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Eclipse of the Heart

Page 5

by J. L. Hendricks

  “Ok Fillie, let’s start walking towards the parking area. We can wait for our ride under the big oak tree there.” I led us all towards the grassy area where we parked our vehicles. We only had to wait a few minutes and then Cash showed up.

  “B’Lana and Ash I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you both here and alive! We heard about the bomb and were really worried… Where is Lancer? We heard he was coming back with you tonight.” Cash hugged me and then looked around at everyone.

  “Cash, Lancer was seriously hurt from the bombing. He was unconscious when we left him, but I left Xandrie to watch out for him and make sure that he is protected.” Ash informed Cash.

  “Let’s get back to HQ and we can share our stories with you and the rest of the team.” I walked over to the Hummer and got in the back seat with Fillie.

  “WH-What are you doing with a dragonette B’Lana! You do know that it’s illegal to bring one here don’t you?” Cash exclaimed.

  “Is everyone going to be so shocked to see that I have chosen B’Lana as my companion? Why is it so strange that I would choose the Hybrid of the prophecy?” Fillie stated while getting comfortable in the back seat with me.

  “Fillie, I don’t think anyone is used to seeing a Dragonette, especially with a human hybrid. It hasn’t happened for over 200 years, so I think you can give them all a break.” I laughed while petting Fillie’s head.

  “Haven’t any of you seen a dragonette bond with anyone?” Fillie asked the guys in the Hummer.

  Cash responded, “Actually, no. I have never seen a dragonette speak to anyone. I have seen a couple flying in the forest, but never one up close.”

  “Is that normal for warriors? To never see one up close or hear them speak?” I was actually curious about everyone’s knowledge and experience with dragonettes.

  Ash answered for everyone, “Yes, it is. We grow up knowing about them and are lucky if we see one in the forest, but to actually talk to one is a privilege. B’Lana, you have been honored to be chosen by Fillie. I don’t know what she has shared with you yet, but the more time you spend together, the stronger your mind powers will get. You should really practice with her as much as you can.

  “Fillie, would you mind if I set up time each day for you and B’Lana to train together? I think you can help her more than anyone else could with her abilities. So far, not much has shown up, that we know.” Ash winked at Fillie so that no one else could see.

  “Fillie, Ash is the only one who knows about my powers. Let’s keep them secret for a bit longer.” I said to her via mind speak.

  “Of course, I expect nothing less. B’Lana and I should start out each day practicing, starting tomorrow. I will let you know when we are done and then you can work with her on her fighting skills. I, of course, will oversee your training.” Fillie stood up with her head high and fluffed out her wings, as much as she could in the back seat with me.

  When we arrived back at headquarters, the Commander wasn’t very happy with Fillie being there. But he knew better than to say anything. “Should we prepare a special place for you Fillie? Or do you prefer to share a room with B’Lana?”

  “I will need to inspect your facility before I decide where I will sleep. I only need a place to rest my head at night for a few hours. The rest of the day I will be with B’Lana or looking over your warriors as they train. I do expect to take part in all recon missions and battles.”

  “Fillie, we can’t have you outside during the day, but we might get away with you flying high at night. Maybe most people will just confuse you for a bird if they notice you in the dark.” The Commander was doing his best to be accommodating for Fillie, while still making sure to keep our presence a secret.

  I showed Fillie around and tried to find her a room she would like. She ended up wanting to spend her first night in my room. I just hoped she didn’t snore!

  We all spent the rest of the evening talking about Sendryl and what happened over the past week. Everyone was very interested in how Lancer was doing and the Commander promised to check in first thing in the morning to get an update.

  Xandrie checked in before we went to sleep and let us know that Lancer made it to the clinic safely and was under guard. He had come to right before she messaged us. The healers said he was going to be just fine, but he needed to stay in the clinic for a few days, then they wanted him to come straight to Earth. Even the healers felt that he would be safer on Earth.

  There wasn’t an official update on what happened with all of the blockades. Xandrie did notice that some of the rippers disappeared before the troops could get to them, almost like they had been warned. She believed that someone in their government was helping them. But no one else was willing to admit they believed her. I had no problem admitting that I believed her.

  “Ash, I really think Xandrie might have something with her idea of traitors in your government. Do you think it’s possible?” I believed it had to be why we were bombed at the courthouse and then blocked all around as we tried to get out. Only someone within the government could have orchestrated something like that.

  “B, while it is possible, I don’t believe any of the Sennafae would do something like that. If the rippers win, then all of us will either die or be forced off the planet. I seriously doubt that the rippers would allow any Sennafae to stay, even if they helped them to take over.

  “The chances of the terrorist rippers taking over are very slim; most of the ripper population doesn’t support them. I don’t see how they could muster enough support from anyone to actually win. So why would high ranking Sennafae help them? It makes no sense.” Ash ran his hand through his hair while looking at me.

  “Ash, Reuben helped. He was very connected in the Sennafae government and religion. He was brainwashed to believe the lies told by the terrorists. If someone like him could believe, why couldn’t anyone else?” I still couldn’t believe that Reuben had turned his back on his entire family and religion.

