer was nervous. He kept looking at the clock and his right foot was bouncing so high his knee kept hitting the bottom of the table.

  The judge walked in and all talking stopped, you could hear a pin drop as he took his seat.

  “I have made my decision in the case against Lancer in regards to the charges brought against him for his actions on Earth. Lancer, please stand up.” Lancer stood up straight and looked right at the judge. Ash grabbed my hand and held on tight as we waited.

  “I believe that Lancer acted appropriately during the battle with the renegade Rippers at the sewer in LA. I also find that his actions in regards to changing B’Lana into a hybrid were fitting. I do believe he should have waited until his superiors gave him the approval, but that may have cost B’Lana her life. Saving her life was the proper course of action. But I would caution against this type of action again. Next time wait for the approval from your chain of command. All charges have been cleared and Lancer you are free to return to active duty.

  “Due to the press coverage, I highly suggest you stay out of the spotlight for a while. But where you go is up to your commander. If he were here, I would suggest sending you back to Earth and ensuring that you spend as much time as possible training B’Lana to help defend Sendryl from the terrorists who insist on bringing back humans to use as fodder for their agenda.” The judge looked at me when he said that last part, and then he stood up and left.

  As soon as the judge was out of the room, I jumped up and ran to Lancer and gave him a great big hug. “Lancer I’m so excited for you! Does this mean you are going back to Earth with us tonight?”

  Lancer hugged me back and then shook hands with Ash, “Yes, I already heard from the commander; he said that if I was released I was to report back to Earth as soon as possible. So we are all going home tonight.”

  “Reverend, I can’t thank you enough for all of your support and protection for my friends. I know they would not have made it this far without your protection. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you. If you ever need anything just let me know.” Lancer seemed to have grown close with the Reverend during his time on Sendryl. Instead of shaking his hand, he reached out to hug him.

  “My boy, it was a pleasure for me to extend my protections to you and your friends. Any time you are here, please come and stay with me.

  “B’Lana, I would be very interested to hear how you are developing. I suspect you might have some talents which you don’t yet understand. If I can help you in any way, please allow me to be of service.” The Reverend was saying his goodbyes here as he had places to be this afternoon. We planned to go back to his house and pack up our things and head straight back to Earth.

  However, that was not in the cards for us…


  As we walked outside we heard an explosion and felt the heat from the blast as it threw us back against the building. My back cracked and I couldn’t get up right away. All I could hear was ringing in my ears and blood was trailing down my right ear. I couldn’t see straight either. I kept opening and closing my eyes hoping they would focus.

  Ash was next to me and he reached out to me and turned me so that he could see my face. “B’Lana, answer me B’Lana. Are you Ok? Can you hear me?”

  I looked into his face but really couldn’t see him, his face was a bit foggy. I saw his lips moving a little bit and still could barely hear him. His hand came up to cup my face and he kissed me on my forehead and then on my cheek. That closeness seemed to wake me up from the trance I was in.

  “Ash, what happened? Was that a bomb that went off? Is everyone Ok?” I started to look around and saw several bodies on the ground in front of us. One of which was Lancer. I took a double take and my adrenaline kicked in.

  “Oh my moons! Lancer, are you ok?” I screamed as I crawled over to his body. He wasn’t moving and his eyes were closed. He was covered in dust, rubble, and body parts. I knelt down next to him and felt for a pulse. It was there, but it was faint.

  I took everything off of him and tried to assess for damages. I had received some first aid training from the Red Cross a few years before. Trying to remember my training was difficult as I later learned that I had a concussion.

  “Ash, we gotta move out of here. Are the cars safe?” I asked. He had taken a defensive stance above me and he scanned the area for enemy forces.

  “B, I think the bomb was in one of the vehicles. That’s why it did so much damage. Look around, nothing in front of the courthouse is still standing. That rubble over there,” he pointed to the middle of the driveway, “It used to be a water fountain. And to the left, that used to be two statues of our founding fathers. I don’t think we could even get the SUV’s going. But I would be too afraid to try them. We gotta move away from here. I will see how many guards are still standin
g and we will carry Lancer to safety.

  “Here, take my phone and call my sister. Tell her where we are and what happened and ask her to round up everyone to help. Also, make sure she has Netty at the clinic closest to here so that she can look at Lancer once we get there.”

  I called his sister and told her what happened. She gave me a location to get to with the promise that a fully armed group would be waiting for us when we arrived. We both agreed that this place was going to be very difficult to get into once the emergency personnel arrived.

  “Ash, I don’t have anything other than a knife on me. I am lucky I had time to get that back from check-in before the bomb went off. And why aren’t there any sirens or police or medical personnel coming here? Where is all of the help?”

  At that point we all looked around and knew that something, or someone, was holding up the help we needed. It was time to get moving, the three of us were the targets and we knew it. Anyone who couldn’t walk was told to get inside the building and wait for help to arrive, as it would, eventually.

  One of the guards had run inside and found a few weapons and something we could use as a stretcher to carry Lancer. I found out that the Reverend was still inside the courthouse, thankfully. He barely had any injuries, but decided to stay there as he figured he would only slow us down. I wasn’t sure that was the truth, but I didn’t want to insist that the religious leader of that planet follow us to a probable death.

  At this point, it felt like we might not make it out.

  “Ash, do you think that the judge had anything to do with this?”

  “B, it is very possible. We didn’t even know until a few hours ago that we would be here. But if he was involved he could have timed this for the terrorists to attack us. But why would he? He is a member of the high council. If he is involved, then we can’t trust anyone.”

  As I tried to stand, the realization of what he said sank in. The extreme pain I was in only moments before started to numb when I realized that the fae government might just be trying to kill me and my friends.


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