  Fillie had an idea that was truly heart-stopping. “What if they are only working together until B’Lana is dead? There is a large group of Sennafae who are afraid of what she will do. The prophecy has always been something that divided even the most loyal citizens of Sendryl.”

  I looked at Ash and all color drained from his face. The tendons on his neck stood out and he pulled me to him and hugged me fiercely. “B’Lana, there has been a great debate about the prophecy, but no one really knows what it all means. We don’t even have the full prophecy anymore. The writings were destroyed centuries ago. Now all we have is what was passed down through the religious oral history. Every time someone writes it down, someone else comes along and destroys the writing. It might not even be about you. It could be someone else.”

  “It is about B’Lana, I would never have bonded so easily with her if it wasn’t her. We dragonettes have our own version of the prophecy. One of us was always intended to bond with the human fae hybrid who was to usher in the great change. She is to do marvelous works that no one had seen for over a thousand years. She will bring our people together again. She will protect the humans, and Earth.

  “B’Lana, this is to be your legacy. It will happen. Do not fear the enemy as you will have a great amount of followers who will do anything to keep you safe. And you will, of course, have me at your side always.” Fillie came over and sat on my shoulder and rubbed her head up against mine. That seemed to be her way of hugging me.

  “Thank you for the confidence Fillie, but how can you be sure I am this girl of the prophecy? Are you even sure we are bonded? What exactly does that mean?”

  “Did you feel someone following you when you first arrived in Sendryl?”

  “Yes, was that you?” I knew someone had been following me from almost the beginning of the trip.

  “I felt a pull towards you almost as soon as you walked through the portal. I found you easily and followed you every day until we met. And you felt me around you. While I was watching over you, I was also working my way into yo
ur mind. You would not have noticed this, but once I did that we were bonded. If you were not the one, then I would not be able to communicate with you over long distances. The other day you reached out to me when I was over 100 miles away. My last bonded Sennafae warrior was never able to reach me that far away. You did it in less than a week.

  “You are The One.”

  I couldn’t believe what she told me. I got up and started pacing the room and rubbed my hand over the back of my neck. I couldn’t stand still. I kept opening my mouth to talk and then closing it as I just couldn’t focus enough to get a sentence to come out of my mouth.

  “Ok, let’s say I do believe you. What exactly am I supposed to do?” I looked between Ash and Fillie hoping one of them knew what to do next.

  They both answered at the same time.

  “Train,” said Ash.

  “Train,” said Fillie.

  I looked at them both and smiled. At least they were on the same page.

  “Ok, I think I need to get some sleep. It’s late and it has been a very long day. Please tell me I can sleep in tomorrow?” I was exhausted. I knew I needed the sleep but I also needed to start training first thing in the morning. I just hoped first thing didn’t come until after 10 am.

  “Yes, you can sleep in. No one will come in and wake you up tomorrow. But the following day you will have to get back into the habit of getting up at 7 am to begin your training day.” Ash was very adamant about when the day should start before we ever left for Sendryl. I had gotten into the habit of being up by 6:30; I wanted coffee before he put me through his grueling training sessions.

  “Alright then, good night everyone see you all tomorrow.” I walked away with Fillie on my shoulder and started getting ready for bed.

  About an hour after I fell asleep, I was woken up by someone climbing into my bed. “Ash what are you doing? I was sleeping.”

  “B’Lana, I remembered how difficult it was for you to sleep the last time there was a bombing. I figured I would stay with you in case you had nightmares again.” Ash put his arms around me and tried to get me to lay back down in the bed with him.

  “Boy, you better get out of her bed right now! I won’t stand for any funny business with my girl!” Fillie had been woken up and she flew over and was buzzing Ash’s head.

  “Fillie, it’s ok. We had some issues with nightmares a few months back, both of us. So we slept together, but nothing funny happened. It was just so we could sleep.

  “Ash, did you have a nightmare tonight? Is that why you came in here?” I figured he was too chicken to admit he was having trouble sleeping.

  “No, I thought you might need the comfort. This past week was pretty brutal for you. Are you sure you will be able to sleep?” He really did look worried; he had wrinkles above his eyebrows and he was rubbing his hand on my back.

  “I think I’m fine, but you can stay as long as you promise no funny business. No trying to kiss me or anything else inappropriate. Remember, Fillie is in here too.” I laid back down and waited for him to decide.

  “Deal. I promise no funny business, I will just sleep with you in my arms. Those few nights we slept together were the best sleep I can remember ever having. I could use a few nights like that again. Couldn’t you?”

  “Alright, just a few nights. Then we both have to get used to sleeping alone.” I turned my back to him so we could spoon.

  “I don’t like this one bit. Are you planning on mating? What is that called here on Earth?” Fillie was on the bed with us now.

  “Fillie, it’s called marriage, and no we aren’t. We are not doing anything other than sleeping, and apparently arguing with you. You can be the chaperone, make sure Ash doesn’t do anything inappropriate. Let’s just all go back to sleep. Ok?” I shut my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

  Chapter Six

  Ash stayed true to his word, there was no funny business all night and he let me sleep until I woke up on my own. Both he and Fillie had left the room, quietly, before I ever woke up. I got up and showered and went to the kitchen looking for coffee and food. That was where I found them both, arguing.

  “She is the girl who is going to save your race! If you aren’t planning on mating with her, then you need to stop playing with her. She is not some floozy you can have your fun with and then dump when done with her.” Fillie was flapping her wings and looked about ready to breathe fire on Ash when I walked in.

  “Fillie, it isn’t like that…” Ash stopped talking as soon as I walked in.

  “Good morning B, how did you sleep?” Ash walked over to grab a cup of coffee for me.

  “I slept like a baby, thank you. How about you? No nightmares?” I took the cup of coffee from his hand. His fingers grazed mine and lingered a couple of seconds longer than necessary.

  “No nightmares, in fact, I slept so good I was going to see if we could make this a permanent thing. We could both get a good night’s sleep every night.” Ash winked at me as usual, but Fillie was not having any of it.

  While I just rolled my eyes at him, Fillie came over and hit Ash’s face with one of her wings. I just laughed.

  “Fillie, it’s fine. Leave him alone. When here on Earth Ash is just big flirt. Pay him no mind when he says stupid stuff like that.” I reached out for Fillie to put her on my shoulder and went over to the table to sit down.

  Ash put his hand on his heart and rather dramatically said, “Oh that hurts B, that really hurts.” He tried to pout and make it appear as though he was hurt by my words, but I knew better.

  “Ash, stop messing around and fix me breakfast, or brunch. I’m hungry and I know you two have a very long day planned for me.”

  Ash just laughed and said, “Your wish is my command.” Then he went to fix me a ham and cheese omelet.


  It was a long, grueling day. The first two hours were spent with Fillie working on my mental abilities. She knew I could mind speak easily now, so she focused on my secret ability, even Ash didn’t know exactly what I could do, only that I had another ability I was keeping to myself. On Earth we called it telekinesis, on Sendryl, they didn’t have a name for it. It had been centuries since anyone had had the ability and with all of the old documents destroyed, no one even knew it was possible, except for Fillie.

  We kept this first training session closed. No one was able to witness what I did. At first it was very difficult trying to get anything to move. But eventually I was able to move a few smaller items. It seemed easier if I threw something with my hands to make it hit the mark than to pick it up with my mind and make it hit the mark. Fillie said within time I could throw heavy objects across the room.

  I was frightened of this gift at first, as it just made me even more different than everyone else. Plus it could be a very dangerous gift if I didn’t get control of it. I could see myself trying to throw a log at a ripper but hitting Ash or Lancer instead! That thought scared me to death. And that is what made me decide to work on this gift and get as strong as I could with it.

  After 45 minutes of trying different tactics, Fillie decided to let me throw knives with my hands and then guide them to the bullseye with my mind. After about 30 minutes of practicing I got really good at it. It made me wonder if I was already using that gift since knife throwing was my best ability with a weapon.

  I thought back to the first attack on Sendryl after we arrived, and wondered if those knives I threw really were guided by my thoughts. I had a feeling that to some degree I was using my new gift.

  Then we took a break and had lunch. After that Ash tortured me. Plain and simple, no other way to describe what he did but torture. When we were done working out with running and weight training, I could barely walk. He helped me to get to the kitchen for a light snack. But I couldn’t get up from my chair, so he carried me to my room to get my shower kit and a change of clothes, then he carried me to the bathroom.

  “B, I could help you into the shower and even help to wash your body for you. You know I would
n’t miss a spot, right?” He gave me that devilish grin of his while raising his eyebrows several times.

  “Ash, you are not going to help me do anything where I have no clothes on. So just forget it. What you could do however, is talk the Commander into getting a mineral bath set up here like what the reverend had at his compound. That would take away all of my sore muscles. And in the meantime, you will be giving me a strictly platonic massage when I get back to my room.” I waited until Ash left and then I slowly got undressed and made my way to a hot shower. It helped a little bit, but not nearly enough.

  I hoppled my way back to my room where Ash was waiting for me. I laid face down on my mattress and Ash proceeded to give me a good back massage. An hour later Fillie came to tell us that dinner was ready.

  “What in the name of the two moons are you two doing in here? I heard moaning from the other side of the door. Ash, you better be keeping your promise to me.” Fillie came in and hovered over my back, to keep Ash from touching me.

  “Fillie, he is helping me. My muscles are so sore I could barely move. Ash gave me a back massage to help loosen up my muscles. He worked me too hard today.” I tried to turn over so I could see Fillie but I didn’t have the strength to move.

  “Well, dinner is ready so get moving. Everyone is waiting for you two.”

  When we finally made it into the dining room, everyone took one look at me and busted up laughing. Cash had to pay Toren $20. Apparently they bet on how haggard I would be after my work out.

  “Ha ha, very funny guys. Now if you would be so kind as to help me get a plate of food?” I looked to Toren since he won the bet.

  Toren was very helpful and grabbed a plate of food for me, while Ash helped me to sit. My thighs were burning from the weight training and I had a tough time sitting down. Toren commented that I looked like a werewolf from one of his video games. I was bent over and my knees where bent but I couldn’t sit without help or stand up straight.


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